Suitcase Stuff By “Skink” It"? » pi'.v that a state college O v i < ’ .1; oh:’a College at Dur- I'v.ri! s n i find it po- tble to spon r a thriving major sport like ba«- ! ri|l, lae highest salaried Nc r: n 1 in Ai‘:-?r»c:i are the process* wnal hr obilt players. The base* ! ■ 11 scout-: of every major league t *ti in the country covers every 1 .Uid dale locking for good b s hhl talent They even grab t \ ; f.-an : .mdlot high school and semi-pro learns to give them a ■firnr" to g>. so. the bir money t t aw: ts tlie successful perfor mers in the major-. The major leagues have created it nc -- monied elas. - in the Negro 3 v:re and yet a college like North Orohna College finds it impos- V .n and y< r out to field a -< -’bail team. There are boys on state's campus that are potent ial major leaguers; but the school denies the boys the opportunity to develop then* skill by refusing to eponsor a team T*'« a guess that the official's of the school ran promote many rea sons why the institution neglects the sport and one g-vid excuse could be the lack of money and another the sport doesn't pay ft is no doubt that. th« same excuses oculd be given hy the many state and private schols that are spon soring the sport; but they are play. Jeffreys School The P T. A. held its regular monthly meeting recently. Mrs. Ed ward Chavis, the president presid ed After tiie devotion Mrs. Fannie Woods led in 5 Founder's Day Pro gram The president then heiri a brief business session. At the close of the business session the spcigl &r£ hospitality committees took eKsrge, Ail members enjoyed various games. a« checkers, dominos, bin go and musical games. The meeting closed after refreshments were serrad Al! spent a very pleasant evening of fellowship snd fun. The pre-school clinic was held on last Monday, March 3lst. tt was a pretty picture to see the many, many toothers and fathers bring their boys and girls in to meet the teachers and to go through the regular routine of physical check ops or examinations and shots. The first grade teacher? were on hand to receive them arid serve them refreshments Prior to the clinic a pre-registra tion day was held with parents of the pre-school children. Many par ents attended and brought their children's birth certffffft* The eighth grade class will pres ent three one act comedy plays on titled “Book Magic," “?>ehna Goes Phychic.” and "The Case of the Glass Siipper? .** Ail throe plays will be presented at 51.00 A. M. and p 00 P M on April 14, 1958 mi the gymtorium at Jeffreys School. Wo fdin glad to welcome our new teach - Ir. Mrs. B. P. Ingram. Jeffreys School will present the Rhythm Picks, of the State School For The Blind and Deaf, in concert Thursday. April IP 1058—8 F. M School A.nddo'uim. ALLAN MIMS, INC. FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TARBOKO ST. Telephone 2~21»! ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. straight BO .ON IV ~<EY YEMS OLD 0 5Q35 f ) SOIO ’ C^4xb gji WHISK** *?' v , l» ' ' h(| PM*‘ 1 Orchard BRAND PROP? . NATIONAL DISTILLERS rSPOOIK;TS ’CQ., NEW YORK, N Y. Browning mg in spite of the so-called disad | tangex is it true that a school is I only supposed to sponsor the ! sports and e.xtra-curricuiar activi i ties that ii can realize a profit or jan even break on the gaits? Is it I not true that a school should think of the welfare of the stud ent arid attempt to develop the skills that he possess toward the vocation that ne is best fitted for, j or to the one of his desire Should • not a college as large as State have J an athletic program broad enough j to include baseball it is true that a boy should sel ! net a school to attend that spon- I pops the sport of his desire. But | who would think that a school the j size if Slate would not sponsor « baseball team when schols all. a round the state r e playing State doesn't have a baseball coach around lo inspire the pro motion of the game. . . Riddick, head football coach: Brown, head basketball coach and Walker, head ! track coach are not baseball men and wouldn't go too far out of the way to talk up a baseball team for fear of getting cut-backs in their sport. Ben Whaley, now at Hampton In stitute, was n baseball man and saw to it that State fielded a team every year he worked at state. There is no enthusiastic staff member that cares