10 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. FEBRUARY *«, 1958 The Raleigh SCENE 4UWTEU.T WPHTMINISTER FELLOWSHIP MEETING The winter meeting of the Westminster Fellowship Ot tile CStpc Pear PreeUy'wijy will be held *.t the First Presbyterian Church in Oxford, Saturday. February 22 The theme of this meeting is "Continuing to look at the 25- yfar program of the Presbyterian Church. * * * the meet will feature an Bd with a \ g / ? *#•*•#*•« «*••••••»•**• LOW BANK KATES ... BUiID YQW CREDIT WITH A SANK .. . PAYMENTS TAIIORID TO FIT YOUR NEEDS ... NO "EXTRA” CHARGES MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK RALEIGH - DURHAM PEPSI-COLA Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Ralekh 3705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL TE 1.1071 | a vkeathm. * * * SCHOOL BOARD CRITICIZED IN HOLY t'ASE The Rev. Mr. W. W. Pinlator, panel speaker at the February 17 session of the Raleigh Public School study class of the current Institute of Religion program, was deeply cirtical of the refusal of the Raleigh School Board for its refusal to admit Josehp Hiram Holt, Jr. to vna Needham Brougii ton High School. Rev, Firdatvr said that all conditions favorable to harmonious integration were present in that case, Appearing on the panel with Rev. Finiator were: Mr. Jesse O. Wsriderson, supt. of Raleighs pub lic schools: Mrs. Farko Thoma.*-, president of the Raleigh FT A and the Rev. Otis L. Hairston, pastor of Brookstone Baptist Church, Henderson. ROY ALETTES HOLD MEETING The Roy ale ties Social and Civic Club held its monthly meeting Sunday afternoon. Febraury 16. at the home of Mr'S, ports Brown on Oberlin Road. Mrs, Eleanor Flagg, club president, presided over the meeting. YW HOSTESS CLUB TO HOLD PARTY The Y Hostess Club of the So journer Truth YWCA will hold a party for its members and their guests Friday evening, February 21, at the YWCA. * * * NOW RESIDING IN CONN. Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Parker of this city left last Sunday evening, along with their daughter, Brenda Antoi nette, for Hartford, Conn., where they will make their home. Mrs. Parker is the former Miss Judith Ami Win ters of 306 S, State Street. In Conn., they will be at home at 150 Market Street, Apt. 17, if * # * BOOKER T. WASHINGTON CLUB The Booker T. Washington Club will hold its regular meeting in the dining room of the Manly Street Christian Church Sunday. February 33, at 4 p.m. All officers and members are urged to be pre sent. The president of the club is Mr. John Chavis. MRS. RAND SHOWERED Mrs. Mildred C. Rand was sur prised by many of her friends who showenM her with gifts on her birthday, February 14, at the home of Mrs. Jacqueline Cooper. 605 8. East Street. GRACE A.M.E. Zion Church Cartier Hill Se Edenton Sts, Church School 10:00 AM. Mobning Worship .11:30AM. V. O. B 6:45 P.M. Svenelhg Worship .. 8:00 P.M. (Mid-Week Prayer Services) Wednesday Evening 8:00 P.M Communion—Each First Sun lay—Morning St, Evening DFDS RATTLE OF SONG PLANNED HERE A great battle of song Mill be staged here .Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock at Grace AME Zion Church, corner of HU) and Edenton Streets. Taking part in this “battle” will be the Gospel Jubilees, the llar moneties and the Sensational Evening Five Quintet. Ed Hail, trader, of the above church and invite* many tep singing aggregations to appear there every three years u a tri bute to the paator and con gregation. £ * <5 * BENNETT COLLEGE ALUMNAE STAGES CONFAB Recently the members of the Bennett Colleae Alumnae Club here in Raleigh met at the home of Mrs. Natalie Wimbcrley on Battery Drive. Tire main business of the afternoon wat the election of officers. The officers elected were: president, Miss Josephine Hunter; secretary, Mrs. Arabella H. Stallings; treasurer. Mrs. Nat* ! alie Wimbcrley; chairman of ways and means committee, Murry Turner; chairman of program committee, Mrs. Jo Ina Delaney; and chairman of social commit tee, Mrs. Irene Dickens. Other members of the group are Miss Sidney Roberts, Mrs. Ruby Maxwell, and Mrs. La Verne G. Goins. These Bennett grads meet on the third Sunday of each momn and are looking for - ward to some rather interesting projects before I they recess for the summer. e * * * JOHN R. LARKINS TO SPEAK \ IN FLORIDA J. R. Larkins, Consultant, j N. C. State Department of j Public Welfare vrlU deliver two > addresses and participate hi work shops at Florida Agrl- j cultural and Mechanical Uni- j versity, Tallahassee, February ! 