... i . KILLED BY BROTHER lsaiah Evans, 40. of near Fayetteville is shown Ivins •« his vurrt af«rr • Uejrerilr feeing »ht>f to death hy his brother. Jacob Evans, S 3. The shooting occmrnd ear!'. Sunday wnmlng. State’s Shriners To Open 2-Day Convention; Many Events Planned Member? of Shrine organiza tions UircSifeliout North Carolina git expected to begin arriving in Raleigh. Thursday of this week for Mi*- loth Annua! Convention which wiii bp hr-id May 16 and 17. Auto Insurance Os NAACP President Is Cancelled A portion n f the aula insurance r .>i • held ftv Robert William p>psidept of the Union County rhanfpi' t> f Ui-ip ftfofjoMsil AisW' l ' Non for the Advancement ot Col ored People was cancelled by the Nation" ide Insurance Company. n p insurance company said the cancellation came no! because'.' u Phams' status in the NAACP. 1- r iicauiT of several rock as sault'. again.'.!- the car. An official of the company said > Church Bonus Money Rules Ail purchase *3lps or receipt: presented to your' church must com* from •toiri *d> ertiung i ' tn*. CAROLINIAN £sc.n week carrier, a date ir> the Bonus Money period. Purchases eligible i «us T ■tome from ihe store during the week the “ad" appear. No purchase slips representing a business should be submitted Ait receipti must tome from individual purchases 1 churches ir> Kalpish and Wake County aie eligible Ail purchase slips must bear the name of the stare from whicrt the our- ; chair was made. All purchase slips should be submitted in 'be name of the church: and j! should b* in the office of the CAROLINIAN the Monday follow ins close ct Bonus period h orde* that si illcr churches may hat* an equal oppoitu»;'» to shaie in . •be Bonus Mono' she following regulation it expedients No chiucit of •: or ; 500 member:- "ill 1 r awarded Ist Bonus, Money coii.-acutivelv. e should « : church ot 200 er more members receive Ist Bonus .Money after the first period, ; it «r>uM have to wail- until the third Bonus period to be presented lit award again, except where a church has 2f>C or less members, then if. could win ton : Benue awards con:, ecu lively. However, this docs not mean that second .-.'id i third awards cannot be sought consecutively. Consequently every church grow 1 has the opportunity to secure an award every period j No purchase ni over S3OO from any one merchant during * week can hr j counted There Is a ceding of SIS per person s week for grocery pimthaves In the event of (he same amount of purchases by more than one entry, 'he i award will be divided. Weekly purchase totals should he shown on each packet anti total placed on i the outside of the envelope carrying the period s entry along with, name and i address. Bonus money earners will be announced tn tbe Issue following the closing | of each period. All entries remain the property of The CAROLINIAN AM tallying Is final when the names of the Bonus Money earners are an- ! pounced m The CAROLINIAN, and u» responsibility Is accepted be this newi paper beyond that point No receipts from banka will be considered, except payment on mortgages. CAROLINIAN’S MINiSTERS ' POPULARITY CONTEST Esfcins Thursday# March 20. Cndi Thursday, June 11, IPSB Pj.StCf '*% .r......1 in - , r r - T-rmuueir Address . —~ Name of Church COUPON WORTH 10 POINTS Clip Hilt coupon stnd tu> many as you can gather Tor your cay tor and send it to the; CAROLINIAN each week. At the end of the contest period the minister having accumulated (lie mo.v points will receive $200.00 (two hundreds. Second, an entire wardrobe, consulting of suit, shirt, tie, hat, shoes and socks Third, SIOO wrist or pocket watch. Listing,' will be made each ncpi, Bmd in your coupons so that your pastor will get hit nee.kJ; rat mg. ' r All l OLTONh musi reach I HE, CAROLINIAN tio later (han Tuc-d" of each «r*k. Vridi-ss THE CAROLINIAN. 318 E. Martin »*reet. Raleigh. North Carolina nsanMTJgKCTSJkBri UMnianm mihtbi— ifniann'TWT 'i—mi in, 'mw—LirifiiiiU'wt v This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bmu: Money Stores. PARI ,* PAGE « Ptggly Wiggly r.joa '.tor*? v •» r Super Siarkat r. a », i Ambassador Theatre rtrer.inue Storri. Washington Terrs r Apt, fill* Russos Hauers A cleaner* The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling C« T'r* Silrs A Servile PAGf 10 Security neatly Company Rluodmutb st luuiisi Hume Raleigh Savings A Loan Asset latinn Mcchanirs A Firmer* Bank rublk Service Co. of N. C Heater Well Company Wile Congo Drive-ln iT\em> Uisuiv-nte Agem.v PAGE ,l CYpsl-CoU Bottling Co of Raleigh Hudson-Beth Company Carolina Builders Corp lev's Restaurant Watson* Seafood A Paul lev < o ut RAGE * Umsfead Transfer Co. .