WI 3IV |! CHKFB AM* ASSISTANTS Two Shaw student*- who assisted the chefc In th» bw para< im* «/i She sw«mt annua! H bite. Breakfast at Sliaw University, Left In right, Andwer Hmsm), a ,ji;i -or .if IVlHimistnn, Mr.*. Maggie Hines, and Mr, .lame* Hemphill cooks, and Mis# Kathleen Herndon. if fep.,ii and Clean Ladies’ Men’s and Children’* Shoes of All Kinds. We Special*!* in T*vo-Tona Golovs FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY Service Anywhere hi Cityi •! 319 S. Tarboro St. Dial VA 8-3158 ; I JACaUIN’S jjT\ ¥ .L%* §§j *' pisoiif» not* gpain »no stool I seareSt shows almost oooctasivety that, for school, as for most other things, “whan you spend more, you get more” —and there aeeths to be no limit to this formula. tpv.'-expetidrtwe geivoote appear tu have inferior plants, ofct build ings,—tome fire-danger# -» poorly trained teachers, poo# teaching ■wilaHiit aipervisdoß, teadetynate sup|lieg nf bok* and other teaming materials, pock records of student Achievement, undirected play acti- I viti.es, no special programs, and give little individual attention to children. High . expenditure schools show speoia-1 oencern for the basic skills, have small classes, give youngsters individual at tention, have plenty of hrurfes and other supplies and have adequate libraries, better ad miniatratloa, we!! qualified, resourceful teachevs. better school plants and many impor tant extracurricular service*, including guidance and coun seling. The report, *T>oes Money Moke a niWerancet”, ha* been made pub lic by the Associated Public Schooi ; ump nAm mom sjicic i UAN 01.1. hau> w.. ~ TOyH ilAp* C.Ln TCM AKJD SHIN Li mo « , ; S2w?^JSgs; 1 Iktwu mSawNti cm. cox. 7 , taS& £ | High School Science-Math Whizzes To Vie For Honors ! LAWRENCEVTLUB, Va (AMP) ( ! —Five to idx hundred young boys ; I and girl#, the pirkr. of scienco and | mathomatws studerds in Virginia's | high svhols will gather on the enm j pus at Saint Paul s College on April iI H and 39 to demonstrate their I skills and compete for coveted honors. The ocoatenr., will he the annual sewr.ea and mathematics congress I He Todd Got First Break With An All-Negro Show Starring Bo jangles CHICAGO - (AN P' Stories i revealing that famed movie produ cer Mik« Todd got his first real ! break m xbow< budr.. * with an oil- ! Negro musical starring Bil! (Bo- I jangle* Robinson were published , early tfcis week as preparations { wove made to fly Todd's body hero for private SVn Vices qua i;u; vn m ttie family plot. Todd spent his boy hood >n Chicago's northwesi side. According to the stories, Todd, after experimenting successfully with n flame dancing act at a Cen tury of Progress Expax-ition here in Ki.l'3, went to New York and merit? a big hit on Broadway with “The ; Hot Mikado.” with Robot son aa the j drawing card in 1939 he took the show to the New York World’s j Fair and scored again. Todd’s success with "The Hot Mikado” launched him on sev eral other Broadway successes, including- “Star and Garter." | ■'Something for Urn Boys.” “Mexican Havride” and "Up in Central Park." With his Broadway fame behind i him. Todd then went to Hollywood j and after feeling around for foot- J ing, came through with tvo new j i hits. “As the Girls Go.” and 'Peep j Show.” However. Todd’s be;r.e;-:t movie venture was “Around !/«• World in ■ ! 30 Days," produced at a predictnur ■ j cost, but which netted the invert- J J five producer new and increasing j ! wealth. y j IT : Senate Group; ; Hears Plight j s Ul nOiKcia WASHINGTON ■ f AN.P* The d | plight of dining ear workers dur o mg the ever increasing cut-backs in passenger services by the railroads j was vividly described last week to | the Senate subcommittee investi- i gating rail conditions by Richard W. Smith, secretary-treasurer of the Joint Council Dining Car em- ; i ployes, and vice-president, Hotel I and Restaurant employes and Bar • tenders International union. Pointing out that other rail way labor unions had present ed statistics covering the de cline in jobs in the industry, j and the detrimentaal effect it s has had on the