THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 19SS » wr—II—HIWM I —— — * iei mm n '' 11 wi»mn—■' ihitt wnimmi ■■■■in 11 11 -—iiiwiiri mi .in- Editorial Viewpoint The CAROLINIAN'S WORDS OF WORSHIP 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the V/ord was with God, and the Word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning with God. 3. Ail things were made by him; and without him was not anything that was made. 4. In him was life; and life was the light of men. 5. And the light shmeth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6. There was a man sent from God. whose name was John. 7. The same came for a witness, to bear wit ness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. It Is Hush - - - Hush! One of the most recent books to come off the press is Abortion in the United States, published by Harper-Hoeber. It is the record of the 1955 international conference on abor tion sponsored by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the New York A cademy of Medecine. In the report an abortion specialist, Dr. G Loti ell Timanus, tells how he built up a roster of 353 physicians who would send patients to him for abortions m his Baltimore practice II was revealed that 1920 to 1951, Dr, Timanus performed 5,210 illegal operations. From our knowledge abortion is illegal in practically each one of our 48 states. The only exception that is permitted is that the abortion is imperative to save the mother s life The report pointed out that even in these cases, the penalty was so severe that many hospitals and gynecologists won’t have any tiling to do Witn legitimate cases. It is interesting to observe that, according to the Kinsey report, one our of ten women surveyed became pregnant and had an abor tion. The Kinsey survey explained that most of these women had the, abortions performed by physicians. Or. Timanus. now debarred from practice, testified that hr used the best medical tech niques available. In every case hr tried to get the referring doctor to state in writing that the woman’s health would be jeopardized by con tinuation of the pregnancy Fees for Dr. Timanus’ abortion operations ranged from 5200 to s4oo—payable in advance —and they were charged “to make the thing more or less prohibitive.” When brought to court, Dr. Timanus was prosecuted and fined $5,000 Then nr war forced into retirement after a six-month jail sentence. The Church - It And You Let us take a look at the church and you too You have been criticizing the church for many of its so-called shortcomings You say that it does not sufficiently meet the neeos o the people in this Space Age. But what about vou—the church member? Since there is so much wrong with the church, and you have made the charge why do you attend? First, we know you are going to say that you feel better by having attended the Sunday morning service. Now, is that all going to church does for you? If so, then you might as well stay at home because medicine will do the same thing for you. For some reason you church members think going to church on Sunday is serving God. It you think so, you have the wrong idea. Vou fad to realize that there is no difference be tween working on your job and working in the church —work and religious work. On this earth, there is much work to done Our Fother’s Business ir far larger than just doing church work, ir includes agricul tural, commercial, educational, political, and domestic pursuits. God seeks to develop perfect human beings, who, in spite of adversities, will learn to live the abundant life with their fellowmen. To achieve this end upon earth, the Almighty set going an experiment to which all His resouces are committed No single human talent and effort can be spared if the experiment is to succeed. People must be fed and clothed, housed and tarnsported, taught and healed, as well as preached to. Thus all business, daily and pro fessional pursuits are his Father’s business. Second, you may say l go to church to snake good business contacts. You think of the church as you would of fraternal end social organizations that you join for professional reasons. Thus you go to church for what you can personally get out of it. If this is all that church means to you. we advise you to stay at home. You may be like the person who said, "Un til the church can become as interesting to the people as the dance hall and movies, it can not hope to compete for people’s interest and support.” This is another way of saying that you feel that the church ought to broaden its sphere of activity. We Salute Dr. Williams The poet, Shakespeare, said in, one of his plays that "the good that men do is oft inter red with their bones.” We do not want this said of an educator who has given 28 years of meritorious service to one of our State Teach ers Colleges, Hence, we take this means of sa luting Dr. Sidney D. Williams, president of State Teachers College, who rendered unself ish service to the institution. This great teacher and administrator came to State Teachers College at Elizabeth City, 9. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11 He came unto his own, and his own re ceived him not. 12. But as many as received him. to them gave he power to become the sons of God. even unto them that: believe on his name; 13 Which was bom, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and wc beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.) full of grace and truth. (St, John 1:1-14.) These facts may be shocking to most read ers, but Dr. Timanus states that he knows a physician who had done 40,000 abortions in 50 years. The aim of the parenthood conference, was to discover the number of abortions performed cadi year in the United States While no one knows exactly, it is reliably estimated that they run from 200,000 to 1,200,00. This is in deed a shocking number. What the Planned Parenthood Federation of America found out at its conference shocking as it may be—is being repeated thousands of times each month in this coun try. We don’t know whether to place most of the blame upon pregnant females and their husbands (or boy friends) or upon the. medi cal practitioners But whoever is to blame need to search their consciences, or they need to be punished to the fullest extent of the Jaw. We are sure that the American Medical As sociation is aware of this condition, and we hope steps are being taken to curb this prac tice among its member physicians. We even suggest that the Association give more study to this matter in the near future if for no other reason than to vindicate its integrity and repu tation. In general the people in this cosntry have high regard for the medical profession. It can not afford to let the malpractice of a few doc tors bring disrepute to the Association. Wc may say that the physician—when he is caught performing abortions-—should be slam med behind jail bars. Well, what about the patients who go to these phvsicians and lay bare their distressing problems and are willing to pay the high fees charged? If discovered, both the patient and physician should be pun ished severely. There should be no exceptions. People, like you. have said that the church lads to provide services for children and young people. You say the church is doing little for aged members who have retired from their daily vocational pursuits, Your ideas are well taken. You are suggesting that our churches pro vide old folks’ home, orphanages, recreation centers, educational departments, employment offices, group hospital insurance and the like Well, we admit that these are indeed worth while projects and the general church should undertake them. But what about you? In order for the church to expand its serv ices to appeal to a wider variety of people it must get your full financial support. This means, of course, that nothing less than the practice of tithing will do. It takes thousands ol dollars to build educational departments, recreation centers, convalescing homes, and what-have- you. The reason why your church doesn't have all of these things you want it to have is that you have been putting in the collection plate the widow’s mite. The day for dropping ten cents in the plate on Sunday is past Ten cents will not pay the pastor much less expand and keep in repair your church's physical facilities. While much money will be neded to provide many services in the church, there is a great need for the services of members. Members must give of their services freely, or else the church will be forced to employ paid workers to carry on its work. The trouble with most church members is that we have not been doing our duty. Wo must dedicate ourselves to the church's pro gram. There is an enormous amount of work that needs to he clone. We must not develop the habit of "lotting George do it.” Last fall. THE CAROLINIAN in a series of editorials, outlined a program of positive action for church members. It included fin ancial self-discipline on the part of church members, tithing, participating in the Church Bonus Money Program, and wise investment of the church's financial resources. We would he interested to know if there is any church in North Carolina following this program. Next time you are tempted to critize your church and its minister, suppose you think a bout what you are doing. North Carolina, twenty-eight years ago and cast his lot. At that time, he assumed the posi tion of dean and held it for fifteen years. As administrator, his cooperation and loyalty, his eagerness and alertness, was made manifest. Without doubt, his contribution as dean led to his inauguration as president of the college in 1945. Realizing that it takes money to carry thp gospel of education to the people of North Carolina, Dr. Williams appealed to state of- Untill That Theory Is Denounced We JUST FOR fun Lea^^^ "snin^sfnw<« BY REV. FRANK CLARENCE LOWERY For ANP BLOOD 1. Up to this time and reaching back beyond the Flood, discov eries are being made in this stream we call "Blood"; just when and where this will stop, it is hard to tell, for its ele ments are as vast as a bottom less well. 2. When we consider that on this substance all human and animal life depends, it should be cherished and carefully guarded above all of life's ordi nary demands. 