Suitcase Stuff By “Skink” Browning Arthur Dove, thr Raieigh crown ! £rinc<* of bateHah, ft*,.* entered his i brainchild, ‘tftfe original Raleigh 3 Tigers'' into the Negro American t league aibng with the Birmingham f Black BftrOn*. Goose Tatum’s De- i trail downs, The fabulous and fa- 1 moms Kansas City Monarchs and 1 Dr. B. B. Martin's Memphis Red I Sox. Dove has just purchased a 24- passenger reclining seat bus, j < bought two sets of the best “in tire : land” uniforms and hired the great i and famous Wesley Barron as man ager *rtd on the dotted line has 1 players from Birmingham to the : Rio Grande on his *-o*ter. i There are very few Negroes a- ' mund the country that have as ' much sporting money to lay out as Dows ct Raleigh, Ted Rasberry 'Kama** City Monarchs) of Grand Rapids, Mich,, Dr. B .B. Martin of Memphis and Dr. John Ross of Chicago. There may be others who talk big and ride around in Cadil* laws, but when the showdown come* they run like a chicken and talk about what should be done a boprt the Negro baseball situation, but they never show up to do any «hhsg This quartet always answers pre sent when their names are called a»d they never play "chicken" with ftws green stuff once they set out to (Jo something. . . By the way. We*dey Borrow brought Junior Gil liam to the Baltimore Eli® Giants while managing the outfit back in the middle forties. , . He hails from New Orleans. It Is rumored that Sugar Ray Robinson !i interested in backing « team in the Negro American league since the organization will be playing out of Yankee Stadium on out-of-town Sundays for the Yankees. . , Ditto for Monte Irvin to Newark, N. J. . . If he can in- Burlington News By MRS. M. M, BROWN 601 APPLE STREET BURLINGTON The Baldwin- Sellars Reunion was held at the Bbeneier Church recently with member? of the family present as well as the many friends who found time to participate and enjoy the fellowship and delicious dinner that had been prepared. Beautiful mus ic was rendered by the senior choir. Among the speakers were: Rev. W. M. Lake, Dr, W. S. Sco, Mr, R. E. Mclntyre, and others. At the Sunday service was a large audience winch heard the pastor. Rev. H. J. Cobb, preach from the topic. "A Motherly God " "I he subject was appropriate for Mothers’ Day. ‘‘My Mother’s Pray er'* was used for meditation. The service carried a spiritual note for the entire audience. The evening service was center ed around "Be Not Ashamed of j Grandmother’s Faith,” taken from | 2nd Timothy, Music was furnished • by the Junior Choir with the ser- ] ' ices being directed by Miss G. j Gidnev. j MISSIONARY GROUP Missionary Group No. 6 was the i guest of Mrs. Earl Berry Monday j evening. The theme was a “Christ- j tan Mother", a follow-up from last i Sunday. Next Sundav will tee “Pamfly Day" at First Baptist Church Bring ah the family and sit together. You will er.lov ft. WEEK-END GUESTS FOR MOTHER’S DAY Mrs. Bridget L. Wharton. Greens boro; Miss Madlyn Pennix. Ox~ lord; were week-end guests with Ykefe parwri*. Mr. and Mrs. J. W ! Peßabc, -IV., «f Hatch Street. Mfir. Earnest. Graham and friends fsrwtt Gveeogftwro were guests of hit ' b&jjsflww; Mr*, Ada Baynes. Apple Street Mfe* Peggie Sellars and Miller of Greensboro { ■«»«?