12 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY 17. 1888 Highlights Os High Feint By MBS. ODESSA S. TYSON CLI B MEETINGS TOI LY ANNA CLUB HIGHPQINT Th;.* Polly Anna »'iub mot Saturday at (he homo of Mrs. Margaret Raid win. 711 Wsda Si. Mrs. Delia Evans, recently elec t'd president, presided over the meeting. Other officers were: vice president, Mr-, lola MofftU: secre tary, Mrs. Orna J. Carter: asst, sec retary, Mrs. Margaret Baldwin: treasurer, Mrs. Vert a M. Aihea; re porter, Mrs. Ocie Smitherman. The club deviated SSO to the YWCA campaign as its civic project ol the year. The members enjoyed reveal ing the names ol their secret pals and receiving new ones. A delici ous repast was served following the business session to the members pretent. The next meeting will be a so cial outing for members and their guests. WILLIAM PENS HIGH SCHOOL NEWS BAN DRATKS TOPS The William Penn High School hand earned a superior rating at •he district and state festival, held in Winston Salem. Under the very capable direction of ,1. Y. Bell, the group h as b een developed into an unbeatable combination. The band will appear in their spring con cert. on May Bth in the school audi torium. PARENTS GIVE TARTY FOR TEEN-AGERS A community effort by the mo thers and fathers to help their teen-age sons and daughters to en joy a fuller evening of pleasant ness, was sponsored on Friday evening following the William Penn Junior-Senior Prom. Following their annual delight ful formal prom, dates at, the in vitation of parent;-, came to the Mary Bethune YMCA whore par ents had tables cabaret style, a waiting them. After relaxing at the tables, and enjoying delicious eats prepared for ibem the overflow group of teen-agers resumed their dancing. Attractive door prizes were received by the- holders of lucky tickets. FAIR VIEW SCHOOL Miss Mytrolene Gray, principal of Fairvlew Elementary School, was appointed to the North Car olina American Teachers Associa tion State Commitee. The 18 member committee with some of the national officers of the association, held r one day meeting during the week at North Carolina College at Durham. N. C. for the purpose of formulating plans for Washington Junior High School Happenings Editors; Joseph Gordon. Ariel Focfrt Louise Taylor. Rudolph Tv -r, Mason Reid ami Judy r f y The third grade class in Mrs R. Smith's room is now sudying Birds. They are learning about birds that [ bey see and hear. Pupils have made j a class bulletin board of Birds. Dif ferent members of the class are helping to make a bird booklet of j pictures, stone? and songs. MUSEUM TRIP PLANNED This week, the class plans to : lake's t-ip to he museum to make . furher study of birds It is hoped Smith's room L* now studying bird? pupils will take an interest in birds this summer. Miss Gloria King, a practice tea ehcr from Shaw University is still working with the c!a«s VISITORS OBSERVE JOPLIN PLAN Recent visitors at Washington School included Samuel Gillian!, Principal of Merrick Moore School tn Durham; and Mrs. Taylor, Su- ! pervisor of Durham county schools, j Olser teachers were Mesdame* F. ! R Credie, E. L. Walker, B E. Row land. M C Lawrence. Miss D. Arm strong. J, Butler. J. Willis and B. Cowan These people were Interested in \ observing the Joplin Reading plan which has been in progress for «- bout four and one-half months. This plan is an experiment with 9 teachers, and children from grades 4 to 6. The public will be informed about he results of this i reading experiment. MRS. FART'S FIRST GRADE GIVES SAFETY PROGRAM The boys and girls of room 102 have enjoyed reading and talking about safety. They learned many safety rules and safety songs. The following rules were learn- ! ed: ! Don t play in old empty houses. , 2. Don't Play in houses being ; built 3. Don't run up and down steps 4. Don't push. 5. Don t fight R Don't bump into people. 1. Ston and look before crossing j the stroi-f and Artesia High School News HAUjSBORO—The week of Ap ril 21-'25 was observed at Artesia High School as Original Poem ami Short Story Weeek. A large num ber of students showed great in terest and ability in creative writ ing through their worthwhile con tributions In this project. A number of their poems and ALLAN MIMS, INC FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TA.RBGRO 51 Telephone 2-21S* 4 »OCIO MOUNT, N. C. Mill 111 mi II 'HI '4BHWH'g«I 1 the i nnoa! meeting of iht Amor i tcan i'eacheis Association that v. ul umvonp July 13th, 14th and liitti al i Daytona Beach, Fla. ; GARDEN ULliB AU'WVims ! WATT'S VARIETY GARDEN t LUO j The member.