14 TH? CAHOLIIffAN ~-,v-w WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAT IT, 19S« Reactivated Raleigh Tigers, Monarchs Clash Here Thurs. 4*3&£*lT* ■Jr«*- aFyS HHSißij§£&» f *YfHHRS»Is fc. f ; :' im. «* ijp* : i^®i - iIMtSSSiSkU. .isVfsf ’ l£ v ■■ lx v :< #■ IHr Jf, ■ NOT I *» sennpn hers- during his r«ront oppd<w<tn.cn bofors tbs Sennit I Backets Cemaiiitea in Washington. Actenily. Them®, busiipse I agent and recording seeislary of a Philadelphia teamsters union* | le invoking the Filth Amendment. H@ ratwed to disclose whether I he participated in 3 violent 1350 strike. {Newspress Photo), lay White Sax Got Short End | |f Minnie Minoso-Wynn Deal ■CLEVELAND <ANPi -~ One fe the most discureed—-if not the ■rut controversial - trade# i< t ■inter was the deal between the ■ ’eland Indian- and the Chicago ■bjte Sox. ■ Th* trade deprived the White ■)>;., runneri.p in the (957 Amen |r League •-ace of leading run,pro ll ret* >n Minnie *.i „oso The ■ dtfln», alre irccivod F .• d Hatfield, ■*. infierdoi and gave up Early ■ von. a vote-an rishthanrted pit |»i-. -:nd A1 Smith, the outfielder ■ ’i' - Be Vs • it; ' f |!.« O ■.-• • .il>g<\ t e ■ ■f.? :o tr.e iV?t f-"\ v pekr ■>!•« that the Lima:' a •» ?•■> ug to ■> wejt ,;jf tied with the, end -' f ■e fi-ansecnon ■ Uailie'fi. ulin never figured 1 prominent!>. In the H- »a- H leaded hi tlevrlanfl to < inrin I rat) for pitching hrip Bui ML ■ noi.o h;j* been ihe kind of play Her Manager Bobby Bra can and I ftenerai Maoagfir Frank f me I expected -him to he. ■ The toterfu! Cuban outfielder ha leen the spark pine of the early l.r-r-j- of the Indian? vho ’.vo-p ■ittline thfi" «•:>,' !«r* week tow ■ ft fbo top of the A[„ mm Who Broke Open Major League Ball To Race Feted ■ CHICAGO 'ANT - _ Btanch : ■jck»y. board chairman e s ili*® . i**Aw*ijrtfb Pirates' but better ■ciovt! as the former president of j Its Brooklyn Dodgerr who broke ■ Iren" major league baseball to Ne- | |roes when he hired Jackie Rohm l-n.t.o fcerome the first Negro play- i I" to bis league haw-ball received I tumultuous welcome here Moo- j L\ tveht Te v the -nest of hon ft- at •‘Jtertlmonia! banquet held i« : l>!>- £o«nd ballroom of the C'o’: ■ iT?oh. Hotel by Quinn Chapel As Stephens-lee j S BasgfeaSlgrs mi 2 Tills I - The j oe Beau, behind the five hit ml- ; tin*- of Joe 80.--ecan. won the-tr :ghtb straight game Wedw-day I fteriSoou by defeating the West i hvrloHe High team 5 to 4. Thursday afternoon, the Pears i ropped their first came of jjie -ea- i jn w hen they wer’ defeated b;, te Carver High team of Spindale 1 to d Two costly errors by Stephens- I •»e'g shortstop paved the wa.v for j arv»r s v-jo Harold Young wns v= loosing pitcher for the 80-its Rnthcmy KO’s NY Heavyweight n 6th Bound | NEW YORK - 'AM’ Tony ! inthony, fast-punching New York j ght-heAvyweight knocked out Ar e Mfller. a chunky 27-year-old | eavysveigbl, in 1 minute and 4t I' •con.lfi of the sixth round of a !n- !, ally televised bout in St. Nicholas j . rena. Anthony, who w ■■■ stopped by ! • rchie Moore in an unsuccessful ! t d to win the hgb I -heavyweight j t]* a few mcr.tk ago. bandied bis | i ftarffr r>npon?nf vvith r Hr •rpped hltti for a ■»\ ■ * •».?ii f .n }?*«• iivd roi/Dd. hut. in? b?U csftic to ;> pfffue j l For example. Minnie hit in his | :n ■ t eight gatvr.s and did not strike j out in his fin-; 10. He delivered 2 key home runs, one that, won a ictory and the other which insur ed n triumph. Rut if ha* been Mmosp's enthu- , asm and bustle In,-it. have contri buled so much to the cause of the huhr-ns. Minnie n one of the dar ing pciTovmer;. «n the majors and is ■ as doughty a- they come. In a came against the Detroit T; 1* r*nwVj><ri htWk«r<*K <iiii felling: auav irom 3 pitch He was struck in (he forehead when he cheeked his sv.ins and was struck by the hat. Retired from the came? Not