something to buy rent sell —« iM»itwiww«m3niW»wwww«i —«« «■» .f»*»ranwro».,yiariwi.-w»'■<»- «..-. «. Legislature, US Congress EDITOK S NOTE: Dr. Nel son Harris of Shaw i im ■>•- sity, Raleigh, will campaign in Wake County for a scat »» the piate legislature. To ac quaint its readers with the participation of Negroes in ike North Carolina Legisla ture ami I'. N. Congress, the CAROLINIAN will publish a series of articles dealing with this subject. The third of these featured stories appears in this L*;:ue. Serving in North Carolina Gen eral Assembly from 1895 to 1897 v. as William H. Crews, a Negro Republican of Granville Coun ty, who was the second to serve as state congressman during the Fusion Period. According to Professor Helen Edniond.l, a historian, “Crews was by no means as important- a per sonage as James Young, yet his Republican conferees respected his presence in the Assembly.” -MBMRMOMHBMMBaMMmMMmaiUMMRa*; iriirrr wUMMMMfMimni iMa*«rwc(BWj<Hei>»jtsamimsMK»c.-«-.-s. *• - -«9e rmaTTlUi imiwir. ir BUY FINE | FROM V CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Store j A fEP We have anything in Fur- S niture . . , from a lamp, end | Uv LUSI--?IiC.l t C*tS*l" tG | completely furnishing at whole house. i ”* AND WE HAVE A * CREDIT PLAN j FOR TOO * 1 — r * tl owwwiffluwq •w* iwmkw n MNmmma mt» mwhww Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co. 121 E. MARTIN ST, K ***® M *^*®* r ‘*" r ' -** a»wm»T>i»iiiiii'**»rrf*etv - jg-vmmminflmv STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON ■'.-, ' " * S I '<ll I tll'OKO ClWlUlli (OtFBIINM ICMlll'l, tlafVHI ownrKY RPPn I ivijii i <j\ji\i lifltiji/ STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON STRMGHI BOURBON WIUSKtV •’M 'Of • ' ARK & TU. ,j; v f ;3: ;:NP , : '~i. ' 1 •' Cfews was appointed it) , serve on the Public Buiidiftgs and Grounds Commute mu! the Froposifions and Ortcv•* aiircs Comm Hire. During his ?epopd terns, 18i/7 to jp-,33 he j iC o b?came a member of t?*.e i Juiiic.'ivy and 15»*;>Uh Com in site". a coloved school &t the 1 ■ 1897, which was p:. cd by the M FusionLsts. This law created a ® j Training S chool tot Colored «t ■ ance sir/prop-rui tion o? Sh 003 \v >■. *• lto he made, and tfc neraor.s | who Planned to icarh in Noiih : I • wottoing oii rns in y .tv r> on t#ne I i state T“ * (•-••• c. rr-"v 1 of this Xii<i4d uiw, •' ’ j, auuuoi.tu iwii i.. «_* u | THF STCr ?''] P'' ’ A P'T (- ' •s cr \ EHS I i such uttiusfcnal < \cl hbornl odu- IJ cation and advanced methods »: I i jiu ti uCiiOli i . ,• I ! ~ T, . ... §• t)'y, u is fl:v' v - v>- ,* v I j . . f * eat Son in Oxford eVvse j so tlo sc*. For sOpTfre rei-v.’-- > j numerous Nesrro po-Utiturms tla* j time pr oposed some j o 5 po , ; and Crews was ro exorop rv T> * one that hey. ITust th p. ]?’ n !* aidrifOT^cokoWw i-iowsVno:' bits'- , swMwsmmaxm ■ • nnnwTTrrri iV i l ‘ v■ -m j f 'lt '■ ■«•. ; i I ' WSmsfmm ■ ' ' JS 4 > . N»-i --■ hkl'. •«■ •• T - ' M&sMtgk-- •” 'TaHMwBK:: • - • | I' •’T 'r ■■* .. - • mm ■ nflK -.4 - j Mi I ■ •. ■-<•-■:* ••■ : o • ftiPlLT' -v V '• - J ,%•' ■ N*> '- • W^»fc4a V ' I Wmt. m M 'tm ■*;■ %'i :.sw% 'V' ''V- . •■''>>.• } V '•'*•-• '-?*• : V ’-V* y-- s .' , ■; l j ! ’ p.l; ■: : *--v'P ; 1 '! w&msiE&l- “■ «%■-.' - .'. * aOv i‘-' *■ 'S*-'. a » ; f~ r ‘■'C ■ Ctqf''. '' ;,> 'a , V. ; V; ’ ':.; v • -,: , ( : V. :; ii. >•. x*WF'i- >. ■ x-p v .41 W m&ft'JStj . •••’ 1 n|j'i‘,r,N OF ‘1 rX»ns ’Ov ,V'. !•<•?ft-*? of pf«js • G6u*. • saown swsmiig *a v v/.. Miss Hwia i> a .walov t 2 ' I -> , , >jVVy ..... y yiuyx i .g. » | «» <* 4 • : J ii l! «*U» i could be paid the man. ,th<ni *;he ! statement Unit Crews .rms for i vitle Coup tv h<vti<i'A> k,>'*w «v --■ co. i : •.v.viirtiaK-asuK ■ a*fci ...... "7■rYTTnirr-TiriT-'---—Yrn — rr- -v>i«vw*eßnr'fifiV' , «w-iwt- . J v tfjgff %:* :' v , ;,;■ - *4. >-^ • ’.-•■• •■• ,m •»"'.' .’ ■'?*. ~ , •'’ . ... ’•< A-Y#-. - ' . •;' A'jS&X \lc'«SV/ . J .: wfe v , '’ .. 4 i n i ■-'• ..,,4 T^Ti;' ■?>.♦" ■“■, ; 4%r rt " >&k< '-a-' “i f tiJ Mr riltfl mi i~ i~ 'i \ :*m*4m-• ..•»•/. < F.! ;l *' <:&.- : £s/4. .w>: ■. *..••-•- ■?•#■•-Mr,'./.gr., ; ,«•■, ''spjkl®sr«l;'?‘T # '- 4- ' ’, v*V‘'- .'• ■>? gf 'otf- " •-,> "••■ "•' - v '■ '.' -v Vr'*' -■■'« .■' '’*s.** ■ ,/ '" ( ".;' k , v %C ,’V ',^ > ''■ ! $& ' '\ f - .. V ELL'.' .4 “ ’*' ' mE&L .’' «•* -J is"■ » - ;:•• ■ •JvSaJ-’-ySR.i.*?-. «..*«. '■ . te r "' ':■■ fc-.. # r *t~ , . -:, Ki M '" 'o ; - >y i .: • ,5. JM y * V • ; / ' .. -yc ' 8 « .;. •.,»■ ' \ ft' A- %'•• 5- jJafe /■ i*M; -,< *•• ■ ■ ■B| - J ;'!:. ' Ig# ' ' :l ' Jf '■• "-'it. •• =- v .*• >- v. - • -'' ! '* cru - ■< . if.*. >„* y .JY • - ' Y 4 -m .3,: -.:. ..s>% • ? r* , 1 ;>. *> *•> - Y-- • :•• -•{?, . ’■ :. . - --.V-Y -,. * -5 WMW:.r<it;!i^;• jy \ < #. “ . . “• • :> - V " I>EEUTANTE BALL QUEEN A?4I? ATTFTWANTS MKs and was sivuil fn fhf* r\m*w&Um nf thv F- - f,.?< City, was croivucd Queen of* ihe ir'Y. - v ’.-, «>.■<.*d f, : n*l 1 toi *t* n |. ? .,t;,. >?.. .:, .■. ..., »• -,,, . - , 1 i Pcuk if. Says US Military Should Get Oat Os Cuba ; was; t.kc/J'o;.:. a. c. saxpiA- I 35"<e giftife snoaid get oat • j t-i Ctiba at cpco, d'.-xip.i-v.i Con «,re«<3uisU; Aduiz Clayton FcwelJ j .fast \■> ci la ’ 31.' it K- floor j of pH Hctf.gfe 4? ;j Itiorada?,'the New York iieprs • j c'ji.vgt-'A this ilirapiVfr i v i%ti Burv?&£ m 'I pt<ilticr tn Ful- Batters. s&« riu.Wor of Cu [ !ta. in fes kUii»{' of iunvwt 4iftoii I OuhaW.:^s-WjpH- s | Can#. ?«el! relea,»?«l a me i amß'lea) witfcik he rj<»fei"c4 ft*«J fit, aisi-yjo htri-i-mi. «hair. »i >3l -! 