3. Thus physicians find them selves in an endless sea trying to find a remedy for you and pass thru the blood stream to pass thru the blood srteam 1o leave the patient calm and se rene 4. It is no wonder then that this vital substance has provok ed highest thoughts in unusual abundance; for the deeper one delves into the secrecies of this great coures, countless myster ies are found in its boundless course 5. To it have been attached metaphors and similes without end. . . but never before did it What Other Editors Say AMERICA THE LOSER Two major anti-recession weapons have fallen by the po litical wayside, the victims of a doubtful coalition between a Re publican Administration and a finals "to loosen the purse strings" and make larger appro priations, When money began to pour into the college treasury, the institution was transformed , into a first-class college for training elementary school tea chers. Under President Williams’ ad ministration, every building was remodelled and made into a mo dern facility. The addition of roads, side walks, and shrub bery has made the campus a showplace in the town. In ten year’s time, those additions have been made: two modern resi dence halls, a science hail, a physical education and fine arts building, an up-to-date infirm ary, construction o! an athletic field annex, and addition of four faculty homes It is not generally known that President and Mrs. Williams have assisted financially many young men and women who otherwise would have been de nied r.n education. He Is an elder in the Antioch Presbyterian Church, has been active in com munity affairs. In recognition ot his work as edodcational lead er Johnson C Smith Universi ty awarded him the honorary Doctor of Laws degree in 104 P Dr. Williams has “run the face with patience,” and we take this means of awarding him the prize. For his long years of ser vice. he has earned the right to retire. It goes without saying that his influence in the educa tional field will he missed. And his influence in the community will be greatly expanded. , UOVL “Lott? of men could support a wife If they didn't hare to feed her vanity.” eve nmean as much to man un is! God sent His eon to this sin ful earth, that through His death men could be redeemed and enjoy a new birth. fi It was then "Blood" took on a most unusual significance, making "Faith” the secret of in heritance: giving all mankind a right to share, and making every true and faithful believer a hap py and eternal heir. 7, This "Blood” once shed has always remained the same, and hears alone the Savior's name: sincerity and faith in its origin ad purposes is the combination to Heaven’s safe containing se curity for man’s losses, ft Yes, Jesus paid it alt. all to Hiw we owe, and now there in nothing greater in all the world, no matter where we go, its pow er and Grace super-rules the world, and to all men near and far. it stands as one great Holy Temple with its door standing a jar. 9 To enter here, all must stand s "Blood” test. . . that ' 8100d 1 ’ that Christ did give, In the lives of every penient soul must in virtues daily livej it Congress controlled by the GO- P and conservative Democrats. In the face of a 10-roonth-oM recession, the nation’s worst since the end of World War 11, the White House and the Demo cratic leadership in Congress have teamed up to block on a tax cut for low and moderate income families. With 5.2 million unemployed —and likely to reach S million in June —the Administration and the congressional coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats have defeated at tempts to pass a meaningful em ergency unemployment compen sation bill. These actions, coming during a plummeting economy and In the midst of world unrest that is testing America’s leadership role, disc lore » queer mixture of political cynicism, timidity and fear. The While House is committ ed to a “muddle through” ap proach regardless of the cost to the nation In terms of present suffering and lost economic growth. If is haunted by an un realistic fear of budget deficits and a future inflation. It is con vinced that a do nothing timid aproach to the recession event ually will result in an economic cure The President has strongly resisted all attempt*; to bolster consumer spending via a tax cut. His Administration has fought off atempts to write real legislation to aid the unemploy ed and substituted a measure that Is best described a* cruel shame and a hoax on the job less. It is disturbed about, budget, deficits when it is painfully ap parent that neither an economic recession nor Communist totali tarianism can be fought with balanced budgets. The position of the Democrats is more difficult to understand, Originally the proponents of an all-out anti-recession program, their ardor has cooled. There is some genuine oon rern that a lax cut would re duce revenue at a time when America confronts many dan gers in the world. There is also s political con cern that, the Democratic party may be saddled with blame for budget deficits and a future In flationary spiral. Only ft few —— can’t be carried in expensive charms, crucifixes have no ef ficacy. . . only real faith in this once shed "Blood" can set a tsoul free. 19. Genuflections may appear inspiring and incense prove a soft refrain, also marble statu ary representing reality; but where genuine "Faith" and "Love'’ are lacking, there is lit tle or nothing to be gained. 11 No, fee "Precious Blood of. Jesus” embraces only the very highest and the best; demand ing the whole heart of an indi vidual, If he or she eternal life would possess; for everything priceelss to Him. Ho freely sur rendered as the price for our sin 12. Therefore now there must be no connterfieiting in our of ferings of worship and praise, for His torture and suffering on the Cross has redeemed us through endless days . . and joyful! new all the Redeemed ran sing. "There is a fount ■in filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins, and sinners ' plunge beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.” bold members nf the party see the situation clearly. A handful of liberal Demo crats have led the fight for meaningful jobless benefits but were outvoted in the main toy Republicans and conservative Democrats concerned with “states’ rights.” The