’ Bennett College Speaker: “From Birth To Death, All Times Are Crucial,” Dr. Mays Tells Audience G ni-'EWSBORO —No man can i jr i tie re: pect, of others unless he <• ion do something well, Dr. Ben- > j inin E Mays, president of More- n iiou e College, Atlanta, Ga„ de er,red during his address which l.n ought to a close the 32nd annual Homemakinp, Institute at Bennett c College, Sunday. Or. Mays spoke on “Creative 1 Living l<*v Youth in a Time o( Crisis," after Mrs, Louise O. Strcat, chairman of this year's oh ei vance. had given a sum mary of the week's activities, i : the audience, which filled Pfeiffer Chapel, were more than : ( L in high v honl seniors led j their adr Ifnrs who had hern attendin': Die annual Bennett 1 noth Dav« Mr.r? Friday. In pointing out. that today's youth in * in t time of :vr:>. Dr. | Mays explained that ail time' are ! crucial. From birth to death," he !] F’sted, "a!! time crucial and | every moment decisive Ts you live j I at all, you live in a crisis. If ever • j there was a time when everybody j should levs everybody else, it is j BOV’ *We boast of the fact that we j j have more church member* than ! j ever before, but our jails are j crowded and juvenile delinquency J Is on. the increase " •Bo emphasize that man lives to- > d=v in a tim* of crisis, Dr. Mays i cited the fact that the explosion of ; » few hydrogen bombs could de- I stroy all life on earth. He further j cited the IT. S Supreme Court dr- i fusion outlawing segregation in the | Kggn—ans: >■—- - m.' "'“,r.-^ia«sa*s BepfßOEtC.. .yfv'mrt, .» - ■ - IWWi| t || i i YEARS | OLD : I ■ i s«;>4s mm pint j $095 '5 5 QUART '§l§| 1 i r \ I f.tti 8 | >H(IQIWB { W * % ‘ n^*N U * Uw , &t~ — ft /' CLUB % t I.Roubbonl) 4 | Bellows Clue | Bourdon BELLOWS & COMPANY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 35 PROOF DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO. 1 public schools as having created a j crisis in human relations, particu-j larly in the South where it has ere- ; i ated a social revolution. Dr. Mays listed five steps to cre ative living as follows 1. A recognition of one's inher ent. God-given right to be. 2. A burning desire to be some- j body out of the ordinary. 4. A good mind, out of which one will squeeze every potential in it. 3. An attitude toward life which will not permit one to complain | about circumstances or handicaps j "Every time you’re knocked | down, gri up and come hack for ! more." ho admonished." No man ; who nas never met defe d nr His- j courageemnt can ever live crea tively. "Most, of it- " he continued, "don't use mime than one-third of our I WIIBMMIW MBH— I w* w wi <(p% Invites You To It s * t * Xk raflafefa, ** ifiwnm— iruwnm i u<.■ aww -*nft»ww»msaH>Qenß» aaxnastSßKrgm MANAGER’S AFTER EASTER SALE! NYLON I PICTURE FRAMEsI BHORTSLEEVE V I | SMALL, HOSE T" Ij \ I j I ® ) y vv* I •! . \ 2 Pair Package I ij : I / j jfi® v / JS&Sp-' I ; !•- I #| I SPECIAL / ' M * Regular $1.17 I s ! i I patterns /4- * fVI ' I i I j|* > 1 I I & %E- . -li I I. \ 2 For I j, I Special At ... lb f %a, 89c 59c sl-oo »*afi * ® , A M • —nr I I lIIMII 111 Ili IMIIIIIAMIIiIiBII IHmHlimrilWnrHH ! "paper T PLASTIC I TOILET "' I " PLASne I LMEN’S FANCY NAPKINS MIXING BOWLS ..... PLAY BALL 1 SOCKS I Package of 250 §fY I Regular nl9 regular .aqc 8 SPECIAL ASSORTMENT 8 . _ | Reeul«r 59c OF TOILETRIES I SPECIAL ■> Now 29c ' If C 19c S P“ ial 79c | 4 For 98c j B „ M j BASKETS DOLL Bi K E bird cages rnUIUALDUmd _ JN plastic rag I I nc , n ° w s! .39 n ° w si JO 1 ® itiwfiS | on,v si .001 CHOCOLATE COOKIE i CHINA CHINA | Wicker Laundry || COVERED 1 cam 1 CUPS 1 SALAD • BA f!I ETS 1 v#ti»£* ani> a I itc 1 * tAi-viiO 8 v p a ti!ipd- c Fmh“‘ SaucersßtlWLS This Sa/e Only anr '“ Belioon* 1 riTCUTAVC pound ,upounds 4 Q 5 Isl: #% 1 LLoHIUNo | 39c p« Pound j 25c —69 c p er Set I fcu c I 47c || 1 PLASTIC I CHENILLE 1 BONITA I |||||| DRAPES Bed Spreads j TISSUE ffifaft I full size FULL SI»E I BOX 400 | |$ || § i lIMW I lI§M%M I FIRST QUALITY 1 j ~ 5,^ • «.iu I 39C s2-29 I 2F« ? 