-, of the Happy Ve , ricty Garden Club met Tuesday j Evening at the home of Mrs. Ag nes Steevns or. Wendell St. foi tsi* ■ tegular monthly meeting. Airs. An nie M. McColiough, president, pre sided during the business session. Members discussed ways and mean of improving their beautification project located on. the edge of Green lull Cemetery. Following the meet members enjoyed a very tas ty repast. i Mrs. Grace Campbell was the. re . cipient of a beautiful pot at Hy i drarges as a door prize WISTERIA GARDEN CLUB j Mrs. Matris Phifer was hostess j to the Wisteria. Garden Club at her i Lome on Hay St 'Die devotion was j led by RLs. Hattie Guinyard. Foi i lowing the club song, Mrs Jefcree Hunter read a poem entitled “'The ; Plain Trial God Made. Afterward j the buisness session was presid ! ed over by the president, Mrs. Mo j relic Lander. After reports and bu ! sin ess was furnished, Mr. L*e Lan ier ivas welcomed into the club as a new- member and an advisor. The chairman of the program committee, Mrs. Hunter asked each member to bring a flower arrange men of which each was placed on display on the dining room table and judged by the florist Mr. La nier. He brought out interesting points from each arrangement and complimented the group on their splendid efforts. The club joined in the celebra tion of Mesdames Jeferee Hunter, Mamie Wright, and Mrs. Maybelle I Young’s Birthdays and beautiful gifts were received by all. PERSONALS Mrs, W. S. McLeod of Brooks Memorial Church will be among the 10.000 Methodist Women attend ing the Fifth Assembly of the 'Wo mens Society of Christian Service in St Louis. Mo„ May 6-9, 1958. The theme of the Assembly will be "Christ’s Message for today.” Among the speakers will be Dr, j Colin William- of Australia, visit i ing professor at Garrett Biblical ! Institute, Evanston, 111.. .Or. Georgia I Harkness, professor of Theology at ; the Pacific School of Religion, ; Berkeley. California, Dr. Chandra j Devansen. professor at Christian I College. Madras. India: and Dr. | Wills Player, president of Bennett • College. G'boro. I 8. Obey all traffic laws. | The children wish to remind the i boys and girls of Washington ■ School to follow safety rules so ! they gave a safety program in as i sembly. j Play safe, i The characters were: i Announcer—Ronald Coley; Safe ■ty kids Michele Palmer, Joan Hunter, Ronnie Harris, Jimmie j Yarbough: Careful Kids Bar- I bara McNeil and Douglas McClain | Lawrence Cameron. Jacqueline ; Ashburg, John Carroll, James Bur- I gess. Valeria Dolberry, Brenda Height. Grandpa Safey Sound Bernard ; Rogers. Bobby and Betty B right. Louis M vo und Claudia Reid. Traffic Cop and his Friends Cary Lee Robinson, Phyllis Willi ams, and Dorothy Haywood. We were very happy to see many of our Mothers and Fathers out to see our program. CATS PREDICT THE WEATHER Stella Carr in Mis. G. Reid's ; fourth grade reported that, ears ! predict the weather and here is the story. Fair, if the cat’s fur is shiny Wind will rise, if the cat races a ! bout, the house in the morning: | Rain: if a cat washes behind his ears: Cloudy, If b p lust washes his face: Cold, if he stays, by the fire; Windy, if he sneezes. ORATORICAL CONTEST Lock for the ns met- of the win ners of the Student Council Om i toricol Consent in next week's i news. PUPILS MAKE CARDS ; Special Education tn. pils made Mother'- Day cods and s-.-ri them j to their mothers. BOOK REPORTS GIVEN ! Judy Pwry and Ariel Porter | cave books, reports recently Judy j reported interesting highlight- a j bout Paddy and Sam by Bothv '!. ; Ariel reported about Theodore 'J he Turtle by MacGregor. Pupils en joyed hr sc reports. PICTURES BROUGHT TO CLASS t.onni Mao Gill ol 827 Soi th j Stoodv.-orth Street brow.ht food | pictures to clash. She is the dough* 1 er of Mrs, Mary Hunter Cheatham. short, stories were tend by siudencs over the school's public addro ? .system for the enjoyment; of the student hotly. It was quite inter esting to note the originality ol works submitted by all grades. Favorite topics of the writers I were pet?, spring flowers, adven tures. family life, subject, matter fields, religion and the prevention of crime. Student readers were Lillian Smith of the primary department. Carol Boone of the grammar grade department and Doshia Daniels of the high school department. The announcer was Betty Jo Moblev The sponsors were Mrs. E. N. Wti j Hams and Mrs. N. G. Shaw 'The senior class toured the carn f pus of Shaw University, Saturday, i April 26, as guest at. Shaw's an jmial Senior Day program. The j exercises for the day Included | a program featuring the Shaw i Chorale Society, the Shawettes ! .'interpretative dance group). CLINTON NEWS By H M. JOHNSON VISITS RELATIVES CLINTON - Mr. Howard Bea man of La,t Clinton spent a week visiting hi.