12 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1958 Washington Junior High School Happenings Editors: Joseph Gordon, Fan nie Rand, Cora Fowler, Louise, Taylor and Ariel Torler STUDENT COUNCIL PRESENTS AN ORATORICAL CONTEST On Thursday, May Bth, the stud ent Council presented an oratorical contest. Barabara Shaw, President ci the Student Council presided. The participants were from grades 8 through 9. The contestants and selections included the following: Carolyn Carter “The Children’s Hour" by Longfellow; Catherine Brown, “A Psalm of Life", by Long fellow; Joyce Cooke, "A Psalm of Life” by Longfellow; Lonine Hold en. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Hughes; Valeria McNeil. “Trees by Kilmer; Wallace Peace. “The Buil ders by Longfellow; Mary Helen Ray “The Creation" by Johnson; Dorothy Shaw ’lf" by Kipling and Mary Upperman, “My? elf' by Ed gar Guest. The audience sang the Negro Na tions! Anthem Joyce C, >oke rend ered an instrumental solo entitled. WINNERS ANNOUNCED Carolyn Carter won first prize of $5.00. Mary Helen Ray won second prize of $3.00. The judges were seniors from Shaw University. Thanks for the judges who were Misses Mary May field, Lethia Hardy and Minnie Mint* The participants of the oratorical contest were judged according to the following points: poise and per sonality, accuracy and effective ness selectiivty, voice quality, pro nunciation and enunciation PATROLS ENJOY TRIP Patrols from Washington School who visited the nation’s eapitol May 8-10 included Rufus Wilson. Johnny Massey, Dwight Stroud, Robert Williams, Robert Bryant, Alphnnas Broks, Paullette Canady and Mozella Dolby. This tired but happy group all members of the Safety Patrol, beaded hack home Saturday after a three day excursion to Washing ton for the annual Safety Patrol Parade. These pupils enjoyed marching down Constitution Avenue Satur day afternoon in the traditional parade with the RT Conting ent one of the larges' make the trek to Washington. These pupils were accompanied by 12 adults and four bus driver-'- from Raleigh. Officers Joseph Winters and T T Street happily aeoempanied the children m .'iking the group. CONGRATET 4TTONS TO ORCHESTRAS ALLAN MIMS, INC. FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TAR BORO ST. Telephone 2-2131 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ftentuckv STRAIGHT Jj| Bourbon^Jpf Iff Ifj / fmw /a&SVArv | ,2 - Zgg/ SUNNY BROOK Congratulations to the string or che.-tra and the elementary all-city orchestra who received good rat ings in state competition contest recently. Certificates are on dis play at Ligon High School. The siring orchestra of Raleigh public schools received an A-ll rat - ing and the newly formed elemen tary ail-ett yorchestra which has been recognized only two months received a B 111 rating. Mrs. J. Boulware and Joseph Edwards are in charge of these groups. UNITED STATES SOCIAL SCIENCE SCRAP BOOKS Brenda Anntoinetto Butler and Bessie Beckwith mate a United States Booklets. Included in these booklets are the American Beau ty Hose our country's flower; the eagle our country's bird: a mao of Ihe United States and an ABC write up" of our country Also found in these booklets are listings ot each state with its cap ital, flowers and bird. You will also sec state products listing of each state. Other outstanding materials are found in these boklets Every pupil in Mrs. D. Thomas' fifth grade made a booklet. The entire unit was quite helpful and inter esting. FINAL FTA MEETING < CARY The final meeting of ; the Cary Elementary School Par > ent,-Teachers Association was hell.' Monday night. May 19, in the i'• school auditorium. ( j Officers for the ensuing year ‘ were installed: Mr. Clancy Core, president; Mr ' Alston Matthews, vice-president. ! j Mrs. Ruth Evans, secretary; Mrs : Bettie Balientme. assistant score- 1 tary; Mrs. Jeanette Evans, trees- \ urer; Mr. Milton Ballcntine. sec- ; jretary of treasury, Mr, E. L.': 1 Roseboro, parliamentarian. Mrs. L. W. Logan spoke to the , ; new officers concerning their du- j ties and responsibilities. Mr. E. P. Rayford, principal,! 1 gave some very timely remark;, 1 ; concerning the cooperation end • I good spirit, shown by the parents! ! this year. He expressed hr, griutude t>' I | the parents for their interest in . ‘ their bovs and girls wanting 1 them to have the very best educa- ' ! Mon one could possibly have, and also tor the coolers which xurnish . ed cold water for them to drink, j COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Commencement exercises will |be held at the Cary Elementary;' School Thursday night. May 29, ati ; 8 p.m Dr. James O. Finney, professor ; • i of Education and coordination of Courses will deliver the com mence address. Music for the ot:-. : i casion will be rendered by the • i Cary Elementary School Glee j Club j i The public is Invited. i PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS IHE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Gary School News Goldsboro News BY J. 11. < f All AM 425 E. 1 :n street Wayne 4-H’e ’s To Compete At District Event 1 . GOLDSBORO Eighteen Wayne ! County 'd the Chatham Rams at Siler City i by a score of 6-3 on May 13. The line-up was as follows for j i the Thunderbolts: John H. Alston. 