HBpf ,t * ifiNffiL v . iwm wiinnwi iiiiiii i IN FASHION Sill'. v . s'-nv- slur ■- ’ s McCullough and Mary Wilson. Mrs. Helen Coburn is the ladies biimW) aim •. r!; « , iusirnetor. (STAFF PHOTO BY CHAS. K. JONES), show at the school Tine i■« • :.»? *ne« am nuxlthd be .vf. ; s.,<-}, S.ira!) '■ ■•ifh • ' M r Mutual ! ’ • I X t, # © 11A lW • ■ - Enters Si: »ak Fledged DURHAM Preside:, it \V, .7 Kennedy, Jr., atthouncc-s t’;-u the home office and fiela r. ncl of North Carolina • Insurance Company have ; their utmost efforts to r year 1953 the best year u. .• Company in its entire hi.*-’. >ry goal at AGE ST V On October 29, I. Company will observe : tktit anniversary «,f *.■ < ein at which time if mated (hat its Tot.;l -V; ids v, i;l »\ a h million foal anti Tc ■ Insurance in Force will excess of one . dollars. ruoGur s -s' The repot t for Jf*S7 • 1 ri * r . • * ’*■ 4,/ jv... .^4.X. ..... "nr T 55 r reaw WrIV win 1 a. *'v "? » » f ra * «.; , ••• . ; Finds Healih's sucslar>.:r T"- \ Stops -i» it fSkitla'tu Heroomi'mis Yo?i.* "V t Sprt t:J) •' e I- < . ihv f:t’ n: c / c•• *'V iv,'. ; i Oy. • 7031}:? fl ilO7/ ilt'2 > vTtJ.' L 1 hi ; :Y:■ ? , iv v with tho a<-tort . • ’ iiig, iUid rr-litve paifj*-V;ithi*ut j 5 v*vy, f._ _ I. ... . t*. . . in o.iiis f , i rns *vt *. •'j.ru.f 4,. )/1 j fie 1 fiy doctor#’ or.'.r'rvafitnv. tvac.Jon (siirhiT mg) took S And J&iJrt Os ;Jt-~ 1 this mSjjp! i tamed it? cass-?. whe££ oe ct >rj cb so r '*&t .* \«L ■■'*. vc o t ftttgb th»A iU.il ■■ : . to r/iakt sneb fiS'.tnv-.'&ihig st«v;- \ jr-r r it “ ' have i • i<-•»* - »«;i» >■ ■* - -••-v" v: •» »; «»■ II > wl §£" ftf! |{3 maWi » « S’ &$ & '5?:- :; - .s. w •*&* w )»& w* \&s? $ V r * |r> f* §M ~*- , T a I / i * Bta%r i« sfeg mwm JpMkßßAttSHNwfaj 4 Ji I I . ' . .. / i ~ v ” • ':’ y . r *•;.* ~~ -"'• '•'-*'•• ■- ■ - - ~ I C*kfr»trf<:t, ivlanaier • bTA * F j4ANAGEf ~' ‘ w . A.jfcnM*. W. E GnV Id),. J. A Jom., S£n-v - n-rl: , Mkc%§S £. L. Alston P. '”. Lewi's 1 ■ : ;•; ~ , n » r. j. Bur. ii a. r\ i . ■:. a }• '., v A. C. Batchelor ,i. j>. ? v j.- Rarr/'m 3. L. Dunston r >. 1. Mime » J. w. Taylor A. Hathaway o, L. Mov:is . ' Vv. Rj>ino« T * '■• ■■•.. ...... r» o'- <«. , j M. O. Jon> • V:' K. V i :;r .1 i pA pt Tl MI? iH >! VI MA P V A i i Alt.l. * .? i unmiMiit i i o * b. C Hofo jrd G J 5. .%o*P A. I . Brcwn, J. W. Rrrotov; ■. |h --^“nmrinraaritfuwww— a»m'i*>M>iiro i im.r cAmu.t.w i mi m > ■ wnm «aw>*a»aK^>iti-. v V.v- ■> A\s i ‘ u.Uv’ in i>.U r h'..;.;:; of if* j|L<2f£- ■itiCus. Os mfu'. -.vy to r»G >| i'cvhcifi ; ■ tn t. o fact that dudu't ! ! to ■ run! or ti’Cir i'Miu'- j ovsranfiaGon to s6;’TfO.jlS.Sl. (jpgaSi-y H the aid wnerp*: that 1. . ..1 - \V . ff-j, I Hi ■ • : - ■ CO7 '• s . • »iir 1.95'/ v/y.N i§£s§s 1 1 . *d v• ■ . < i .