enough for base ball to fight to the end for its ex istence, Not too many Negro j coaches ever played enough base ball to amount to anything. There fore they are not fired, up to the point where they would fight for its existence on She school athletic program. That’s State's trouble —no- body is interested. Bush Memorial A. M. E. ZION Church Hews P.y MRS. ANNIF H. THORPE It was a high day al our church on Sunday and the spirit ran nigh.' because we had engaged in a series of Holy week services and as a re sult we were very much in tune for the Easter services. We arose early for the Sunrise service and the very moment we entered the Sanctuary we felt the presence of God there After a fine testimonial service the Pastor, Rev. W. D. Carson spoke from Ga latians. 2:JO and the latter clause Christ Liveth in Me . Than at the 11 o’clock service he chose his text from St. John, 21 24 Verily, verily I say unto you. Ex cept a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die il ebideth alone: but if it die. it bnngetb forth much fruit.” Theme: “The Living Christ." The theme alone is sufficient, be cause if we are Christian? Christ is always alive in our hearts. When we put our lives in Christ's keep ing, He take* all of the old, ugly, repulsive things and transforms them*by the power of His love snd presence. Mb’- must be willing to submit our selves to Christ and await his time to bring forth beauty from our lives Even as the grain of wheat roots it self in the ground, so we in faith must take firm hold or God's grace if our lives would bear fruit. This wa? a great gospel message to be hold. On last Thursday mte the pastor, choir and congregation of Rush Memorial A M E, Zion church wor shipped with the St. Paul A M. E. Church. The rnessafe was delivered by Rev W D Carson from St. Luke the 22nd chapter Bth verse, “And he sent Peter snd John, saying. Go and prepare us the passover that w» may eat. Theme: -The Passover least. This was n pow erful mesage LEMOS’ Sea Pood Market CITY WIDE DELIVERY FRESH FISH DAILY Tel. 2507.1 5Ol v. John St. T.onio Clark, Prop. GOLDSBORO. N. C. MOORE’S GROCERY Fresh Meat at all tides Prompt and Efficient, Service Tel. 2575.1 505 Creech 51. GOLDSBORO, N. V. SHANKS FISH AND GROCERIES WE DELIVER 124 V Elm Street Tel. 9294 Ed Shanks, Prop. GOLDSBORO, N. ( Service Dry Cleaners 3-HRS SERVICE Hats Cleaned & Blocked. Work Guaranteed. *3l S. .Tames St.. Tel. 10111 Branch Office 00.! N. John St.. Tel. 2507-A •JOHN R. JONES, Mgr. JAMES ST. Billard Parlor For Your Recreation 329 South .Tames Street Ed Simmons, Prop. GOLDSBORO. N. C. —FOR GOOD HOME COOKED FOODS GREEN PARROT CAFE Cor. .lames A Pfne Streets GOLDSBORO, N. C. Apex News BY MRS. E. H. WILLIAMS APEX The 10A section of the Apex Consolidated High School presented its assembly program Thursday. April 3. in the school’s gymtorium. Mrs. Hazel Logan is the teacher, The first part of the program. '‘A Salute to Apex Consolidated High School, "consisted of a recognition of various outstanding achieve ments which have been received during the school yea: by members currently enrolled iu the school. Persons recognized for outstand ing achievements were as follows: Winners of the Book Week Poster Drawing Contest, sponsored by the Library Club, Joseph Bullock and Marguerite Moss. Local winner of the County Spelling Contest, who also ranked third in the County Competition, Lorene Smith; sec ond and third p lace winners of a typing contest held at the Little Rover School, Durham County. Mary Farrar and Doris J. Bui nett, respectively; representa tive of the recently installed Crown >nd Scepter Club, Louis Pcwell; Miss Homecoming, Dorothy Page; Nominations for county-all tourn ament basketball team, John H. lores and Joyce Lynn; winners of a local talenl contest, Jessie Cha vis. Donald McNeil and Garland Lee, first, second, and third place winners respectively; county run ners-up basketball winners, the boys basketball team. Mr A. A. Williams, the princi pal, along with the faculty and stu dent body were honored for their diligent work and cooperation in making these accomplishments pos sible. The school wa- saluted also for providing in the daily curriculum those features responsible for the many achievements. Activities sym bolised on the stage were the fol lowing: Library Club, representa