failure on the jobless aid bill, the decisions against a tax cut means that America may wallow in the depths of the pres ent recession for many months to come—if it doesn’t get any worse. It means also that, the strong, dynamic America to whom the world looks for leadership dur ing present crises in France and the Middle Fast, may be a weak ened, eeonomieally-ill nation in capable of throwing its full strength into the fight, for free dom. AFL-CiO NEWS. VIRGINIA HANGING ON THE LINE When the President intimated to the press a tew days ago tbst troops were to be withdrawn from Little Rock Central High School, and expressed his re gret that such a dispatch had to be the only option whereby the country could servo the prestige of its directives, there was noth in his tone or tenor to suggest, that such an action taken in the Little Rock affair would not be repeated if and when the hon or of the country demanded it, The affair at Little Rock fin ally boiled down to one. simple paragraph: that in no instance would wrong-doing he rescued because it had massed enough strength and numbers to con stitute a menace. Now, upon the Supreme Court order on Monday, Arlington County, Va„ must admit seven Negro students for its fall term. This moves the famous Virginia case into focus. Arlington, it wilt be recalled is a suburb of ihe nation's capital and naturally would be no compliment to a nation like ours with a viola tion of it’s court ruling, outlaw ing something that a state is per roited to carry on right in the shadow of it* dome. It must noted the order was more specific than any previous court order, because it specific ally names the seven students and the schools to which they are to be admitted. Virginia is In that bracket of segregationists providing for pri- BY MARCUS H. BOULWARE AT PRESS CONFERENCE On Monday, June 2, Cornysrd and I went along with John R, Larkins, consultant, N. C. De partment. of Public Welfare, to Greensboro where we attended a news press luncheon honoring Ghana’s Ambassador Daniel Ah mling Chapman, who also deliv ered the commencement address under tne trees on the campus quadrangle. We might add that at the commencement, four men, Ed ward R. Merrick, Paul Roosevelt Brown. Ambassador Chapman, and John R. Larkins were aw arded honorary doctor’s degrees. The night before, I told Corn yard to wear his blue serge suit, white shirt, black bow tie, black shoes, “Yon know, Cr.rri yard. we're going to be in the big time with the '•'big-wigs," said L This pleased the old boy very much, and the next morning Cornyard. looked like he was “just out of a band box.” To he sure, 1 thought Cornyard was going to get one of those hon orary degrees—because be look ed the part of n successful citi zen. The luncheon began at 12.39 p. m. Monday, and we breezed in four minutes late, Cornyard, Larkins, and T. Cornyard was carried away with the menu—and so was I. Boy. we- had lamb croquet, snap beans, lettuce and tomato salad, ice tea, marbled white potatoes, parsley, sherbet end cake. We beamed with pride ss the revolving camera "snagged” our mugs. Folks, Corn yard was so car ried away with the Greensboro press luncheon that he was on hand at the Raleigh press con ference held Thursday. June 5. with the Ambassador .from Gha na in the Senate Chamber as the Capitol Building. WRAT- and a Durham station had their television apparatus set up. and to be sure Corn yard sot in *he cameras’ photo graphic range And ! looked ‘‘real cool” along ride Corn yard You know these experience* IK THIS OUR sAlf BY DR. C. A. CHICK, SR. VACATION TIME Summer time is vacation time for most people with moderate incomes. Os course the rich take vacations during any season of the year. Rut, by and large, people with moderate incomes think In terms of taking their vacations in the "good old sum mer time.” Webster's Dictionary defines vacation as "a period spent away from home or busi ness in travel or recreation.” There are legions of ways in which one may take a vacation. But by all means, take a vaca tion. A vacation ,in many cases <s good for "what ails'one” phy sically, mentally, or spiritually. Medical doctors quite often ad vise tber patients to take a trip somewhere. A. trip sometimes helps one to forget whatever it is that one needs to forget. I can think of but .?> w, indeed, if any thing. that are as enjoyable and at the same time, as education al as travel a trip somewhere. Happily we poor people may take trips under our present ec onomy. Most concerns engaged in hauling the public have work ed out plans whereby one may travel and pay iater-the well known and famous installment plan. By and large one returns from a trip physically, mentally and spiritually envoragaed. Tra vel enlarges one's hor iron in all respects of life By traveling we see new places see and make the acquaintance, and life long friendship, with people tha other wise we would never see or know. Many persons have found their wives or husbands or> » trip somewhere. And. here it. should be pointed out. that with refer ence to travel, noting surpasses a trip back to the old homestead and there meet old friends, ac quaintances, and relatives, and vats schools if integration rets .in. It is obvious that public ated for disbursement, to pupils funds will have to be appropri at tending private schools. Sev eral taxpayers in Virginia have indicated they will immediately file suit if any tax monies ore usted for private schools, or if Virginia denies funds to Arling ton County because it obeys the