* relatives and friends in New York and New Jersey. While there he \ isited Mrs. Ethel Graham M;\s. M.-.mie Holme.-, Flora Boone, Mr. Howard Beaman, Mr. Ernest Williamson, of Brentwood, N. Y„ Mrs- Eliza Smith of Brooklyn. N. ! Y. Mr Albert Nelson of Philadel- j phle, I'm, and Mr. and Mrs. James j j Acey of Newark, N. J. SICK AND SHUT-IN Mr. Acey Herrin and Mrs. Es telle Steward are patients at the 1 Sampson Memorial Hospital. Mother's Day was observed at j | the .First Baptist church last Sun- ! I nay. Mrs. B R. Jones, a teacher at j • the Sampson High School, made j I too welcome address. Toe choir I i ; emed at its best as it sang beau- 1 ; tiful ?.*>ul-stirring anthems and hy m Rev. J, H. Clanton, the pas- : , tor. preached the morning sermon, i i Mesdames Maggie Cousins and Ka- 1 ! tie Herring offered prayer, Mrs. j ■ Gloria Tatum Log pin was soloist, j | Mins Leatha Joyner, a student in I i nurse training, at Lincoln Hospital, ! Durham, dedicated the flower-.. Mrs. Neutice Merritt, librarian at I ; Sampson High School, was the j main speaker of the evening pro gram. | Mother’s Day was eommerated at | i the Olivet Institutional Baptist i Church Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Shaw I of Burgaw was the main speaker i for the morning service. The women’s hospital auxiliary | number 2 he’d its annual meeting | recently at the Sampson High school, Mrs. Ivey B. Hodges, a reg istered nurse from Duplin county, i was the speaker. Members present were: Mes- ; | dame* Addle M. Johnson. Pauline i I Solace, Alease Robinson, Julia I | Holmes, Bertha Wright. Blonnie | Carr. Lois Robinson. Estelle Chr-st ! null. Neutrice Merritt, Mamie Sim | mens. Mamie Faison, Kenclla Fai ; son. Rev I Williams. Irene Hill. Hei j on Boykin, Josie Moore, Misses Ca- \ | thermo So ed. Hazel Herring and Christine Brown and Mrs. Dorothy j Pridgen. Other members are Mildred Bea- I man, Ethel Best. Mamie !,. Bow | den, H. M. Blackman, Thelma Boy kin, M. B Brewington, H. G, Cald- 1 j well, Marie Caldwell. Mills Cald- ! i well. B. C. ChappelJe. L B. Coop- j jci , Rosa Cooper, G. G. Cunning- { ; ham. O. Devane. Mary c Devane, j !-I S. Ezzelle, A. B. Graham. L. H. j : L S Hayes, C Howard, T. j C Hwring, P. B. Hinson, B. R. I Jon L B. Kornei'ay, R. M. Lew- i | is. A. S. Mat this. L. B. Merritt, S. I If Merritt, Mable Powell, Nanov j ! Boykin H H. Price, C. B. Ray. C. j I M Sampson. F. W. Sampson, E. H. i j Sampson. Mary R. Sams. Margie ! j Shipp. India Sparrow, Melba Sum- i 1 i lerville. B. T. Tatum, P. S. White. ! | Alberta Williams, M F. Williams, j j “Soring and Into Summer Fash- I | ion Review," Part I, was a skit giv- ! : rn by the adult class. The members >--f which are Me dames: Mary Ben nett. P dine Williams, Henrietta Clovin. Ertha McNeill, Ella Mae I Brewington. Bulah Carter, Cletie j ! Jones. Annie Bell Strickland. Lu- j j versa Harris, Victoria Dawson and i Murray McAllister. Those in the Fashion Review were: Barbara Chance. Lorens Par ker, Susanna Locksroy. Lula Har | dv. Lucy Strickland. Mary Willi- I a ms. Edna. Royal. Vernelie Com i mgs, Ola Blue Louise Butler, l.ola | Lee, Clone Lee, Lula Calvin, Con - nie Boykin, Victoria Dawson. Mary Eitr.mcms. Ertha McNeil Jennie Au try, Donna Jackson, Wilma Wilson Gladys Brewington. Iwerna Har- j ; phelia Wililams, Joyce I.ee. O- < phelia Wililams, Joyce Lee. Ophe- ■ lia McNeil, Lola Smith. Pauline j Solice Margaret Parker, Elizabeth ! Rtricklond. Hazel Herring. Wanda ! j Daughter: Janice Henry. Joanna i • Parker Murray McAllister. Dennis j | McClain, Elsie Ray. Grace White, A. j •B. Chsopelle, Joyce McDowell, i | Shirley Strickland, Ada McNeil, ! j Janice Brezvinaton, Joyce Dickens, 1 ! Fva Roy and Dollie Jacobs, | SAMPSON HIGH SCHOOL The Student Council of Sampson 1 High School featured Fulton Fryut ; Tenor, in concert receutly. Fryar a graduate of Sampson High School, and possessor an outstand j ;ng voice. After completing his musical | training nt Sampson High School. ;he received further training in voice at he Seaglc Music Colony in Scrhoon Lake, Now York, A group of Negro and White Ci tizens of Clinton aided him in his study at