16 ' THE CftROLIHIAW z# WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1958 | i fl I 1 9 fir n | * a n mi is ! lls In Cl! c\3i !v Up 1 1 n 111 USI a w gjL. m A M n a GREENSBORO Four prom- j lent leaders in business, educa-1 on. social work and internation- i politics will be awarded honor- j •y degrees at the 60th annual unmencement exercises to be i ;Id at A&T College, Monday, i me 3. Those to bp honored are: F. F Merrick, Durham, a grad-- ua.tp of the eollcgp, who re cent? retired as trvasurer-vire president of the North Carol ina Mutual. Life Insurance Company. Hn is a member of [the <• allege trustrp hoard and has served for the past four- Sears as treasurer of Ui<> Alum ni Scholarship Fund; Paul R. Brown also, • graduate of the college and nperintendent of | the Morrison Training School at Hoffman, N. f . a State in stitution for neglected hoys- John R Larkins. consultant on Negro Affairs, ' r Depart ment of Public Welfare a< Rn Jeiyb. and the Honorable Dan iel A. Chapman ambassador from Ghana to the United United States Chapman will deliver the coni sneement a cl-3 < • at the nut w final?, to be held on the Uni te Quadrangle beginning at 4 no M , on Mon da v The ambatsa • r a graduate of the Ghana A isnot-B. College whore be served ■■ a n is i nIMm. JUNE IS | WEDDING TIME ; i! and We Are The Best In Making Wedding Cakes & Reception Cakes Pn C£s A.?* th& ft Come in to See Us While Making Your Wedding Plans! FAMOUS BAKERY 197 S. WILMINGTON ST, PHONES TEmpWt 3-8383 - 2-8334 ! i ; j * 18 If Roitrloi! m 2 3 i| *; a e s| |j M\3B2? ■ U. j'| Kentucky If §j I lli§3l Bourbon (tfhiskeg Si I ii§\ A Blend HOT f~ • sg; OBJ igi * _ BcllltH* •3; ’'** Bggj v &»fW« $« in,* Coming. Iwinoth.Xj ,‘b gij V 6 tjVtiHJ ■ "' ** "' ■* *'' '"* ■■”*-' ■• >' ’ KENTUCKY BOURBON BLENDED WHISKEY E BOURBON D£ LUXE COMPANY DIVISION OF NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS WPANY, LOUiSVILLiT. KY. KENTUCKY BLENDED BOURBON WHISKEY—EC PROOF jONTAINB 43% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS j for a number of years as faculty j member, has done graduate study lat Oxford University in England at New York and Columbia Unl | versifies, here. He played an tm • j portant role during the transition of power from Great Britain when his country gained its independ ence in 1957. Dr. E. Luther Cunningham pas tor of the St. Paul's Baptist i .!. R. J ARHINS j Church in Philadelphia .will deln er the sermon at the baccalaui cate services set for Harrison Am ! ditorkim on Sunday, June 1, be i ginnig at 11:00 A. M. COMMERCE T E A < H F. t ; LEAVING IjIGON Mrs. Janie* Wall Robertson. Ligon Hi,so School commerce teacher is leaving Raleigh ‘■eon after spen ding 10 .venn as business teacher at both Washington High and logon (ligb Schools. Mrs, Rnh prison has earned many nation si citations for her newspaper the Eicon Taller, which she d< rets along with her oilier duties She will receive her master's de •ree in business education an :u>ie l, at N. C College, Durh im ••id will join her husband. Os! Robertson, in Baltimore. Md. shortly thereafter Mrs. Robctt '<>** will become a teacher m the' Baltimore system. The Robert -on ha'-e one child. Otis Mi chael. mmhhmt 111: HEADS SHAW’S TRUSTEES —Dr William R, Sfrasriier, pres •deni. Shaw Cniversify. has an nounced that Dr. P \. Bishop of Rich Square, above, was elect ed chairman of (he Shaw Uni versity trustee hoard in its an nual meeting on May 5. A Pres idenf of the General Baptist State Convention of North Car olina. Dr, Bishop has served for a number of years as a member of Shaw's trustee board He is also chairman of the Stale Con vention’s $:?,50,00tt campaign for Shaw University. MUSICIAN OF THE TEAR Named "Musician of the Year" by the Tulsa lOkta.) Civic Male chorus is Mrs, Carrie Hooker Nenly, music instructor at Booker T. Washington High School and assistant supervisor of music, Tulsa public schools. The cita tion salutes Mrs, Ncelv for the musical influence she has exert- j ed “far beyond our Tulsa com- ! rnunity and for bringing about enod will between racial and i cultural groups in this city.” | (AND, : j§gtf§sp : The 1-ord, He it is that doth ?o before thee: He will he with thee; He-will not fail thee, neither forsake thee.