SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OB EXCHANGE USE THE CAB OLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION I SITUATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ,w*9> CHILD CARE ' 5 HELr WANTED PERSONAL , CLEANING St HAULING ,Jh % s£?it '\fv —Low Cost Advert, iung— rwSjSSti —Low Cost Advertising — FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 J FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 ’ ***§ ' " ri.jStV 3 * ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMOS] AM ' LEGAL NOTICES REM, ESTATE ROOMS - APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT 8 hihiiiimwmhwm—mwx«i»«H»i— l nin«w>ii»ii«wiiiinw>nt»v.twa»iiniii«iH»ii«r crmi'ii jmw>wmw —w rr nwwwm—aiwur—:tnnMw»iM»awn«w»c Wake County Women At tending State Conference Os Farmers, Homemakers A. delegation of Wake County Horne Demonstration women left by bus Monday morning to attend the Annual State Conference of Farmers & Homemakers Confer ence on the campus of A. 5: T. Col lege, Greensboro. The conference will last through Thursday and will ton - ■ iiiiitt TiMrTi»w~iwiii—iiwiflr nwnw ■siiiirifnsririmiww—pwi nfw i COMPARE THESE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY 55 CHEVROIJET 5-Dr, *995 '53 FORD 4-Dr $41)5 '52 FORD ViCt, $395 '52 CHEVROLET pickup $295 'sl STUDEBAXER 2-Dr. $295 'sl CHEVROLET 2-Dr. S2OO 50 OLDSMOBETJE convt. $l5O 'sl BUICK 4-Dr SIOO DILLON MOTOR COMPANY 129 E. Davie TE 3-3231 N C. Dealer 2984 BUY FINE FURNITURE FROM A CAROLINIAN B-mis Monej Store We have enything in Fur niture . . . from a lamp, end table, occasional chair to completely furnishing a whole house. jj ~ v AND WE HAVE A*—— CREDIT PLAN FOR YOU Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co. 121 E. MARTIN ST. SURE, I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE T 0 THE CAROLINIAN I’M TIRED Os WAITING FOR A LOOK AT THE NEIGHBOR’S COPY s % w E » a c ) S 2 WC3 - t? Hm W Bo I : 2 3 ir :r £s n ; S 5 I S 3 ‘ S j!* 1 : : i. : fl ßg < pS’ C 3 , * : -j - -j, " z« * . 2 to a cb «- rj i . • “ eg a•» z * ' U ET' O 4 i : • e @ s« o : k g s. w I • ' -ow n *rj , : 55 3 - ■ > ’;a: : g w 1 • ta § ; ; H • i a § U ® 3 a s- : ; o 2 1 ® jjj 0 : : > 3 l 2- « >’• : g ° <* pi i: ■ U :-• : : , ' f-H * 1 ' > .1; » n 2 - - / twre .such outstanding speak- j Wake County women attending ers as Honorable L. \- Ballen- and the clubs they represent are: tine. Commissioner of Aaxlrul- 1,, . ~ , . ; . . Mrs. C alonia High and Mrs. Ada ! lure, amt Dr. Irwin \ Sperry ; Professor of Family Develop- J • 1.1 iy, Zebu lon. >*it» Cei Inna Dunn j merit of Woman's College. . Shotv.ell; Mis Ruth Lipscomb, .lef- j Classes in bomemaking and farm- Iveys Grove; Mrs. Laura Burton ; ! ifg. a.- well is recreational .irli- and Mrs. Ashley Powell. Fletchers ! vitics vill round out the four-day | Grove; and Carol Joan Squano.s ell. ' , j conference. ' Eagle Hock, 1 a Claim Southern love To Elect President In 1960 Is Afoot WASHINGTON fANPt ■ ; Southern politicians, frothing over i repercussion of the Supreme Court j decision on integration, are report- ’ i d working on plans aimed at elect- j irg their own Presidential candi- j date in 1960. The plan, it success- . ful, would make the popular elect- j ion of a President meaningless. I QUALITY IIS OUR MOST IMPORTANT j PRODUCT; : Kr VOLKSWAGEN, hcatei | White walls, 9,000 miles, I poRD Fairlane 4-Dr. 4 sedan, radio, he ater, V-8, white walls. Fordo- [ jjVA+i/* I Til/a ’’2'" BUICK Special hardtop ’* i Dynaflow transmission. S radio and heater, white wall tires, low mileage, like new ; '■ CHEVROLET Bel - Air 4 Sport coupe, V-8, Power - glide, radio and heater, white wall tires, fender skirts, two tone red and white finish, 16,000 ac tual miles, <£•! Ift ’ like new ‘ FORD Fairlane oonvu j tible. -Fordornatic trans mission, rad; o and heater, white wall tires. ! two ton? black and white fmish, shosvrooni condition. s"| '“ij" CHEVROLET Bel - Air * ,w V-8 2-Dr. Powerglide, white wall tires, radio | and heater, tvvo tone light- blue and -white fin sls9s CHEVROIJET Be! -Air . j V-8 Sports Coupe, Pow . | erglide, radio and hcat • 1 er. two tone blue and white. §1405 RAMBLER Super 4-Di *' t ' sedan radio and heater, whitewall tires. 