12 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1953 Hopping About TARHF.FJTA ■***> JM* *o* «W 9 rmit «pR> 423UMCW stffc Mt KQ, I ' By Jay Bee Aytch 12 SCHOOLS OPEN AUGUST 27 TH ; TARBORO Edgecombe Conn* y superintendent of schools Mor •it S. CUry has just announced that i 'all Engecomfce County schools' j will open Wednesday, August 27th. j Many of the area teachers see a* ■a ay attending summer school or i on vacation, farm children are working in tobacco (the principal crop of the area) to make money for school needs. Among the teachers away are: Mis* Addin A. Lawrence Tarbom, - Siting in New York. Mr and Mrs. ! Joseph (Mary) Walker of Phila delphia returned io the big city after a few day* visiting Mrs. Wal- , ker's father, sisters and brothers, Route 3 Box 174. Tardoro Rev j. A Mebane J, L. Harris on. Rev W. M Weston and A Jackson were expected to attend the Knights of Pythias grand lodge in Winston-Salem July 14-17. AT SEABOARD, N. C the Northampton County members of counted their eight annual Re ligious Festival to be held with Mt Eton Baptist Church Sunday. Ju ly 27th, Exalted Ruler Jack W Faison and Daughter Ruler Paul ine Davis have sent out notices in viting Elks and the public to the day-long affair which will feature rid time ringing a dinner and a serrr.on by the Rev. Alexander P Merely, new pastor of Weldon’s First Baptist Church Faison is also vir.e-prexv of t'ncN. 0. IBPG EW association ANYONE WISHING TO AID the. right-to vote case being fought in Northampton County by Mrs Louise Lassiter against Mrs Helen Taylor Seaboard register should send funds to Dr. Salter J. Cochrane or A gustos C. Cofield. Weldon, N. C case Is on Its way to the *U S Supreme Court as i challenge to Tarheeiias 'lit eracy' law which makes the registrar the fudge of a vote applirant's ibililv to read and interpret the constitution. Civic leaders and lawyers point out that this case is of state-wide importance since, if won. it will greatly increase the chances of colored citizens getting to v.'tc On that basis, the’-- .solicit donations from all citizens everywhere, in this ficht IN ROCKY MOUNT V - F'hel o i»iniiiii«ii r TEENAGERS ALIKE , EVERYWHERE" EOCKY MOUNT We are in debted to Edward N eal Kiner, start ; writer, Rocky Mount Telegram, for the title "Teenage"s Alike Every- j where." and the following fcnes of . his story anent the- 64 foi sign f-tU- j dents of many nationalities who visited eastern roiina and spent! three days in Rocky Mount as part | of their 'get-acquamted-with Amer ica' good-” 1 tour: "They 1 4 -.gers't chew gum smoke cig tes, like soft drinks, j wear chemis and bop "They hat a good time and never seem 1 o worry. They speak English; the are teen agers In fact they are just like any Ameri can teen agers with their moods, expressions ar. habits This was. :r. ?t. the summation j Finer gave of the 64 students from 21 foreign eouutxeis who are re- ■ turning to their respective lands with vivid impressions of America —where they '■ ve completed a year of mhoolir under auspices of the American Friends Service stu dent exchange r gram in the in terest of interna ai relations j It was observe hat there were nc students from the darker races or nations listed among visitors Neither do we have knowledge of j any effort to have these students ; meet with similar persons of the colored race. This, we think, was a i mistake I? we are really in earnest about "showing-off' 1 our nderful Am- j erica why not cut-in all of her ci ■tiienry cn the deal? This would do ; touch to propagandise in favor of : our much-vaunted ‘ freedom-for- i »vr program in a nattempt to allay j the distrust in the breasts of many foreign nations. Why. Oh why should every other race or nationality be treated with equality and dignity in preference ; to our own American Negro who j hs3 always beer, loyal to our South- j land - ’ The answer is the one ugly j word race-prejudice And, until the t white South and America in gener- j al are willing—big enough in heart ; to rid themselves of this gigantic j evil, there can not be peace 3mong i ’sees at home nor abroad, read- j less of the amount of window- | dressing that. Is paraded before for- ! signers, as they visit us. These young people could see the countless thousands of Negroes j over the South and understand j ALLAN MIMS, INC. FORD SALES AND I SERVICE 225 TARBOFO ST. Telephone 2-2191 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. 1 UnmxmTTM ww lbi imwmitfwtjmiwii nr.MWwwirw i»r r-nrTrti - , 'E-fner C i Hunter, o!7 So End '< I Street, has returned from Ne w ! ! York where she visited her daugh- | j ters. She tc recovering from a slight. ! ! illness contracted during the trip, j : Dorsey Hunter. Richmond. Vs is ; | visiting his brother, Efner O. Hun- ! ; ter a few days. Mrs. Mary King [ j Savage has returned from a visit ! : to Philadelphia recently. Mr. and M r s. James -Naomi) Sr,■ i ; vage motored to Philadelphia ever I ; fro weekend. Mrs. Annie Boykin of Raleigh | i Road, has returned from Hampton j | Institute. Vs where she studied , ! Speech therapy. Dr William. Sf-ssonis. local den.- j ; tist, is reported underpin# treat- j ! ment Memorial hospital in Cha- ; I nil Hill. Elmar Braswell, Center 1 Street resident, is taking a period iof rest at home following aseige J | of hospitalization. Dr and Mrs. Leonard P. Arm- | j strong left Sunday for a few days * !of much-deserved rest at an un- i i announced vacation spot, j Mrs. E. F. Tweedy has returned to j | the city after a period of visiting j j with friends. The Rev. John A ; j Hunter preached at. Mt. Pisgah | ’ Presbyterian Church July 13 The j i Rev. T. H. Costen, pastor, is ex- ; ! peeled to fill the pulpit July 20 : | when he and family are expected j 1o have returned from their Nebras- ■ ! .:k vacation. Had from the Cleveland j i NAACP convention signed by two ; | eastern Carolina teachers who ire I helping to lead the fight for our i i rights. Won't you join us Talked w.th Lucian Pittman of j j Whitaker* Saturday Lucian was I one of the first persons we met and j i eastern Tarh-relia at the Old Brick ! worked with when we landed’ in \ i School In 1921. Always a sood-na- j ! hired fellow. Pitman says h» is j ! detinitelv on the *w "*°r-wagofs’ i j now. Principal Samuel A Gilliam of ! Carver high school. Finetop", has ! i beer, studying at North Carolina j i College ,t Durham, reportedly, or, | ! a roecial scholarship to prior ioals. j - Eddie Young was elected chancel- j : tor comnrder of th* local Living- - : eionp lodge No 67 Knights of P v - , - thias to succeed Frank Sumner. Jr, ■ ' Metnhe s of (he lodge w i! go Wn- j ! -ton Salem for ti-m grand led re T u- • ily 14-17 Rev A E Kuds<.;i, Golds- I 1 boro. lr grand chancellor of the Py. j ' thians of Tsrheclia. 1 that they were not being counted j iin the society or government cv j : cepr. to make up the census and f the fax lists for the purpose of re- j venue.’Taxation without reprosen- ! ; tat i r *n. j I Os course some of this non-repre | sentaf.ion could be alleviated if on- | iiy Negroes would arouse, them- j j selves to learning to register and j : vote —vote for men less bent, upon j j keeping their rights in their poc ! kets as many politicians are doing. ] Votes and more votes are the only ( things that count on election day, i Black vote*, are same as white. I Clinton lews I By MRS H M JOHNSON Phone 3316 CLINTON Revival will begin j l at the Morning Star Holiness i ! Church on McKoy Street. Monday ! I evening, July 14 and. run all the ! week The Rev Willie Beamon ; will be the guest preacher. VACATIONING | Mr.? Reva Williams of Barden j Street is visiting her hu-aond, Mv i | M C Williams in Tampa. Fla. ; Miss Geoigetta Bennett is visit j ing her sister in New York Mr, and Mrs, Willard Swinson ! and son spent a few days in Bsl- i ! timore. Md. They were accompa ; nied back to tne csfv by Mrs Al- ! | freda Speaks of Baltimore, Md. 1 Mrs. Flora Moore A cry if visit- 1 j ing her parents Mr, and. M; 3 James | A. Moore o? Barden Street Mr. and Mrs, James A. Moore who •'were visiting in Newark, N J. ; j were called back to the city to the I bedside of their sister. Mis. Jeru sha Morrisey. Also called were Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moore of New York City and, Mrs Rosa B. ; Falcon of Englewood, N. J, | RSramkatte j RHAMKATTF—Rev, I C 1,C3 iis on vacation from his church, i and the Sunday morning service ! was conducted by Rev. Williams. I Music was rendered by the Junior < 1 Choir. Rev. Williams was also in j | charge of the evening service! which began at 7 p.m. The Rev. A. A. Crumm and niaj . congregation from New Vest or and 1 ! Green Chapel will render service ! the fourth Sunday for Club No. | 3 in interest of the Building Fund 1 j at Watts Chapel Baptist Church.' Deacon Otha Kearney will i preach his trial sermon the fourth i 'Sunday night (August 24 > at the 1 r 7 o’clock service at Watts Chapel | ; Baptist Church. The Rev. John | Henry Jones of Popular Springs! Church will render service the 4tn j Sunday night. July 27, at Watts; Chapel Beptisi Church at 7 pm. The trustees of the church are sponsoring this program Mrs. Hermon Miles and Mis. i Maggie Satterfield axe on the sick list. | Gamer News By THURMAN WHITAKER GARNER Then were a host cf out of town guests in our vi- ] Unity during the holiday week- : f ori, v.r.uirig rolativti* and friends. tty j. u . - . _ _ _s _ . *. . v» u vuv*i ami «a- j joyed their trips and short visits, j' Wake Baptist Sunday School was I very b-'ppy to have present Rev. j' Mill? Jor.es who gave us some, ve- ' ry encouraging and challenging re- ; marks on our Sunday School les- I, sen ‘ Social Justice and the Goa- j pel." It was enjoyed by all, Th: Wake Baptist Usher board j' tourneyed to Poplar Springs Chris- : linn Church to help celebrate the j first anniversary of the junior usher board. A very ctrcng and touching ser- : mon was delivered by Rev. C B Walton of Garner. The Gospel Chorus of Wake Baptist jonrned to Juniper Level . Church on Sunday night to help celebrate Juniper Choir’s 20th an niversary Music was furnished by j various choirs. Mr and Mrs. William J Willi- j sn-.t s.e the proud parents of a j bouncing baby boy. They are new- . ■-omer? to our community. We are j proud to have them in our vicinity. | John (F ankle) Leak, son of Mr. I and Mrs Percy Leak, is vacation- j -rig with his aunt and uncle, Mr. ! end Mrs Edward Lambert of Cam- j dor.. N J.. and his uncle and aunt ! of Philadelphia. Pa. Mrs. Lam* \ her! Mr. Leaks sister and Mr. I Sutton is Mrs Leak s brother We j wish to extend to Frankie a sue- j cessfu! time and a happy return j to our community. SICK AND SHUT-IN Mr James Haywood. Mrs Oc- j U'-ia Winters. James Taylor. Mrs 1 Leuvenfa Jones To Little Mon it White daughter, of Mr and Mrs. Moses White, Jr. i a member of our Sunday School, j " ho is «ick and has been confined j t c th hormtal. we wish to extend , or well as to the other sick and | hut ms a very happy and speedy j recovery The sons of Mt Delaney of Ra • j leieb snent the weekend with Mr j and Mr*. Gus Kelly. Mr Euhous Avery is about to re- . r-rr-his diploma in Radio and j T. v He took this through * cor- j respoiiden.ee course. We wish to | •-xtend a hearty congratulation to j him. Fronts Garner and Auburn's combina- ! | jinn 1- -eball team motored to ; Rhamkatte Saturday to play the | : Rbamkots basebaU club and w»a* ] I defeated by a score of 10-4 Jason ■ | l ra’ch th® losing pitcher Or, Saturday the v will take on ! ,Truer,'"p Grove at 3.30 O dock 8t Jiff* '• Grove The Rochester Height? baseball , P im ~o- a 12-0 shut-out over a j local team Saturday Th*- Rochester Height:- baseball j j flub iv. composed of a host of Gar- i I ner be -s and is under the super ; i'.sVip of M; Arnold Bumpers Re freshm: nt.c sold by the Gos oel ''chorus of the Wake Baptist Chuich. ! ■ The Garner Community, which > h,3 grown consideraably in the ] j a -* *en years, is interested ''ti j j yetting up a recreation club for : r . ur boys and girls. We would like start it as socn as possible. All those who are interested are asked to coo tart Eugene Collins or Thur man Whitaker. Thought Yov? and i live a ’ ' holesome life Prejudice j ' and rood citizenship just don't go j ' ogether. Apex News El MRS I L. SCUBLOCK DURHAM-—Mrs Roseana Taylor ; celebrated her 103th birthday, July j i on Neal Street at her home. Mrs. Annie Odom is spending the j | summer at camp. A grand time was spent July 4th , .it the -rand setting of the Hargett ; Mutual Burial Association at Onies I Grove Holiness church It will be i i bold next year on th* 4th of July j it Lipscomb Grove Church, Orange : | County SICK AND SHUT-INS Mr. Eddie Brown. Mr. Willie ! nos. Mrs. Ernestine MiAulsy is , '..;ir.p from the hospital. Mrs. Nan- i .