Schroon Lake, He has j rung on several talent programs j throughout the state, and traveled , with the famous N. F. A. Quarter j that won first place in the District. , j end State contests; First place at j file South Eastern States Contest at ! | as Delaware State College and Sec- | j ond place at the National N, F. A. 1 ' | Quartet Contest at Atlanta, Geor- | I gia. j The singer has already audition- j 1 • ed for the entrance requirement of 1 1 Louisburg Happenings By MRS. aLVIN WILLIAMS CHURCH ACTIVITIES LOUISBURG Mitchell Chanel Church Club No. 8 met April 29 at 7:39 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Liz- I zi« Williams, The chairman, Mr. j King Roster, was in charge of the j meeting. The members enjoyed the discussion of the Season. Members from Club No. 5 were visitors with this club. The hos css served refreshments Mitchell Chape! CUtb No. !S met May 7 at 7.P. M. at the home of j Mrs, Rena Kearney. Mirs Ethelene ; Kearney was hostess. Mrs. Ester Davis was In charge of the meet- I mg. An enjoyable discussion of the | lesson was lead by Mrs. Mabel Da- j vis and Mr. Arthur Williams. 13 ! persons atc-ridod this meeting. There was one visitor from Club No fi. The hostess served refreshment?. The Juno meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rrrmett Souther- 1 land. The Mitchell Chapel Club No j 1, met May 8 at 8 P. M. at the home j of Mrs. Viola Harris with the presi- : dent. Mrs. Juanita Foster, in charge 1 Mrs. Viola Harris and Mrs .Mary Jane Davis lead in the lesson dis cussion. The club was very happy to have visitors from other club. 1 The hostess served refreshments, j The Mitchell Chapel S. S. and ! B. T U. Conference met recently ! and were called to order by the B. T. U. director. After the dispensa- : ion of the R. T. U. session, the S. S. ; superintendent was in charge of the session. After the business peri od. the pastor Rev E. L. Brodie, taught, the lesson. Sunday morning, Mav 11, at 9,45 Church School at the Mitchell Cha pel Church with acting superin- j tendent, Mr. Bernice T. Kearney, in ! charge. Subject of the lesson: i “God’s Provision For Worship.*’ | The lesson was very beautifully j reviewed by Mr. Davis Long. Members of the Mitchell Baptist j Church will be so happy to have you come and worship with us ■ Sunday, May 18. in our observance i f Women's Day The address will ! he given by Miss Eva Merett. of j Durham. HOME AGENT’S DEPARTMENT The third Annual 4-H Health Pro- ! gram was hold Saturday morning. RUSH MEMORIAL CHURCH i By MRS. ANNIE H. THORPE It was Mother's Day last Sunday and many new faces graced our services in honor of their Mothers. The Junior choir was in charge of the music. They led out with the ringing of “God of Our Fathers". They to knelt at the altar for pray er of consecration. The Ist hymn; “Faith of. Our Mother's" was sung lined by our pastor, Rev. W. D. Carson. The responsive reading A'as for the 19th Sunday, “Love Never Falleth.” The Gloria Patri was sung then the affirmation of Faith. The “Apostles Creed” was repeated au dibly by all. Scripture lesson was then read by our pastor from 2 Kings 4tli chapter comprising 7 veeres. He then lead us to the throne of grace with his soul-stir ring prayers. The 2nd hymn. No. 213 “My Faith Looks Up To Thee” Fayetteville St. Baptist Church School was held at it? usual hour, 9:45 A. M. It was Mother's Day. May 11th This day was celebrated through out the country. We. who were pre sent at the Fayetteville Street Bap tist Church last Sunday, can truthfully say it was well celebrat ed and enjoyed by all. although some of us were, happy to still have our Mothers with us, and others ; were saddened, because their mo ; thers have gone on to the great be.- I yond, The morning service was enn- Maple Temple Church News Bv MISS LENA M EURE Sunday School opened at 6:30 a. m Sunday with the supt, Mr Charles Haywood, in charge The morning worship got, under way at IT o'clock with Choir No 2 marching in singing. “Leaning On The Everlasting Arm?.” Praver was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. M. F. Booker, after which the choir sang “Faith of Our Mothers” Scripture w as taken from the 2nd chapter es Exodus. Deacon Wason of Holly Springs, | Christian Church also rendered a fervent prayer. The offering wa lifted while the choir sang, • Mo ther's Prayer* Have Followed Me." All visitors were made welcome by the pastor. .The pastor's mother was among the many guests in at tend.'! nee. Rev, Booker chose his text from Exodus. 