12 tme vfxnvcxmvm WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, M.AIM'S at, 1958 UP Scribe Interviews Israel Leader, Ben-Gurion, In Tel Aviv ' By ALICE A. DITNNIGAN i TEL AVrv lsrael Is a little j .--•rned at. attempts made to unite number of Arab States, admitted' me Minister David Ben -Gurion. | n a recent press conference with! .:enn corrp sp o n deuce, the! 'r:me Mnnster charged each ot | h° governments in this area, ex-; ut Turkey irri Israel with ba-l nr undemocratic. IJ r >!► so “i e- frt- neace-IBV-1 -.5. democratic, stares we would; c happv to welcome that unit; nd » c would be glad to cooper-; > r-;t,h ‘hem. politically econo- 1 vrahy md cn’turai'y." declared * fen (,'U’iop. IT FI ED * N r 55 IRTEF FOR in v r.\|,s £&k We Are Now Paying fV)f Interest ■ >■'S[ m a/0 A Year ■ v 4 ? nUT,** Compounded quarterly ana intangible * qx on ' savings. ? '■' SFlMow! SAVE MORE! X*Any deposit from April Ist ♦« April I2»b will dr-iw inter." from April Ist! . FRk.ES FREE! BEAUTIFUL H35533# A teautifu! plant worth $4.00 will be given FREE to {r each person who deposds $ 100 00 or more in an insured Ills Hood System Industrial Ban!: MiMRI* FSDERAL |MSU*AMCi CORPORATION 1 $5 S st, Riafnisp jrjj. 1 v s*r. ■_ I . • ■ • :■ } From Esso Research &£Zkm 1 m\ I 1 •'*.** i || tell'i# 1 &1981, K**o Ineu £ fcettsr Esso for more cars than ever before in gasoline History? V v hen you hi! up with new r. • r >, you will get a lankfu! of the best gasoline 11.-->>I 1 . -->> Itealcr lr. ’• r,- .-old .--u , gular price You’ll get far morethan • lan • ei* before will not only get. knock-free T :i Ih' i 1 :> " ‘c but better mileage per dollar than most, premium gasoline? JjT gm^ So no & 1 tSSO STANDARD brand of gasoline yon use, premium or regular —no matter ■ Cg. afeflLS B nil rflMPflllV l ±}"S’± you pa: - you owe it io your car and your p«cketbook to Ity £ fa'.'iktul ot it. w '•■' '.'o. Slopt at the familiar aign of “Happy Motoring” b ; ' ia.-d and always your best buy because Esso Research works ivenawrs with ojl! ESSO OASOLINE— NORTH CAROLINA’S BIGGEST SELLER But these governments, he amv [ i Lauad, have defied the Charterj !of the United Nations for the' 1 past 10 years. They have refused to settle their disputes in peace- 1 j ful ways. They organised boy-! ! cot!* against a member state of ] the United Nations, he declared ! ; And “they openlv thn ten our 1 I existence.' j So it is but natural that Israel j j secs this unity with some worry. ; especially as at the head of this : unity stand military dictatorship, ; “who by nature are bound to ex ; naritf. to attack, and rather than | do things for their own people, to I i try to win public favor by acts 0:1 j enmity against other peoples. . .” i Ben-Gurion claimed that Syria! ; and Egypt had both declared the;- i aim to destroy Israel, as weh as j ! the Federation between Iraq and j Jordan, Iraq, he said did not! even conclude an Armature Treaty | with Israel, although they parti-1 cipated 10 years ago in the invas ion of Israel. NO COMMENT ON < S. The Prime Minister declined to! comment on whether he thought the United States had done all she could to compose the dlffi- ■ culties between Israel nnd tlm, Arab countries. “I don’t think it j is my job to estimate the actions or the lack of actions of other | powers,' said Ben-Gurion in re-j ply to a reporter's question re- j gardinn ihe action of Um 11 S j Durham Honors N oted Meclk I He's a veteran staff member at I Durham s Lincoln Hospital and one l of the pillars in the Old North. | Stats Medical Society. Shaw alumni's citation of the ; physician followed an earlier eele i '"ration sponsored by NOC and an ; ticipat.es a special program plan -1 nod by Lincoln Hospital soon At the Shaw program. Dr. W. R ! Fuller, chapter preMdent, present* ; ed Dr. and Mrs. Mills to dinner I guests I Officers of the Shaw chapter in I Durham are. in addition to Dr. j Fuller, .f. E Oromartie, vice presi ' dent. Miss Eva L. Merritt, secre ! tary; Mrs. Andotia Eaton, assistant -•ecretary: and J. E. Peele. treas urer. Charles A Ray served as toast master. At the NCC program *arlier. Charles A. Alston was chairman of a program planning committee that included H A. Hudson; C. A. Ray. Mis K. Diilahunt; Mrs. L, Z Williams; W T.T. Rich, J. Butts; J. H Taylor. E. M S! ray home; L. R Swift: and t R Holmes. Participantr includod Lee Smith of the John Avery Boys’ Club; Dr. Charles D Watts director of NC- Cs Health Center: Dr. E P Nor r 1 :■; Wilhar.i A. Marsh, president nf Ihe Durham chanter of the NCC Alumni Association, and James T Taylor executive secretory of t-hp d E Shepard Memorial Founds- Dr, M-Hs is g native of Richlands si flnalow County. His early ed. oration was obtained at. Kittrell Normal and industrial Institute. Several gctioration* of N'CC ath irtes, pariicularly, remember Dr. M Us as the kindly man who threw out oranges at sports events for a quarter of a centiiry. Page .% ”T will limit myself to express mpws just on Israel, and I must leave views on American policy and other foreign government* to the citizens of those countries.” jp? ®m jfwm “Some men think of t Wm. selves .is big wheels, jast be. they’re going aronstd *- circles.” -; - —— I ACME REALTY CO. || Real Estate - Rentals - Surety Bonds Fire and Automobile Insurance I WE BUILD AND REPAIR HOUSES i 1 Dial TE 2-o!)sfi p 129 E. Hargett St. Raleigh, N. C. i MAKE EXTRA MONEY ! 1 SELL The — Carolinian \ | Your own state newspaper, with news of j J i j your community while it is still news. j Liberal. Commission i Fill out and mail the coupon below at once, ! |Xegfc kw •srs* w» a»as*& manam- «t*m& ? -yr-.b-a «mrr* •nvo*. i » The CAROLINIAN 1 518 E. Martin St • ‘ J Raleigh, N. 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