-.ie Tate, Duke Hospital RETURNS HOME William J Keniort. Seaman USN. on of Mrs Sadie E Kenion of 1224 pi t* Store* is scheduled to -rrive r> f r orfolk. Virginia on July •' abogi 1 the Destroyer USS Rob . 'T K. H.ntingto.n after a six month j tour of di.it'-* with the Sixth Fleet j in' the Mediterranean. AT N. Y, BASE M -Si * TMmadge Moshy of Dur- • ! -m. who is serving as legal clerk j t the Suffolk County Air Force | i rhamnton, Beach Long i ••-land. N. Y A graduate of North | Carolina College he is the son of I Rev. mi Mrs. Tally MOsby of Rt. ! 7, Durham. REVIVAL SERVICE Revival service will begin at Mt Gilead Church this week in Orange County. The sneaker Rev. L. W. j Pmd mrtor New Bethel Church ! o' Durham Service begin? each J right at 7:30 through the 2nd Sun- I day. Revive! service starts at Lips- j comb Grove Church, Orange Coun- ! tv, July 14th each night at 7:30 to \ the third Sunday. Par-tor, Rev. j George Brooks. , Visiting Mrs. Hattis McCullers and son visited with her mother, Mrs. Eli s':) Tucker, on the fourth of July, j Mrs. Lula Campbell and children visited with her mother and fa- j : ther. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thomsts. i on July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and ! children visited with his parents, j ! Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones, the! I fourth of July. Mrs. Helen Bailers- j i tine visited her sister in New York ! City. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Hill from New York City visited his broth er, Mr Aaron Hill, while en route to South Carolina to spend a va cation with his wife's family. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Matthews ire now living in and enjoying their new brick home KINSTON NEWS i By REISS EKTTA DUNN KINSTON Mis. Beatrice Cox Kins of New' York City and Mr. Harold Taylor of Long Island. N. Y. were guests here last week of Or 2. snd Cor-i of Tower HU! Rd. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Milton Dow and their children, Kay and Timber, were vacationing m Detroit, Mich , last week. While in Mich , they were guests of the William' and Wiley Dove families. Mrs, Charlotte Johnson Green of Dover, N. C. and Bar,’more, Md. was in Cleveland. Ohio recently where she attended the annual meeting of the National Educa tion Association. Mesdames Edna. A Bryant and Alice D. Sanders were home for the 4th of July week-end from A. & T. college. Mr. W. N. Peyton of North Sc was in Washington, D. C for the recent, holidays. While in Dee Cer he was guest of his sisters and their families. Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks and Mr and Mrs. Robert Haley. He also visited a brother Earl Payton. Misaer. Kathryn Allen and Thel ma Albritton were home for the 4th from Hampton Institute. Hampton, Va. Mrs. Vera, G. Cox, a summer school student at NCC was home for the recent long week end. Mr. and Mrs Jessie Dove of Washington. D C visited briefly in Wilmington and Kinston re cently Motoring to the Onslow Beach near Jacksonville, N. C recently for a days outing were Mrs. V. M. Payton and Misses Sudie Mae Peyton. Lillian Mumford and Mar sha Baker. Mr J. A. Harper, principal of Sampson School is attending sum mer school at Columbia TJniv, Mr Thomas Cooper of Quantico. Va , a former Kinston barber visited Mends here over the week end Mrs. Melzora Murphy of Oak St. was in Chicago. 