■v ". '• I - ‘ k uv.' ’’ t&r. j vrifrsy- I faten ,rror-«^- f i * M «afd at " ■**'s »'•’ sera i* i-n.v .. :s»«BjKs«BJEv*'m«e«acavi»‘v*V , »i mr4 Xns>uia3a:e in of J nr A'l/'inttsd As** ‘••‘U of itac i.c;>TK’in.-.y iis of Decern : ; •'!• 31, 35*57 of Fo^SO 1 ?,£90.62 . .= tot; an h>cr.-.i a of $3,80^257.19 rsv ;;;:.c<. e of 619.093.82 . ; - - •. • ST ’ "ft-. %-#P& - t-.'v-' 7 f&s%: • '" * ■ ■ Cr#- • 21 • v'.JU:. - 4 >-• j v u-y tM'ljv 5% " vv. J, .IK. ! ;n t he i-'r'rhlv cj vVcekty Cre* vaiJ^s, v 5. 4 '"t'U. j fib? !;■ s >:. r.y t since 1847 a?rJ r,v."ftse for the: year 1938. Tire t r-.eu. itt f Sa«SK?*ii»iS awwfljpßyairtfflr tbe Sast r ;, i i. f : i .. S : ' i :![.‘ l 'i:' :. mast ?t >v'Tar pul- NKis pity umicY ; Monh Carnlhia Mcraal lias j .m.rs.'d the i&aik» oft Le. Fonltad ' ■ ivv- sms jan r *w • Coroifit" 'wuiuM'pnm'il/ Pohc? Is'wiw in t.r.t it is Oifated in units, mao | iTJ-.t-e fc sli.'”. that can be mcludcd : in the family atufitft in the a*«- ' ?..'. t re iasoioe br?,ckvii < fdso ad tUiaSXilß?*.l 11 ''ll'Wll'fli HI >l|'l I St. tfc(',JU -s- jl i f/I ji v\jUW 1j -‘ :a\ j Wl—Krgfy? 1 *? J ■ | MRS. PAAiELVA SIMPSON »v< i i7>j(. , c tV>r jVlii, Pb.Cftci- ! '! 1:. funcson, of i*oo >:. Stcc.-t, : i .-.to f.r-'jJ Saiu.-d. Anri! •"*, t .;.- i t j 3>) i>. m., v/lih Bc.v. O. fit. HuUork j 1 ! c.ocinting, I She is .-urvived by a ; on, Ad: m j Simpson; 3 gist era Mrs. Henriatia i I McGowan. P.o».;ii.-h, Mrs, True Love j I Halt. Ralcikh, a.v.l M; ;. Ews! I Tucks, of Golu'nW S, C.; S bro* | tiicrs, WiHio S.mp u. Hi* - >n,!s,hi-i, ! Ludia Snnpson, < iveuwoofl. S. C., Miller Sioapsou, of Cross Hslfi S. | C. MH. JOHN' A, PEItKY i Funeral snrv : se f.>r ;- ! nA. i j f erry*, who th• Fii'St B.’.phst : Church on Thundsv, April 4. at ! 4 p. m. Burial took wfecc at Mt. Ifopo with Hev. D. N. Kc.voc l of- ' | ucif.tir.s. Mr. Petty resided «l 5. ir> 1 . -• j j!*fi|.' n cori>oo i^rrv.r?. ’ wSurVi VOVa j J'» f ! vJ : I*h : a TiJr*v i S Tvorrh .v D. Pvr?*v; a daughter ■ |»a >7'-' ro: iow Hwut Mu- ij } vcrfv?x'*ii J > c.t v v' (if ( t ,'i \r’hux* !s i df iMsr ion U''rrv- at 1 p, m. with Rc-v. O. S. Burt- ~ T ock ottioiatinvr. inleim* M took j ;j Place es Mt. Hope. Mr. I'Jamit re- i ! MK?». MILUr C. Mfhnis ; j Pur,er;xl service for M;c. TTiU c> C- jj , | April 4, was held at St Matthew _f r, iV.I« fl r’e v'., I s Oavit.uK; , tU OfV’uK;.*- -i | i;i£, XKH v'il loofet :>t fvlt v |i 9«> is survived by 8 R Willie Sandora: 'three .laagSHers. |< Mrs. Fannie Trae and Mrs, Janie II I Roch( '. ,le T - , N '■ : |, Mrs. Mieme Sledge of Raiei.sh; a It -Vt erw ?u T rv Fc--7 > 1 .V- Q-s-, :-U V»V\l I! rioter. iv,rs. iraceue »ro»<.n ra , ci- , |j ladelphia, Pa.; two stepdeus |! Mir. Mary Tucker of Now Tlo dicH« |: .V. Y., Mrs Martha Snr.ri.