THE CAROLINIAN r TEJh ENDING SATURDAY. MAT 17, 195* mAid To Lovelier Complexion: fjKSffijl i in mil ii n m—min Mi—in mmr m mm w sra jmwiwiiiiiii I lydroquinone Amazing lew Medical Discovery woman's HOrhal «earch ior SButy continues, scionce heralds 1 H discovery of a now. amazing i a"oiii which holds the 1 Sw&| to ii;.!:ir: lo'dio 1 < .implex- EH T’-is miKl'.'tllr.o : ingiodionf is ! < only m 1 Ait 4 si,in Tom- C ■■ Hj HHqainnnr soon to become .1 j HHlity h ■Hanise-. no wild claims Evil's aniaslns cosmetic properties ' beet. laborahM \ -to ted. and Kj|Snri;.fk sUy proven. sJjJII ' ears of texts anri develop have shown thal people jjpnprspended te U\rtrnqtilrinm- as S®rbtenitiK agent for normal I Seagrams IJfLCroum S | e?jtfjra«r t i || Jfr j fp' ■' Crow* i §1 | fwV* , y .-.f* H m 1 -«5i4t5“ .-.* ■;■ 4.3SM*tK** pi i safe? "*'Wo»«nn «*»>»>«•*’ , '’**"'''*"* I Ps|v.*Ml IWTC.IW tShWtW, HA 'AB ?n* fc'untr. Hk.WP, *s Wl* <?% f.Mi* WIITtt; VsSiTJ. Ifijifisteiis to S| B^Efoctoally h'o^ A new ha I! merit ©f eos£leme fa merism ffrdngl ■ I v JGpiirp**; . r'• V I Wii#6 m*l*»*giir SNh or Outlaw ptorfe Hr a S*ow@' H»Mt • k«w haltnivMfc n# amdlWa; te gutds you te grautem# SMrtg F3feW &**•*•, mm it «p*W at tew" ultimo hit modem IMiag Jt Han outward #%***! yew pood tea** H Judgment Whether you pfan te •?V,’ bulM, buy or teofc to 7k« sSoJo MedaWtefi m your guide iwod go*J, iwterperot# Its M»r«feHa te*© yowr pkana. ftnt barteft«s of FuM HOUM 'yi'; PCW?R wktah *VMhi yo**r H«9n« onn e#p>y aH Mas pow«f that you*- \rp way of Ufa demand. Brtiag tK» \rmmjty' and pfeaaura of mod»m f’P "AlgKfCondfttening'' te your famfiy and pirn yoonutlf #%f?eg bount of teiswm •|f|; '•dth Nrr«* wiving aarvt«a of «motri« *pphao*«# TH*n ter teufy MedaHton W Kvdnc, you mo enjoy springtime »fi ten hmn terough asnfraHy ®ontrdied elsotric hsating and tooling aH witfp a kt>m of a dial. j*|: So aef your aJghte and your Kna* on a Madalfion Horns i ter 'SB. Dteaua* *t aoon with your nlwtriaal aonfraotor '• Ur n#ar ** t CM*!* representatives ... no I mam I \jf'! | ( carolina~power“& ught companT) skin Today Hvdrntjuinone has proven to he (he most effective aKcnt of its type known. Sp trim Skin Tone Cream with Mvdioquinone makes its start ling entrance Into the cosmetic v orld. Unlike crrnms ceniaimns oihor lightening agents. Artra is not. only i ffectiv" but safe. It can be used continuously on normal skin without irritation. fn the scientific world the deve lopment of Hydroquinonc as a cos metic iightening agent marks an other milestone in the astonishing achievements of reseatch. And for Milady. Art.ra Skin Tone Cream « STATE TRAINING SCHOOL AUDITORIUM GYMNASIUM ! First Os A Series: m»m**mafKn*uarw H aa*>mm9 State Training School For Mentally Retarded Serving Great Need In NO By MARCUS H, KOIY.AVARE GOLDSBORO As thus reporter ! I took a panoramic view ot the Stats' ! j Training School for the Mentally | | Retarded located here recently, his I I heart was lifted up unto the hills.’' j -Along with John K Larkin*, consultant, S. C Department of j Public Welfare, who made the I trip possible, he saw opforc him a. $4,5 million plant which stand | a* a symbol of North Carolina's 1 determination *’to fuifill Hi* traditional responsibility it h is ' ior ibe welfare r,f all of its citi /rrb.' Within tho wails of these tier I buildings were facilities and teae|v. j ers rvho ace seeing to it that. Negro ! retarded children throughout North I | Carolina will be given maximum j j framing for mental, social, spirit- j ; ual, and n.hvsicaf growth William j jWaters is director of educations I and training I THIS SCHOOL'S TRAINING and j education program i- built around j the.** departments: Academic! Rrhoo»’ Basic Training. Religion.'- ! Education Recreation and Phyrieal Education. Training and Guidance. . Tbe tkirpnv* *Uld r.f lb* i .School, a;- authorized by the 1945 : General Assembly, are to train children with J. Q. s of 70 and be- I low as their mentality will permit; I to disseminate knowledge concern* j ing the extent, nature, and men- I ante of mental deficiency and mi - | tinte methods for its control, re j dti. Don, and ultimate eradication. The school has facilities to care for | any mentally defective individual j tinder the age of 25 years The school has facilities to care ! 800 children, but. presently there is I enrolled only 226. If there is a need i In increase the capacity, it can he i done. The presen! policy of the j school is to admit mental defectives I with I Q.’r of less than 50. vs A CASUAL OBSERVER j one might feel that the school I is nl recent origin, hot this rp (tort ns- ten rued that more than -> years of effort and sacrifice hr gone into its creation and Heine The sacrifices and bard work of individuals groups, and organizations have helped Ihi* drc*m corjic true. In .; study in 1953. “Negro Child W'-if:,.-© in North Carolina," Di W l ,f *;. R Sanders. S('ho*i| .-if Social Wfu-k. University of North Carol j ina, etrsphasiaed the eerd for bet- ; j ter facilities for the care, treat ment, and training of Negro men tally retarded children. The study came at an apropos time, since mentally deficient and epileptic children were eared so • at the State Hospital in Goldsboro. Following Dr. Sander’s finding . Mrs. Vv T Bn t. cx-Cot of Public Welfare, superintendent.-" !of Ctmnly Welfare Department j Stale PTA. teachers, rivic and fra- * i lornal groups of both rare;, sup | ported a movement to secure a j ! slate suported training insi’tution ; for Negro mentally deficient chit | dren BET \S EARLT AS Decern b-*r, 1942, ? R. I,ark in; prev ented to the Commissioner of Public tVeifrre a 12-point pro gtatn to meet the social ami ec onomic nerds of Negroes. In cluded in this program was: An institution for menially i defrrlirc children, (hr employ ment of Negro professional per sonnel at the State Hospital at Goldsboro, and a State School i for Delinquent Girl ! ii was reported that ir '914, Dr. > I Ellen Winston, present Commise. : l inner rtf Public Welfare at tv.,.- ,- r . j I 'fuesf of the late Sreal.e- r;.-. v ,,;. r , nr | J. Melville Broughton re duefed a ! study to determine the number of; mentally retarded trainable ehii I dren in the State. She found 1.500 I in this category, j While legislative enacfmenli .'•re- ; ! tiled *he training school in 1945, nr* ; j money was appropriated to build i j and opc-ate it. until 1953 when s ! G'T.OOb.OOO-bcmd issue was floated j It* passage madn possible the con- J sti uciio i of new buildings, eypan i ding and improving of others for , H*e care arid treatment of the men tally- deficient and ill. Four million and a h. If dollars "■ore earmarked for the Negro training school which was con strueted between 1955 and 1957 l* *s one of the most, modern and veil i built schools of its kind in the na tion, and it is located in Goidsbo- I re Dr \f. M. Vito!;*, superintendent Stale Hospital, is administrator, j , '*• hile fir WiUian". -1. Waters i ed- I ucatiorv.i director. ! UNDER LIBERAL leadership. | ; great progress has been made *n ; providing facilities for the raie ; md | freatment of mentally ill and defer - i j live persons tn North Carolina , j .Special mention Is made of Hon ; I John W Umstcad; Dr. James Mur dock. secretary. State Hospital j Board of Conlrol; and Dr M M. Vitols. : isperintendprit at the Golds boro Hospital. The latr Governor William B Umstcad endorsed and nhp ported the Ivond issue that pro rifted tee money for this ins*i lutioiv ihe mernher* of thr General itmemli ly are mm mended for enacting legislation anpropMatitig l he mnnev for this school In addition to persons and rmim? already mentioned ip this article j the following had ? rr.'al part i.a j the work in behalf of this school j Among them are th* North Carol j ms Federation of Negro Women ; j Clubs, Stete T--whpiH Asfiociation, j -ind ».o e p I VEST WEEK; This newspaper , will publish the second (n a series i nt artieiea on the Training School ter Negro retarded Individuals in North Carolina. Mulch