tives from the physical education department, in basketball and base ball; patrol, typing class represen tative Bov Scout, glee club repre sentatives and Crown and Scepter Club representative. The second phase of the program was a skit adopted from the tele vision show. "Father Konws Best” The title of the skit wa!S “Bud the Executive.” The skit served as an excellent portrayal of one of the forbidden phrases in guidance. "I told you so"’ Members participat ing in the skit were Jimmie Da vis 35 Jim Anderson; Willie Mc- Crae as Margaret Anderson; Edna Marrow as Betty; Walter Thomp son as Bud Anderson; ,Susie Har ris. as Kathy: Phyllis Evans as Nan cy Craii; Clavon Wiggins as Dick; Lovelace Tones as Frank Robert Peterson as Earl; Clarence Burt as Dutch; Edna Brandon as Barbara; Joyce Wilson as newspaper report er, and Hal Bailey as Kippy. The narrator for the program was Susie B. Harris. Edna Brandon was the mistress of ceremonies. Other members participating in the usu al homeroom scene which opened the program were Bessie Allen, An nie Byrd. Dorothy Byrd, Mary Cot ton, Shirley Edwards, Joyce Har ris, Beulah Jennette. Christine MetHin. Mary Pearson. Frances Pet ty, Patricia Underwood, Charles ! Barnett and Goldie Byrd. This same class gave n wonderful | portrayal of Negro life during Ne ; gio history Week under the care- I ful training of the class advisor, i Mrs. Hazel Logan An Easter sunrise service was at the First Baptist Church from 8:30 to 8:30 A group of peo fti* braved the early morning thunderstorm snd met the pastor. Rev, W. T. Bigelow, and the speak er for the service, Rev. Thorpe, at, (he church. The minister spoke from John 20:29. A! the 11:00 o'clock service Rev Bigelow spoke from the subject “The Rig Search ” The subject was taken from taken from the Easter Story, and centered around the love of Mary Magdalene and the other women for Jesus, and their search for the Master. The minister related that if all the nations of the world had the same kind of love in their hearts as those women bad, the world would he in a much better condi tion, The pastor spiritually set the I church on religious fire and we j were very ’‘touched” during the j wonderful service. | Mrs, Pauline M. Hayes beautiful jiy rang. “Wore You There?’* pre j coding the sermon. This helped to set the church in the mood for ac ceptance of wonderful sermon preached by Rev Bigelow. At the close 0/ his sermon he rang “He Knows How Much We Can Bear,” and the “Old Ship of Zion." Mi’S Minnie Jones presented t birthday gift of $25.00 from the Pastor's Aid of the Church to Rev. Bigelow and gave beautiful words of appreciation from the Club and Church for his cooperative service here. On Sunday night an Easter prog i nim was given at the church, Mrs. | Docia Evans and Mrs. Alberta Cot* j ten were in charge. An Easter egg hunt was held at !1 he First Baptist Church on Eae | ter Monday at 2:00 o'clock. All i children of the neighboring church were invited to take part More than 300 eggs were hidden by ap proximately 20 o« 25 women. dƒgdhfh O give tfcanks mto Vhm lord, for He is goods boeatMNi His mercy eßdoretfe for m —(Psalm 118,1.) Throughout a)i ages and all eternity, Almighty God seeks the soul of His ehsidnen —-* seeking to fiH <mr Lrves with the joy that comes from His good, His loving-kindmeas, Mia strength and His mercy. We create our own utter mis ery by wilfully terming away from Him. Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch WILSON’S WOMAN PHARMACIST WILSON, N. C. is now enjoying the service land smiles) of a vary pleasant lady pharmacist after the loss of the previous two “pill-pusi ers” death,. Dr Willa Virginia Eas ley, a Howard University pharmacy School graduate of Ihe Class of 1930—a registered pharmacist came to Wilson via White ville, N. C. from her native Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. Easley took over the building formerly' occupied by the old Shade Pharmacy and has completely transformed it into an up to-to date drug store with a luncheon ette or snack bar, as she prefers, to call, it. The attractively decorated drug store with its prescription de partment is set for a formal dedi cation Sunday afternoon April 13th II has been operating for several weeks. Tt is at 527 E Nash Street. CONETOE EASTER CONCERT The Conetoe