*• Food Store p. t Quinn Furniture c.n OUlon Motor Finance Company Vogue. Inc Bunn's Esso Service Efted * of Ralieijh BidgewaVs Optlclanr PAGE T Warner Memorials Joyce £ Batlcv Furniture C * Bolus* Hotel PAGE S PAG A IS §tores a.*: jr» Realty fompiur rh F’ussrjil N C Products , “r • H' j n Llehtsr**! th« S'stw IndiwHllt Edilk ' Bc-iu! CaiJe&s tttiar General lire CompAttv ' Gsm PTfi.trh frftop § *.S T wing Hdfd'H'ar*- flMUtlttiftan Bank it ttnst tn. Carolina Fowrr A- Light (nmpaiiv A. F Brown Illustrious P n trnlatf >nd members of die Kabaia Temple No. 177 have completed plans for hosting lhe delegates. The convention will b'- 'nisi “Thse incidents tut.' forced u,- !■• gel. off the ctnaprelien ’ ~ r and collision poruoof of ihr policy, but we aid retain nic lummy in surance.'' Gold said the contract between ."the company and Williams . tains provisions giving the polit ‘ holder and the insurance compan the right to cancel. Nationwide firsi cancelled O ONTTNCEn ON FA*lf I) lighted by ? parade on S&turcia' a dancr Friday night, drill beam competition and addresses One of the major projects of Uv: State's Shriners is financing re search in the battle to control cancer and tuberculosis. The Potentates Ball will h held at the Rolrish Memorial Au ditorium Friday from in p m un til 2 a m. Th<• bis par?dr will gel un der way Saturday at noon. ri»c Shriners will proceed from the 'uditorium up Fay ettevilte SI reel to Hargett where they will travel east to Sou! b Blount Street. From !bc point the parade will head . nnl 1. «r» Rlntin! to South ’■-tire! and pack to the point of beginning. \ coinnelitive drill will be held Saturday morning a! to o'clock at Spaulding Gym nasiiftn on the campus of Shan I rdre’-Nt. Drill teams from tbrouffhou 1 <he st4.tr will compete for honors. (; ■ r rrr> on PAPE ii ; eij mKKgm- r%. jHHHK' lAiHkJfr V w Jo : Wafcs&j,. • 4 adHCTIr •:%' mil ? Mv f:Mmk mm , .# BOOKER T. ALEXANDER . . . Imperial Potentate k ( Rep. Powell’s Indictment j Set For Fri. NEW YORK—Rep. Adam Clav-j ton Powell Jr. will he arraigned in federal court Friday on a charge of income lax evasion, it wa, announced Monday. Prosecution and defeme attor neys agreed on the date t.o an*, f-v i-t to the indictment handed up j last week. Powell failed to apepar Sunday to deliver (wo fiicduied sermon:-, i at. the Ha; inn church of w hich << Oh TIM KD ON rAGF l) Battle, SsiiitH Re-Elected By Stale Elks RT J. B. H.YRRf.N ADHEVILLE ■ I'he 28th annual Htat*- AnsociaUon of the North Carolina department of the im pro-ed Benevolent, and Protective Order of Ui.-;. 0 f tbe World ■ IBP OEW 1 opened thy bushiest. m»* Mon? here Monday with a ban: ov soint into a join l mooting of I CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) -f «f Hh 4* 4* *4* 4* 4 4 THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 17. NO .1.3 WEEK END!NO SATURDAY. MAY 17, l*r-» PRfCE '?c !N N. <".; ELSEWHERE i l -. -|" -J*” -j— I" *4“ '-| FAVLTTEvtLLE—I;-a ;?.h Evan -10-year-old farmer and pari-urn • house mover, uat .-shot »o deal ; early Sunday morning in front nj his *.jnal!. one-room home on R'. o i .. i i n e ' « ' y, fHVjy.l, • I UJiJ «.*. • ei-/‘4 l f-iUo *. t v*> « i i !n> dead man ** brother. William Jacob F.t»n«. 73. Has been .iaiird h> sheriffs depu ties on a murder charge H« is being held v.i!' out lb* priv t. t'MIM fn ON pm-.r sv Residents Os Method \ j Hear Sup t. BV STAFF WRITER i METHOD—Bupf• Fred Smith of ■ <he Wake County School -y.stern B told approximately 300 parent: Baud patron? of Berry O'Kcih I School tnat the School Board * I do everything in itr. power to pro w vide the tip'*- svrrna: ium and -at - I teria. approved from tiie bond tx -1 xur. |3 "V ".:.s jwvf as shocked a* ■ you when f read newspaper fi : unvTiMyn on pa or. *> Four Weeks Remain In Big Contest Mewing into th c eighth lap of the Ministers’ Popularity Con test race nr* fifteen pastors who a.re being led by the fvpv. B R Richardson, pastor. Shiloh Pres byterian Church. Goldsboro, with 14.810 votes Tuesday at & r m. He thus win* the $59 bonus at the end of the first- eight as na did four weeka ago. Still in second place l.