your garden to eor.tro! weeds and conserve moisture. Ip v&M I oY£B^irtjagJSjj ®U!V <-** *|Tf"f | v * I '■ -*jH PRESS ym..f tvStir with pn^' * JR^I «bonair<* fl OKvr*l*t& I c«»:wc press th«R.. [fflS ; CURL youi hast with j jRStyFtJKJpP? , SPVHHKj ftbooaire J WSc* rPEMr. cupl jg rsl mfmj4. i r MwwSi .x ■ Dr. H. Miller Reviews Book | At Library 1 “Th«* Organization Man ny Wf}* jg Lain H. White, was the til! a basil 9 reviewed by Dr. Howard Mili'e** 1 professor ol industrial wsyrho.lofift | before members rrf jjv> RaMgn | Book Chib recently At the Hiotwrd I B. Harrison Library. Hr. Miller snirl that hi» rradh H irjsr of the book ap&k« of 4m> || Orgsußizattati Man more or l«w 11 as a junior executive, a cross- J breed befcweto the senior exec- f! oiivr aruj worker who worked *1 for Hie large corporal torn., be- ! lon;cd to it, ati<s invented hi* future hi I*. “William White, the truthoi l , pbv hires the “oraanizntion man* as 0r.9 vho has regrettably I net His iden tity as an individual and one wHfie ■ conform* to the demands of the | large contieetMV* declared Pwfeswtw j Miller, FrotwWy roe rtf the moat tirte.r- : estjßg aspects of Ihe review' whs the statement, that the “orgatiftM' | (ten man” has sold His birthright *r | an individualist for a mess of eon- j forrnist pottage. T>r, Miller said that the an thor of “The Organisation Man’* lamented that fact that gonr are the days when one man ran piob himself to (op unas Misted in surh as way that Ood Id esses him for his business acumen and executive superior rity. As art atmosphere n ( infonnali j ty prevailed, in asrmich as mem- I | rrs and visitors were permitted to j interrupt the speaker at will. Following the review, a brief in j formal meeting was ermilii?tod hv i Mrs. George Nowell, ckih pre-e j dent. Although many members will ! h- awry from Halcicii during the iimrne it war: agreed th ! ('. ■ croup would hold informal d! cu Mon cf (books. Modern Center T@ Serve Yowth SSr- •'■'9l New aluminum and glass | Girl Scout national headquart ers on redeveloped Third Av - enue in New York City war recently dedicated to service of youth. By huil'ding and own ing it? own headquarter-, th? national Girl Scout organiza tion wtl! save approximately sjno,ooo 3 year over previous costs of renting commercial office space New headquarter will be service and research renter for more than 3 million Girl Scouts in the U S. PLANT" ‘ I Woods Tested J Garden Seed Peas-Bea ns-Brets Corn-Salads Larges*. Assort men j in Raleigh Tools & Fertilizers i + ♦ j r.W.YOUNG Hardware 130 E. Martin St. | Dtei TEmple 3-7121 Patronize Our Advertisers CBKSWH^—JMW—miBMaBMaHi——BWKfM 11«WIIT».--IWHI IIWWI WiHm*.WA»»nnw>i.l>.Hai« ■ !■>,.. [ ACME REALTY CO. H Real Estate - Rentals - Surety Bonds Fire and Automobile Insurance I WE BUILD AND REPAID HOUSES 1 Dial TE 2-0956 |i 129 E. Hargett. St. Raleigh, N. C. j INSTALLMENT LOANS TO TEACHERS NO PAYMENTS ARE REQUIRED ID JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST THE WSYSTEM 122 South Salisbury Stiff* RALEIGH \\ s u ; n b A \ i i\ (» O - - TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPiUC save scr j Bn New Tire Cost i TaYt\ * Modern .’I re d DetcgM | >4 ))\ ® 8-Hour Seivicc 1 • Same Quality Kubbei (BBjsß \\^f k f U <)\ 3 ?* Used in New Tires sPm ’ rdj*j |i i W * Eaxy to Balance l \f If 11 jli f \mMm\ V MMf! I IliCPtPiSiSj tl9s Terms To Suit You! 14 and 13 INCH TIRES RE-CAPPE D HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. us s. McDowell s i . phone i e 2-0571 <raa-awaa,Tm;wfaa.-iaawk«a^,M M^. ..lasxakia-rw-»«.>. .at.aanut, ■■ 1m extra money ~ SELL Th o "shwbww* m /j |f S .Jr msusmamaessso Carolinian | Your own state newspaper* with news of your community while it is still neu s, | Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. 1 The CAROLINIAN * 518 E. Martin St. • Raleigh, N. C. Please send details of how 1 can cam money telling | The CAROLINIAN in my community. I think 1 can sell . 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