* fftwehi of WiTTtam Ntxcn’s Steßfl*. SOOCT PROGRAM "ftee AJamaoee District of Cber- Cotmdl Boy Scouts of Am •rSe*. sponsored a program Mon day. May !S. at Jordan Sellars SIRWALTER KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON $025 $055 A MKT W «/S OtMM $6 Proe# DISTILLERS, IMS. AKCMOtAOt, KRNTUCJCr I ierest Lenny Pearaon and Len j Hooker, (former Negro National League stars- to join him, the cir cuit will begin to resemble the ole sM-up of years ago. . . Abe and Ef fie Manley made Newark Negro baseball conscious in spite of the fact that the Newark Bears, one of the top Yankee farm organizations was in its heyday. ~ C B Armstrong, present owner of the Baltimore Elites, Is laying plana for s big basebell season and contemplating on future league af filiations, . . High schools and col leges are gearing their athletic pro grams so as to give baseball Inter ested boys a chance to make the varsity the Negro professional teams. , , Then the majors and tb# money. , . Everybody Is trying—■ except North Carolina College at Durham and Hillside High of the same city, , . They go in for track and tennis, which are great sports. I guess they have their reasons for laying off the game in which some of the boys would probably make r fortune Saw the screen version of the life of W. C. Handy recently. , . varies quite a bit from the way he used to tell it to me. , . He didn’t just stumble up on the St. Louis Blues. . , Juano Hernsndes stole the show with his acting. . . after all the other stars are entertainers. The vivacious and charming Norma Sartor of Baltimore spent the past, w eek in Durham visiting her parents and friends. She is a telephone operator for the C&P telephone company in the Monu mental City. Miss Georagia McCoy, the curva eious and exotic music Instructor at Person County High School, week ended in Charlotte. . .She was spe cial guest at a club affair and also attended the Winston-Salem Alum ni dance. Junior High School at 7 p. m„ Mr. and Mrs. Willi* Blackwell, Route 1, Reidsville, announce the arrival of a daughter on May 7 at Alamance County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Turner, 623 Ross Street, announce the ar rival of a daughter on Mgy 5. Mr. and Mrs. Lessie Lee Mor row, Route 1, Graham, announce the arrival of a daughter on May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Haith, Route 8, Burlington, announce the arrival cf * ?csn Way 11 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy DegraftSn reaidt. Route 7. Burlington, an nounce the arrival of a daughter on May 11. WINS FIRST FLACK James Hugh Gray, a student of Jordan Sellars Senior High School and a member of Morning Star Bap tist Church, was selected by North Carolina Teachers Association of Durham where he attended Bible class last summer, to participate la a Bible contest at Winston-Salem Monday night Gray won first place in the Bible class, first place in using good manners, and first place in ans wering Bible questions. Gray will attend the second an nual contest to be held at Greens boro June 6-26 at the New Life Baptist Church. ACTIVITIES AT GRAHAM HIGH Sub-Debutante Ball: The Sixth Sub-Deb Bali was sponsored by the Maid* ’n’ Matrons of Graham and Burlington from eight until eleveu-thiry on April 26th Eighty six sub-debs were presented. The Matrons ere Mesdames, Belton, Browning, Coleman, Sellars, Earl, Forriesi. Gray, Hazell, Johnson, Thompson, Spaulding, Shoffner. Jordan, Murray. Misses Leatb and Death, and V. Sellars. SICK AND SHUT-INS Hospitaliied: Mr*. Mary C. Al len, at home, Mrs, Kennels Slade baa been ill for a few weeks. Visiting at homer Mr and Mr*. Melvin Kelly and Mr. Samuel Jack son of New Jersey, with f|ieir rel ative*, the Worths, on South Main St. Mrs, Jackson and Nancy have been at home for sometime. PETERSBURG SECTION Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stadiar and children of Caswell were Sun day visitor; of Mr. snd Mrs. F„ V, Payne on Maple