1 right field: Jimmy Dark, eenter j field: Clarence Fearrington, left field; John Toomer, third base; Wil ! lard Cotton. short stop; John 1 Brown, second base. Marion Hort- KINSTON NEWS KINSTON - Mr?. Borcell a C. i Lawson of 1052 University St. was j chosen as ‘ Mother of the Year" by 1 | the Men's clubs of Kinston She is the wife of the late Rev J. P. Law- j son and has been a member of the ; Macedonia Free Will Baptist ' ] Church located near here since j i early childhood. She is a former j i president of the Pastors’ Aid Club ! of her church and has contributed to the success of her community | through the years, j An impressive ceremony in her i ; honor was held at the St John’s Free Will Baptist Church at 11:00 I A. M on “Mother’s Day" Sun May : 11. Rev. R A. Bunn, retired rector ; was the speaker. In attendance with the hormree : for the ceremony were her seven : children. They are Mr Elisha R. | Lawson of Kinston. N. C He is a 1 member of the Masonic Lodge and jis associated with radio station j WFT..S as a disc-jockey. Ezekiel W. i Lawson resides in Washington, D. ' C. and is a U S. Postal Employee j and Photographer; J. P. Lawson, i Jr of Washington, D. C is employ- Icd with the 11. S. Dept, of Corn ! merce. Mrs. Bru cella L Blow of S Washington. D. C. hold B. S. and |M. A. degrees from Bennett Cot* j lege and Howard University, re ■ spectively. While at Bennett she [ was elected to Who's Who In Am ! erican Colleges and • Universities. | She is presently employed in Md. ; as, a social worker i Mrs. Patience L, Henry of Kins* j ton was graduated from N, C. Col* ■ lege. Durham, hr-s further studied there and is presently on the fac ulty at Frink High School, La ''".range; Mordeeai F.. Lawror, of Washington was graduated from Morehouse College, has further stu died at Howard University is a member of the Omega Psi. Phi Fraternity and is employed as a mathematical programmer for the j U. S. Bureau of Census; William A. i Lawson, a Kinston resident is a member of the A.dkin High School j faculty. He was graduated from A. ! T. College and has had further stu ■ dy at Columbia University. He is ! also a member of the Phi Beta Sig-' ma Fraternity. Zcta Eta Lambda, Graduate | Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fra- I ternity met Saturday night May 10 ; ;ii the residence of Dr. W Arthur j Isler, 42(1 East Blount St. The pri j mary business of this meeting was | to receive the report of the Fduca i lion and Scholar-hip Committee of l which the host is a member. After j the business session, a social hour j was enjoyed. Those present were Dr A. A. j Best, Messers. W. G. Barnes, C. A. | Winston, J. R. Carney. J. Ward, Jr . | and R T Harrell of Greenville. N. ‘ C,; Messers W, G. Keyes, L. E. j Opharrovv and Rudolph McNeil of | New Born; L. H, Smith, Jr. of Snow ! Hill and C. B. Stewart of Kinston, i The next fraternity meeting will | be held on May 23 at the home of j W. G. Barnes, Greenville, i Awards Day was held at the ; Woodingtor High School on May j 13 at 11:00 A. M The theme was, I “Let Your Reach Exceed Its Grasp j Or What’s A Heaven For. Scrip ture reading was by Father Banks with music by the Woodmgton Glee club Guest speaker was Atty Frank Moore. Presenting the award? were Mrs H. B Outlaw Mr James Henry, Mrs L B Vou.se, Mr. Grady Bethel, Mrs D. T. Brinson, Mrs. V B. By* j num, Supt 11. H. Bullock. Mr. Ste phen C.irraway, Jr, and Miss Elsie R. Dovr. The awards presented- and stud* MORE TO COME ON KINSTON 6 ents receiving them were Science Award. Johnnie .Tones, mathema tics. Jimmy Mcßymmi; James B. ; Baker Award, Johnnie Jones; Bus j Driver. George Payton: Athletics I George Payton, Music fQlee | Club) Martha Mainer and Wilbur i Hines; Band, Martha Manor; Baker | Bynum Citizenship. James Mills, i Tri-Hi- V Award, Anna Gooding; j Betty Moore. Silver Moore. Jerome ! Loviek, Johnnie Jones, Courtrina • Patterson, Jessie Williams, Thelma i Williams and John Farrior. Finer j Womanhood Cup, Martha Mainor; | 4 H Club, Martha Mainor: Alpha ! Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship, j Martha Mainor; Jotson's Award, Johnnie Jones; BaHour Award, Maltha Mainor; Driver Education Certificates, Curtis Gooding, James Gooding. James Williams. Ciara Dove, Ralph Hubbard. Alice Hail, | I.y von tie Patrick, George Nobbes 1 and Adolnh Taylor: Agriculture A* ward. Wilbur Coward, Patrol A ward, Franklin Styles; Commerce Award. Betty Moore and Jessie Williams The Interdenominational Minis terial and Missionary Society of Kinston held its “Unveiling Serv ice” at the St. Peters Church of Christ on Thursday Night. High lighting the service was the unveil ing of the Society's Charter. Guest speaker was Rev. C. L. Park? of the Goldsboro Christian Institute. His theme was, “The. Social LUe of the Minister." A brief history and Introduction I of officers was given by Rev. Ivlary | E. Lofton, President. Officers of the Society are Bev. C. Parks, Counselor; Rev. M. E. ' Lofton, President Rev. f F Nan GOLDSTON I on, first base; Andrew Wilson. cat* j cher; Ernest Harris, pitcher. At the end of the third inning the ■ cores were Siler 3, Horton 0. Ben Purifoy replaced Harris. In