111., last week where she was with her sister Mrs. Mary James who was hospi talised, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Howard and Mrs. Johnson of Pa., were visiting here last week Mrs. John son is the aunt of Mrs. Hilda Croom Wade of Oak St. Mrs. Ellen Bryant of 605 Lin coln St. is at home after an ex tended visit- with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bryant of Burlington, N. J Mr. and Mrs. Horace Williams of Desmond St. were vacationing last, week in Brooklyn. New York. Mrs Thelma Rave is ill at her home on Desmond St. Miss Bertha Mae Underwood of CARY-ASBURY ROUNDUP BY MISS MAE N, HOPSON Bf MISS MAE N. HOPSON . CARY - The Raleigh District, Convention was held at Union Bethel AME Church from July 3 to 6 Sunday afternoon the Mission-; ary Circle of the Congregation ] Christian Church held its anni- 1 versary with Rev W. T Bigelow as guest speaker supported by the j i music of his choir. Present wars, ’ the presidents of various societies; | St. James, Method, Shiloh Bap- ; | tist. Morrisville; Baptist Church J i Creedmoor; Mt Calvary Holiness! : Church, Durham, First Baptist,; j Church, Apex and Union Bethel AME Church. Birthday Little Miss Charlene Hopson, 113 Grey Street, celebrated her, ; third birthday at the home of I her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas.j 1 Hopson, Guest*? were* Vanessa; Evans, Bobbie Jean Diana, and | Herman L. Edwards; Jacklyn and Teressa Ferrell; Allen and Gloria : j. Evans; Stanley and Arnold; Reaves; Felicia and Linda Jones. : Reggie Royster, Linda Jay of Fu-j ! quay Springs, I Home made ice cream and otn-; : er goodies were served, and Char- j : Ten? received many wonderful j gifts. Sick Mr Horace Jones is a. patient, j I at St. Agnes Hospital. Mr. Clar- ’ rnce Gotten is home after being 1 a patient at Memorial Hospital in • Chapel Hill Let's not forget the j sick with flowers, cards, and our | nravers. pr&.YBAO. , ; Method News Bv MISS DOR A D STROUD CHURCHES Oak City Baptist A nice audience attended ser ! vice at Oak City Baptist Church i Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. I This being young folk s day the i music is always in their charge ! and the ministers usually center ! their sermons to interest them as ! well as the older members of the 1 congregation. Rev. C. L. Manning, , assistant pastor of the church, ! filled the pulpit. ; Mrs. Wall Gives Program ; Mrs Mczelle Wall sponsored a i program Sunday night at 8 o’clock 1 and all present enjoyed the r.ura ! 'icvs given by the young people. Church Dinner Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Carter served a delicious chicken dinner Saturday. July 12th. The proceeds went for the building fund of Oak City Baptist Church Weinsr ! sandwiches and cold drinks were ■ served also. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Wilder Serve Dinner On Wednesday. July 16th Mrs. Sarah Smith and Mrs. Ruth Wil der served chicken dinners all day. This effort was for the Jun ior Boys Club of Berry O’Kelly of St James AME Church by name. Missionary Anniversary at Cary The Missionary Circle of the; Cary Congregational Church held! its anniversary Sunday at 3:15: o'clock with Mrs, Leon Gibbs as mistress of ceremonies. Rev. Bige- j low and the senior choir from | the First Baptist Church in April wwsi m of fc* service. Thu' Burlington, N. J. is visiting rela- i | tives on Lincoln St. Hayze Streeter is home after vis- i 1 itine in N. y. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dudley o£ j New York were visiting relatives j I in the state last week. Mrs. Du*!- . ley who Is the former Miss Glen- j 1 1 non Parker visited on Blount St ! ' her mother, Mrs. Nancy Parker 1 her daughter and sister, Dorothy and Helen, respectively. The Dud-; leys also visited Mr. Dudleys me :! ther at Morehe&d City. Mr. Cecil Tyson is at home cn East South St. after recent hospi talization. His condition remains unchanged. ; Mr. .J. W. Spaulding. Northeae-; tern District Supervisor of Farm Demonstration work and Mr. Sam Hodges, Agronomist. Special , Ist of N. C. were one day visitors , | recently of Messers Chester Stocks and W, N. Payton at the Farm I Agents office on S Queen St. Mr. Edward Cox of Blight St. '! was feted at a. surprise birthday ’ j dinner on Wednesday evening at . i