High School, E. R Batts, principal with Walter Plem* n*er in charge of music, presented its annual Easter music‘department concert Sunday afternoon to an ap preciable audience which included 25 former graduates of the school who came home for the Easter holi day. some of whom are teaching in nearby communities. Some are in college while others are married and have families. Goldsboro News GOLDSBORO Mr*. Mary F. Wynn of 402 E. Spruce was admitt ed in the Wayne Hospital Friday, April 7, 1958 at the ltme being very ill. Todate we note that she is somewhat improved. Her son of Washington, D. C Mr. Leo Wynn, is now here with her. Mr arid Mrs. James White en tertained two of their daughters at their beautiful home Stadium Road on their birthday occasion. Lefha and Letnira White celebrat ed their birthday on Wednesday, April 2, with a joint birthday par ty Letha was eleven-years-old and Letnira was eight-years-old. Trie guests were: Lila Stevens. Beverly Best, Deocuria Best, Glor ia Best, Carolyn Pope Patricia Bur den, Beverly Battle. Lemont Ham ilton. Levi Hamilton Jr , Annett Simmons. Sandra Stovall, Brenda Parks, William Solomon, Norris Thomas, Darnell Thomas. Mary Thomas, Connell Wilson, Donnell Wilson, Earl Swann, Gerald Mc- Daniel, Phoebe Moore. Rosaline Moore, Monte Siler, Janie Garrett. Carolyn Parker, Rosalene Jack son, Bessie Scott, Lola Jones. An nie Mae Peacock. Clifton Thomas Jr , Harold Tiler, Loanord Isler Jr., St Mathews AME Church News 805 E. DAVIE ST. By MRS. MARIE RIDDICK The Clouds were heavy and the weather was inclement in the early hours but in the midst we were blessed with a lovely sunrise pray er meeting which highlighted the day and brought to us many spirit; ual blessings Sunday a good crowd turned out for the meeting and everyone went away with a spirit ual blessing, commemorating the resurrection. Sunday School opened at 9’30 o’- clock. It was Well attended. The Sunday School held its Easter Egg hunt on Monday. The morning worship began at 11:00 o’clock with the Easter spirit and the altar draped for commun ion and decorated with Palms and Easter Lillies. A large crowd at tended with many visitors from in and out of t.he city. The Senior Choir was in charge with Miss Ella Mae Giles at the or gan The service began with the choir entering singing the Easter Processional and kneeling at the altar for consecration. Prayer was led by Brother Robert Dunmore. The second song was “Father For give them for they know not what they do.". Tha music was beautiful. The pastor. Rev. G. E. Trouble field, chose his text from St. Mark, lfitn chapter 6th verse, “And he saith unto them, be not affrighted, Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: He is risen. He is nor here, Behold the place where they piçther N.C.C. FELLOWSHIP WIN- j NERB—Mine Carrie Fair and ; Tufins L. Chambers, above are ! j Musical numbers were by the j ! glee dub. the band, an ensemble j and soloists;, Besides Batts and Plernemr, other ■ members of the faculty are: Mes j denies T. B. B dt£, ML L. Gilliam, D. j D. Harrison, JE. J. Reeves, M. P. < Smith and J. W. Taylor. Also Misses A, X,. McLeod and E. M. Porteur; T. 1.. Reeves and W. T. Ellis. W. EL GAY RETIRES Some 50-odd insurance agent#, officials and friends of William Edgar Gay, a popular N, C Mutual insurance staff manager, gathered at the St, James Baptist church to pay honors to him upon his retire ment last week after 28 yeaw ser vice. District ir.ansgerr Charle* C. Smith, himself a Sfi-year service man. presided over tha program and W. A Clement, agency direc -1 tor, presented the 38-year pin which was pinned on Mr. Gay by one of his daughters, Mrs. Joyce Johnson of Brooklyn, who made a rash trip here for the Rocky Mount program honoring her father. Rev. James H. Coster, pastor Mt. Pisgab Presbyterian Church, was called to native Omaha, Nebraska home because of the death of his sister last week and had leave of the eve of Easter, Rev. John A. Hunter filled his pulpH Faster i morning. Patricia Atkinson, Ennis Allan Jr,, Lorise White, Jamelle White, Gale Patricia Peoples, and Dorsrvthia The children enjoyed dancing sod playing games They were served: Hot dogs, punch, cookies, peanut* and candies. A group of pmM exalted rulers of Pride of East Lodge No. 261 and pari daughter Rulwg of Sunbeam Temple