45C PIECE GOODS *t Baked Enamel J SBBRBT 1 " T ;•■«'• ' ‘a*3i*lflS«ise*s*« Prints & Solid Colors • En»< H„d (’HII DRPN !< ? Cannon I Cannon i to 10 vd. pi^-A,*,^ •An white CHILDREN S TURKISH if WASH _ ALSO _ DRESSES TOWELS I CLOTHS NEW FROM r _ _ _ _ « - - *5.00 8100 ;r iQc ™ RI I liiSSl S. H. KRESS 8 CO. -102 FAYETTEVILLE ST. |||M3 _ UiM BaiBB» mental capacities, because we are too lazy. Head think and master some art or trade so well that no man can do it belter. Then, you will be living creatively." He gave the examples of Book er T. Washington, Harriet Tubman, Mary McLeod Bethune, Susan E. Anthony, Martin Luther King, Jr., itINGWeRM-BANBRUFf SUFFERERS IF YOU HAVE DRY BRITTLE HAIR. DANDRUFF, TETTER, EC7.EMA, RtNC.WORW.OR OTHER SKW OR SCALP IRRITATIONS. PKRSULAN WUX Af* FORD TRANSITORY RELIEF OF THE SCALIMO AND ITCHING. ASK YOUR DOCTOR :>RUGGaT t BEAUTICIAN OR BARBER ABOUT PJUL3ULAW “P&rsuk/L.^ JB Hair CondUiamag Iroei tiw Scalp UP "*** u.MWAToanL mu Wi» dm* 4a assd others as representatives of op pressed people, who despite han ricaps and discouragement had the determination and the will to be creative. | Dr. Will* B. Player presided i and the college choir, directed by Mrs. Mary J Crawford, and w ith Clarence E. Whiteman at the organ, sang "Puerl Hrbrae nrum" hy Randall Thompson and “When I Survey the Won drous Cross’ hy the late Dr. R. Nathaniel Bett. On Saturday, summaries of the creative experiences were given at a special chapel program and the work produced in 10 special WATCH THIS AD For Pig Events Soon At Your * , , NEW LINCOLN CAFE ► 333 South Wilmington Street I - _ Interest areas was placed on dis play in the David D. Jones Stud ent Union. Top prizes for dre'sK design went, to Mlssess Essie Smith, a junior of Timberlake, N. C., and Patricia Hopkins, a senior, of Miami, Flor ida, neither of whom is enrolled in the home economics curriculum. l oss than 100 acres of onions were ! produced in North Carolina in 1056, compared with around 100 in. 1967. Warm weather means lots of lush clover. Keep salt boxes full and have a rack of hay or shucks in the pasture for cattle to help prevent bloating Protect your pine tree*; they’re one of your best farming invest ments. Dehorn, castrate and vaccinate calves before screw worm season end before putting them on pas ture. Niitone Exhaust FANS... All Nutone wall fans have ftabtar proof shutter. Powerful Nut-on. Motors. Guaranteed 6 years. Electrical Wholesaler! INCORPORATED tit s-ssfti ! J*, Wo**. Stre** % nil If il 11 111 I mu' ill l 111 i»— I glWii IIHHKHII—'II——IiIffIMIWUMi • THE CASOUMIAN 3 TTB“S LN7WWG gATUBDAT, ArSSi, 5,155 S FAG* XKttß* iSEr SALE! TIICV mti MUST GO i ______ _____ WE WENT TO NEW YORK WITH ONLY ONE THING IN MIND WE BOUGHT THE ! MOST EXCITING LOT . . . OUR CUSTOMERS OF GORGEOUS \ Coats ! I Dusters ! 1 oppers EVER DISPLAYED IN RALEIGH, WE : ARE NOW OFFERING THE ENTIRE ! STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER! v* OFF USE OUR CONVENIENT 3-WAY PURCHASE CASH-BUDGET-LAY-A-WAY GOODMAN S “The Liith Shop Around The Cornet" Wilmington at Hargett 3 ■» T *'«iITITIIIBi iIBaMBBWBWWWMiW'iIBIWiMIIHIIB IP 111 IMllllWlwn'Wiami'mMllßllilPßiil-millimillllWllßWllßilHlWH* 3