$ 'ik-ihi- a. _ A 11.1. I picther f T ■ ty? mis « 4 •** » « £ 'is -»" » s A- Rv H M. JCHNSuN NELLIE JOHNSON i\ f v.. I IBST BAITicI' cut’s; •! CUN iON - The Fe- t 0. ■ : Church of Clink a pu-«i-iit- .) F- Nellie Johnson, from . we . . . J. in a concert, at Samp.v.tj Hi- h School last Sundry nu;M. AOs.-' Johnson, aceompeci J by IF ,-r.< sang several i.umlxr;; i;o- ' ot.t- Standing composers. The *oIXh-.vPu -n, : «..en- - ar r><c ushers; Goldie Tatum, Edith Flo >r«. Sails? Chestnut. Lionel To! F Douglass Faison, Per./ ; , Cdun. D< - ’ ’* M.ljjjijs, Wentford S.m.'ps-m. Gertrude 1\; h. Oim Dry, ' . As. Perdcthia Ezzeli, 'Brcndo E;.«v v y PflPii I f 1 4 IM ' - Es? •'*■- ~n/'s*} vjJ d£»^, ■ . . I Hfk ' v.» • IST ***s | i ' | I Sevgtt I Cpowb % : tJ.VJ*’ >j &#6»*f ti # V jg • ****«’ * t* i: S«"CV» '• 1 fcSTIUUS MW"#. niA U)8 - • • — v - ' "- ‘ ' <0 <0 sf% "fif* •■■§ 11*^1 ■ ' I; Your Men & Boys j I - r*« s Outfitter <a*nir« flayMra* «&■ sfh* -%r««;«/ Welcomes You To j % « f£% JL* jy 8 9hm* si s»w «► J> *- M & &&& You Have The Best In £NRb pfr®,! t4' ;/• '■■'■wl’V* i ;l ■|}| Hams & Eggs j j We Have T Best In 11 Ch,i.. Ai,j T'- :.,,,, iu»«*V &X*Z> iflLiACfc 4 hL ■*• '■ ■ * tgf l Lm} _ L|| , > wi'wiiir linn* 1 jCi ■ F, B! : ' . . , The e;;yiyrois of fiuiSftKC® Hid; ' ! donee. night in the rehoT : iwfell, Wllh?iiis!||- *3Set, MktvSi j Odo:;;.' Aadmyon. ;Lyn<s„i j 4 1 D»'e V ,-,5- C*ipstv Ve-AljSjS 'i Thtff :• ■■■ vf'-rj \ j ri! tl ; ‘ : ■ ‘ - :. , j Tfc* Gxi&m Club' held ’ - .*• J, -W.J fi.".. -. abJajf.di.' • a w% ••!*<»(j-'f -/ Dry.-V * I % If* fl s fis ß i p fe i §sa® j ! J&JL omt t &*jp3 8r ! S «KMf •:i* ■ V *•"«. «$* p g- S J j 2 .#2 «& 'W' <*#•■ ***,« %<y W&e f* ! I j? *3? v** | S •&>*& Ig*? 1 is t *7* |3'tu dPH*,*,# w fj ijLZly %. | fV— I—4l 1 —41 < I I J 1 <5 j |j IS )\ I M | | fWSa 1 | |! ! i < JwftfcJ I { hi- ! ij:; * j t j ,< ? lCi'4 rV. "*4W7Sa J S’ , | S f , * ‘ J v\‘- { ’. i ,•!!*. f I | i i 2 ; rii f ;! • * |J I ’ii’ ***’*&'A {{ 11 j i | | in i: H !j ! I v ? • S'. j | l{ | j( i y a | f ; I ';! '• ;H; j if 1 » ■ ! i i'l ; M I ! ! I Ml i j F"s^-«Fl I’i is: 4 y j i 51 ppi j i | j; | ;>}.„} | i I ii|. ■ • ■ iZteSfc Ij i |! 1 l i , 'tnWi' 'id! • >; !; t n \ i *- ."iy -~~... Vf* f Ike . ;■ \ Jr 1 u ' ‘ii • i 1 i fc’4-3r ! a'<:^g2Boo4*« lt «‘^—_.fcj I it . : ' j 1 l Ml j< i Jl , 8 I i _J fill I 1 !] \ 1 -—lf*! i ) If- L—''j! I s i | I L W&** 11 • •'! 5.2 !* «ni/Bb gruia X. I j I $ lw¥3 li . iA 1 > IIP#" *\ * x-' 1 Will?/ f %?3 rs II 14 & w«- 4 *>,*&*■*'■*l ii il wlga tt ili ”i!» f 05 « n X. ; ~ 8 ||| P -! SJB Smlthfleld, N. C. - 1 ~J eiiraGET7.*MK*i» ■• HAM A EC.Ct KIJOW TIME IN : - ini' r.Z t.-!» year in Johnr.tcn County : -.