No. 447 T. B. P. O. E. W. met at the Eijs Dodge Monday., April 7th for re-organization of the fieri, officers club, with Grand Exalted Ruler District Deputy S. L. Branch presiding. The following officers were elect ed: Brother W. T. Cheatman. pres ident ;daugh ter Geraldine Hudson, vice-president; brother H. R. Me- Keitham, secretary; daughter Lot tie Best, assistant secretary; daugh ter Louvenia Shavers, treasurer; daughter Rrookie N. Kelley, chap lain: Brother 5? J. Branch, public relations; brother L. B. Hines, Sgt. at Arms. The club motto— * A Better Lodge arid Temple Through Love and Cooperation." Mrs. Georgia Perkins- of Golds boro now living m Virginia is home spending the Raster holidays. laid Him." He explained how Mary Magda line and Mary had come io the loirb and there was nothing but stones. He had risers a« He said. With the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, * new ere. dawned for humanity and how the rich values of life are apprehended and enjoyed, not through reason, but through faith, It was a dyna atnie sermon and everyone was blessed. Next Sunday our revival will begin, continuing through the week. The speaker will be Rev, E. J. Odum. Come out and hear him. We are searching for lost souls. Last Monday ihe funeral of Mrs Millie Crosson Saunders was held, We extend deep sympathy to Mr. Saunders and the family in their bereavement. May heaven smile upon you Sister Saunders, Our less is heaven's gain. old timer “It’s a pity that people can’t eKchaoge problem Everyone knows bow to solve the &t!*er fellow’s.” the, recently announced Wood row Wilson Fellowship Winners at North Carolina College. (See story this Issue), Method News By SUSS BORA D. STSOUB CHURCHES CHRISTIAN TABERNACLE METHOD A great service was held at the Christian Church Sun day morning. The real meaning of Easter was explained by Rev. Har vey Haywood, the pastor, who is always full of wisdom and good* j ness, Those who were present Sun day say it was a fine servica. OAK CITY BAPTIST Regular service Sunday, April 13th, at 11 Rev Manning, the assistant pastor, will have charge of the service. Music each second Sunday morning is rendered by the Young Folks choir. All who have j no church service in their own | church should avail themselves the j opportunity of being in this ser ; vice. , s 'V'V:--^-v , GARY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Mrs. Tne?. McCray and Miss Do ra D. Shoud worshipped with iha ; Cary Ghristain. Church Easter Sun* | day morning. Tire choir and p**- | tor were at their best and s grand tints w«# had by the saved case. Everyone seemed. to have the true spirit of Christianity in them. Rev, T N. Burrell, the pastor, spoke from the ifith chapter of Ist Corin thians, "W Christ Hadnot risen then all nu? works are in vein." Rev. Burrell pointed mi* to u# that Christ is truly risen «nd all we ! have to do in to lay down our haw. den of sin and come to him rnnA live, ft was wonderful. Holy com munion was given at this servioe. REVIVAL SERVICE Rev, George I* Brown of 'Wind sor was speaker for the revival service held at Oberlia Baptist Church last week. Altho * very young man, Rev. Brews fc» one of the most powerful speakers we have ever hoard. The message he brought each night were like dyn amite. The text he took were “By Faith", "And Enoch V/ a! ked With God”, "The Lord Is My Shepard “ ‘‘My Son, God Will Prepare A Lamb ” Those were so vividly wsptafned until one seemed to be living right in the words he spoke. Oh! he is mrely a man sent from God end doesn’t mind letting any one know. He forgot the high scholarly train ing he has and just talks for God. We greatly rejoiced in his preach ing and our prayer are for his con tinued success in the blessed work. BABY CONTEST AND EASTER PROGRAM AT ST. .TAMES A. M. E. C'TORCH Hie Baby Contest and Easter pro gram observed at St James i Church were fine, j All the beautiful Easter bedeek j ed babies were lovely to *“* Sun- I day after noon at 3:30 Littie Ches ter Royster won first prize. She j brought in fifty one dollars, 2nd ! prise went to Baby Peterson who I bad five debars 3rd prize j was won by little Carolyn Jolly. All j the other babies made good re [ ports and each one of them re ceived a prize alike. M>s Bills and Mrs. Taion are due so much credit for their entering