federal court order. So the case up in the Old Do minion state will be keenly ob served, not only by those who might be interested in the out come because of similar law 3 in other deep South states, but those who are in the market of implementing such evasive reg ulations for the furtherance of their own plans in such an in cident. It would appear that if a few more such orders are issued thai, much slack will be taken out of the time which is of so i great an essence in this climb r of our nation into the place if so richly deserves as an arbiter in and a dispenser of those good relations by which other coun tries might follow along the road, to a lasting peace. So, Virginia is on the line. —ATLANTA DAILY WORLD TWILIGHT IN LITTLE ROCK With graduation of 16-year nid Ernest Green from the Little Rock Central High School fol lowed by the withdrawal of the rier believds they should have. Federalized Arkansas National gave Cornyard a desire to be somebody, and he will be too. After the Raleigh press con ference, my friend and I drift ed on down to a case. We check ed the juke box for some mu sci, Cornyard likes the muscial hit “Pretty One” and Elvis Pres sley’s "Ring Around Your Neck.” Since I had the quarter. 1 punched the buttons for my fa vorites: the late Chuck Willis’ “What Am 1 Living For?”, Ma haiia Jackson's “He's Got The Whole World In His Hand,” and that send-rne piece by the An- gelic Gospel Singers entitled “Jesus, the Light of the World.” Next time you go to the case for a dinner out, play “Jesus, the Light of the World” by the Angelic Gospel Sinegrs” That organ and piano background terrific, and 1 don’t have the ad jectives to describe how it makes you feel. Yes sir, If I were a church shouting man, this selection would be my choice. And that male solo singer makes your heart soar among the wildwood trees. Cornyard then dropped in his dime to play “I’ll Come Run ning Back To You.” “No you don’t,” I said, ‘because you should have some pride, Com yard.” “But T lost my girl friend.” grieved Cornyard. At once I added, "If s all right to have love and lost. ’ Cornyard shot back, '"But it takes money to break m a new girl.” You know something?—There A is a lot of truth in it too Well. 1 sympathize with old Cornyard because he lost his girl friend. She was number one on his hit parade. No matter what you say,—l'm all for “him” hitching his wag on to a star where he can die the Wind.** By the time you read this co lumn, Cornyard. and I will have journeyed to Alcorn A and M College, Lorman, Mississippi, cm “the Golden Engle.” Yep, pray for us, my friends. We will need your prayera. in general, use our imaginations living again the sweet days of childhood and. youth, T'or-e of us who cannot afford * a long trip will have to settle for a week end, or even a day on the beach. To play in water and or sand for a day is also good for what may ail one. It too. gives one a new outlook on life and its problems. Many teachers wil Ispend theii vaaction time in normal study ▼ My hat off to teachers who at tend summer school. Bui few. 11 any class of people, spend as much of their meager incomes for further preparation as do teachers. They too, will return to their jobs with added infor mation pertaining to such as schools, communities, and home life. Those of us who can do Rose of the foregoing will have to set tle with staying at home and working our flower and or veg etable gardens. Also we may read that good bock or magazine article that we have planned so long to read but. have never found the time to do so. Lei those of us who fall in the im roediae category, those, who are no: able to go any palce, no*, become discouraged. ■Working in our flower and or vegetable gardens as well as reading may be an enjoyable as well as a profitable vacation. What surpasses getting up early in the mornings and observing a flower or vegetable plant has “grown an inch during the night?” Or what, surpasses read ing a good book and or maga zine article and discussing +h.#t} same with Ihe family. Your columnist wishes for all of his readers a pleasant and profitable vacation. And, he ad vises each of you. by all means take a vacation of some kind’ Guard from paroling the insti tution, the twilight of the 'mas sive opposition” settled over the Arkansas capital The facts are that, despite fa natical opposition and disgrace ful incidents, nine Negro stu dents were admitted to 8 form erly lily-white high school and stayed throughout the term, re gardless of outrageous provo cations. > Understandably, most people are now wondering about what will happen next term, consid ering that all of the candidates in the forthcoming gubernator ial primary are pledged to fight against, public school integra tion, thus giving Arkansas voters no >ea! choice, which The Cou*^ It does not necessarily follow that the majority of Arkansas citizens are opposed to pub lic school desgregation because most political leaders are op posed to it: and they should be able to vaice their preference. Tt does not necessarily follow that the majority of Arkansas citizens are opposed to public school desegregation because, most political leaders are oppos ed to it: and they should be able to voice thei rpreference. It is a grave reflection or> rep resentative government tha* such preference has little or no voice because of the so-called democratic machinery operating in so many areas of this country, f notablv the Deep South.— -PITTSBURGH COURIER

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