•.tlition lot- the prisrtf of : '<-v «i by the ■-,» j3j? hho’iv. The ac'er.6 the le.fi one of i‘\p leain-ea, year's b:tu«iu .■•<•?»-jv.1, Se-»os The h!«it*'M;» ;*i<iHrc ?.!><*• for the t<* b^K'iK in hc.;.to. 5 ‘ »/? JKW ! Af»*“i* - r; - t ;_r r /» ,U. r f ,• •■ ■.■'.'*,■•,: I ' ‘ v -' S: ‘- ! I'. ."4 ~ i v' k ; K , i*'V‘! WV'■ V?rr' 1 i’ J ' A Mr * hi * » ‘ The Attftiikiiy Ho J +. hcP; ivs annual S2,'» hunt t.n ; c ai’li'i'nt'.u) for the chu« j - I Audrey "Kck. EvSal Srfi! 1" 1 Kay SMpu. One. KUI.-tv, Eomond j t - I X/wH*‘a Ss.?;orflo*sS ill. h.» j j inine Hr.roer, Am.elu .Ssn<r"cn. Vic- j,, ■ r.u 1 ■ ■■ I r-ic White. JuTtoM Vpt-.il -. SJ'.'-rre-U i * : IVldsrcn. Neon Pv --: .r-n. H to’.l ,- t I Tioyhin.' Jr., ileget Kilkfil Dv | IF: nu?y.;.!i. Barbara Ann hlcCaloy, j j i Jejmtter XJnrtens’yod, Terry TJn- i i j dv -wood. Darya; K. Dn.i i KcC n 1 : v : J • >nci\ - 5 DAT O? r ? ; 1 .;::.i‘p, I -ay c ; t V!raws 0; A; •*'-'■’ j ' ! C'Vx"7"ii r- o>i ?. : M !.cr j , ; Avi.v.'dy. MjK? Chow- furnish- i . • t.rrl rr U;;* of j < j Hr. C ' it th \ fti i-s as tbe • j I ih o rjl.v, j < ■ : / i a " ■ ’a. CO ' Tht 5 ('h”' ; •' i 3 'j ■ j city crowd. Uu ned out for tha j j sxor ENTS BOMS F° THE \ ] l 9 p t <.Uv.r-n TT I SUb'iK'-nX'i hon\f: for Itv? hc'Hdr-jys j ! (--ft* £ Xi*rth: a t\ rP-' t\ '»? Now ; ! Jn l lA--'.\v;n' trm ? ‘ | Lti'- r;r - f-.A,<•!.•;! ‘ i , y -T.-,, r« . V-: -Ti- \ ' /. WtfJ-: J..N >•• yvs'ilA | , i HHI, Bjnnt'U. i ■ ’■, \ ,f 'Aho L; I >V-.tTjjr FcA"’ Jr Wii'iei-'. T. ■ ’ i •■ .U's.' fay- T ‘.on. .:.ad A.i-|: ' " T;-» f, ' let ! 1 ; Nj, .Filip K.'!g hunt foi' Ih<c « : f'r'v..--'? K‘p* I I i.fe % ifc -M I@ ‘1 s * •j lilies! lews 1 ;• l r ' L3otO —* TtijtMcsd:y niptd, ] ! i March 2’.', '■..a'-’'eel aiiovhtr out ■ i t r.«.i2din.s praduc'.i-.'n f-.-um ‘.Sic Pni- i i "-'u-y V pc' t'icv in ‘ue jvrefe- j S tslk'ii of fc Chfl<lr» ;i oi Butter -Cup ! p £»n jjj iktS, i i - *■ ** 4 ■ *'' ' , V* j <KsS iX’auihui i 0.-t'AniV-S, csck v > - j {■round ar.d por.frny.:d of \ : j chorncters way- Npi&ywf, r Mrs. C. H, "WT.; l*nnc \iKis j H * » if* rsi I p 1 1 ,e : r« ft« r» a&» t&i W' Better Than j. tiaqt r wm W - 'ip «t | I JO' N'TO'v COUNTV These are familiar scenes about this ;s i tmu - exhibit their prize hams and special eggs, in eom ii'.-eid <: •-1 rof Uannneree These scenes were taken a* v., p:'it Ol 'he huge croud that enjoyed the banquet, which is I ,• ,:i ! •> held in the gymnasium of the Richard R Harrison High . |.. “ilitm" Johnson as he inspects the hams after they have ... siit i isb, of selecting the best one*. Mrs. L. R. Toole, Home n the completes pinning the awards on the winners. r d director of the produc* | A iv ,-k later, the Grammar De nt .*•:.