Avenue, Mr. and Mr* K. V. Payne Mr. Lawrence Lee and Mr. John Mor row. of Burlington, N. C. were re cent visitor* of Glen White, West. Va. While there they visited Mrs. Payne’s sister, Mrs. Edna Martin, and they also attended the funera ! of Mrs. Edna Martin’s mother-in law, Mrs. Alice Martin Mr. Lawrence Lee and Mrs. John Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Payne were early morning breakfast guests of Mrs. Annie Powell. Glen White. West, Va. They ate dinner w ith Mr*. Leona Hudson, also of Glen White. West Va. Miss Ethel R. Pickard of Rsinlgb was the week-end guest of her par ents Rev. and Mr*. J. D. Smith, and her grandmother.. Mr* Nellie King. Mr. and Mi’3. David Moose, Mrs, Adean Harvey, Miss Ethel R. Pick ard. Mrs. J. D, Smith motored to Raleigh where they spent an en joyable afternoon. While there they also visited Mr. and Mr*. M. H. Crockett. Mr. Crockett is the prin cipal of the Sate School for the Blind and Deaf, where Miss Pick ard is now employed. Mr. and Mrs. James H. William* of Winston-Salem, N. C., spent a 'hort visit with their mother, Mrs. Nellie Long, just for a Mother’s Day visit. Little Mies Jean Elizabeth Smith was a Sunday visitor of her little cousin* Tommy and Wanda Marie Smith. Rev. Daniel Smith of Southern Pines w«e the house guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. D Smith. While here, he ran a week's revival meeting at Ml: Nebo Holiness Church where Rev. Mrs. Mary B MeKenny is pas tor. Goldsbm 3 Hews GOLDSBORO Henry C. Mit i ehell and sister, Mrs. Mary Mit j cheil Holman, were host to 12 ban j dicapped people at » get acquaint ed party Monday night, May sth, at their home on Parker street. As the highlight of the evening the group was most graciously en - tertained by Mr*. Geneva Hamil ton who was responsible for the group’* transportation. She gave a serie* of eerious and humorous readings, whicu were enjoyed tre mendously by all. Refreshments of chicken salad on lettuce leaf, creamed liver, spread on cheesed crackers, candy, peanut* and punch were served. Light recorded concert music pro vided a soothing background for the entire everting. Jokes were tcld and pictures were taken. It was the third meeting of the group that win originated by Miss B. E. Hines, a one time polio vic tim and an Instructor at Central High School. Short talks were heard from Mr*. M. M. Holman who welcom ed the group; Miss B. ?J. Hines who thanked the host on behalf of the group; and H. C Mitchell co-host and director of an information ser vice, He announced that through hi* service, licensed recently by the state of North Carolina, infor mation is available free to any member of the group on any sub ject leading to part time or full time self employment. He also said that two members of the organ iza ion, Mias Lillian Hicks and O. J. C. Barne* have already availad them selves to the service and will be self employed shortly. Those attending were: Mrs. Belli er Rich, Mrs. Mandy Patterson. Miss Rosa Gray, Mis* Lillian Hicks. Miss B, E. Hines, R. E. (Babel Sim mons, Frank Holmes. Cleveland Davis, O. J. C. Barnes, Glennie Smith and Charles Reid. A Spring concert featuring the Leslie Street Community Center Chora! group to held in the Dil lard High School Auditorium Sun day evening, April 27th. The program was divided into 5 parts and the group changed dress three time* during the course of the evening; The first part of the pro gram to performed in robes: the middle part in semi-formal attb-e, and the final part in formal eve ning wear; Soloists were Miss Mamie Hos kins, Lloyd Lesesne and Alphonso Liggins, Mrs