efforts in working to make the contest a success and Mrs W. B ! Gaynor we appreciate so much for i rendering .such a sweet Easter pro | gram. Mrs. Mamie Lucas was mis s' trees of ceremonies. Mrs. Lucius i WUco* was a welcome visitor si I this service MRS. SUSAN WILCOX’S PROGRAM Ai four P. M. Sunday Mrs. Susan i Wilcox will present her annual 1 program. Come one and all make i her happy by your presence as I well as .giving your finance money | ir, needed badly but empty pews i look sad, So come and fill them up. SICK A!1 our sick are convalescing. We are glad to say at least they are holding their own. VISITORS FOR EASTER HOLIDAY Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Banish’* child were down from. Washington, D. C. for the holiday. Mr Chilly Alston's sister and brother were here over the week end. Mr. Alston's sister is a to och er In the school system in D C. Mr .Tames McFadden, Jr., spent the holiday here with his mother. Mrs. Hattie Mitchell He returned to A. and T. College, Greensbovo, where he is a student, CIVIC LEAGUE The Method Civic League win have an entertainment at the school, Saturday night. An electric mixer will be given to the holder of the lucky number. Buy all the tickets you can to help in the wor thy cause We are helping with the lire protection project. A fourteen thousand dollar truck has been purchased for our protection, REMEMBER The* worship of God Is not a nde of safety. It Is an ad venture of the spirit. By Alfred North Whitehead CONCORD By MRS. MARION W. BOYD CONCORD - The Shankltuown School P. T A. hi its regular mon thly meeting on Tuesday, April i«t elected officers for the next two year term. The newly elected officers are President, Mrs. Virginia Wagoner; Vice President Mrs. Ocie Mitchell; Secretary. Mrs. Lucille W. £o*t; Assistant Secretary, Miss Ruth HeiJ.ig; and Treasurer. Mr. Jack Rt-cklvam. These officers will b* in stalled at the regular May meeting and standing committees will be J. C. HARRIS LUMBER CO. See IJs For Your Building Needs "Your On® Stop Building Supplier” 704 SOUTH SPRING ST. Dial CA 0-5321—F.0. Bo* «S 8 BURT .IN GT ON, N. C. TBS CABOLIKIAM WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL I#, 19*8 Assist Fund Appeals Celebrities Record Spot Announcements For UNCF NEW YORK -- Eight of tine entertainment world have record ed radio appeals for the United Ne gro College Fund’* 15th. annual na tion-wide campaign, according to W. J. Trent, jr., Fund executive di rector.. “Steve Alien, Harry A«te> fonte, Nat ’King’ Col*, Leo* Horne, Kim Hunter, Robert Montgomery, Fat O'Brien and George Shearing have all taken tins* out from tfcetr bony itched ®1« to tell radio audience* throughout the country about the work *# the College Fund," Mr. Trent mid. Lon* Horn* recorded her TTNCf me#**#* between matinee and eve ning performance* of bw Broad way musical, hit "Jamaica ” Harry Belafont* out « tap# in his .suite «t the Waldorf while he wee starring in thet hotel's Empire Room. Nat ‘King’ Col* took time out for the College Fund between perform - ances at New 'Fork's famed Copeoa ban*. The modern {a*« pianist .from ‘Britain, Georg* Sheering; veteran movie after Pat O’Brien; and dra matic aetrem Kim Hunter record ed their College Fund spot# be tween New York engagements. Television'* Steve Allen and pro* duos# Robert Montgomery mad-’ their recording* for radio oa the sots o t «h*te <*"*■*■ Thews eight '-minute »©ot an- Seventh Day Adventist Ry MRI. SARAH t COOKE Immanuel ample Seventh Day j Adventist Church of Durham, pre- | seated “This Pin* Forgo Choir" of ! Pino Forgo, Penn, in recital Wed- ' needay, April 2, at Hillside High I School. The choir wa# welcomed by the j following persons: City Council- I man. Mr. J, S. Stewart. Mrs. Ruth ■ Reeves. Durham Business College; j Mr. L. B. Fraiser, Business and 1 Professional Chain; Mr. Guy Maz- j yek, Committee on Negro Affairs; ! Mr. K. T. Brown*. Ministerial Al | iiance; Mr. W. J. Kennedy. Jr., N , I f'- Mutual Life Insurance Co ; and i I Mr. .F. B. McKissick, Durham j Branch N. A. A. C. P. Mr E. r Watson, principal, and i j manager of Pine Forge Institute, i j vcsponded to the ".