23,060 actual miles. extra clean, t Economy Can. $1295 i BUICK Roadmaster Ri ,4 * viera, radio and heater, Dynaflow power steering, power brakes electric windows, electric seats. Low mileage. A title. 81395 Good selection of other used cars to choose from. 'SO MERCURY 4-Dr. '49 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr '2.1 '4B PONTIAC’S 2-Dr. sl5O Ea. Weaver Bro.«. Auto Sales 214 W. Cabarrus St TE 3-4176 106 E. Cabarrus St. TE 4-8266 N. C. Dealer 3203 j ———l I .■ ' ' 5 QU^RX & ’pP NT 100 Proof. Made from Grair Cockeysville, Md., SJ.S.A. V i According to the move, which 1 i won popular endorsement in Ala- I bama'.s primary election recently, ! the Dixmerats hope to forestall pop | ular election of either the Demo j cratic or Republican nominees and ; tinnw tne selection of the Chief ' Executive into the House of Hep !i < sentalives, where the southern ! states have greater voting strength ! than in the electoral college. MAY BOYCOTT MAJOR ( ANDIDATES This may be done if enough southern states cast their elec toral votes tor a third candi date. Thus preventing any single candidate from winning a majority, despite the popular votes cast for any candidate. Ihe next sU p w ould he to turn the election over to the House of Representatives, where state would have one vote SOUTH’S STRONGHOLD In the House, the southern bloc would nnin an advantage. In the !! .i _ »i— . i .. 4.1.- -*«»- ■—4-- | I-ICUIU! ~U UllU'yu., ill«* swic VtHK !; determined by population: whereas || in the house, each state delegation is entitled to one vote, regardless hot size or population, j- Although, the full impact of the | plan has not been realized by most | i northern politics, some are aware I I of its capabilities. For instance Son. Clifford Case of New Jersey ! warned in a speech at Trenton I Junior college that the South may try to use the pier to rule the na : tibn. The rallying point he said is !• ooposTon by deep south stales to SEE THESE TODAY! CHEVROLET St a tion '-ft* Wagon, 4-dr powerglioc R & H, two tone paint. 3,000 atual miles, Sell a, liberal discount >r*r FORD ‘i-Dr. Fordoma;- ic, black and white finish, 14.000 miles ex i , nice. Clean ' BU } ’~rr FORD 4 - Dr. station wagon, v - 8. low mile age, tv, o tone finish. Jiarp. 812% FORD 4 - Dr. custom V-8, low mileage, ex £.» 11095 MERCURY M ontcla.i "" convertible. low mile a?e, all extras, real sharp. $1595 »C I CHEVROLET 4-Dr. ra * dio and healer, good tires, real goo.) condition qv ?,> '*•> OLDSMOBILE "88" 4 Dr, good UOi| , condition. f > STUDEBAKER ton pickup, extra S I j "> SOfxl condition. ' 1 OPEN NIGHTS 'TIL 9 Carolina MOTOR SALES Blount He Hargett Sts. TE 2-7410- N. C. Dealer 1273 Hmtwk* »I.»H -*—*'»■, MWMMT iwe oto vC-<S,fewr i, “Most of the stumliling | blocks people complain about are under Iheir hots ” i . }j Jw A plastic cover for a trench si.o helps preserve tne qualify of the silage. “ “ ** j the hign court decision. VEEP DISAGREES Case's views were not shared by i Vice President Nixon, however, ' who said the South cannot elect a i president without the two-party : system. The Republican party is virtually dormant in the South, Raleigh School's Project: WashingFon School Finds Astounding Results In Experimental Reading Work Washington School has produced astounding results in reading with ! ihe new experimental program car ried out this year according to a j , report released to J. W. Raton. Principal of the school by