workers, Smith ~ ’ said! >3 j ‘T fed it necessary in particuhw - Ilv bring to your attention the | plight of dining car employes. Their j j situation is different. J “While statistics have shown that there has been a great decline in I jobs, the percentage for dining car j 1 workers has been substantially greater then in a majority of the other crafts. He said that currently dining ear workers who are 46 years of age and up are being fur loughed, and contrasted the yearn of the early 'StVs. Then a " situation with the depression i dining ear worker could expect regular employment, if he had five years’ seniority. Now, on many roads. Smith said, “a 1 dining car worker must have been in the employ of the rail- j road for from IR to 2® years to i ; hold a regular job.” He cited the fact that many rail- I i roads have discontinued dining ca 1 i ! services altogether. Among such ! j roads are the Motion: Nashville, | Chattanooga and St. Louis; Chica- I ! go and Eastern Illinois, i M,.ny workers who lost their job. ’ because of this had more than 3V j , years service, he pointed nut. Bui [ f some were under HR years of age. ‘ and thuffi arc not eligible for re tirenr.rnt benefits “Most workers In dining car service are Negroes,” Smith wild. "In addition to this. . . many erf the worker* now being laid off are over 46. . . The pos sibility of an unemployed Me- J pro over 4S securing a Job that pays a Jiving .’age in any hr j dustry I* almost nil and in this period of recession is less than poor, . . “We fed ttiat some relief should j be given (he railroads, however. | ’ with the understanding that there > shall bo no further unreasonable '■ curtailment of pas&enger and din- i trust car service. . , It U our opln | ton that the government is rospnn- j sihk* to the nation to see that rail- j road passenger service is Vnnintahi- j cd lesnrdless as to whether or not i railroad romiMßiw as such continue i io provide it." Systems, a nation-wide affiliate of • the institute of Administrative Re search of Teachers College. Coluro- ! bia University. The A P. S S. is an organization of 240 school districts in 42 stales Members conduct cooperative re- I search to improve their elementary j and secondary schools. Its current president is Dr. John S. Cartwright, superintendent of schools of Alien j town. Ta. Tb» report '• a- written hv Profs William S Vinrent and John W. ; POey and Dr, Orlando F, Furne i I of the Virginia Conference of Sci ence and Mathematics, a division of the Virginia Teachers associa tion. Saint Paul's war host, to Hu- cor?- ; fires# in April of 1954. The affair ' rotates annually among Saint Paul's. Virginia • State College, Hampton Institute. Virginia Union University, and Norfolk Stale Col I lege. i In 1957, he received worldwide , j publicity when he married beauts- j j ons Elizabeth Taylor, the aetre s. i BBNNETT MU — Miss Adilic Watson, of Charlotte, a senior chemistry major at Bennett College, was last week elected May Queen, to reign over the annual festivities this year. Maid of honor will be Miss Ann Saunders, of Gastonia, who missed the toji honor by the slim margin of three votes. UNCF Opens ' ” ' " ’SB Drive StOCK Up ROW Oil i On April 13 £ V':r i suhous h sun© i the United Negro College Fund. *■ ! officially open.: the Fund's 1958 | campaign over the American | gs *T £ A w x ff ft 1 Broadcasting Network. April I I /■ £1 || 1 | S,» The program is one of the rerjul . § y B m J|i I* g Hi weekly broadcasts of the -N< « 1 I ■ ll @1 , || H Ml i College Choirs." The choral gror-p fa || S pi | | »| jjj of Benedict College, Columbia. S MJK X. X • A.™ ® ’“*■ * *-4 , C., directed by Emmett I. Wroten, will be featured on this special broadcast „ _ _ Trie choir of Hampton Tnsiitidr. j» * g *| / ■ under tin direction of William A €3| Ts Cfc © ITI iTT a / A J Scales, will also be heed m %Mt f* %M> AkJCjfc, w W X / \ I special broadcast on Easter Sun- J day. April 6. This program was re- , ! fop the "*** % Ch ! these are “fresh from the factory” values .. . . ; j cago curing the Hampton Choir •’ I recent Midwest concert tour. i•, •, • ,> i , , • i Subseriuent Apni broadc-.sis viii quality items in the very latest spring 1 and sum | present: the ohoiv of Johnson C i smith umv. csitv. ch.:, inti,. >. c mer styles specially priced by Efird’s at j under the direction of Christopher i - ' W Kemp. April the choir of .... j Texan College. T> I--I. T. ’ • gg| f directed by Frederick D Hr w *SH 0 - M. JL ! fi-nr:, 27 g / Orr > The weekly radio to. i>r>. narrnt E3 * * i d by Uiitori Cro.