-elfcm- --h --vr ' i a brie foutline of the work earned j l on Pine Forge. Its main purpose is to educate the heart, head and j hand and so prepare young people to go forth to serve ana he instru mental in winning many souls for God. Tho program consisted of classics, spirituals, and Judith Spain capti • vated the audience with her solo's on the “Bells”. March 29. was a high (lav in Fay etteville for Abney's Seventh Day Adventist Church, ft was dedicated to the Lord free of debt and beau tifully remodeled and refurnished. Its founder, Elder Abney and wife, were present, along with for mer pastor* as folows: Elders Sing leton (President of Northeastern Conference): Osterman of Darling ton, S C., and our president Wag ner of the South Atlantic Confer ence The mayor gave us welcome along with Dr Coleman, presidenf of the Ministerial Alliance. Music for the day was rendered <by the senior choir, the Melody Singers and the school glee club also the visiting choir from Greens boro After vesper# we were entertain ed at * fellowship hour and movie j then we departed for our various i home*. We are looking forward to a spir- j ifua! feast, May 9-11 with Elder C | E. Mosely as guest speaker from | the General Conference Headctuar- j ters, Washington, D. C. The public is invited nightly and services will begin at 7:30 p m. Come and bring friends for a deep soul-searching revival. announced at tho t time Tire inter-communication system' f nth* Shankletown School was in stalled the end of March and is now in operation AU the twenty three classes enjoyed a thirty min ute program of sacred Easter mu sic on Thursday morning before ; closing for the Easter vacation, j PERSONALS Mis* Willie Viola Harris of New York City Spent the Easter vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Claude Haris or> Young Street. SUPREME Shirt Laundry & Cleaners 1-DAY SERVICE FISHER & HOLT STS. BURLINGTON, N. C. No Finer Buys in Town MELVILLE CHEVROLET CO., INC. Dial 3-9851 Mebane, N. C. nouncements are packaged on a 12- inch, long-playing dira. Yhi# year, the College Fund h?u also prepared an open-end half hour radio package show featur ing tli* choir* of seven member colleges, UNCF’# television materials in • elude one-minute and 20-second filmed spot announcements, photo graphed at Virginia’s Hampton In stitute, one of the Fund’* 33 mem ber rolloges. Announcement# of the College Fund's annual campaigns are car ried in tthe Advertising Council's March-Apri! Radio and TV Bulle tin*,. With Stanley C. Hope, presi dent of Esso Standard Oil Company, as national campaign chairman, th# UNCF’* 1958 appeal fort 5,900,009 will be conducted by voluntary workers In 120 communJtiee *ere« the country. picther “locidenlhUy, f* fV«« what are they 'tin fair’ Tips on Touring By Carol Lon* Women'* Trov*/ Author#)* Springtime Tours If you’d lika to get away bul can’t think where to go listen to what a travel agent from another country has to say: 'Td tell visitors to America to go right to Detroit, tour that city’s hig industrial, plants and buy themselves an auto. Then driv* >*■ r ovp’ your magnificent taking a month or two g*>d 'seeing* everything.,. parks, factories *»d industrial museums ~ ’* Most of us can’t take a month or two. But most, have cars, and the. thought, about industrial tours is good - especially in parly spring before the weather turns warm. Here are a few lop tours in the country: Detroit: automobile plants, Th# Edison Institute, Greenfield Yil* lage. The Northwest: lumber plants, dams and hydro electric facilities. Florida: “industrial farms”and Winter Haven’s Citrus Museum, New England: Saugus Iron* works Restoration and Colt fan# arms museum. Southwest.: oil refineries, rep per mines and ranches, California: canning and pro cessing centers for foods and veg etables near Fresno, Ran Jose and Sacramento. Free samples come widh many tours - such as those at candy, cereal and aoft-diink bottling plants. Industrial tours are fun—and they help you see how America works. 1957 Dodge Cornet, 2-dr, Hard top. All extras, tufcone 1957 Buick Special, 4-dr. 3*- dan. Full equipment. One driver, 11,000 actual miles 1953 Buick Special 2-dr. sedan. Fully equipped tutor.e green Mechanically per fect, $995 1951 Buick special 4-door Se dan, All extras, mechan ically perfect. $395 1951 Ford Cur,tom Pour Door Sedan $293 BILL PRICE BUICK, Inc. HOICK BLOCK. Phone* CA 3-3845, CA 3-8546 Dealer No. 1735 11

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