*t yu-eaented an operetta en ■ -a "Aunt Drusillr.’s Garden" iea : one hundred and five parti ivMTiW f! was both picturesque ! •iv... :-t-lining. The sponsors : ~ mi s George, Faulk. •ii :. -i Graham, Miss Spauld v. and Mr. Spence, Atv ••;•*. High School was host for i drama festival sponsor ■;y fh c Culumbir County Teach- j A s'K-saiion, Monday Night, j i 195 H. Schols participat : v ’ iOfT S-bools participat ,h ■ >ol, MS.. Olive High School, I O’ivo El • 'ir-ntary, Oak Forest] •■ y and Atle.iia Elerncn-i r -,-ntalions given were] :u; ',ed ’ Ariesia High : ; ■.;. 'Vo Greater Love” . Mt. 'ivp JL.-h School, “It’s Cold in - . Thar Hills" Mt. Olive Ele . ”F.arJy Frost" Oak For ■ FirmcrJarF and “Sugar and ■ '- • Artesia Elementary. OrGfvuies for best perform . ,-p presented by Mr. W. D. •■••• :•• on. Chairman of the Drama . p to the following per- H< "vo Spapdting in “Sub re- ii'. Iris Worley in ‘ It’* Cold :i '; , • Hilts", Sarch Fr.ink ••• • rlv Frost”, and Mary . in "Sugar and Spite”. The —! . --I i : « an effort toward pro v hi tier public appearances 1 ping dramatic abilities in 0r,.? jr>-.-m of procaine penicillin av, .: 1 if salt offered free .- 1 .-r.];s pruaiising in control!- ■ Hiih'rt' - <4,-.- filed aeainst fche county I-;,.-, els of education. '.n [TAiais; fti Welcome To The Ham & Egg Show §ai * The Hams And Eggs Shown At The 11 th Annual JAM & EGG SHOW & SA LE Are Examples Os What The Farmers Os 1 he j County Are Doing jg§ These Products 'Were Grown By Champions, They Were Laid Away Until They Were Really Ready 1 o Be Used. T Mr. Johnston County Citizen Why Not Lay Away Your Dollars With Us Where They Will Be insured Until You Really Need 1 hem. FIRMTBIS Ml & TRUST 1C COMPANY " * ested Complete Banking Service Years Service i One pound of cottage cheese, j contains as much protein as two! quarts of milk. Test your soil early—it saves j time. 1 «, ~r.~ _--- itt I Mr. & Mrs. Ham & Egg Growers I i : SEE If I|l (1 | \\ls our iwftuAliii) i | Dress Up For Spring And Charge It it is So Easy At ROYAL’S | Until It Looks Like Magic. Join the Crowd | BUY ON OUR EASY CREDIT PLAN! j ROYAL CREDIT CLOTHING I ! CASH SMITHFIELD CREDIT r\ I mnmj.T.-.-Mm IJIHJJ..I 1 ■■■ iriiiriiirn~rriTT«~'ri —t iiwgMiwwimwiaMMMnßi r« mnmmmmmmmummmmßmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmtMmmmammmmmmmmmmvm ■mll ■iu 111 m' i m lunniw'iriiiinii THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1958 Patronize Our Advertisers f ■■■l i winmmiiiHUWnwM jin ■■■■in in ihi'ih— " aacawaane M —amiwimnaiiMi 1- -a Visit The ... | HAM and EGG SHOW And Buy At | Zfl kcl-4 I /II DEPARTMENT STORE | Os Smithfielu I » j F 5 1 Smithfield House Os Values.! | 1 1 1 13

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