the home of his .sisters. Misses | . Bessie and Ora Cox. Other mem - i bers of the family present were i 1 the honorees wife, Mrs. Lillian! . Cox and Mi*, and Mrs Melvin! . Banders. Mi*s Beatrice King, | ’ j Messers. Harold Taylor and Or ■ ■ arise Cox. Others attending join- ! .; ing in the celebration were Charlie ; , Stanley. Mesdames Georgia Battle ! ; and Estelle Grant.. Mrs Evelyn Prtterson .Tones • land Fountain, Jr. of New York; ; were visiting relatives and friends ; in and near Kinston last- week. The following books have beenj I added to shelves of the Kinston Public library for adult and ju ! venile readers: j How to Build A Better Vocabu lary, Nunberg and Rhodes; Good ■ | Housekeeping complete wedding . guides Elisabeth S. Weston The i Langston Hughes Reader. Langs* : : ton Hughes; A Peace Without ;; Twilight, Peter S. Feibletnan; The Lonesome Road Reddings Mary Ellis; Student Nurse, Hope Newell; ' America’s Home-making Book. [ | Marguerite Dodd; Let’s Go To A ■ School, Buchheimer; Let’s Go To .: A Garage, Goodspeed; Let’s Go To ■ An Airport, Sootin*, 'The true books i of Oceans, Carter , The Basketball j Began In Brooklyn. Le Grand; . i Lincoln: A Big Man, Helen Kay. [ | Funeral services for Mrs. Clara . I Davis of Route 5. Kinston were . i held on Tues. at the Vine Swamp ’ ] Church with Rev. E. F. Johnson :' officiating. She was the wife ot ;! Mr, Major Davis, Funeral services for Mr Henry • Dudlev of N Y C were held ’ j Tues. He was the brother of Mrs. ’ * Ada Grangers Aeburv Mrs, Roxie Walker, Mrs Mar* Frazier, Mrs. Annie Frazer, and Mrs. Georgia McCullers motored to Hoffman Sunday to visit friends. The pastor, Rev. J A. Hunter, delivered, the Sunday morning message. Next, Sunday night Groups Nos. 1 and 2 are sponsor ing a program, and the public if cordially invited. Recently Mrs. Jennie Brown i visited her daughter, Miss Virginia ! Brown, in New York. Mrs Elmerta Rowe is feeling j much better at this writing. Personals Mr and Mrs. E. Davis of New | York are here visiting her moth- j er, Mrs. Lottie Mason, on East j' Walnut. Street. | Wedding bells are ringing for i Miss Daisy Brown and. the mar- j riage will take place sometime in ! October. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Young of Lexington weer the holiday guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ear nest Ferrell on 114 Grey Street- Mi and Mrs. Rudolph Reeves and children of Philadelphia, have returned to their home in Phila delphia after visiting his parents, j Mr and Mrs. Connie Reeves on | 112 East Johnson Street Mr. Tommie Reaves ha* return- ; ed home from a visit with his sis-! ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Robert Hillman. Mrs Esther Boyd on 116 Far- | rell Street had as her holiday ; guests her daughter and son-in- j law, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Poin-« ter of New York City. ' choir sang beautifully and Rev. j ! Bigelow preached a wonderful ser-1 mon on “Stay at Your Post. Ev- i ’ eryone enjoyed the message; and j God's power was felt throughout | j the building. A nice surr. was real ; ized from this effort. Mrs. Sidney j Jones is president of the Cary | Circle and Mrs. Gibbs is treas -1 urer Sick Little Jimmy Manuel is recu perating nicely from a case of ! measles Jimmy Vs the son of Mr. j and Mrs. James Manuel. Our oth er sick are convalescing. They ’ ask for our visits and prayers Returns To York, Pa. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ligon re turned to their borne In York, Pa. last week after spending some I days with Mrs Ligon’s sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dou* i giaa Duns ton, on Church fit. Return To DC 1 Mr. ar.d Mrs. James Wiikerson ! spent the holidays visiting rela -1 lives here and in Florida. Just This Minute 'verse 8) 1 Yesterday is gone; tomorrow : Never comer, within its grasp; ! Just this minute’s joy or sorrow, j That is all our hands may clasp Just this minute! Let us take it. As a pearl of precious price. And with high endeavor make it Fit to shine in Paradise, IT PAYS TO | ADVERTISE J ] Rambling In Chatham GQLDSTON .PITTSBORO SILER CITY PITTSBORO NOTES By GUYTANNA HORTON I CHURCH I PITTSBORO - ’Die Four Gos- J pel Keys rendered music at Mit chell Chapel church. Pifctaboro on Sunday night, July 13. - ■■wnn.ir.