ur. Neil , Rosser, Director of Instruction for the Raleigh Public Schools, who conducted the survey. The use of the plan here stem med from the November meeting of tne Superintendent with Prin cipals in which a discussion was held on the Improvement of read ing in the Raleigh schools At this meeting. Superintendent Jesse O. i Sanderson suggested that two : chords in Raieigh try the plan on an experimental basis Mr. Eaton asked that. Washing - lon School be selected as one of them. Immediately, he received the endorsement of his P. T. A. ami faculty and after a short period of mentation of teachers and pupils, the program was begun in the 4ib, sth, and 6th grades in the middle if January and ended in May with cre-tpsis and post-tests adminis tered by Dr. Rosser. The results of these te-ts show that the 213 pupils in these grades made an average gain in Reading of more than one year's progress in less than 4 months' time. The average gain per pupil was 9 months or ihe equivalent of a school year for Uie sth eparte. D ”•« for the 6th grade, and 11 months lor the fourth grade, port reveals that 6 pupils mov ed three grades higher in Read ing. 28 pupils gained two years and 87 pupils made at least one year’s progress in that time. Another significant result of the report shows that these students read 6844 books from the school library or an average of 32 books, coinciding with this reading prog ram. Five pupils read more than a hundred books, 25 pupils read .non? ‘.uhn 50 books and 93 pupils read •uore than 20 books. Book reports and comments whispered to the 'ettchcr were used to verify the accuracy of these facts. Principal Eaton says that the eachers in the reading program ' WANT A DEAL CALL O’NEAL Buy from the boys with iia< top straw hats, bow ties, and walking canes. ’UO DESOTO Firedome t * * Dr. Sportsman, Torqu >- Xlitc transmission, powi r * steering, power brakes air conditioning, demon strator. Tills car is ready to sell or trade. ’■Tft DESOTO Firesv.eep 4- j ' Dr. Sportsman, automatic transmission, red nn>.l white, demonstrator. Pric ed to sell or trade. DESOTO Firesweep 4- i Dr. Sportsman, red and white finish, low mi. age. "top LISTEN FOR O’NRAIi* STEAM. WHISTLE O’NEAL MOTORS INCORPORATED "In Raleigh to do business with YOU! 10<f E. Cabarrus St. USED CAR LOT VA 8-3391 415 S. Blount St. SHOWROOM VA 8-3221 N. C. Dealer 3363 |" ~ LEARNING BY DOING .. . ~~| II w READING CLASS AT WASHINGTON SCHOOL i , 1 tverv. d such marked improve -1 nent in the school that they recorn nerid its continuation for another | rear. In their evaluation oi the pro gram they state that they were .bile to cover more ground and .each more skills because the pro gram gave the stuednts a feeling of success, removed emotional blocks, 11 roused a new competitive spirit and made Reading an exciting ex perience for many who had previ > usly been handicapped. He says | that although the program was in operation a short time, it has cre ated a new emotional climate for oil the children, thereby helping the gifted child as well as the slow Icat nor. - "it has not only raised the rcad- I r.g level and increased the circu 'lition of library books but It has Janee-Bullock Vows Solemnized in Aoex APEX The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Atwater was the scene of the June 14 wedding of Miss Eva Doris Bullock and Sgt. Bobby Jones The Rev. R. 1,. Lewis officiated. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mr?. James Bullock >f Apex. She is a graduate of the Apex Con solidated High School. The bridegroom, son of the Inte Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones of Apex, i: stationed with the U. S. Army in j Alaska. Musi ’ was presented by Mr. Aden jjjpSSjMis Miss Delores Peterson Weds Airman In Quiet Ceremony Miss Delores E Peterson and Airman 1-C William McClcr.v. were united m marriage in a , quiet ceremony here Sunday at ternoon. June 8. The Rev. J. W. Jonas officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mi and Mrs. W. F. Peterson of 82’ Ellington Street, Raleigh, and the j bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Arheal McClean of Brass i Street, Raleigh. Given in marriage by per fa liter, the bride wore a ballerina length dress of white Chantilly j lace over taffeta. Miss Deiur—, 1 Johnson was maid of honor and 0- \ } i 7 ' I p , m \ I V * AIRMAN ANO MRS. WIIXIAM MrCI.fCAN also improved study .habits and ! scholarship, increased daily atten dance. and curbed many discipli nary problems; thus making th ' children happier and better adjust i ed than before." comments Mr. Ku : ton. Hr; points with pride to mac.' incidents substantuutinp: these - rt&tements end facl -of which the : following are typical. ! Music provides recreation fc | youngsters and th< y are always j eager to leave subject classes for : ! this special once-a-week period. • One day, a number of students were , reported to be • cutting" Strings Class The Principal found them in the newly created Reading I.abo ■ ator.v. •John is a 6th grade youngster whose environment could not be the envy of any of fiis class Page. ’ Given in marriage by her father, i the bride wore a ballerina gown of : i ! rench embroidered accessories Maid of honor was Miss Ida Fran ces Davis. -Sgt. Oiiie McClain of. ihe U. S. Marines was best man. A reception was held on. the ' lawn of the Atwater’s honv. Mrs. . Mable Young of Raleigh presiinu i at the punch bowl. The- couple left June 16, to make : 1 their home in Alaska. the bridegroom's brother. Henry • McClean. was h«st man. A reception followed immecn atel.v after the ceremony, at. the YWCA. White feverfew and baby lace adorned the tables. Mrs. Ms ■ ble Sanders anti Mrs. Tempi*’ Lindsey served at the punch bo',: Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knight of Wil son, Mrs. Retha Green, Mrs. A;, lee McQueen of Fayetteville, and Sgt. Leon Collins of Fort Bragg, The couple wilt make then home in California, where the (grown is stationed at Edwards Air Force Base. THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE *l, J#«B mates. He attended school only ! when being forced by the mi- I ant officer. He became so fas cinated with the reading ilaxs | that he didn't miss a single <la\ of it. After reading was over he was reported many times fur iiaving slipped off the school grounds. He said. •"I'he Read-' ing Laboratory is lots of fun.” .Timm# was » retarded t cadet i always enjoyed mechanical i • >v.s and devices but not. books. In j •• Rending I.abo' ntory Itc- read a'- j •osl 20 books with delight. One ! 'ttnday morning he slipped one o‘ books just bepm that mornine. Sunday School to finish reading ir Church I'■ wos so rij •rosScd in the story When he was of iscd that such an act would be j oolite, he ait reed to put the book j ••way for the Rerv ices Upon re- > luring home he fin; h-d the entire rorv before dinner. His reading I ’cvel jumped one and one-half I grade* in four months. Bessie, a fifth prudei who has al- ■ v ays enjoved high scholastic re- j ward? sumassed all her previous I • •'cords arid sew-d the highest s’ttuiher n* bo*' 1, - in the entire 1a- CONTLMf 11l as PAGE 10) ; Legal Notices ! Xtmct OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY Pbl-.Mf'A'HON SI ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OK WAKE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 1.1!.L1E MAE HOWARD. Plaintiff Vs RAYMOND HOWARD Defendant TO RAYMOND HOWARD: TAKE NOTICE THA . A pleading seekiny relief again-t >: has been filed in the at>o\ e entitled at;! ion. The nature of the relief 03111 sought is as follows to secure an *. 