19-21. He will speas to the faculty and students and serve as a consultant In connection with the Vocational Emphasis Week Program. *> « * * He will aiso address a session j of the Seventh Annual Florida j Guidance Conference. This con- j ference will be attended by gui- j dance counselors and teachers. ! affiliated with guidance programs from all over ihe state. , v.-. ?&■£'■ *a- jV THE REV, J. H. BRYANT, Pss tor ol Green Chapel Baptist Church Blount St.., Smlthfield, M. (!., wishes to announce to his members and Christian friends that he has been called to the charge of First Baptist Church, 55adin N, C. The Rev. Bryant, expresses liis enjoyment of pas toring Green Chapel, and regrets his leaving. Hia continuance cru sade in the work of Christ, bec kons him to Badln, N. C., ami the pastorship of First Baptist Church in that city. Fayetteville Street BAPTIST CHURCH Cor. Fayetteville and Hunter TB 3-3*831 Raleigh. N. C, Jos.iih 9:80 . Sunday School li:oo Worship Service Turn to the Bock of Amos 4th chapter Subject: "Preparation to Meet God.” Text: "Prepare to Meet Thy God, O Israel’’ 6:00 P.M B T. U. Evening Message:: Ezekiel 37-4, Subject: Oh, Ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord. A Message to « Dead Church. 7:30 Wednesday Teachers Meeting. 8:30 Wednesday Prayer Service. BBSi FFDDS OFFICERS OF THE MINIS TER'S and LAYMAN’S ABSO LUTION OF THE A. M. E. ZION CHURCH The persons shown here are the officers of the Min ister’s and Layman’s Association of the A. M. E. Zion Church, who wilt have charge of the affairs University’s Journalism Dept. Sets Date For ‘“Headliner Week” JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Every spring. Lincoln University and spe cifically. the Journalism Depart ment, sees an influx of high school students for Headliner Week. The program for the 10th Head- Oner Week, April 16 through 19, lias just been announced by Dr. A. S Pride, head of the department and copies are going to high schools throughout the country. These workshops are scheduled, Newspaper, Photography, snd Year book, and if previous years are any criteria, all will be well and en- Weekly Church Roundup : FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sundav ; morning worship: Church School opened at the usual time with the supt., Mr. Sherman Lewis, in charge. Morning worship began at u o'clock. It was installation day for deacons and officers and members of the senior choir had I charge of music, under the direc tion of Mr. Ernest Massenburg. who also serves as organist. The Inspiring message was delivered by the Rev. J. Deoils Roberts of the department of religion at Shaw University. ST. P AUL AME CHURCH j Sunday morning’ worship: Church! School opened at the usual hour j with Mrs. Mitchell in charge. In i tlie absence of Mrs. Geneva Brown, Mamie Riddick presided at the piano with Miss Jessye Me bane directing the singing. The morning service opened with the senior choir leading the procecc ional. Mrs. Wortham was at the organ and Mrs. Stredwick at the piano. The pastor, the Rev. L. S. Penn, used as his text, Psalms, 48 12-13 "Proclaim the safety of the Christian church.” OBERLIN BAPTIST CHURCH —Sunday morning worship: Church School began at the usu al time with the supt, Mr. W, Cur tis, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the jun ior choir in charge of music, un der the direction of Mr. Gaston Pulley. A very spiritual serrnoh was delivered by the pastor, Dr, Grady D. Davis, from the subject, "If God is for you who can be a gainst you?” DELUXE HOTEL Member of N„ U. A. Clean, Comfortable Room* Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop, Tie K. Cakamm Si. Raleigh Phone TE 3-8800 " MONUMENTS ’ Since. 