--rs of Phi- ! I? liulplpbia, Pa.; four steps*,ns 1 || ip Stin.ciors iind Mucif. cf i | Baletgiv Paul s>andor? and David ! «! MR. mtiiAAi K.-'.y McCCtLI ~r | \2’j' Wi't’'Tn T‘> > , y ' I’l 'if ; \ f ■ -T-M.-ir !■•:.; !‘. •: - ' t ■ h- »i fi Poytar Sjximt Church at 2:30 P. M. Si Wirfc Rev. -W. Albright «>f/kidt}ng. ! |:Lunjl followed In church c*R»- ! i ' e Srvb.or E ; Moihre Mr, FJo!«? | Ji McTuUers. IlmoViyn, A’, Y ; father. , |l r H| KT.:,h 1, bro-! | | riJiKi .■!' '. ,vb.. }7 -> i \ J;• 8 ■■■ f ML. ALBERT IIOPKJK? | :) ;tor* Ts.’vrtiwt riAd Survaay. F‘u- . Ii r?crVj srcvic« •*-**; h*&& odnc.-'Anv ! f! Hum T.ifibvniy nt 3 P. M. . Si vvjiii Key. i . !i .Xoru i.r. ufftcuitinx i 11 aw. bum l follow*-* in Mt, Hope; ’ Ii s7’ 'V’/Vors* . I.Mfu- .. m'M t S»**for-.i TU? b-w 1 I ■ | AVI VAT: MR. 'nCG.vp.n MOST 'EY !! Mr. Ricbur I. Mosley, of 710 S. j ntoodworth St, «.'>»d Sun*’"” 7-I. ; r . ; 30, at St. Agnes Hospital. Funeral * I service was held Sunday from j ! I,!~'htnrr Chapel ft 2 V. M. P-orja) 1 followed in Hilicn-st Cemetery. • Survivors: one rinurhu-r. -Mix. I Plain* Me b y Louie of Atlanta, j C-a.; 3 brothers, f !**r,rj*e Mosley. De» ! trolt. Mic'li.'Kan, Gene Mosley of Do ! trott, M’ch'i.dan, Johnny Mosley. A- i «>.<. N. C.; 3 ri‘(;rs, Mcidle Mltehcll | Pittsburgh, I’n., Mrs. Eula Mitchell, j Plttsburcb. Pa., and Lula Puvis, MR. SOLOMON McLtXLEES 11 dltionai units, all in one ooiicy [ j for the family Policy unit consists [ j of $2500 life coverage for the hus- I! band, SIOOO for the wife and SSOO | j for. each child. President. Kennedy expresses |' race industry-as a whole, because 1] ' t ii)., last ~km the peoic (n gut 1 * izuux hogal. Solomon Me Culler* of Route ! .5, Box 213, Uni; ,;h, died Wednes- | . .'■ r i! 2. r.t St. A"Ufc3 Hospital. | ••al r r\ was held Sunday i . » p. m from Boyian Chapel A. ; .. i.. -jeu.-ct; w*th Rev. ,J. W. Jones i ..-J burial will follow In church cemetery. . i !■•■ 2 daughters, Mias Js- M Guik-r:;. Raleigh, Miss Mamie , •(. til*cr- of Durham: 3 grandsons, . •.•anci-ri.*u:!htcr» and 3 great . ,'aud children. 1.,':. BENJAMIN MORRIS COOKE ! !r. B nj : :in Ncrri.s Cooke of *••• •: hi)-A, Raleigh, died w. •!: ■ lay Funeral service . ; !-:■ ,! Tu; -'day, April 8. Burial .:...•• i m Mt. Hope Cemetery. ■ -vi . - Wi f e, Mrs. Evelyn ■ of ItA n;h; 3 sisters, Mrs. Wii; ams, Ruieigh, Mrs. .'•:. ■tli. Raleigh;. Mrs. Clara ; i *. :.'MiMiirnimiirMi—iiM>iMiiiirm iii>»«iii_Mimji»HßMii»wiii»Wii:nn' hi TmirmrmT ■irurwiimwwinT n »I hw rmt fm -i , >*tt*-— ***'■*' 1 »n—«i ihtm Special Purchase! i Right at the start of the season! 