0.. o > >' i j K!vM Ut'i Eli A TlOi\: The ihigucial ! I im toside pyojjrCKa. But w .it verr 4 ? ••qilWttftiiiKjl'Win T'TFWS W-f. 1 * — r - L <*F ~ >*?■, V. *' r 1 ’ FTi* v li Ir IfcFFF.T-F"I. I ft -. 1 0% sis i% aK fj f S 31 oUUII Rcvfcil -Iran. '; if. Boyirin, Th« N- sjro in Nortlv Carolina prior to »661, Pa i J|mt R;AMi.ln< . M Hith Ave., >| Now fork J, N. Y ; price. SU ■■(). By MARODS W. Bat'LWARB ! Oo sos th* wuakn.'ssos of mo.sf ! PisUirinns: is to only j mis tiued|%Kt iyp-mgbt (sbaracf*-:-s, ! but JaTi'.es H. 8.,./kins, wisisnt I pi-of..r of hfeioi-y at- St. A ,/ ' : I tinoN Co'l-gv. fcjtri gon,.- ;•> |h-j . •'-iu: .-voov ' of tbc vr.-mv.Jc cow i ’» |‘-V V [ North CaroUn:: ) i -'r so -. i’Cp id y*■■•,;■' i eri- :* • I*.i ir •■ j tn fiu just to tjir i'*r«u®!'.- imE;-- J Of ,tv ! ' !Jf at t"t ; ft | V%‘h: iyh [ ref'-Cv p.vSsctr'si P’.nh jc;ry.yh v h> ; .. t , .;; ! ! f exi t'w***.}-•ss■ >cV | +>; vrvck.S'-'-’ ' : | *■-■ triey.o.;t? tl■; /1- ’■ ‘ >;• !!.♦ ’; 'C’ V j aVip«‘-;.o‘i V;e-,r I:.-'r . . I ’TKyiHK IS A es c.‘ • r.»iK-.s* :•* ; ir. Pit-v n ■vehMfa ir.-- itoUv.',): i~ iu-■ ; ri.irl'y COJ»C< »Ui J Viji .• •!;:•■ ! ro. Th' it.l« of Uc . ' is k-si ■ j ly -a ij: in th’s < )U- cGMib e ■ 1 • ;r' : . .wi j most to the ed ; ; vdlon of P-y >■?.-- t s£p> pri>»?' to ;ho Civil Wir.’' .-yov. j Boyh;;-, j As *>ue r<c-i'is on ?ti •••- ui Hv^t* ' tiorv th«- riudv >r sho'v* -h"'- 1 ' I 1 ■■ ■. «s §? j3®|B£.'' : ■ ■'• ■' | t i i 2-;. d * "* J ~ % ~ ~ 1 J'fcTKJISEUKG. Va T;.-: Fifth' I .'fin'uiim con tinned, He stepped rut c-f power in 1.U44 ;<nii t>-j< .”•■•». ;> tv: : i 'tltal mk 1 , lo' l.fes h<> went i& C«b;t anti hitMim a j i?rtiti as Cijndidato for presSiftiSH .’ Discovering that ho had n<H the • it vv jti sstud C;... ’ • ■ ■ ; • Inf j ■"-.ajiiig a city;.’ d'rtat in Harch I :?52, vcijieh was just 8C Ut i>:p tie: fcho»l;.*t:vi election v>M£V*•»* ‘ SSi§ l THiZ CAKOIMAH W'FV.K KNDtNG SVrDP.nAY, APRIL 12. 1958 odiu'ati-iii was largely ivUyhu.-; '■'■■■' '• , .’lf CUUC£l..'|B fc) v;ruua/! ,>- -n . ■:- I count «1 c* t§ peo »la in tffef:»§nonv?|ST; of Iv-aii ■ ! i'r.r exclusion of. il*c cclarod pr.,>n : i'.-t! ; I'bii filkugfc.v.' or tilt '<■ ’VO to caP' hi- “ohare of cGity >• -cn • is •,'- ■ " ' • ■ ■ • •: a '.•••••••:: n\T‘o «r an- • cii ' -livo ; •'■■. : ■:. Ti ■ ■ . 'i u U ; oo'tVoi ; o.r- envoi.- .-, to v-J t-r --; Y-'i:. aris |mbs'r $1 - • temev-xv i\r■ Tn V P-'' ,Ms U A-.; r:« , .’kvvoit >..iu; • j fc/. | i^M ! Iff* :-ffVFf.- ,-?,•»* f v ■ £■*,«. <‘g\ | j., y*-.. *<■; i r'h I'-i-i** s it ** 1. i-frj-j■ > •■>■ ' ? i . i I 1 Hatv^pQ ' IHT/U'l T iiavi.v- t, ~.*»• j n ip f , ; |»:'.ymj»m of i,iii> tn\‘urv ' i | by Lawrean* ’ Emfer,e UPuryp- "an* j * v .' - '.' Aiv ,"t )'<■ in '■.- i m :lgh n.