1 solute divorce on the part of the pla n : years continuous separation between tiff based upon the grounds of twi the plaintiff and the defendant. Yin a,y required to make defense u. such pleadings riot later than Atiy'-i 2. 1958. and upon your failure to do s-, the party seeking relief against w.i-j will apply to the Court for the re’icf sought. June 14. 21. 28: Juh 5. 158 SAHA AL! EN Assistant ( lert: of Suye.uu Couti F. J. CARNAGE, Ait; ADMINISTRATRIX’!! NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as Admini-uati o, o( the Estate of Marion Snow, dei • us ed, tale of Wake County. Norm Caro lina. this is to notify all persons ria.-- ng claims against the Estate of -aid deceased to exhibit there to the under-] ' signed at 218 S Hay Wood Street, r. i leigh. North Carolina, on or before t.-e 24th day of May. 1959, or this not'rc wil' be pleaded in bur of their tec iv ory Alt persons indebted to the Estate wiii please make immediate pa ■lutn:. Tins the 24th day of Mav, 1958 MRS EVA MAE WEI. 145, Administratrix 218 S Haywood Sheet Raleigh, N. C May 24. 31; June 7. 14. 2!. 28 1958 IN THE SUPERIOR I OI RT NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE Citv of Raleigh NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Petitioner vs. Belief t a D Wilson, Marfa re > P. Brooks, Rubi-rt l' Parham. Jr., Ann Elba Madeline Parham, asb, Wake County Det»ariant“ To the defendants Benetta D, Wilson, Margaret P. Brooks and Robert U. Parham Jr. You and each of you will lake notice that’a proceeding entitled ; us above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake County, No;:li Carolina to condemn fur public use. )<> wit. for street purposes, lands in Wake County Norm Carolina rk-aerltjed ns fOllOWS! BEGINS at a point lit the present light of Way Hue of Qbvrtin Hoad r! the northeast cormn of tiie pro perly designated as- tbi W. W Mor gan lot, runs thence vs Ith the Mar pan line south S 9 deg. 88 min west to the lot of C S Manooch; them-* wjfh the Manoovh tine in a north t-rly direction 19ft fact U» the south• ern proper tv hint of e proposed ac cess road designated »» Hamit "£". thc#fi: with the southern right of way line of Rump "If" in the pre sent western property line of O brrlip Road; thence with Oberiln Hoad in a southerly direction to the oo;n! of Heginnirty All as shown on map recorded in the Office of the ftegistei of Deeds of Wake County, in Book of Map* 195 R. page 48 And von v. i!) further take notsc i that, you are required to appear at the ! Office of the Clerk of the Superior I Court of Wake County In the Court j house in Raleigh. North Carotins, on |or before the 16th day of Ju!y, 1953 : und answer or demur to the petition i of the petitioner, and if you fail to do Iho the petitioner will apple to the court for the relief demanded in toe complaint. Tins the ,78th dav of Mav. 191.8. SARA ALLEN Assistant Clerk of Superior Court I June 7. 14, 21 28. 1358. CLASSIFIED I RATES I Number of tunnel and coat par wnriW usattßs i i • m Coat per word 4t it Je 1 per line, per Issue I 0« 18c Hie U-jji Such woid ahoreviatlor., initial <n symbol count as one word. H Uuncuistlon minks are NOT ccmntejH as word" Die minimum number of word* S any want ad t* 13 words You wifl save money uy ordering vour ad tH run 8 or 12 is: 'ie=, ~ iqH Weekly Wunl Ads may he tetrphonaH lU routeii Wednesday up to 10 A M ffi FOR SALE ; FIVE HALF ACRE LOTS—I 1-10 ra« from Ciab Tree Creek Bridge ofl l.een illy Road Suitable of occupancvH T. L. Butler. 116 S. Harrington Strenra Dial TF. 3-4651 2 SPECIAL SERVICES 2 •SFKKf SIRS WRITTEN toi busy neojull 10-miiuttif ss,;k], Research, Manufej ei-nots editfd and uui in good Sngfl •Ml MARCUS BOUtAVAfiL Slat® Augustine, College. Raleigh, N. C. J AUTO & TRUCK RENTALS WAKE -U-DRIVE.IT—CARS. faticsA A lire TKAiI.EKS rOR RENT If 30t N McDowell St. Dial TE 3-flMfl Night. I’E 3-0994. $ Gst your money out of used reft® .