2nd chapter, 9th verse; “A Mother's Wedges.” He delivered an inspiring s ermon in which he said. “Everyday should be Moth er’s Day. Not only the second Sun day in May, but every day in trn-> year should be reserved for moth ers.” SICK AND SHUT-IN Mrs. Caroline Woods, Rev. Car bon C. Burnett. Mrs. Estella Pul ley, Mrs. Texanna Robertson, Mrs. Fannie Mcßride ond Mrs. Lillian Wnson are among the sick mem bers of our church. We pray God's richest blessings upon them and urge ;vou to visit them often and remember them in your prayers. the Eastman School of Music, Ro chester, New York. The examiners at the Eastman .School of Music recommended him highly for voice at.udy at the school. The program consisted of Arias from the Opera “Martha Exerts from the Orateria “Elijah” and the “Messiah,” Ballad? and Negro Spir ituals. The program was given for the benefit of the Fulton Fryar Scho larship Fund ’ May 3rd. Health books, which were distributed to more than 1800 4-K Club members were collected and i judged by Dr. A. J. Holt, County | . Health doctor, to determine which | ' 4-H members would reign ov«>r the j program for tin day. Robert James j and Yvonne Davis, senior club , members from B. F. Person Club in ! f ranklinton. were declared King | and Queen and Barbara Ann Ev- j aris, junior club member from j Franklin County Training Club a- ! iong with members of B. F. Person 1 I were rated second and rode in the ; honorary car with the King and Queen. The King and Queen were j | crowned by Mrs. A, D. Hunef, as- | | sistant 4-H Specialist, who enoour* i I aged the boys and girls to continue j to improve their health projects. Dr. Holt praised the group for j | its continuous effort to improve ! | health. He also praised the Frank- ! | tin County Training School 4-H [ ' members and student body for the j ! 100 per cent participation in the j j polio Vaccine drive. Highlights of the afternoon were the contest games when clubTnem- | hers from each club wore select- ; ed to take a part. Frizes were giv- j | en the winners. j Floats in the parade were built j around the County theme: “Improv- j ing Community and Family Liv- j : ing." First place went to Maple- i viiie 4-H Club. This float was ern- i ! tered around community Improve- 1 ; ment by doing a good job of beau- j tifving the home and its surround- i ings. Second place went to Cedar j Street. 4-H club, and third place ! to B. F. Person Junior and Senior ! 4-H Clubs i PERSONALS Mies Berienx Hedgespcth of New | York City came home for Mother’s ; r,a >'- i ! Miss Mary Ruth Nile, a student at | the Beauty School in Raleigh, was j : the v.reekend guest of her parents, \ | Mi and Mrs, Percy Nile, Master Percy Jones has returned j i to his home after spending sever- j I :>! weeks with his sister and bro- j : ther-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett j i A Southerland, of Henderson, Mrs, Elizabeth Perry’s daughters ; ! of New York City was home with I her for Mother’s Day. was sung as we meditated devout- ; I Hy. The minister then chose his j j text from the same scripture read. ! ! z Kings 4:8 "And it fell on a day | | that Elisha passed to Shunem, j | where was a great woman; and she j j constrained him to eat bread, i i Theme: The Characteristics of A | Good Woman.’* Tiit* folio-ving are some of the ' excerpts: 1 A Good Woman Is : Faithful. Persistent IT She is A Praying Woman. 111, She loves her ; i neighbor, her family and most of i : all she loves God. This was indeed j i a great message, full of enthusiasm ; | and inspiration. An Impression j phase of our service on Sunday was | | the Christening of infants, and the ; reception of several new members | into our fold. We Invite ohers of you to come l and worship with us at your earli est convenience. i ducted by the pastor, Rev. J W I Jones, with choir rendering the j : music with Miss Pearl Smith at j ■ ! the organ. Scripture lesson was i ■ | read by one of Shaw University's j • j student*. Prayer by Rev. Earl ; ! i Pretty. ■ j Rev, Jones’ text was takers from ; : | Exodus. 2:8-9. His subject was een ■ ; tered around mother "A Mother's j Care For Her Child". This message was well spoken and enjoyed by | all. | Miss Elate Glenn, soloist, sang j beautifully. ! The vocal choir rendered sever- | | nl beautiful numbers. Five persons joined the church j i Candidates for baptism, j jlugierlgws ! ANGIER The Second Mission- j ary Mass Meeting of the Raleigh i District was held at Andrew Chap- j <*! A. M *, 7 Church, Punnlevei : j May 9, Rev A. M. Spaulding was j , i host pastor and Rev. T. J. Young | presiding elder. At the morning session, scripture ; was read by Rev. M. L Ward, from ! Jonah. 