Mattie H Long and Neil Stitt sang a duet Mrs. C. K Harris, Mis* Alena Parks, Miss Jean Gaither, Mrs. Virginia Sut ton and Miss Willie Jenkins form ed a female quintet. The mu*ic was divided into Lliltne parts, njiimi, viaaolCSl ai'iu ' light classical concert numbers. The works of such gifted compos ers a* Bach, Brahms. Dett, Mendel ssohn, Romberg, Youmans, Waring and Group Arr. were heard. Neil A, Stitt directed and Mrs. | Thelma I. Johnson was accompan - ist. Both are from the Dillard High School Music Department. Trie choral group is s part of the Les lie Street Community Center rec reational program. It was the group’s first local appearance. Those appearing were as follows- Sopranos— Jean Gaither, Mallie Long, Jewell Weathers, Arle.oa Parks, Annie Newsome. Arabia Bunn,. Amelia Best, Cherie Art);-. Chani* Barnes. Eleanor Harris, i Grace Reid and Annie McKinney. ; Alto* Ann Bostic. Doris L. I Brown. Rachelle Richardson. Lou- I ise Dußissette, Mamie L. Hoskins. Virginia Sutton, Eloise Larkins. Williette Jenkins. Tenors Lloyd Lesesne, Alphonzo Ligeins. Har vey Cofield and Clarence C Bass. Basses Amos Richardson, Thom as Dortch. Andrew Long, Earl 1 Swann. Willie Carr, Calvin Har grove, Theodore Newsome and Wil liam Wert. Ushers were Mrs. Viola B . My ■ rick, Mrs. Gwendolyn E. Lewis, ; Mis* Ruth Ferdinand, Mr*. V- E. Morgan, Mrs. Maria Lockhart, Miss Marie Stitt, Mr*. C, P. House, Mrs Ruby Siler, Mrs. Rose Smith, Mrs. ' Serena CoeLeld, William Thomp son and Francis Larkins, Miss Nettie Mane Rowe,, daugh - ter of Mr. end Mrs. Leslie Rowe of S. Slocumb Street, made the honor roll for the past reporting pei iod at 1 Teacher* College, Winston-Salem. Miss Rowe had a straight A aver age including her practice teach ing. Little Betty An.u Moore of Swan Quarter* was the week-end guest of Little Phoebe and Rosa Moore. I East End School is presenting an ! operetta, “Spring Glow”, Monday ! May i9h, at 8 P. M. in the school j gymtorium. The public is invited i !o,attend. Jeffrey’s School MAY DAY FESTIVITIES The annual May Day exercises were held at the Jeffrey;, Grove School. Friday, May 2. The theme of the performance was “All The World * A Stage’'. The May Queens were Thomas lu« Harris, let grade; Carolyn Mit chell, sth grade. Kings were Henry Mortis Ray and Thoms* E. Malone. Crown bearers: Ernestine Tharp. Jimmy Dunn, Chester Hoides. Th* attendants Were: Beverly Freeman, Mack Moore, Debra Mit chell, John Hayes, Linda Chavis. David Gell, Julia Malone James Harris, Julia Mussenburg, Theodore Carrington, Carolyn Rayford, Hill : man Evan*, Margie Hayes. Willi am Bunch, Bertie Wall, Eugene Hunter, Mary Ann Oakley. Frank Johnson, Lizzie Burton and Arthur Bunch. Dance* represented many coun tries of the world: United States, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Jap an, Danish, Italy, France, Marovia, and Scotland. A majorette group of girls cave a performance. The music was in charge of Mrs. A. V. Ellis and Mr. A. E. Moore. Mrs. Sara B, Sharpen war. chair man of th* May Day Committee. *At , j /Jv. WAITING FOR KIT IH The Red Cross rushed food and clothing to Tarboro Tuesday to aid about 100 families of Prince vilEe, forced by the rising waters of the rain-swollen Tar River |ROCKYIgT 7^ FEASTING; BUT NOT VOTING j ROCKY MOUNT—Here’s, hoping ; | our colored farm and home agent j j friends over the state will not be ; | offended by tni>; but if it does j sting a bit, then it must be good for ' i the people. | Here in Edgecombe County & ! news release stated that 400 color- ; Jed home demonstration women, ! ! their husbands and guests were to ' I gather