‘.viators, stoves ana furniture No3® t a* out classified ads Dial TX 4-8644® FOOD SPECIALS™ '$ JOY S AMERICAN GRILL - ODD S*Jg Martin St., Raleigh Disi TE 2-»i| Cooper’s Bar-B-Q § UAR-B-Q and Chicken iOur Specialty) I’ig asid Chicken 109 E. DAVIE ST. NURSERY i__ . , 1 FOWi.Tltt K NURSERY - Fayettevu K Highway. Phone T* 4-07 M. 1 BFNTTNG A ROOM I!—Register it wt: us at TE 4-5968. Thi* space will co, you only Me. SERVICE STATIONS OUNN'fi fid SO STATION—6OS Si. Bloci worth St., Phone TB l-MM. Consult our Classified ads regular* there are many oat gala* offered WATCH SERVICES “UIOsON S Vt AltH M.KVtUt- -IXi x tluigeil St . Phone TE 1-4358 Legal Notices NO, UK UK LXI-.t.i. iK.X if a-. !• a., f \ ecu,! j a Uau, la.-; vvm ~na testament of me. A; . D, . .-.1;,;' ui V u! V. a.. ■;., mi.- io ,ive Ounce ina, ~ i.iih.i.i . ciai.u- a„. i nu. t .-cite Ui ..0 1.1, - ilia! y ruilt Uuua u,i j ivaaeu, lo e,...;0:L mini ,o Uie •il ...,icij on or oeiort: May .8, j, ,9. o .ms iiuuct vv. . be ineatied in oa, o . ... rcc >ve ty. A,, pci mi.!;-: im.eoted 1...u ...u t- .ale • . pi.-aae muae unmecu lo me : Tali 2. I si,. ... 1958. ,Mi:ij b.i,i. r.: it, -.- i 1 .-I MERRICK .. .’lll l . • .M . - Me. ■ A .. IvUilHvUll, Ka.,.ie, a2, 1 V* ait. la olt eel, vv iluungton, N C E A. bOLCMON, Jt. Auo.l, ... I lit;, IIIr Buuuuig Ha s-igh, Mia,;, uaruuna. . j j 28. 8-4, U, 18. Ba. i-4 fcXKCUIKIX S NOIL fc NORTH LAROUNA vVAh.ii, Uv.N'i i Having qualified a- Executrix of tht Esute of Piauftis \vuhs, oercabtd, ;ai of Wake County, Norm Carotin*. f .rt is to noiiiy all pei sons having ci*,in j against the estate ot said deceased ti : t-xliibu them lo tiie undersigned al fu itiagij Street, Raleigh, Norm Carolina on or before the 3Cth day oi April 19jS, or '.nis notica will be pie, ded u bar of tiieir recovery A.i persons m Oi-bted to the Estate *m pieaM maki uninediaie payment Tills 30th day of April, 1958. I.UCfLI.e. WILMS. Executrix F .1 ( AHNAGE, Atl'y. May 17, 24, 31; June 7, 14. 21. < ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE | I NORTH CAROLINA I WAKE COOTJTY ; The undersigned. naving quatified i 1 Adßiinistrati l>;, C.T.A., of the bs*»'.< ; oi Ahe Unwell, deceased, late of Wain County, this is to notify ail person | having claims against said Evta'.e ti . present them to the undersigned nn ft j before the 24ih day of May, 1988, c this notice will be pleaded in bar o ! recovery. All persons indebted to .4,u; Estate will please make tmihatf) f< payment to the undeinigned. Tliis the 16U1 day of May, 195* MRS ANNIE. M. HINTON Administratrix, C. T A. ioi> fiotk Quarry Rd, Raleigh, N. C. i 'TAYLOR A MITCHELL Court*ei for Adtniniytxatri*, C.T.A. Raleigh, N C. May 34, 31, June 7 14 SI, M. 1968 IN THE icrauint COURT NORTH ‘ AftOLINA WAKJS COUNTY EDNA. R. ANDERSON. PlamtiH. V*. HOWARD J. ANDERSON, Defendant. NOTICE The above named defendant. How ard J Anderson wIL take notice tea' an action entitled as above ha* by*. I’omtnenccd in the Superior Court c Wake County, North Carolina, by thi plaintiff to Mature an absolute divorci from the difendatil upon th* eruumS that plaintiff end defendant Tmve liv ed separnUi and a/>art for more thin two year* ■•u-xt. preceding the bringilij of tht* action: and the defendant w I farther take notice that he in require* ■ to appear at- the office of the Clark o: • the Superior Court o< Wake Cpunty jj • the courthouse in Raleigh, NofUi Caro • iina on tiie I9th of July, 19S8. and an : or demur to the complaint v 1 said action or the plaintiff will «p --i ply to the Court for tbs relief demand t ed in fsaid complaint This 23rd day ot May, 1M«. SARA ALLEN Afblfttant Clens of Wake County Superior Court j TAYLOR & MITCHELL A-torneys for Plaintiff I May 31; June 7, 14. *l, 1951

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