Couple Jailed For Beating Sheriff With Baseball Bat picther CMJB WOMEN PI AN CONFAB Member* ut the Planning font- Blttw rtf the Rocky Mount Mary B. Talbert Federated Club ga thered recently at the home of Mrs. Sarah Leonard to plan for the entertainment of the State ■m.t , w-itu-irnt w MtR oww fiaraeff ju. t, »rown, j, ip. flaw - '»■«>>. », Mari'? ft FOM>. 63 Teachers Awarded Grants To NCC’s Summer institute For Science, Math DURHAM Dr. W. H. Robinson, j director of North Carolina Col- ] lege''' Summer Institute of Sci ence end Mathematics teachers, j A- ■ UMSTEAD BROS. SHOE SHINE PARLOR Shine and Clean L*dieV Men’s and Children's Shoes of All Kinds, We Specialize in Two-Tone Colors. FREE PICK-TJP % DELIVERY Service Anywhere, in City! 319 S. Tarboro St. Dial VA 8-3153 * *385 ~*245 tag•; ijydfjfja!* OLD STAGG KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON 1 £8 PROOF . STAGS DiST. 00.. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY Federation Convention to be held at BUrk* in June Shown stand ing (left m right) are. Mesdatnes L ,Y. Brown, J. I) Hawkins, Sa rah 8 Leonard, C F. Morgan, Addle R. Byrd. Seated; M«*- dame* h. V. Brown, J. D. Haw - j today announced names of 63 reclp | ients of aawrds from the National J Science Foundation. 1 Eighteen of the teachers' r.wsrdr 331m| HHi kins, Sarah 8 Ueonard. C. F, Morgan, Addla B. Byrd, Seated; Meadame* Nellie Hamm, Bessie Jnyner, L W. Reeve*, 8. 8. Cog dell, Mary B. Moore and A. T. Hines. —I. B. Barren Foto. are in mathematic*, 20 la diatnirtry and 25 in biology, NCC’s Institute is in its second year, In 1637, NSF awarded NCC i $65,70(1. This year’s grant is for $53,000, Dr, Robinson b s been di rector of the project since jt.s in ception at NCC. Individual awards include sti pends of $75 00 per week plus fra- j ! vel, tuition, and $15.00 per week | for each dependent up to 4 PATRONIZE Ot® ADVERTISERS i ,. LL __. t iu . t j OH, MY ACHING BACH Now 1 Toucan get the fast relief you need i j from nagging backachr, headache and muarular aches and pains that often cause ' restless nights and miserable fcired-out j feelings. When these discomforts come on ! with ovpi'aPTPPtinn r>r 5-Tld strain " j disturbance may lie mild bladder irr; tafioti 1 following Yrronsr food and dnnk—of ben set j Ung tip a restless uncomfortable fee’ing. Doan> Puls work fast m 3 separate | way? s1 by speedy pain-relieving action to j ease torment of nagging backache, head aches, muscular aches and pains. 2.- by ‘ soothing effect on bladder irritation. 3hy J mild diuretic action tending' to increase output of the 16 mile? of kidney tube:-, i Enjoy a, good night’s sleep and the | earn* happy relief millions have s os over \ 60 vea,r% New. large stae saves moneys j Get Doan’s Pills today? I 1 :. ■ :■ * , f. . . Watch The Progress of the Construction , OF A BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR Mr. & Mrs. James Green, Jr. Hill and Eden ton Street BY JOHN W. WINTERS Complete Drafting of Plans—Supervision of Construction ASSISTANCE IN FINANCING “For Homes That Are Different Let Me Build For You ” T*. 3-5251 1309 E. HARGETT OTHER HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION Air. and Mrs. Johnnie Jones. Jr 1301 Smithfield St. Mr, and Mrs. l ean Kay Herndon . 1310 S. Bloodworth Street Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Montague 1300 East Edenton Street For Sale 917 South State Street YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Freshen Up Your Home For Spring From* Distinctive Furniture R. E. Quinn Furniture Co, 108 E. Martin St Your Capital City Td. TE 3-4471 Officer Attempts To Confiscate TV Set; Suffers Broken Arm, Bruises DETROIT (ANP) A west side man and « woman companion who s;.sauitad a Common Piean Court Bailiff with a baseball bat Durham Prof New Member Os Institute DURHAM - Dr. E tst Mortiz ManasMt. professor c? German and philosophy at North Carolina Col lege, has accepted