1:1-10. The missionary song ; ' "Lift Him Up,"’ was sung preeed- j ing the invitation to discipleship by Rev W. D. Carson. The morning message war deliv- ! ered by Rev. W. T. Jeffers, who ! used for his text; "I will look tow ard Thy holy temple," Jonah, 4:1. | The afternoon session was high lighted by topic discussions led by ; Mrs. Annie M. Bethea. Response by 1 Rev W D. Carson and Rev A. M. Spaulding and Rev, J. W. Hatch, presiding elder of <|e Fayetteville District,. The topics for discussion: “In the beginning God,” ‘‘A God Cen tered Religion,” "Race prejudice,” • A Wicked Thing.” "The Church and Race" and "Highlights of the Episcopal Area.” The evening session was spirited with the candlelight service. Visi- > tors at the meeting were Rev. J. j W. Hatch and Mrs. Grace S. Hatch. Service at Black River Grove Day delivered the morning mess was inspirational as Rev. Alfred age from "The Leading of Woman. The Woman's Day program fol lowed immediately after the mor ning worship. Visitors at lha ser vice was Mrs. Foster, who accom panied Rev. and Mrs. Daye. The missionary meeting was held in the afternoon. Topic for discuss- j ion. A Christian Mother. The NAACP meeting was held | at Andrew'‘Chapel AMEZ church at ! Bunnlevel on Sunday evening. The J speakers for the occasion was Rev. T T, Young ■Rnpftrtm wore brought ' CONCORD ! BY MRS. MARION W BYRD ■Eg COMMUNITY < OUNCH/S ANNUAL MEETING CONCORD - Miss Ada Meßack j en, Diroeioi of Special Service}-. ! North Carolina Department of i . Public Welfare, will be the guest | .speaker at the second Annual Meet- i | mg of the Community Council for : ! Social and Economic Progress in j ! Cuban us County. Miss MeHaeken was named ‘ Tar j ! Heel of liie Year" by the Raleigh ! i News and Observer, a rare tribute i i give nto a woman. Others appear- i j ing on the program will be Rev, J. ! M„ McCall and the Thompson Sis | tois Singers. Reports will bo given by each 1 | committee and financial reports will be given by the treasurer and ! auditor. Newly elected officers will |be installed to serve a two-year | term. ’ The meeting will be held on j Thursday, May loth at POO p. m. j in the Recreation Room at Logan ! Homes. This is a public meeting j and everyone is cordially invited i to attend. . /ION tm.l CHURCH CONCORD The newly renoval jed parsonage of Zion Hill AMR I Zion Church was the center of i attraction recently, when 'Ah mem • ! hers gave a "house warming" hon | oring their pastor and his wife, I Rev. and Mrs. C J Webb. The • home was beautifully decorated i I With assorted spring flowers ae- - j centing the color scheme through i oui, the house. | Receiving guests were Mrs. A»-! | zie Lee Reid and Mrs. Elizabeth j j Shuiord. Registermg gifts was, | Mrs. Annie Lilly with Mesdamcs i i Alice Farror, Mary Connor, Ollic : 1 Gamble, and Hazel Rainy assist-; : ing with refreshments. Many i j guests brought lovely gifts to tire! 1 honored host and hostess. One : jof the out-of-town guests wa 1 j Mrs. Eliza Cox of Cheraw. S. C , | widow of the late Dr. J. C. Cox ■ ; :vnd the step-mother of Mrs C. J.! | Webb. The following Sunday morning j i Bishop W. W. Slade with hie usualj ! magnetic personality spoke to the ; large congregation with spiritual | fervor. He commended the pastor i j and members for the progress; i made in this short time. He was 1 S reminded of the years his father | I and later he pastored this church. I He named prominent, men whose I lives were influenced because of I their connections to this church.] i From this church Livingstone, 1 College of Salisbury was founded, | ! it monument of which the mem- j bers should be proud, i The Missionary Society and i members of Zion Hilt honored' • Bishop and Mrs. W. W. Sladi Rev, and Mrs. C. J. Webb and ; Mrs. Eliza Cox, by pre.sentit.cj : Bowels The member?, witnessed: ; the most impressive service of the j conferenc year. —— * 1 Method News By MISS DORA D. STROUD i CHURCHES METHOD Mid-monthly serv i ices were held at the Oak City . Baptist Church Sunday, May 11th. Rev, C. L. Manning, assistant pas- j tor was in charge. Hr spoke won- j derfully well on the duly of j mothers and the honor due tooth- j j ers. I R ev Manning will not be with {us again until the Ml He has been j I chosen by the general Bon d of the ’ | Baptist Church to do some, ravel-. ) ; ng