Min- • nm. who has been struck by pitches j more than any major league play- j or in 'recent times. Fte shook off ihe effects and resumed his stance a! ihe plate. Concerning the Chicago half of the trade, it can be raid at this point that Manager A! Lope/ has beep entirely pleased Wynn has • won our of the few Sox' victories, 1 hut. the versatile Smith, suffering | from a lame log. has been a distinct ' disappointment .at the plate • scan Methodist Episcopal church j . under the leadership of its pastor, : Ihr Rev. Archibald ,T Caiey, Jr. MORE THAN 19flfi DINERS Mere than 1,900 people at tended Ihe dinner, the largest affair of il-, kind ever given by a colored group in a downtown hotel. The interracial audience, composed of people from church, spoils. official snd every tulli of life, cheered Rickey until th* rafter* rang as ihcv heard him strike *t prrjiif’in In America and the world as unworthy of the de moeraev u hieh Americ* preached Pul failed In practice. GOVERNOR MAYOR ATTEND The appearance of the 76-year old Rjekcy war hi* first *inc*> he • stricken bv p coronary attack ten weeks ago Noted for his actlvi- j i * s> n civic end philanthropic as- j I fair* a.* much a* for his wigard j \ jfiadersh ip in barcball. be practic- \ I ally preached » sermon s* he was j ! ''lan' cd bv Governor William J- i j dlration of 'lllinois and Mayor ! Richard J Daley of Chicago, bn'h t •if how sp-”ke in laudatory term*. J Same 4fl en m leaders sat at the i : neakors table, which ran the en | iu-c length of Chicago's largest din <r;a room, training to catch every j word of Rickey's eloquent address j F.rri’.e P -.k 1 and Lee Wails, Cub : icam home run hitters, and three j dl Ihei- teammates were present. Rickey punctuated his ad- j drp-i* with numerous stortr*. I Some of these included ivrrr a honl .Jirkie Pohinson a* h* sr-rs-cfl a , ; a nilinca pig and proved tha* a colo-cd ptaver h!>| Ihe «*t r.r ability and « rrfh lo measure up fully to rniipr league eompeMtico Hr «<'d (lie rrucial t*s;t of the !n --ruvcalipn vis not Jackie’* play ing ahilijy nor the player'* al lUpdos i.or that of the m-ie agement. but r, f the rteat bode j of colored people. There was the question of wh»- fl-e- with their natural, under land sole cvhuberfip.o nrd po-ei hip i--;• i v*or;hip they mipl-J crowd the pub in such numbers , a* lo -"(leoiate white fans, hr said ; He p,-:u--r>d the restraint which col- ! • ■red rVri.r exercised and revseted j tl?l ;i committep of colored riti ■f•*.'■• f'.iP’hionrd lo advi'c colored loaders end fens in s'ar’ou- tftrg* cnmnnjujl j-, ac.cl d’d its « nrk V*• cll csipqvirf oim tnt’f RTISERS j Authur Dove's Tigers Host Star- Studded Kansas Team Arthur Dove, Joe»l businwnsmao, , has reauivntod the Raleigh. Tiger# and the former Raleigh baseball ag gregation will meet the Kan scut City Monarchs at Chavis Park, Thursday night, May i 5, e* 8 o'- clock. The Tiger*, who have no* been seen in this eKy for sev era! year*, are expected to per** « serious threat to the Kantwt* team. The Monarhc* are snrm b»e<i of ihr Megro American League and hare br»« champ ion* tn that learn* ***l aeveeM occasion*. Dove, who purchased aro.hi?* franchise last Spring tn * deal with Ted Rnsherry. wcet>. known real estate execiitive »nd sportsman te now giving hie full support to th« Raleigh Tigers Tne Tigers cen boast the services of such great national star* as Charley Neal, now a regular with the Lo* Angeles Dodgers Neal spent several seasons with the Tig ers He. was brought here from hi* Texas home and began bis •dlmh toward the top of the major tesgus* ladder upon leaving the Tigers. Kansas City played several gem*** here last spring and summer and complied an enviable record t 4 At Bricks May 17 * IS: Southern Regional Frontiers Os America Group Plans Confab RT .1 R HARRFN RNFIELD The Southern