a one year mem bership in the Institute for Ad vanced Study at Princeton Univer sity. NCC President Alfonso Elder has approved Prof. Manasse's one year leave for the period June 1, J9SB to September 1, 1959. The Institute was established for postdoctoral research in mathema tics, mathematical physics, and his torical studio.?. Dr. Misnasser will spend hi* lime there to complete a. criti cal study of recent books on Plato. The first part of his pro ject appeared as a. special i* sue nt the German periodical FHILOSGPISCHE RUNDSCH ATJ several months ago. Temporary memberships in the institute are available enntrlly to so: a? 100 scholars interested in pure research. Stipends of several thou sand dollars go with the tempora ry membership J Robert. Oppen hefmer. the noted scientist, is di rector of the institute. Or. Manasse is a native of Dram burg, Germany, After attending the "Gymnasium” in hi* home town, he studied at the Universities of Heidelberg, Munich, Berlin, and Paris , He earned hi? doctorate at Heidelberg in 1933. He joined the NCC faculty in 1939 after having taught previous ly in Florence. Italy. stops tooth ache in seconds '- hen he attempted to confiscate a ; TV set for non-payment* last week were charged with felonious as sault in » warrant issued by the prosecutor's office. They are Eu gene Jackson, 30, and Joyce Sim mons, 24. Police said the 00-year old bail i ill. Phillip O. Donon, called at the j address with a writ of Replevin to I he served on Miss Simmons to con- j fiscal,!? a TV set which she was pur- j chasing from a downtown store on credit. He was denied admittance to the home by Jackson, who finally sri ! swerr-d the door leaving h night chain locked on the door. Ilonon told the officers that Jackson advised him that he coilld not enter she home 'Use All Funerals Cost Less —at the- RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME Compare Convinced! Hijf RALEIGH Funeral Heme "SS tTJ* 323 E. CABARRUS ST. L.™***™* ’ ~ ‘ I' Mild and Mellow COFFEE 8 O’CLOCK m ■iiGHT#* J|Af QQ O'CLOCK 9 i-ib, 3„||s *ll **** iiniili! j 8a & w Bag i MILD WI —— CHEDDAR CHEESE • 43c Special 6c Off Label “SUPER RIGHT” BRAND ANN PAGE PURE FRUIT PLUM CORKED BEEFHASH 23c DDCCCDIICC JANE PARKER LARGE I illfewlbiif? !■ W ** ™, FOOD "" 396 You Pay w, OQc LUCK’S BEANS 2”, 33c Only ” EQUAL TO THE BEST YET COSTS YOU LESS. A&P’s OWN ALL PURPOSE OIL , Dexola - 33 m*X\ A&P’s Own Pure AH Purpose Shortening AWj J§p|i Dexo 3 -7 Prices this ad are effective thru - Sat. - April 12. ALLGOOD BRAND SLICED A&P MEAT SANDWICH bailiff said when he informed bins that tee had a court order to carry out and would ferre th« door open if not permitted i to enter, Jackson replied, “Well wait a minute." He said a few minutes later Jackson return ed to the door armed with a baseball bat and started to slug* ing him with the bat. The aged man was knocked to the floor by Jackson who continued to beat him wit htbe bat. Dono.n said while he was lying helpless on the floor Miss Simmons seized the hat from Jackson and struck him once. Police said Donon suffered * > broken left arm and lacerations of the right arm Twelve stitches were required to close the wounds. A rife i«*« *.*» «■»- *»*&«**-4.-1 WKiK CNmNCf SATIjIUJAY. APRIL 12, 1858 DEIVE SAFELY!! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? Set the great ta»te~ the cheerful lift— the extra enjoyment—of the world'* favorite sparkling drink t Bring home the Coke today! I \ fPPsf i » ; T ■ " v: t WHIM ?N! FINEST REFRESHMENT THE WORIB is so susv to come by— why deprive yourself of the extra enjoyment, that delicious, ice-cold Coca-Cola gives! Fiftv-eight million time* * day, someone . . somewhere . . on jo? a Coke. Treat yourself to the beet, ~ right now! Have a Coke! Copyright. 1953 Th« Coca-Cola '"Cnk*" is 41 t^adwark Stattlad under cothortty ©f The Coco-Cala Company by THE CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC.