Suitcase Stuff By “Skulk” Browning The Rev. Andrew James Turner : ■ —"A. J.” to his many friends has ] successfully launched into the | field of ministry. Prom every cor ner praises are sounded loud and ; wade in his behalf. He spoke to packed churches in Raleigh and Charlotte and “died j m the woo!” laym°n and clergy-: men alike opined ‘ that he is well | equipped, inspiring and interest ing.” He has received his license and is open for engagements. The last three baseball games played by the Person County High j School baseball team have been! shutouts, with Roxboro on thej victory end. . , Raleigh 2-0, Ala- j mance County 6-0 and Durham; County (Little River High School) 1 1-0 Walter Browning Sr. is out of i St. Agnes Hospital and is report- j «d enjoying good health. Caswell County Training school, 'Yanceyville) beat Adkins high i School of Winston Salem 5-1 in a* baseball tussle last week. The j Yanceyville pitcher registred a. no-! hitter. Mae Dorr Day, the former wife I of the fabulous and famous ‘Rip'| Day of New’ York City, did recent- j lv in a Binghampton, New York j hospital after a short illness. Sam Owens, the Richmond, Va.i filling station 'operator, said after i getting a $500.00 life membership' in the N. A, A. C. P. “It cost me one whole day’s work to get that j membership."’ Buddy Young, the great foot- j bailer lor the New York Yankees j and Baltimore Colts, was guest’ Burlington News RY MRS, M. M. BROWN SOI Apple Street BURLINGTON An estimated 500 persons recently attended the final rites for Mrs. Manie Dixon of SO6 Shaw Street She was a belov ed member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include, her husband, Mr. Alien Dixon; two daughters, Mrs. Ella Stephens, of Burlington, Miss Martha Dixon of Richmond, Va.; one son, Mr. D, L. Dixon of Burlington; and a sister, Mrs. Eu genia Tucker of Detroit’, Michigan; an uncle, Mr. W B. Williamson, and eleven grandchildren. Missionary Group 6 was the guest rl Mrs. Estelle. Sellar*, peg Annie Street, Monday evening. Mrs. Mar garet Germany is the president and she presided. The theme was; ‘Take God with you."’ (Matthew •*.17-25). The lesson was beauti fully discussed and enjoyed by all present. A beautiful overloaded tray of goodies an dcake was serv ed by the hostess. “I am Thine, O Lord” was the processional for the morning serv •* ice at First Baptist Church despite the weather last Sunday. The pas tor preached “Mans Extremity God’s Opportunity.” The BTU was held at 6:15 p.m. followed by the evening worship. The St. Augustine’s College Play ers. presented “The Guest College,” a ,1-act comedy, Monday evening in the Jordan Sellars school audi torium. It was the attraction of the year and was well received and annoyed. Mr. R. M Earl is prin cipal, and Mi*S E, L. Chestnut joins us as we raj, “Come Back Soon.” Anproximatcly 2,000 students, teachers, and parents visited the science fair held in th.c gymnasium of the Jordan Sellers Junior and Senior High &chr,ol recently. At the Graham High School, the * * 90 PROOF 2-50 3-95 PT 4 5 QT. —--.I—— 6 YEAR OLD CENTURY CLUB STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY i NATIONAL OISTILICRS PRODS. CORP., N.Y. ' STRAIGHT BOURDON WHISKEY. 80 PRCOf speaker at the high school ath letic banquet in Martinsville, Va. last week. He attended the Delta dance In Danville, Va. afterward,- Boyd Holden, one time great Shaw University singer, is in the insurance business in Baltimore Maryland. “Horse" Lane, All-American football star and the greats ; name to leave A&T College, is op erating a successful taxi business in Washington, D. C. Athletic greats are supposed to be able to meet the public. . . that’s why such celebs as Jackie | Robinson, Buddy Young, Hank I Aaron, Sam Jones and Monte Ir i vin land off season or permanent ; lobs in personnel departments of I larger firms Jimmie Tucker, the great slug* | ging second baseman for Johnson |C. Smith University in the late i twenties, operates a novelty store i in Boston, Mass. S Dr. Frank Avant, Rocky Mount j medic was a trumpet player par j excellent a few years back. . . | Ditto for Dr. Watson Fowler, Fay ! ettevlllc dntist, who was tops on | the piano. Randolph “Navy” Armstrong ! 'Principal of Booker T. Washing - j ton High in Rocky Mount) was ! quarterback on his high school (football team. j Miss Addio Bailey, popular wel ; fare executive of Durham is back I at her desk after being shut-in a couple of months with 3 broken ! leg. j Lawyer M. E. Johnson and ] wife of Durham will soon greet ’ their new arrival. annua) Clothing Revue was held j in the school auditorium on April i 17. The Revue was given by the ! home agent, Mrs. C S. Wilson and j the 4-H Club girls. The garments i were modeled by the students. BIRTHS Alamance County Hospital Mr. ar,d Mrs. John Preston \ Jones, Route 5, Burlington, an- j nounce the arrival of a son on j April 21. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Corbett, Rt. 2. E!on College announce the ar rival of a daughter on April 21. Mr. and Mrs. James Alvin Graves. 705 Apple Street, announce the arrival of a son on April 24 at Alamance County Hospital. CLUB NEWS The Wayside Garden Club was hostess recently to new members from GJen Raven. During the business session a new garden club was organized with Mrs. Jessie Herbm as presi dent and Mrs. Mattie Turner as vice-president. Members include Mrs. Andrew Shaw, Mrs Fred Warren, Mrs. Mabel Blackwell. Mrs. Frank Monroe, Mrs. Maylenc Moors. Mrs. Lynette Wagstaff. Mrs. Cordelia Faucette and Mrs. Myrtle Faucette. Angler News ANGIER Mrs. Jennie Webb of Oxford renedred an inspirational musical at Williams Chapel on Sunday night. Accompamng, Mrs. Webb were her pastor, Res’. L B. Russell, Mrs. Viola Marton, Mrs. Hattie Royster, Mrs. Marie Hen derson and Jcnnette Webb cf Ox ford. Sunday morning worship was good ai Wililams Chape! as Rev. Everette rendered a challenging sermon. His subject: Put In Furn iture Daniel 3 Ifi. A new member was added to the church, Funeral service? fer Rev. Wiley Cults were held at Cutts Chapel Church on Sunday afternoon Rev. Cutts was the founder of Cutts Chapel Free Will Baptist church. He is survived by one son. Mr. Henry Cuts, Os the home, and one sister. Mrs. Halim Cutts, Ragland. Rev. Norman Trice delivered the fulogy and also gave the history of Cults Chajtei. A THOUGHT “The greatest of faults is to be conscious bf none " Maple Temple Church News BV MISS LENA El RE The Sunday morning worship ! services at the Maple Temple Chris tian Church began at 11 o'clock with the pastor, the Rev. M. F. Booker, in charge. Scripture lesson was read by the paator r ( nd was taker, from Saint Matthews, sth chapter. 5-30 verses. Prayer followed, offered by (he R«v Eddie Baker. Mission offering was then taken after which announcement® for the week were heard and visitors were introduced to the congregation. Following the lifting and conse cration 6! the general offering, the Children's Choir sane a beautiful spiritual. The pastor, in delivering his ser mon, used as his subject, “The Two Builders,'' centered around the 24th cnapter of St. Matthews and the 27th verse. The rnesrage was most inspiung and was enjoyed by all present. The Children's Choir was in charge of the music for the day with Usher Board No. 2 serving. SICK AND SHUT-IN Mrs, Carolina Woods, Mrs, Lillie Wntron, Mrs. Mary Winters, Rev. Carbon Burnett and Mrs. Texanna Robertson are among the sick and shut-in. Remember the sick in your prayers and visit them often. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK “We are all builders, so let's be good builders and let God be our foundation and it will stand for ever.” Things You Should Know HjpV PHILLIPS AeOUTiONIST LEADER OF THC c'l A REMARKABLE SCHOLAR AND ORATOR/ HK \ TRAVEL!JED AND LECTURED FOR mid mm3.mtMm.msm/ * » Jm t ; MW) veto REFUSED TO SUPPORT A eHWWk ~ WAT •• ‘.Ui-O COMPHOWSe OH THIBUVOW . LAW \ iff/ CAfi:;o BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT SWEAR TO i a*( up., qj I) $, CONSTITUTION (WHICH tMSUHWi SLAVERY./ M Ga>A/T /■*>'g/Ws+t ************** MMKHS-WW . jmi ''' ' , .L Madison Ave.. when ash trays v. »rt ire ; .w*. .■■ ; • corners, as- on hid to hew. Yoncs gro>ving cm ti-litter campaign, Baity tvkvl-.ii Borough Proudest Hulan Jack and. Dept ol San itation Conatr.issßonar Paul Sctrat U- i u *1) wars the first to use the new p»M»c aah trays. {Newspross Phot®}* Harrison Library ok't "'s w flew List Os Avail ' Adults having itcce •• to 1 Gm; projectors wll find tiio foil-, \i. films available at -lie itu-mcd I Harrison Public Llbruiy thru-.; May 23: CAPITAL CITY--10 m:;o“ Here is the story of London— cu of contrasts where 10 iniiiic ple—rich and pool live ercl .. together day by d within dius of twenty' m:v FACE OF LINCOLN .. utes . There is real sincre : .ur, ic message in this flln comes through as one uatc’te DAUGHTER DIES Es BLAZE —A fin' is a Haskra kwften* lest week look the Sifa of a father, four e! his seven chi'cTretJ, ard a young friend who was visiting thetas. T a Isiim'a kytuisncoi mother (eyeglasses) is assisted by ner .fthors efisr learning of her daughter's death. Eight firemen were tahrred during the spectacular ihresMxkzxm blase. Photeri* rein||lcable ;rA oi the noted i sculptor. Merveli Gage, as he mo j dels a portrait of Abraham Lin - | coin. RICHARD STRAUSS—24 iniu i utes! A film fcajuririg this emi nent composer and. containing several episodes of has life, horn**, I and activities as composer and conductor. Fen teed are excerpts from his great compos;r.ions: Don : Juan Sal nine- Til Euienspiegel ' and Dr. Rosenkavulier. f?/;oE OF ADOL.'H HlTLEß— minutes: September y )J % 6. at : Nuremberg just six months after j Nasi troops marched into the da-! militarized Rhineland- An impor- j tant reference point to the events j and per;., nalites which precipi tated World War 11. TRAGEDY CP JOHN MILTON j —27 minutes; August 13, 1663.! when the blind poet, once hon-l cred by his countrymen, is driven | into hiding by Charles 11, and his j life’s work is ordered destroyed’ because of his Puritan beliefs, j Helps to explain some of the proh-1 lem* of freedom of expression even j as exist in the world today. : WHY VANDALISM?—I6 min-j ' utcs; The problems of vandalism j strike at the roots of our democ racy, This film probes the under- j lying causer which lead three I boys to destroy a classroom, and j suggests days in which vandalism ; | might be curbed. Profitable corn production i? j ; highly dependent upon proper far- ! j tutealion. Do’s And Don’ts “Be Ceesidarat* and IM Qfher? E&J°X .Tbrfm* wrajim w»t« «mi m fjj j .yggg'Rj« M«e M. WwWw J,/ j i" i "'■■■""i'«i ' 4 » I I Tfot hnUdnvA «n? <m«akine UIHWW; .«t feat k’* i'Ms frtehienW. W I j cielly «i«!i eo b»4 #rik V/te dew*. If an idea for a/ I nmirtd display *» At j preaeWiug :> hit of a pfflMcm, l ; d§SfssH& S ns sy b e this *' s rfwi-ngbi wiW ,>? i j prove Vi(-rfwL -c] *T: *•' Wife UFEe»«wrffW W ! tranche* i«lr> vest . !*,rpoi..toayi*«T j 's ! aijpH iro»t«l wafe artificial snow, ajwl tied to *«e j 'brardM along wMi tiny tree hafir. nvfiec yoer !it fie “tree?'’ a truly de : Ughtfat feiepiat* mantel display, «’<*v * * * ■*•■■ ,■■* TrterWSt*! «an be « W.tStfu« wd wonderful *«*et Jo ia*y Know and <kT a ree»‘<rt Sunday m«in ftt ] bceaute ffc* pwnwyor of a botartft- j f«| mcMMgr t<> nUarn of viewer* j thronxfcout die country. Th« tab c«U of many combined to giv*e u* tiw> ntoM rtwardtog experience in TV tmUnrjfc, and show- who eosc tvihntxKl »> the Wfch Miiberiwfv program, |HHC»micd by CIWL, ««* iwt imoatd <if thake e*«*y efiatai ,r she 1 ffrVu Ik*»di took as h» tfaemo the iwtcwor to the cp*«»tkm l»ow>i in'iwaronefetanuTltfVTOton WihVerV j ! “Our Iwa* “Do any bnmim ! beings «Ms MO&tt- life while they Svr K ever*,, every | 'Thtwgh the deft «we of word*. I j «MMt*4Miri fMMpoeeioi wnm- the ; j'writer amtesto#, dramatic ■wagrno'.tc» of-tbe Me antwiod ws and; levery wdstmte of ft* show |>*wW*' j ! «d proeocadee and fasting fenpeeE j for the b»w theme. it Tike prodrocers gathered ? »«ertt or « fine east from the ranks of i liro<Mlwny m~A Hottywood and five director used them and fine *ehi - ch? to give ws something to l>e long tcnwKiiwrad. Spare does not per mit testing evta the names ofll* ontstandiug perfomteru