Re -1 qional Convention of the Frontier* !of America will meet. May 17-16 as guests of the Enfield chapter of the nearby Franklinton Center I i formerly Brick Rural Life School) Bricks, N. C according to an ssn nouncement by Prof, Isaac C. Rog ers. Sr., president of the local i Frontier-- unit and vocational agrt ! culture instructor at Phillip* High ; School, Battleboro. At a rrrenl chapter meeting plans were approved for Iho entertainment of the visiting Frontiersmen at the modern facilities of the Franklinton renter where the 1139 - aero srhoni farm offer* ample op portunity for hunting, fishing and nature study for etty dwellers. U. 8. Highway 301— Tarheelia* most traveled ar tery— passe* thru the farm Jn«t south of Fnfleld and Tfi mile* north of Rocky Mount. Rev W .fudson King ia tb« ey*|. vent manager of the Congregatlon ci-Chcistian Church project which extends its doors to various eamjp eg activities each yoar. C .1. Chesson of Norfolk V* outhem organizer for the Front ■ers. will he in charge of the ee pvrna! meeting. Ropers slated add ing that Dr. Bernard Harris na •ior,a! Frontier* president will be !he principal speaker for the two- Broncos Suffers 10 To 7 Defeat By A &1 Aggies FAYETTEVILLE - Perhaps the I chill in the May weather plus the j steady mound duty of the Aggies' I righthander Garland Blackwell i and the dutch hitting of Warren Pickett, whose round tripper with one on started the ball lo rolling and that of Robert Faulkner. Karri Mile - and Marvin Charmers broke the camel s back and sent the Rry. antmen a’skidding to a 10 7 lone,. But it wax a well-played con test ail the way sparked by fielding gems of Bronco Marvm Gainey and San) Morton whose strong pnr out ■n left field broken up a firat-tn nirsg Aggie rally. With a fine sorihn-mnre Ihnid, er. Robert Gordon, m tb» mound the Bronco* jumped off to » nuick start, picked up * score in the second frame **> lor Valentine'* long tdns-1* i« center, three in, the third *n Captain lames Rrayboy's do« hie to center coupled with * couple of costly error*, and *n ether in the fourth when White Plain*. New' Fork's San* Mo r too stole home. BUt all that was m the fourth in ning. The Aggicc got going !tt £h c f/fth when pitcher Garland Black w ell got on and trotted home rm Warren Pickett's homer over fb» j left field wall Tlicn in the sixth inning tho wof | coved jn on the homeboya when j Marvin Chsmbers 1 double unloßd id the bases for three big rtina And in the seventh frame fh«y raw* back for ton,- more rvn *r er ror, a walk and num’ssiv# aftigl.ee hy Roberl Faulkner and Kstrl • Miles so salt. t?-e game away. Ir. the seventh Roosevelt. W-igW Pwnco righthander went in for the Bronco*, bui the damage was done : even though the homtbey* nsekod j »P two rims in that frame. ft®? fy%W/ ‘it !> wise to give furrow w it* Her) popple » wide waj‘gia. M ’ j wuu. Fcoffls all indication*. Ral etgh s sttizene are expected to give the Tiger* their unwaver ing support. For many years It has been lamented by certain sports circles the fact that the State’s capital city was with out th* service* of a, baseball team. At one time in tin* city. Raleigh eould boast the fact that there wsrs two tr*p icam* here They worn th* Tiger* *nd the Raleigh Gray*. These two teams have play ed many * torrid game at Chavis Park, both apparently trying to , claim the honor of Raleigh's best team. Th* Gray* disbanded sever al years ago. Dove, reminded Th* OROI. INIAN ftp* week that the RM *f*h Tiger* team 1* composed of the best baseball talent in th* city and surrounding area. He expressed the belief that his i newly reactivated team -would give the star studded Kansas Monarchs a tough “run for their money. 1 * A large crov-d is expected f st- I tend thfi big opener at Cb.n-: r,i k ' Ditirsday night. dey confsh. A. .Reed Johnson w secretary of the local Frontiers and Joseph Ex it m i* the treasurer. The local chapter was organized by Chesson, a Norfolk teacher, who was among the early students of the Old J. K. Brick School under the late Thomas Sewell Inborden. founder and principal from 189a to 1928. SWINGING BACK Archie Moore left, strings hack as he knocks Willie Rcsmanoff of Germany to j the floor duping the third round of * 111-round non title fight Moore won a split, decision (CNITFJi ! PRESS TELEPHOTO), j |iwwi l 'M | w^iiiuM»MiM>Hwwi»awwßWUiw»j>wi!MM!JMMWiw«iMß*iß*e^a>aiHMijsii»Bßmjpe.awig«n<Bm!uwu*.-frii»ui-v,» >•»*-xwm»»«<nnr. mu mui ; wim m iumwiim jul i— crwaicy- BASES! TIGERS RETURN 10 RALEIGH KANSAS CITY MONARCHS ! VS — RALEIGH TIGERS ! CHAVIS,, THURSDAY PARK II MAY 15 * l VIVIV 8:00 P. M. ADMISSION; 50 & 75c i) •-. " >■»•'??' •’tiTO^oKjroyr^.tjf'* ’’ ';<••?•' ’. •'••’%&&•''•'‘’ : '~^ ■ r ' - - .- jirajiSjflß »/V * i *'v *~ ■'■ • -V'. SAFE AT HOME - Losing his cap, Milwaukee's Hank 3-iron, ; right, stidi** home to score in the 51. h inning of the Braves-fards i game ir. St. Louis. Mo. last week. Aaron tallied on Wes Covington's Hampton Pirates Beat Lincoln, 7-2, Force Tie With Delaware State Team HAMPTON V., - The Hampton Institute Pirate.- ivimng the cam pus for a two a; schedule, beat Lincoln Univer.-ity dismondmen 7-2, end forced a tic with Delaware State recently. Helping to win his own game at Lincoln, aouthpaw Hugo Dennis of 1 th* Pirate* now 3-2 in the season, drove in two hits lo send in two : utc runs. The next day the Fir* '■•.-<;»c. I.hreatcij-..'ri with a no-hit when pitcher Roscos Baker of tev-’arc claimed 11 ••trikeout vie- : in the mx innings played Eineohi scored iiieir first run in the bottom of the firsl and picked up the second ran in the sixth liter i r.t!iy uilh none out in !h* third, loaded the double Card catcher is Kal Smith MX., tJtitpir«- is Fd Sudol. tool ins on i Brave-’ Ed Mathews HSli. Milwaukee wot! <h« rame, 7 8 UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). bases. Matthew. Pierce and HamJett* each scored two of the Firates eight hits while Harr:,-, and McKoi vin divided the Lincoln University hits; evenly among them. The game between ihe Pirates and Delaware State remained a Pilcher's dud until L w.i • halt' d by rain l'o the six Innings played, Baker of Delaware gave up a i ingle and an unearned inn as Vo line Davis of the Pirates claimed five strike-out victims on three hits. Delaware -cored, th? first rim of thfi game off a double by leadoff player Johnson in Ihe first. A stolen base ft Off a sacrifice fly eenl him in lo score The Pirates fought back in the top of the .sixth In open their own c.vuml mj Iwo or « * 1 vvi-S*? 11 ; : | 1 | :-*• m | .y 3 gj|| g, If. Henlack«| H I J \pSiii Bourbon fc $2j 0 |j M A Bleed ' | "s 'te Bcq-b** At Lwt Ccmpoii^.tiWirrtl*' KENTUCKY BOURBON BLENDED WHISKEY the BOtJPfcON DtUIVE COMPANV DIVISION OF NATIONAL DISTILLERS PPOfitlC COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KY. KENTUCKY BLENDED BOURBON WHISKEY—PSNX —CONTAINS C-'«IN NEUTRAL SPIRITS ror*. % wild pitch *nd a pop fly* *?'•hnson ! Phikett and Miilss 1 of Delaware and Roundtree of the Pirates were the onl” player? who •-cored hits in th-s game. Willie Mays’ Wife j Injured In A Fall SAN FRANCISCO <AtfP' Mrs. Wglie Mays, wife of the San Francisco Giant* centeyties6»r. ws*. treated for a possible concussier a? a local hospital, after she tell do“ » the steps of her home, early last week. The mishap took p<a*-e at a m. Mrs. Mary \va> at fir-' go • , cp. ergcncy treatment so» a cut fine • cr and bruireri forehead bo* ■ >5 later removed to Doctor?-' br-nda' for examination on the ad :-e of the family physin-n. Dr. Hr; :v»-t B Hcmioj.n. Consider 3 madMdf* ro ' tS j .suo'jmnr for uddi'iional farm "*» -

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