-mir- - - - - j I '; Maple Temple i; Church Hews I By MISS LENA M. EURE On Sunday, July 13, service* be- | gan promptly at, 11:00 o’clock at j Maple Temple Christian Church I with the Rev, M, F. Booker, pastor, j in charge. The junior choir led the pieces- : sion singing Leaning on the Ev- ; orlasting Arms.” After the choir had reached its petition in the ! stand, the pastor led us in prayer while the entire congregation chanted “Send me." The firs* hymn of the morning j was “A Shelter in the time of Storm." The scripture lesson was | read by Dee. Eddie Baker from the j Book of the Prophet Jeremiah. ! verses 1-11. Following the scripture reading j Deacon Simmons offered a fer vent prayer. A special consecra- ] tion prayer was offered by the j pastor for the fans that were do- j nated to the church by Deacon ! Holloway, after which the mission ' offering was lifted. The offering was blessed by Deacon Holloway second hymn, "Christ Receiveth j Sinful Men." The announcements and intro- ! duction of the visitors were made \ followed by the lifting of the gen. ■ eral offering. After the offering was ennerersi- i ed the choir sang “It's A Highway j to Heaven. ’ The pastor, then began ' his sermon, using ns his theme j “Seeking For Men." which, was j centered around the sth chapter, j Ist verse of the book of the Pro- ! phet Jeremiah. In his sermon the Rev. Pnofcrr pointed out how God is distressed over our transgressions and if : we should seek truth and righte- j ousness tv* will be pardoned. The i sermon was a most Inspiring one : and was enjoyed by all present. Immediately after the soimon an | invitational hymn was offered by ! the choir: “I’ll never turn back *’ The doxoloay was snog and the | benedici'on was pronounced b* j the Rev. Eddie Baker.. SICK AND SHUT-INS Mrs Carolina Woods, Mrs. Tex- j anna Robertson. Mrs. Estella Pal- ! ley, Mrs. Fannie Mcßride Mrs Flo- i I rcnce Dixon and Mrs. Viola Per- , ! vard. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK “Fun from sm and transgression and run to and fro seeking right eousness," Angler lews | By MRS. POLLY C. STOKES ANGTER Service at Black Ri* ! ver was very good, as Rev. Alfred j Dave, pastor., delivered & powerful I sermon. His subject: Tr. A Time i Like This. “We Are Living In A • Peculiar Age. We. have to steal away and pray, wo need to unite together and pray more often.” , The Gospel Royal Lights rend ered a spiritual program in the af ternoon. It was sponsored by Rev, G. W. Wright. The Missionary Circle met at; Black River Grove at 5:00 o’clock. In And Out Os Town Air. Samuel Chatman is spend ing his summer vacation in Nep tune. N. J., with his aunt. Deborah Saunders is spending her vacation with her grand mo her/ Mrs. Rosa B. Greene. Mrs. Alberta Cheek was at home for the weekend with her family. Miss Margaret (Micky) Rag land is vacationing in New York, THE RALEIGH DISTRICT A M, F. Z. CHURCH NEWS By BARBARA DEAN STOKES The Church School and V. C. E Convention of t.he Raleigh District convened afc Alt. Mon ah Church between Oxford and Henderson, July 2. 3. and 4th. The host pas tor was Rev, J. S. Fletcher, and | the presiding elder was Rev. T. J. j Young, The theme of the conven tion was; Our Christian Witness; For Freedom, ! The opening session: Rev. L. B. Russell, pastor of the Oxford CJir* j cuit delivered a soul stirring mes- j sage. His subjects ‘‘Romantic j Faith.” The afternoon session was con- j signed to the organization of the convention which Was as follows, secretary-reporter, Miss Barbara i Dean Stokes; assistant secretary, Mr. Robert Graham; ushers, ! Misses Carolyn Hands and Ber t nice Kit troll; committees -- tim er Rev. C. T, Tharrimton; resolu tion. Mrs. Mattie Wesley. Nev. | Mrs. Ward, and Rev. A. M Spaul- j dins’ rules, chairman —Rev. J. S. i Fletcher. Rev. McKinnon Rev. j, W. Everett© and Mrs. Jennie Webb Following the organization, as sessments were collected—educa-: tion and N, A. A. C. P. donations., The convention was highlighted j by Interesting discussions in «tu- < dy Classes Topics: “How The Bible . Came To Be,’’ instructor. Rev. A.. M. Spaulding; “.Preparing For, Marriage and Homo Life, _ in- • instructor. Mrs. I. G. Tyson, rr.