— (Deuteronomy 31, 8.) The almost unbearable loss of a beloved one; grave ill ness ; bitter despair—one or all of these may come to U 3 ! in our lives, and we will be una’oie to withstand them by j our mortal selves. It is only l] the supernal and never-faii- : in God, Our Father, that will save and sustain us. I J-*'R 1 *r , ' ■ 4> \ . ’ \ \ Sb VjjjL J? r / ■■■’ ' A> ' <:■•> f -*/' ! ; y ' ! f ; :. i - . s•* • * V m:\7 T :|k * m* f; ; j ** % ■ ...... .3'-. \ ... :« • CONGREGATIONAL NURSERY “GRADS" - Sunday morning at the regular worship service the A * MS,or - * rv w f nnmngham. presented rerfifiraten to the “graduates" of (he Congregation:.! njv | Nursery The students are left to right. Sandra McNeil. Melvin Jackson and Patricia Freeman Flowers 9 and flower basket „ere presented to the ehurch from (he Nursery School. | Shriners To Deposit $50,000 In Negro-Owned. Onerated Banks • , DETROIT. Michigan The Ini p- rial Council Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic •Shrine has announced it will depo it some $50,000 in ten major banks owned, and operated by Negroes on June 2. The deposits are scheduled .simultaneously by Shrine officers. Observing the proceed u/ea will be fiembfrs ot the Daughters of Isis -.nd Prince Hall Grand Misters. Rocker '! Alexander, Imper ial potentate. Detroit, Mich,, in announcing the program for disperse!! nf the Shrine Imper ii Council funds said (his was mother step In the organiza tion's “faith in Negro enterprise m our democracy " 8’ further •minted out" this art would Tain alt'-st, to IHr fart that S bruins believe m ronnttunilv enterprise, live their faith m I Negro effort, to achieve, and Dill? sup port aj| progress in betterment." In announcing the dais of depos j in these major hanks, Mr. Alex ; ‘ Su,u tDhC. 1 tV-v; rJWuOtl : I op the mvi of Shrtners* officer? in • i v.-u-ious areas .s an expression of j our concern for the well being, j growth and expansion of all these j i hanking institutions. Tt • • also a j vote of confidence in the growth of j I eor.'.n'.’'nty •o.tercsf ctuf develop- | mcnl He also printed out that, the j j PC H Adriatic n of the Grand Masters! lef Pi men Hall Masons and the j \ rtaughtei'" l of 'si? emphasize the i i common interest, in worthwhile i i projects. j Alexander re-a! led that the 1 } Shriners in their first effort on i •Tune J. 1956 deposited some $60,006 J m I‘l hanks oertrw the nation in ~ j simil >r manner At the time other i i national and international organ!- j | - itions were challenged to make j 1 thejr funds available through these j j institution.*, ; It was pointed out that the Im- j ! perial Council lending in this wide- ! • spread dispersal of it* funds was | 1 draamlizina in a spec,si way the ’ I practical things Shriners can do to : ; promote a Cooperative spirit of ■■ orking toward common ideal.* and : j goals. Meantime, Marco C ifirftn. Danville. Vi Imperial Record er, in a letter accompanying , fiv* cheek, wilt tell banking of ficers “the Shrine Order would like to sec this act multiplied many timfs e.yer bv other er gankatlons and groups and to- ! dividual* «ho can do ii. a* it ; i seems to us a very tangible and i substantial way to help lift our selves from a very much unde veloped aroa,, lint one which ! counts heavily in the world evaluation of a people in this maleri-Mbfie ■,;■•• " j Alexander said that deposits: !' i would he made in the Carver Sav- j i ings Bank. Savanr ih. Gs.. Citir.en,* j I Savings Bank and Trust Co, Nash ! ; ville. Tenn Citizens and Southern ! | Bank and Trust Co Philadelnhia. j j Pa ; Consolidated Bank and Trus* ! : Co. Richrpend, Vs . Crown Sa'dngs ! ] Bank. Newport Ne-v*. Va : The ! ! Douglass State Bank. Kansas City, i ! Kansas; Industrial Bank, Washing' j ' ion. n C; Mechanics and Fanners ; ‘ PRIVDSAFEL.Y j 'scS™! DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS ALUMINUM & GALV Screen Wire HINGES SPRINGS, Etc. ELECTRIC FANS —See— S. V. YOUNG Hardware 130 E Mar tin St. Dial TEmple 2-7121 p rr* - • Bank, Durham, N C, TVi-State I Bank of Memphis. Memphis, Tenn : : ' , and Victory Savings Bank. Colum- j j hi*. S. C Each bank will secure a I S-'i.hOO deposit Earlier identical j i : sums v.n!i have been rfepoMied in i j* •: 90 PROOF 2-50 3-3-5 ! mm. j PT. 4-5 QT. R ! yL-^i Mr 'iA 1 W i f s 6 YEAR OLD \ CIOTURY CLUB STRAIGHT SOURSON WHISKEY J NATIONAL OtSTILLERS PROOS. CORP.. N.Y. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 85 PROO£ ■■ ■ ■ * t■' ■—— - 1 • • „i7i,ii ii ■~,m i*nllmn swsT' i INSTALLMENT LOANS TO TEACHERS | NO PAYMENTS ARE REQUIRED IN JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST THE HOOD SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL BANK 122 South Salisbury Street RALEIGH f1 P 5 ’ ■ | ## insured |gj| SAVINGS J . Citizen; Trust Co, Atlanta | sis, and First State Bank, Dan- , | vi(K Virginia, ! VOTE •For- TRUMAK S. RHODES i k *&§r? raßlg»iss |p|p|| W „|P® j SHERIFF Os Wake County IN THE Democrat ic Primary MAY 31, 1958 30 Years Experience in Law Enforcement 24’Hour Protection Around the Clock j C?,F \N, HONEST ENFORCEMENT YOUR VOTE WILL RE APPRECIATED! ' *^Y2^'W^ : '™Jffil™SGiT*Sß ! &3s'£-ai9 Miss Zen.obia Browning: LOCAL STUDENT WINS AWARD Miss Zenobia Elaine Browning of i | E 3 Washington Terrace Raleigh I and a graduating senior won the | ÜBEA-SMEAD Award for outstan i ding achievement in Business Ed„i --i cation at St Augustine’s College, The award consists of a year’s I professional membership in the United Business Education Associ ation. a special leather raw binder with winner’s name Im printed in gold on the cover, and a j current volume of ‘‘Business Edu- i cation Forum”, a national profess- j ional magazine for business teach- i ors. Miss Browning’s other honors | and activities arp: Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, Alpha Kappa j Alpha Ferocity, Student F, duration | I ACME REALTY CO- I Real Estate - Rentals - Surety Bonds Fire and Automobile Insurance ? WE BUILD AND REPASR HOUSES Dial TE 2-0956 p 129 E. Hargett St. Raleigh, N. C. TOP QUALITY 1 KRAFT RECAPPING /mm. save so% \Vs\v\ New Tire C»st $ viS\nW r ’ su / ls^tnP !l I hhu Service / uT A ft**} ® Same Quality Rubber / mm 4SBU‘.Ut a-‘ fedm New Tire. I • Easy to Balance W IMBIbI SioSuyS I * sviTfM V m/m IraouwiwJ % , 4 SNHUU ms ssevtcf J Terms To Suit You! M and IS INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED HUNT GEHEiWL TI3E CO. 428 s. McDowell st. phone te 2-0571 HAKE EXTRAW SELL T*L . ! «B*i«nuw*n»Mr eemK&mnaaaß Carolinian j Your own state newspaper* with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. | 1 The CAROLINIAN ! 518 E. Martin St. • Raleigh. N. C. « j Please send details of how I ran earn money selling The CAROLINIAN in my community. I think I can sell * S I I copies weekly. ( l name I I J ADDRESS : ~ J J ‘ CITY OR TOWN « 1 Association Winner of Grerg Spee-i ! Awards and who’, who in Am*ri ' can colleges and Univen-itK-s The award war, presented br M. j R E. Baß. chairman of the ->pv. f - I ment of Busines* Education at £* j Augustine's College Consider a roadside market f:: summer for additional twin n ; come. Minor elements are essential It j iop production of some crop; June is a month of ebuivi ■ ! d::iiv production. Grain ro’gh'im (mil-.i h w t ; I ihilit.y to produce , crop du;’.*w I, dry weather that often re in , I corn yields,

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