« Rev H W. Cunningham, pastor, First j Congregational Christian Church, Raleigh, who polled 6.670 votes. In third place is Eider .1. T Powell, pastor, Seventh Day Art* fOONTTNI ED ON PAGE ?> Eighth Wuck Popularity Contest Standings REV. B R. RICHARDSON. Goldsboro 14.810 Shiloh Presbyterian Church REV H. W, CUNNINGHAM. Raleigh «670 First Congregational Chnutian Clmreh ELDER J. I' POWELL. Durham -7.650 Seventh Day Advent)'t Church REV I. S. PENN. Raleigh 1.720 St. Pa'll AME Church REV WESLEY MDDLir. Rox boro 1,370 Mil) Mill Baptist Church REV CLYDE B WALTON. GArner 1,110 St. Amanda Church | REV, R. W BUTTS ./amefiville 650 Pther Grove DEciple;-. Church REV. E. D. FULLER, Guilford 860 Reynold* Chapel Baptist Church REV. ROBERT L SHIRLEY. Raleigh 335 Davie Street Presbyterian Church REV. R. V HORTON, Piftbboro - 760 Mitchell Chapel AM EE Church REV .5, W. JONES. Raleigh 230 Fayetteville 81. Baptist Church REV r, r I..<JVICK. SR.. Pantego 180 Antioch Disciples Church REV JAMES PUGH. Pantego ,130 Lily of the Vtiiley Church REV. JOSEPH JAMES. Jamctvllle ’OO i-ji. Gaul re Church REV FRANK K PATTERSON, Clarkton 70 riJgrim t mu Church i Contest Ends June 12, 1953 TAR HEM. KIMIUFS FLEE HOMES - National guaid tn.; are patrolling low-lying areas m-ar Tarhnrn to prevent looting affer .some Iftrt families fled fheir imitirv uimn flood wafers of flip Tm River sloshed five frt deep in ihe >tnM-ts. Here guardsmen help opr of the refugee* from a boat, tUNITED PRESS TEI.I.PHOTOt. William O. Walker Urges Action To Prevent Crime WASHINGTON A publisher urged that a“. Summit Meet-ms", of Negro leaders here this week | 1,1 —— , State News —nv— grief CONVICT WOUNDS DEPUTI FAYETTEVILLE Alec Wil liams. 31-year-old escapee from, a Scotland County Prison Camp, was captured here late Friday af* | ter a fcwo-and-a-half hour gun i fight in which a deputy sheriff < CONTINUED ON CA'.r 2> “franklv face” the problem o the STOwinß Negro crime rate and try to set tip an organization to combat it. William O, Walker, Presided' o' the National Newspaper Pubiire ere Association <NfCPAt "aid tire week l lf Negro?-, could nopuia: - schools at the same rate that Un - do .laris, we would be the best, edu cated people in the world.” President Eisenhower was sche duled to address the conference 'iotiuday afternooon, Hie NNPA. which includes mo«i frONITWOKO ON PARR 10 LEADERS AT SUMMIT CONFERENCE A portion of the delegates attending the Summit Confer r»< e, for Negro Leaders is shown above The merlin.'? railed hv members of the National New jp*p r ? Thib* iishtfs Amociation «?*s highlighted bj an tdtii' d> bv President Dwight D. Eisenhower this week ta Washington. William O- Walker is president of the NNPA- I TABBOR.O More families fif'd their home* a <ol if. the rsin-swoll en Tar River Tuerday »* u* flooding stream inched toward in Ul»-Ue r-f t*ir*'~* 1 -T • . t oil V !»*M v f• * 4 * J T - VVJ » Water Meshed five feet deep in »es Imna of the *!I-Nc:m wimimm'i.v <>f I‘i'iHwtilh, («<• mile* ear! of how and wwp 450-500 person* lot; their homes there to terh refuge in «■ high school and with reia ■r fcagecomb? County officials, dr after workers and Red Cross uni Is at«.feted in cannc tor refuge-..,;, many nf them childvet Mew* ■ were served in the Patillo H;s - School cafeteria Nation;*! Guardsmen nurd boat., in patrolling the low-lying area; m the community.to prevent loot ms, Some residents elected to (CONTINI FD ON PV.E 3) The First, Congregational Chrc-- Wan Church won first, prize of sf>o yam in the Chinch Bonn:-: Mon-' Program by submitting $2 334-7.',. in purchase Mips from merchant;- who advertise in the C'AROLJNI (cotmNDm on r.M-r si |DODS ENDS j By BOBEKf G. SHEPARD BAD ADVERTISEMENT: Th<* fact that an in:-uranee company ,mw fit to revoke its protective rover??** on an automobile, be • cause the owner has been and still is the object of violence and ha (CONTTNW.O on page so m Wtm. i Wmmmm §ll i i C’, ■ - .* M s' 5-fits, n \ inv BAT! s . - , NAAf.T Mil.v speaker Mrs. n-i • Bales of t,T;i? Ro-r: Ark a p.'-,a s -;! he fe?fujcd sneaker at ib" Annual F> -edom Dav Celeb;alien to be : ’-?!<l .m the Raleigh Memorial Auditor mm. Bund;*' . Ma.v 18 The freedom 1* *' C'elebra i ion i-. ?n Annual fi'oc* i sponsored by the North Caro hn;i Mhf Conference ° f Branches. National Association for the Advancement nf Col ored People focusing attention on the effort* of the a*.sock> lion to achieve full and un -1 , ... •;CONTINUED ON PANT’. Z) i ohllS i gnky

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