180”—Marble-Granite Buy Direct! * —L*^T a= V/ARNER HE MO R ALS 3919 Hillsboro, Raleigh, N.C. (Across Railroad-Front of Method) for 1958. At a recent meeting the Association began a program whtch promises to expand the work of 'he F work of the church, in many fields, seated I-r, Dr. f. 1 rank- lysi Jackson, Washington, D, €, presldent; Mrs. Bailie V. More- iand. Rock Hill, S, C, recording IhusiastteaJly attended. * * * » Dr, Emil L. Talfel. professor of journalism at the William Alien White School of Journal ism at ihe University of Kan sas, will return to conduct the Newspaper Workshop, as he has done formerly. Mr. Avon Wilson and Mrs. Phyllis Willis, both of the Lincoln University department of journalism, will conduct the phootgraphy and yearbook workshops, respect- By Mrs. May L» Broadie [ UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday morning worship: Church School started at the < vaal hour with the asst, supt., Mrs. Minnie Jones, in charge. Morning service began at 12 noon with the congregational staging, A verv spiritual sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. George Mitchell. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME CHURCH Sunday morning worship: Church School opened at the usual hour with the supt., Mrs. Della Ford, in charge Morning worship started at 31 o'clock. The senior choir had charge of music, under the di rection of Miss Bettie J. Bron-. die. A soul-stirring message was delivered by the pastor, the Rev, J. N. Leverette, from the Book of St. John, WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST CHURCH Sunday morn ing worship: Church School at the usual time, with Miss Nannie Morgan, Supt., in charge. Morn ing worship began, at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Miss Nannie Morgan. Organist, Mr. Leon Haywood. A very inspir ing sermon was delivered, by the pastor, the Rev, C. L. Gidney, from the Book of St. John. LILY Cl* THE VALLEY BAP TIST CHURCH *— The morning worship _ service was opened with th® senior choir singing, under the direction of Mr, Willie Hen derson. The pastor, the Rev. G H. Graham, preached a nice ser mon that touched the congrega tion’s hearts. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH' Sunday morning worship: Church School began at 0:30 with the —1 MRS, MAUBSA WHITAKER Funeral services for Mrs. Ma 11m Whitaker, of 3912 Oak wood Avenue, who died at St. Agnes Hospital, were- held from Liglu ner Funeral Home Chapel on Thursday, February 13, at 2 pm. with the Rev, Grady Davis offici ating. Survivors include: 3 nieces. Mrs. John Nicholson of Salisbury; Mrs, John C, Johnson of f&renville, N. j €.. and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, of New York City; one nephew, Jeth ros Wilson, of Raleigh, MRS. EVA CRUMP Funeral services for Mrs, Eva Crump, of 527 W. Cannon St„ who died at Bt. Agnes Hospital on Monday, Feb. 10, were held from the Lightner Funeral Home Chap el last Thursday at 3 p.m. with 1 the Rev. B. F. Alston In charge.! Burial took place 8i ML, Hope I DFDSDSD j secretary; and Dr. G. W, Mc- Murray, Birmingham. Ala,, exec *Aive-secretary. Standing i-r: Dr. S- P. Perry, Richmond, Va., y !ce president; Dr. E. S. Hardgc, Bir mingham, Ala., vice president and Rev. Arthanie! Harris, Tus j caloosa, Ala., member of exeeu live committee. ively, * * * ft Visiting lecturers are also in cluded on the program. The Hoadiiner Dinner, always one of the highlights of the week, i scheduled f or April 16. and sev eral distinguished guests are ex pected to attend. Less formal will be the Headliner Hop, the follow- I ing evening. During Headliner Week, names I of the winners of the Essay Con- j test now in progress, will be an- ; Bounced and awards made, supt.. Mr, W. IT, Taylor, Sr. pre siding, Morning- worship started at 11 o’clock with the senior chon in charge of music. The pastor, Dr, o, S. Bullock, delivered the morning sermon from the Book of Ist Peter, 3s d chapter and. the 22nd verse. The congregation seemed to be deeply encouraged by this sermon. Dedication Os Expensive Bldg, Set At TSU HOUSTON, Texas—Plana bavt been completed for tha February U. dedication of the new $2,003, 738 -13 Science Bu idling at Texas Southern University, Speaker for the occasion will be Dr. Joe! Hil debrand. Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Cali fornia. Dr, Hildebrand, interna tionally known scholar and teach er is a member of th« Welch Foun dation. Following tiie dedicatory cere mony, will be a recepiion in the biulding from d p, m. to 10 p. m. TJr. L, L, Wods, Chairmen Natural Sciences and Mathematics and head of the department of Chemistry is in charge of the program. *# * * The Science building, which was constructed by the Knut son Construction Company, Houston, Texas is complete in every detail, with the latest in Cemetery Surviving a?et % brother, Charlie Crump of Raleigh; two nieces, Miss Addle Crump of Ra leigh, and Mrs. Lillian Montague of Philadelphia; two nephews, jamte Crump of New York, and Johnnie Crump of Washington, d. e. MBS, VICTORIA PAGE Mrs. Victoria Page, of 712 Rose- I mcnL Street, Raleigh, tiled Friday at house. Funeral services were held Sunday from Lincoln vijle AME Church at- 3 p.m. with Rev, J. A, Hunter officiating and buri al followed in Blount Cemetery, Surviving: 2 daughters, Mrs. Margaret Page Watts, Washing ton, D. C.; Mrs. Mable Page, Ra leigh; 2 grandchildren, 1 sister, Mrs. Bessie Burgess, Salt Lake City, Utah; ana Rev. J. D. Davis, Raleigh, brother. My Lady's Doings 4* *f 4* in And Out Os Town Ach-ntlfic and physical equip- wont. Shaped t«i form of a "T", the 401 foot long building- is three storied with a penthouse for plants and animals serving *s a fourth storv. • * t * On each fioor of the building, located one above the other is a large lecture room for students in the areas of Physics and Mathema tics, Biology and Chemistry. Telephone TE 2-8777 Bloodworth Street TOURIST HOME Cleon, Comfortable Romm j Radio and Television 424 S. Bloodworth St. Raleigh ] to year Fire Insurance adequate ob your home? Was it bought to cover your home ten years ago or five years ago when the was half what it i* now/ Th* value of your home to worth protecting", Let Cave ness Jmumnce Agency sire yon (nil protection on your home and furnishings. CALL 3-35155 BEFORE TOO SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS Insurance Agency U 6 S. HARRINGTON ST. Dial TE 3-3563 HOY CAVENESS, Jr, aoy CAVENESS, Sr. PRINTING # COMMERCIAL * SOCIAL Consult Us lor Seasonable Estimate* Prompt -jr Senricn Phone TE 4-5558 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SIS E, Marlin Streot fialnifh. N. C. i **“**** O'" ♦. *#l v 5 tad * S I OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD 1 • p Ask For Watson's Fryers fe fl * At Your Favorite Store p S | WATSON’S J Seafood & Poultry Company. fn«, j 230 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept, * Cameron Village Rock Quarry Road JB | | Raleigh, N. C, UMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY © GROCERY STORE Miwwi—na nom—iwa»rnem ■»«»« wmnnnami -~— ED, UMSTEAD, Manager 602 3, Dawson Street • Tarbom <3fe Martin DIAL TE 2-9478~’TE 2-9212 i Finance or Borrow f On Your Car 1 | Through The | DilLn Motor Finance Co. 126 E. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 ? - For A Belter Weil CALL \m tKi.r co. ft A LEIGH, Nf. C Wmibo TE 2-4675 Box 1158 INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, !NL C. COMPLETE ifC N* % Winter , Al CHANG*- "=' : ©¥** > & OIL CHANGED i & GREASING '} # RADIATOR DRAINED Auti-Freese Applied # Washing $ Polishing Duo p’s feso Service j- sit? S. Rio itU ortb St, ? PHONE TE 7-9496 f— **+**+»*4 #4>»e***»* , ; Onqueglletusble Quality ; ’ Prudent Prices i| f|!ilgeiijayi OPTICIANS, S«#» <' Ifrofß«stefi*J ft!4gv# BaUftrfl Every thing For * * » BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING * LUMBER * MILL WORK * ATHEY'S PAINTS * building MATERIALS * RUSSWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORF. 217-219 N. Dawson St, RALEIGH, N. C. iaamM!S«as«asttn»aH&aß»g«aeKßi