at. Willow Grnvp School for i a husband’s banquet or dinner , [ where ti;e ‘Woman of the Year' a- ! ward would be given with the dis- | | Irict agent assisting in doing the ! honors. That was good so far as it ! went. We believe in the county j people getting together and rejoin- | mg over the improvements made i to their homes and encouraging ! others to ‘Go and do thou likewise’ j so as to lift our standard of living, i 1 Certainly, if there is one thing ' | that needs to be gotten over to our j j people, whose income is low and j ! employment seasonal, it is that ; {they should spend what they do j ! earn much more carefully bv buy- ; ling only things that arc J to their welfare instead of so many ! j things in the luxury class which j i they cannot afford. One of he curses of our people ; is the purchasing of television set? i by people v.-ho claim they are not j able to buy wholesome food and : milk for their children. Too many I do respond to th*' heme psve? farm : i agents’ teaching about better farm- ’ ing. gardens and general home im- 1 Hopping About TARHEELIA j By Jay Bee Aytch “TINIEST BABY'* VISITS GRANNY ROCKY MOUNT—Pauline ! V. Patterson. 335 Atlantic Avenue, i was host last week to a party In ; honor of her (almost* seven-year* ! old granddaughter. Yvon Miracle i Patterson of Norwalk, Conn , who I visited here and in Raleigh while j on her spring vacation- Yvon Miracle Patterson was de clared the “tiniest premature baby to survive in the State of Connecti cut” at the lime of her birth, July July 10. 1951. She is the daughter of Mrs, Eras j ena Patterson and the late Theo dore Patterson of Norwalk. Conn. Little Yvon had come south with Mrs. W. L. Greer,*' Jr. of Raleigh. Guests at her parly included: Alice Jones, Janie Joyner, Angela Bry ant, Wilbur Branch. Carl Powell. ; Otis Barnes, Jr, Barry Aveot. Eu gene Hicks, Sheila Pittman. Mclvs j Ban, Ronald Miller. Leonard Lee, Jr, Shermayne Corbett, Robert j Corbett. Jr., and Dorothy Scott. EDGECOMBE HUSBANOS FETED Farm Age&i T C, Boyd and Home Agent Mrs Haze! S. Parker and iheir staff assisted the Edge combe County Home Demonstra tion Club women in entertaining at tbier annual ‘.husband’s night' din- 1 ner at the Willow Grove Elemen tary School in the Red Hill Baptist Church community near Whitak ers May 8. Speaker for the occasion was list ed as H M. McNeil, district farm agent., who formerly served sever al years as Edgecombe Negro farm agent. Mrs. Lena Jones vas award ed the ‘Woman of the Year’ cita tion. Bills and Daughters of the ant lered herd of Elkdom (IBPOEW) from over eastern Tarhoelia con verged this week on the 'Mountain Metropolis' of Asheville in the fam ed "Land of the Sky' for the < 33th j •date convention of the order head- i ed by K P. Battle aria Dt. Lctitia I Smith. • I i provements, like screens instead of j televisions; milk for meals instead of soft drinks for the babies, It ' pains us to see mothers pouring ! pop' down an innocent baby’s j mouth because the child knows no j better, but the mother should heed ' instruction to avoid ruining the ! child's health. Fathers who spend their small j earnings on liquor instead of things I to make the homehfe happier and prevent broken homes and delin quent children are damning them selves and family, and the entire Negro race to eternal second-class citizenship. Now, the farm and home agent? ; should directly or indirectly in vite people from the civic walks of life to instruct these farmer friends in the need of registration and voting in all these counties in every southern state. We know they claim their ‘hands are tied’ along this line: but if 400 county citizens are only going to meet, j ont and greet, they will never ad- j vancc very far in a county of 2".