the west. Our prayers so with j | him for a good trip and. a safe re- ; I turn back home. WOMAN’S PAY | The women of Sr. James A. M- ; !E. Church will observe their sr. nual Woman's Day program next Sunday morning st 11 o'clock. Mrs. j C. F. Goldthwait will be the- guest ; speaker. Mrs. Wilboriine Sills and j Mrs. Ruth Wilder will have charge j of the program. All our church j members please fcc ready to report ■ | by or before Sunday morning. All • I our friends arc kindly urged to be . j present. Men's Day will he observed on j j the sth Sunday in June. Mr. A. W ’. : Fherill chairmen. Mr, «f, C. Atws- i ! ter assistant. sick ' Mrs. Douglas Dunson is hospital- '■ • ized at St A fines hospital. Mrs j j Duns ton was hurt in a wreck last 1 ! week but she is improving from her i | injuries nicely. All her neighbors j j and friends wish for her a very { i speedy recovery, ! All AH f KjV’V ?i«f OhaA [ ! able to get about we are grid to pay. BERRY O’KELLY SCHOOL The P. T. A. of this school wiil meet Thursday night. May 15, at 3 o’clock. Please everyone be pres- I cnt. This will be the last meeting ; | for the present school year. ! The Civic League arid patrons of | the Berry O’Kelly School heard Mr | Fred Smith, County Superintend i ent of Wake County speak Friday night. May 9th on the School Ver sus Tie Road Issue. Mr. Smith a«- i sured the patrons that the school j would stand regardless of any er- ! roneous statemenets which have j been made to that effect. The schoo" alumni was well represent ed. Mrs N. Lockhart spoke beau tifully for that, group and others moke on the subject also. The j School is needed here ,*#nd we are going to work to keep it here. Jef freys drove Rhamkatte and Met hod people and quite a large num ber of interested persons attended this meeting. After a brief talk by the Civic League president. Mr, Edward Curtis, the meeting was given over to Mrs. Hsrvalcigh White, chairman of the committee on the school, road issue. The regular meeting of the Civ ic League will be next Tuesday Night. May I’Oth, ft P. M. Method citizens should turn out in full to help devise plans for the good of their community. in for the Freedom Fund Rally. Mrs Genctta Carey and son, Run- j sell. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Saun- 1 ders and children, Deborah and j Travis, visited their mother. Mrs j Rosa B. Greene, recently. They are | from Philadelphia, Pa. j KINSTON NEWS BY (MISS) YETTA E. DUNN Telephone k.'GO KINS SON BRIDGE CLUB MEETS KINSTON Mumpers nf the Kinston Bridge Club met i eeent ly with Mrs. Margaret U Fisher at he; hoin-', 308 North Independent Street. Mrs Mary G. Williams, club president, conducted a short busi ness session, .it which tune a de tailed report of the year's activi ios was outlined by club secretary, Virginia M. Payton arid reports of various i ommitecs were heard. Following the business session, the social hour was held at which time two progressions of Bridge were played Throughout the play ing period, fancy hors d’oeuvres were set ved. Scoring high for first chib prize was Mrs. Melissa N, Lei la'©, runner-up was Mrs. Alyce S. Hubbard, consolation trophy was awarded Mrs. Esther W. Tyson. Guests for the evening included Mrs. Louise Islet - and Miss Vornia M Jones Mrs. Isler won the guest prize « A delectable fried chicken course and a congealed salad with toffee were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Anne G. Moore. Birthday felicitations and birth day gifts were extended Mrs, Sara L. Flanagan Club member? present were Mos ilames F. E. Berry. S. L. Flanagan, A S. Hubbard. M. N. Leitao. V. C. Miller. L. P. Mitchell. A. G. Moore. V. M. Payton. E. W. Tyson. M. G. Williams and Miss A. M. Rave The 6th annual session of the Jo sephine M. Clanton Food Service Assoriaion was bold at the Wood inaton High School on a recent Sat. The association is composed of cafeteria managers and workers from schools all over the state. Music for the gene-al session was rendered by the Woodinaton and Savannah High School Glee Clubs. Rev. T. W Coleman gave the invocation Greetings were offered by Stephen Car raw ay. principal of Woodincton High School; H. H Bul lock, supt. of Lenoir County school; Mrs. Essie Sutton, manager of the Savannah Lunchroom nnd Mrs An ne W. M lev. St ilc Supervisor of School Lunch rooms- Guest speaker, Dr. S. E Duncan, state supervisor of Negro High School was introduced by R. C. Flanagan, principal of the Savan nah School. He challenged the lunchroom workers to continue their efforts to reach higher goals and become more highly organized. n o said. “It is not enough 1o be content. It is not enough to bo competent Tt is valid that what you arc doing be made known to the world.” A4 4-L.