-•*• t- * f j | j trust irf da toe JJeeentiitu'' and i I recordod in Uve off lot at ths Hecbyoi i ! of Be!p<ts for Wake C' ,, ‘.‘'"V. j,i B(.* h< j i m at Page .;71, th« uridn-hyryd Tr a , ~ ! 1 S CLASSIFIED /ft BfV&PW « fejfw fll msw * ■ tsnuc:-' wfl cost p*r worrt: 1 4 3 12 r>,: " word 4c 4<j So . Sc ?! < x.t->ua 10m 10c 1 ‘jjc IJ&c 1 ■■ h v - *rd Attcirgvi» rso r> *,nitijtor ' • '.'>* 'I ky :o<; 'JOT ctmnfcjd i . r« : iof V*C"CtS W ' • ' • - >- 23 •; :ds Vau will ■ -V •• • • •• rdu»lt ed •i• r■ V •*r.; ; ls•• €\ 11 i : ,, |HI : t -•-» F? *p, f* * *»ft 2u<{}‘ way Phoou li d ."IT! ’'O A P/•!;Ai ;' »i 5 oji, ! 'lias space w ill Cqwt • -<i ‘ A'l P>\ -■• . t'loots '>’■ i 'i £>*.« t's'OfltJ I'A k • VtUti . u ; •• ■ a ! .a; iy. WAi ill SH K‘ VIC R b 1 i' ' i v. h\ in: -m a, i-i . . ett yw . Phone Ili 'j -•ibnv ii,e tot owned hv u* r < *'.«» .l*«•. * ; l.> i vi!i‘ t J C. V (li'l; [',)« t . ■ ■' ’ 1 ■•, • j , V' •■*: itl VV H. i‘* i ' 1 i!«c hoc of VV R. v. _ V,, _ North a tie HtmcJnri *' 1 tiiO Ret to Last XJavlLh &t REGjNMa’G. ;ort* ; ■ i»-.• v ;e- fji : o.' an an *, . . t > , '< ; \ - 1 • ■ mac?/by er « C 4< • 1 < W C. W' i Su*>hac!s ;nd wife. dniert Jarnmjv, * ti-'jf i .rer istyred h* Book 1,-JJ .-«t i. w I * - properly r. ,!V ■’ (i h> (’ E. * a !’JUIby Ki.rv 4 B'i-'ik 4:*:4. at o-;<» ’.ICB. * I>A’i if •• f t, T-fi-nvIVERSON. THtb-TEE | itOOf:r< D O'ivßa ,1/:’. ATTOHNF.Y, 1 Mor< Sale •:b be tvmdt' «u!sffot to j i: -i t,}?« hlfThcwt biOClfff wtil la£ i V&kff. C*v:n* ■ sck ' n 10 per n » bid i an i iri i. Heiailnrs-oii, Trust,t*. 1 itofer I* C’K,.»!y. Attorney. NOIWK ‘ NORTH CARQHXNA WA/1!? COUNTY Too iivKiorayyricd, liavbng* qualifa <r i ;>:• Au- • nlstraulx of the Estate- rf* ! Wik y ,3onc-y. i > r.oiify all pers >n '■ \ • r--.• • v- : arcatnst «afd Estate* Jr- t "■ ■: the underpinned > ■• " . -a i day* of March, 1 ; >i , notice will be pleaded hi A . ti d J said 'Eslal.o wUT p!e»so make hnrn.rtb i pjyi. nit to the ttnderri>fhr-d. This ?fib}d day of March, 1958, U'V‘> r • - ■•. K-site 2, Box 183 WniilclJ, N. C. Aiminlstratriy. Taylor &r Mitchell | Il;ih. Ab- N. C. ’"r ; i-i for Admilnstratrix’ "•• ■n ■ ’H: Anril 8-1 ? 19-26: Mav .1 Ato? 1 VI ST RATIUX’B NOTICE > X'Ort'i ' ( CAr&Dfc&JA j W- ■- ■_. t : CO 'JNT'Y" * J Having * 4 mi *‘f ieri as Adrnsrii-dva^ix r i :r of James Ferrell, deceit s- * % ! i.jti of vV.-’ke Cou*ity, North C*\o-l bo;;, i) is to notify all persons h;*v- ■ i.y c J '■ osi-nst I hv; Eta to, of *b’*:en‘od to exhibit them + o the under-’. si ir:9 Smithfjelcl Sf&ri, n.»- . , oUna, oc or before 'he tßtb d o,- of February, 1959, or this no- ' ; o *ll bo pleaded in oC their recovery. All persons indebted to he This the lßih dav of Febraary, 1933, MKS. U AHY F. DENYING, March 8. 13, £2, 29. April 5, Xl'TSflf j 7

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