- j 000 (about 45 to 50 percent of total! | ■ dored people where less than 800 | 'f them vote (Edgecombe includes Tarboro snd half of Rocky Mount'. Our county agent* must bear their hare of responsibility for this dearth of voters. Some of us would be glad to dis cuss registration and voting with : 'esc people if given the oppor turuly. Some of those making he trip j vrere Mrs, Ada Dunn, Mrs Mattie i Collins. Rev. K. P, Battle, J. B. j Harren, all of Rocky Mount: Jack j W. Faison, Seaboard: J H. Graham Mrs. Sadie Artist, Goldsboro: Le roy Barnes and Grant Bell, Green ville. Mus. Rhowena Brown, Wash ington N. C.; E M. Butler, retired Wilmington insurance man, is sec retary of the Tarheelia association. This weekend the Southern Re gional convention of the Frontiers 'J America is being held at Frank lynton Center, Bricks, (near En~ fMd> with the Enfield chapter, I. C Rogers. Sr., president, as hort. ..... J You will find them all the while 1 If you bring a smiling visage to i the glass 1 mwiswat«w.wsmrw* nrn nw*wi>»iw*wh» FOR FINE Groceries —Meats and! Fresh Vegetables BLALOCK'S GROCERY & MKT. I Tfl«\lim , e> £ri I Roxboro, N, a i g llif IJI! 11| X J. C. BLALOCK, Manaccr I A* *■® “ I No Finer Buys in Town ! f yn mi \ r puniDflS iTTPfI imp e ' smifD CBJ,N -•• PROnf WswiPrai BfI&XWsLIX WRIEVifULLI CHAftllS JACQUiN el Or. Inc., Phil*.. P». Dial 3-9851 Mebane, N. C. , — —■*——,«————nJl <o leave their homes In low-lying sections.. Here a family sits or, the bank while they wait for relief after the waters chased them from their home, (background). U NITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). j Rambling In Chatham C’nty PITTSBORO NOTES By GUYTANA HORTON PITTSBORO The White Wing and the Mitchell’s Male Chorus journey to Burnett's Chapel church Snow Hill on May 11 to appear on { the 4th anniversary of he Burnett ! i Chapel Junior Choir. CHRISTENING i Melanie Armayne Emerson, * daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry i Emerson, Route 3. Plttsboro was i christen at Evans Cbapei A. M. E ; Zion Church on May 13. Following the christening, a j christening celebration was held j at the Emerson home. Among the guests were Mrs. J |E. Townsend, music instructor at. | Horton; Melanie Emerson’s god- I mother: Rev. and Mrs. McLean, he is pastor cf Evans Chapel A.M.E. '■'lion church; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. | Taylor, principal of Horton school. Mr. and Mrs. William Baldwin; Mr Tyson. Home Economic instructor j j of Chataham Hi. Siler City: Mrs : i ff. L. Sanders Home Economics in - j structor of Horton. HORTON SCHOOL NEWS Jean Carolyn Stroud, sophomore ] of Horton school, reigned over the j May Day Festival which wa? held | on the Horton Athletic field on ! May !. Jean Stroud, daughter of Mr an ! j Mrs. Gordon Stroud, Rte. 3, Dur- j j ham. is a “B’’ honor student ! j iqember of the Glee Club. 4-H j club. Jolly Echoec (N. H. A i and | the Excelsior Club. Alice Jo Alston, first grade nt;- pi! from Mrs. F. M. Thomas' class was May Queen for the Primary department. The runner-up? for the Primary department were: , Haze] Leach, . first grade, Mrs. L. C. Baldwin's class and Etta Lois Alston, first grade. Mrs. L. F. Rodgers' class : • They served as Flower Girls for i i the festival. The Queens were crowned by j I' » 1655 Plymouth 2 door. Full y equipped Extra clean . $9:15 j 165 ft Buick Special 2-Dr hard top, .fully equipped, r.e chajiically perfect $1,765 1855 Ford Custom line 4-Dr se dan. Fordomatic, radio and heater, extra clean $1,335 | i&M Pontiac Chieftain 4-Dr. Fully equipped. Black fin ish. Extra clean. $895 1953 Buiek Special 4-Dr. Se- 1 dan. Dynaflow. Radio, Whjt? ?■'&!! th‘*.r. Mechanically perfect ’ ... $895 Your Choice of Any of These Automobiles. 1950 Buiek Spec it! Two Door: j Dynaflow, radio, heater I BILL PRICE BUICK, Inc. j THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY 10. 195 R ; Mrs. I, E. Taylor, principal of Hor ton School. Ail grades participated in the ar : s allies of the day. • HORTON STUDENTS. COUNTY | WINNERS OF DRESS REVUE Sonia Alston, Hermenia Ham.- j and Guytanna Horton, senior t-H j members, were county winners oi ! >he Chatham County Dress Revo, i which was held on May 3, at the j County Fair Ground. Sonja Alston war the winner of tile sports division Hermenia Har ris was the winner of the street wear and Guytanna Horton of the semi-formal party wear division. The Dress Revue was one of many activities which was held at the 4-H One Day Camp. file Chatham Hi School Band of Siler City rendered a concert at Horton School on May 5. VISITORS Lt. Floyd Horton of Germany uid A-lc Camp Horton of Yuma A F 8., Arix„ are visiting their mother, Mrs. Sadie Pattisol, ol Pittsboro. Rev. P. V. Horton, Miss Minerva Horton, Mrs. Thelma Horton of Pittsboro and Mr. John Horton of Durham journeyed to Boston. Mars, recently to viat Mrs. Horton's J. C. HARRIS LUMBER CO. Sec t j For Your Building Needs Your One Stop Building Supplier" 704 SOUTH SPRING ST. Dial f’A 6-9321—P.0, Bon ,18c BURLINGTON, N. C. | deliciously Slignter clpf SsiZE Bottled By BURLINGTON Cocn-Coia Bottling Co. Burlington. N. C. I daughter. SILER C ITY NEWS By CHRISTINE PAIGE Church. The people around .lor dan Grove recently celebrated :iieir 31st church anniversary. A large crowd Mended. The Rev, Mil ler of liberty preached a soul-stir ring sermon at the Lambert Chap el Baptist Church in the absence oi he pastor, Rev D. F, Brown. The Chatham High School Chor al Group rendered a program at First Baptist Church recently, j Quarterly meeting war held at 1 Wesley Chapel recently also spring revival started at Holy Tri mly Church. Visitors: Mr. George Miller ol New York, N. Y the son of Mr id Mrs. Roy Miller, find Mr Rar Foxx of New York. N. Y. son nl Mr. and M>\s, George Foax recent ly visited their parent* of this city Mr. and Mrs. C lbert Jordan and i Mr. arid Mrs. Miltor. Forrhsm? have ; recently returned from WashUg j ‘on. D C. They reported a wor.der i f nt trip. SP3 ftonnie Oloine: j Honed at Fort Bragg. Vi ltio" ; s t mrents. Mr. and Mrs. n P , v ,. ( i < r also visiting is M> ••• (Ho ver. of New York. N Y CHATHAM HIGH NFWS The seniors recently er-'-h - > -rj j Better School Spirit Week - ! Alberta Price was proveerj ’• ° F. N Her n 11pAtu- ~ , _ J -es Parbe'-a T)eTvaffe n ri"dt M •••** T S>ler. Jewel C avro »nd * 1 i ; ''-isriboro Mr. F. S Par- —-.- n , i r '- j - -ord ChMhnrp Hi*h. g"-e a -n B. R. S. W recently. We wosM 'ike io welcome our erecf■ --- ;. •ns. Miss Hazel White and Mis* ; Gibson. The Chatham High hern-; vm*~ i 'tefoatert he TI ,-tOa ' r C,.Snr>t.| | 4-1 i • 0--V, i-| Sanitone DRY CLEANING j b y l Boston Cleaners -1 And Laundry 136 N. nil'K H ST. DIAL" ■ i Tops ’em all : in Quality! w««si.'w*»rr*tM. jk.. . - vnaniaai SIIPRFMF %--Wi * « *53 w k.t -SSt?I Shirt I raundry & Clea ners | 1 -1)A V SERVICE FISHER S HOLT STS. BURLINGTON, N. C. ■ j ; fUf ’ ! Belcin felgA rot ms mu HOW £s3^l mm \ JEWELER 316 College St. OXFORD. N. C. j SEffIBSKSI 13

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