- P *e. . _ t ..... /-iv i:i*r « ui tttr mi b ■•■on the visitors toured the school riant and each teacher was In his or her room to welcome them. Officers of the Association are President. Mrs. Louise Hanwick of ‘aintesviHe; Vice- Presidents, Mrs. Lrdia Johnson of Dallas and Airs Louise fstoi- of Kinston, who !s manager of the Woodiccton grbcol egfetfUcriretarv, Mrs. Annie Temoletnn of ('at-awfen: c'■ cistan * secretary. Jeanne Rudd of S-»da11a; HONORED AT MOTHER’S DAY DINNER Mr. ami Mrs. Ennis Grant, and family highly entertained guests at a Mother’s Day Dinner Sunday <•. 2 P. M, honoring Mrs. Louise Curtis and Miss Dora D, Stroud, All. he delicacies of the season was served. Anything menlionabie to,eat was there. Other friends par ticipating in the grand festival were, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Curtis and daughter. Rose Elaine, Dr, and Mrs. West from St. Augustine’s col- Lge and Shaw University. Mr. and Mrs, C. Atwater and son, Ever ette. It was an enjoyable affair and nil who were present enjoyed it. Mr. and Mrs. Grant make this an annual affair for these two ladies since the parsing of their dear mo ther. Mrs. Bcu!:-h iwg’r-r. " 4-5 QT, NATIONAL iT.ODiiCIS CORPORATION. «.t. . 90 PROOF Treasurer. Mr W R Collins of Smith field. The committee chairmen for th* meeting were; Program, Mrs. Lou h-c Isler; Time and Place, Mrs. Chloc Cbupp of Raleigh; Conslitu- I •->i■ Mrs T.ois Brown; Rci{i(tration ■ ind Housing. Mrs. flcirn Harper and Mrs. Ernestine Freeman, rc .pcctiveiy of Kinston. Clurence Hicks, r\nth grader of Woodirigton High School, won Ist 1 place in a contest at the N. F A f ederation at Pantego recently. He v ill compote ir. Greensboro on j June 6 and the winner will an to I Atlanta. Go later. Bruce Patterson. | is the advisor. The Wccdington District PTA . met on a recent Thursday night in i Ihe school g.vmtorinm find Rev. . 1 haurieey Matnor was named presi- I dent of the group Other officers elected were; Vice,, j Prcsici-nl. Joseph Armstrong; Sec-* retary Mrs. Lucille Davis; Assis tant Secretary. Mrs. Ethel Patter son. financial aecreary, Mrs. M. P. Erizzcll: reasurer. Bruce PattersAn T'ic Adkin High School Chora! Club presented "A Spring Festival of Songs" featuring Senior Soloist ori Sunday. May 4 at 5:00 p. rn. in the Adkin Auditorium. Miss F. L. Groom is directress arid Miss Des ivtta McAllister, accompanist. Senior soloists were Mildred White, Evelyn Underwood John Stevenson. Marjorie Langston, Ver na Redding, Evelyn Underwood. Hattye Brooks, Robert. Bryant, and Mary Branch. Members of the Jun , i°r High School Glee Club served ;<■: ushers The Woodington High School Glee Club appeared in concert on Tuesday in the school gymtorium Senior membei s were Wilbur Cow ; aid. Ednn Dunn, Anna Gooding. Wilbur Hines, Jessie Jones, Willie ; Locut Henry Lofton. Martha Mai- I nor, George Payton. McCoy Plum mer. Mildred Waters. Jessie WilU ; ms and Swannie Williams. Direr w> c IVsdames D. M. Hunterjt and M. W. Rhodes. The Elementary Department of Savannah School presented to an , anpreciative audience on Tuesday j nif-ht an Operetta. “In Fairyland.” The Group Guidance Department iof Adkin High School presented | two film'- entitled, “Le's Go To Col lege and "Closing A Career" on a i recent Tuesday at the school j Durham News BY MRS. IDA LEE SCURLOCK 2916 Mulberry Street MOTHER’S DAY PROGRAM DURHAM—A Mothers’ Day pro gram will be held at the Moui Gilead Baptist Church in Oram County on May 11. Sunday School will begin at 10 a.m, and rnovnu I services are scheduled to star t at 11 o'clock. The Mother’s Dae j program will be held at 2 ppi Dinner will be served on tr/ grounds picnic style. The Rrv M. Mo shy is pastor. Mrs. Ida I>F Scurkock is clerk. SICK AND SHUT-INS Mrs, Coleman. Mrs. Sallie Ora - ham, Mr. James Rogers. Mrs. Alex Howard, Mr. Willie Jones and Mrs- Mary Oliver. The Safety Patrol of the TLx town School will leave Durham Friday for the annual Safety Pa trol trip to Washington, D. C. The group will turn unday night Miss Georgia C. Gladden and Mias Mable Scurlock are among the body making the trip. TTkTde l l” iHandy Man) Seafood and Groceries 126 W, ELM ST. TEL. 4657 R Wo Aim To Please You! JAMES COGDEIX. Prop. r, ——— -Mwwr—

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