bat w t-ana my thank you »o the sponsor j for reeking thw possible. May 1 . General Motors Isas* a happy j autheiMiy! Tips on Toyring | namnstnoD fly C Ofol Idt'.Q nmiaimuim WomiiVj Travel Authority When Driver Tww* Teacher Know someone who wants to learn to drive? The best tip is to take a driver-training course taught by professionals. They know the best techniques of teach ing and they know the local traf fic laws. Records prove that pro- j fessionaily trained drivers have r *w*q 11 PmII ms fewer accidents than those who lrerr. by catch-as-catoh car. meth ods. But if professional teaching can’t be arranged, an experienced driver can substitute. Hero ave some tips on teaching in case you decide to try. First, check your state motor vehicle laws. Some states require learners' permits for beginners and some specify hours when be ginners are allowed on the roads. Teach only in daylight and in good weather. Never take a be ginner out at r.ight or in stormy weather. Use quiet, back roads, avoiding congested areas. Be sure your car is in good operating condition. Any Shell station will be glad io service it for you. A beginner will have j enough problems without having ' to handle a balky car. When teaching parallel parking, practice behind an imaginary car. When your student makes mis takes, be patient. Anger or ner vousness can upset him. Be sure your student learns the motor vehicle laws —as veil as driving techniques, Literature, usually obtainable from state motor vehicle departments, is help* I ful for this purpose. THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 3,195 S jK-SNDY LIVES ON Popular singinty star Nat (King) Cole has capped a spectacular earner by ■what critics cell “an carta*- ingly believable'* portrayal of the kde W. C. Handy in the Para mount film, “St. Laufo Blues,'' Cole, whose early life paralleled j. Kandy s in many ways, has htxsa oEerad three more film chores aw a result of his portrayal of tine “Father of the Blues.'' (News *w*w Photo). ‘ fSfy?-. ■ Cf* ** _ . . (i hr£Mr%£ U Mj f .\\J , j QUICK, OADOY./VWfCH AM X, A , STEER / OR A 'HEIFER 7 ?/* Wilmington Youth Tops NC Trade Contestants GREENSBO.RO -Students from ! the Wiliision High School at Wil mington took tour first places to lcad in top honors at the annua! State Trades Contest conducted recently at A&T College. The event, sponsored by Uvj : j North Carolina Student s Indus -1 trial Organization drew nearly 500 competitors in 16 different trade i areas from 20 high schools in the j State. It was the largest icpr -j ! sentation in the five-year history of the competitions The lop prize of SSO in cash, given by the Brick and Tile Ser vice for first place winner among those who had completed tv,, years of brick masonry trainin; 1 went to Ralph Parker, a student at the Brunswick County Train ing ..School in Southport Other masonry awards all cash prizes, went to runner -1955 Plymouth 2 door. Fu U y : equipped Extra clean 9905 | 1 1955 Buick Special 2-Dr hard top, fully equipped, me chanically perfect $1,795 1955 Ford CustomJine 4-Dr. .re dan. Fordomatic, radio 1 and heater, extra clean, j 1054- Pontiac Chieftain 4-Dr, Fully equipped. Black fin- ; ish. Extra dean. $896 : j 1953 Buick special 4-Dr. Se- ; dan. Dynaflow. Radio, heater. White wall tires Mechanically perfect .I Your Choice of Any of Tires.:' Automobiles. 1950 Buick Speciti Two Door: Dynaflow, radio, heater - 9100 i BILL PRICE BUICK, Inc. FOR FINE s Groceries —Meats and Fresh Vegetables IT’S BLALOCK’S GROCERY & MKT. Roxboro, N. C. ,| J. C. BLALOCK, Manager . ups: Odis Johnson, Rocking - bans and Elijah Thorne, Rocky Mount. Winners in the >11! > ir •attgisry included: V, .iJit- Davis, Goldsboro An thony Davis, Warren lon and Rudolph Jenkins. Wilson. O r winner s m the compe* 11 lions, ir: order of placement in cluded: An; • Body iMetal)—Rich | ard Walke: Wilmington: Berne? ; Osborne. Raleigh and Larry Mc- Fadden. Durham PATRONIZE OLE ADVERTISERS - delictou# Bottteh By BURLINGTON Coca-Cola Bottling Go Burlington. N. C, 17

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