--. orir.ma !*:•:? in J 0 ; Rroadr'istlrig jf # ™«ufacturer’* SR- JZZZZ \ / %£ pre-ticketed die listings for brsodcari. time in M retail price yw area. OR. MAROtERITf FRIERSON ~ T „ T . _ r , . , , , oers'j of mr ami mrs. all are JAMES SMITH or M»r* ' u < ,! ' a frankly fabulous group nf nationally ramous, nationally advertised, lineetta week end guest of Mr. .'old Mrs „ , . . ~ , t. Smith at then home or - • • all arc pre-ticketed by the rru torturer with hts retail price, our special Oberiir Road price for this sale— 1-3 less! Every item K-d'hed in lavish lace trim! You must . se c them to believe them, you must buy them today and make the value- pur ,-L chase of your entire spring! J|||pS||| , slips brief* • robe* gowns p petticoats pajamas ■o give thanks iinio the i for He is good: because ,ust * R tjmc fw Easter giving . . .also Mother’s day and graduation gilt*! Hi* mercy eqdureth for ever. —f Csalat 118. l. ) • - • Throughout all age* and all „ A!a:i?})iy God seek* ! R.jlaiith tint rnnrr ««■ M m !hr ’, »■» «f H» children - 1 no/f.go hnt more f| » J f ff‘‘ ! n * to our lives with of everything W& W % W m m •fm joy I ha/ comoa from H;, HL- | 1 | Wm Food Hi s Jevinjr-ldtuinpsn /or everyone/ strength and H ls Zly'. ' cma/e our own utter mis- " " ' IfdllSlgll ery by wilfully turning away ! ® from Him. 4< */'’•** j * j In view of the world-wide re- I newal of interest in scientific nioneeriiva with the launching of ! Russia s Sputnik sattelies and A- | tunica's orbiltms Explorer and j j Vanguard Mattel lies, the scientific ! •’vent here should be among the ' : best ever sponsored, j Sehol.'irships to Virginia and oth- j <••• eolioge;: will be among the pjjj- j 1 es won by the outstanding contes 1 I tants. j i and pitched » number of bevish i parties fo>- her. At. 40 hr- was sever- j I a! years Miss Taylor's senior. THf CUmimAN WrrK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL V ISSB Nursery School’s Parents To Present A Big Show The Tuttle Community Center Nursery School parents will pres ent a variety show in Taylor Hal! .H St. Augustine’s College on Tues day, April 8. at fi p. m. Featured on the program will be teen-age and adult talent from Ra leigh arid vicinity. A nursery 'chord fashion show is scheduled to • • love thof p-bons.. Proud is a two-vear-old honey child should he, isn't she? Answering the phone lor the very first time while Mommie takes a shower . . . Whether you're going on two or half pad forty, your telephone brings a heap of pleasure and satisfaction. (There's even something exciting about its line!) For fun, for friendship, and for more -d lb in' than you can shake a stick at jus! reach sot your phone. ■ * r, 0 Bouth?rn w--*' / H * 9 j open the program Mis Helen Mitchell and lilrg. fid j nard Winston are co-ehaifrnne fni i Hie event. Why “Good-Time Charlie" Suffers Uneasy Bladder TJnwis* eating or drinking may L * ptyica of njilH, but annoying blfuW-.t'irtt. UW/ons making you feel rcstlert,-trtn-v --non uncomfortable. And if reatlcanlghrc! with naming backache, headache o. ;nui culur aches arid paine due to over-axeftTor' -In.m or emotional apart, arc addiliK yom- misciy—don't wait- ury Dour, , pd!>, ”°" n * f 3 ways for sfeeijy to. (‘••r. I —They have a soothing VITO.'! rn bladder irritations. 2-A faat jiam.:rth»-. ,n * action on nagging backache, Wf senea, muscular aches and paint. ,V~‘ \ wonderfully mild diuretic action thru-tho Kidneys, tending to iaereaae the cmtauluf tbi- In miles of kidney tubes. So, get tbr punc happy relief million* Imv-- rujbttff bfi year*. New, inrge, •coimrar sine save., money. Get Doan's Pill* today t 3