1200 Pairs of Nationally Advertised |f\ Spring & Summer Slacks | l Reg< 10-95 and 12-95 W 049 2 Pr. 1200 Just come and see! That’s all we ask! Once you see this label, \*f i you'll know that you’re getting an honcst-to-goodness bargain in i j OM$ fine men’s pants! A superb blend of Dacron-Wool and Mohair, I K f Neat, cool and comfortable fabric, tailored in the way that has I made this brand famous for their suits and pants. You’ll find I conventional pleated styles, belted styles. Ivy Leagues in Brown, J . Navy, Charcoal, Gray. Maize, Red and Green in sizes 28 to 44 . . . because Belks bought big ... at a special low price! Hurry in . . . / for when these are gone, there will be no more at this special low fm No Charge for alterations! Extra sales people, cashiers and wrappers to speed Shop Every Floor your shopping ’ foT dozens of Men's Store-Street Floor After Easter Specials Ts j W% T| L Hudson My \Second Gun | Blast Rips legro’s Home ALEXANDRIA, Va. (ANP) For the third time in three months, a shotgun blast ripped into the brick home t>£ a Negro family lo cated in an all-white block on Prin cess street. Pelietts from the blast were re trieved from the wall of a second floor bedroom. Owner of the house. Mrs. Bertha Goudeloek, 55, said she ; was awakened by a single shot, fir ed from the street below just after mdinight. The pellets struck the wall over her bed. None of the oc cupants were harmed The house, built 30 years ago, was sold early this year to Mrs. Goudeloek by an invalid white widow. It is situated across from the all-white Jefferson THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APRIL 12, 1958 school and is the only home occupied by Negroes in the block. In the next block, on the same street there is another house occupied by Negroes, and two blocks away is an area heavily populated by Negroes. Police say they have no clues to the gunman, but that they were re doubling efforts to find him and would ‘prosecute him to the best i ANNOUNCING THE . . . Dedication & Formal Opening Os EASLEY’S DRUG STORE ! Wilson, N. C. ! April 13, 5-7 P. M, I DR. WILLA V. EASLEY, Prop. (REGISTERED PHARMACIST) , 1 . t ' We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription and ©fter First- Class Drug Service to Wilson and Vicinity. Try Our Snack Bar and Soda Fountain. Complete Limos Co*roeHr« and Drag Sundries. Our Motto. “Quality and Service" \ EASLEY DRUG STORE | 527 E. Nash Street Wilson, N. C. of our ability." Alexandria has many mixed neighborhoods. DRIVE S \FELY | Heifer calves sold in North Car olina feeder calf sales this fall must be guaranteed open. 5