- mfa -y„“ Bible Sea Adventures, instructor?, Mrs Rebecca, Cromer* tie arid Airs. Mattie Wesley. Rev W, D. Carson, superintendent oi the Bible School. Wednesday night session: The; annual sermon was delivered -by I Rev. J. W. Redfern. Text: Step? To Christ, St. Luke 13:15, Tnc welcome program wito greet togs i from, the Church school, Church S and Home by Misses Odessa Cheatham and Carolyn Harris; land Mr. Earnest KitrelJ. respec tively. Response by Miss Barbara Dean Stokes. i Thursday saomins session! Re-j The Chatham County Ushers will sponsor a program at Mitch rh CiUpcl Church Thursday night July 17. The program starts at 7; 30 P .M. WEDDING BELLS There will be a double wedding at Mitoheil Chape! Church, Pitts boro, July 18, starting at 3:30 P M. Miss Ernestine Horton, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert L. Hot- 1 ton Sr.. Route 3, Pittshcre, will i wed Mr. David Reaves, son ot Mr i Otis Thomas Reaves Sr., of Route 3, Pitt,shore. Miss Mary Lynn, daughter of Air. and Mrs. John Lynn Sr.. Rt. 1 Plttsboro. will wed Mr. Walter Reaves, son of Mr and Mrs. Tho Louisburg Happenings By MRR. ALVIN WILLIAMS I UHDKC’H ACTIVITIES LOUISBURG -- The Mitchell; Chapel Club No. 3 met. July 9 «•;; 1 7 P. M at the home of Mrs. Argie i 1 Jones. The chairman Mrs, Ester i Davis, was In cbgrge of the meet ing, The lesson lor the month was J : very beautifully discussed. After the dosponsnllon of bust- 1 ness, the hostess served sand wiches. and coolade. ice cream and ! cake. The Mitchell Chapel Usher j Board met July 12 at 2P. As. at I the church. The head usher pre- i sided. After a. brief business period ! tho ushers joined in a question ! and answer period, Miss Maggie • G. Hayes was elected delegate to the State Ushers convention and j Mr. Bernice T. Kearney was elect- j i ed alternate. On July 6. 6;P. M. B. T. U. and | regular first Sunday night- sew- , | ice was held at the Mii-chell Cha- j i pel Baptist Church. The president j was in charge of B ,T, U. There | were, very interesting topic dis- j cussions. A most powerful and; | soul stirring sorman was preached i * by the pastor. Rev. E. L. Brodie. j I On Sunday, July 13 Church \ S School at the Mitchell Chapel I Baptist Church opened ' with toe j ! superintendent in charge. The j I subject of the lessen “Social Jus-; : t,ice.” The lesson was reviewed by j 'the superintendent, Mr. Mack F.j | Kearney. Tire. Franklin County Woman s; ; Home and Foreign Missionary Un-1 j ion was held at the Manassali Bap* j I tisfc Church July 12 and 13, The j • union sermon wan preached by i ' the Rev, J. M. Burchett. On June 28-29 the Sunday! School and B T. U. Convention i was held at the Concord Baptist i Church. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Plum i mer of Washington, D. C. reoent ,iv visited friends and relatives i ■ i hero. Mm, Florene Kearney and fam ily of Washington. D. C„ recent ly visited friends and relatives here. Mr. John Farl Jones of New j York City visited friends and rel atives here, i Mr. Percy 1 Rogers ot New York ' City visited friends and relatives here. Mrs. Rosa Southerland of Levit tovn. New York has returned fil ter spending (wo weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Williams,, and her son, Mr. Bennett South-> erland. Mrs. Caldonla Cerrall of | Washington, D. C. has returned • after visiting her sister, Mrs, B ; A. C/'rail. lii Rp-ky Ford Home Demon- 1 straiten Club members had an; evening of fur, July 9 when they | went on a picnic at Satterwhite Point on Kerr Lake The Rocky Ford Home Demon stration Club recently held its gar- |, den tour. Mrs. Myrtle WUliiams ; • was first place winner. Mrs. San- j dra. J. Jones second place winner,; and Mrs. Dorothy Carroll third, place winner. .The judges were from the Mit- i chell Home Demonstration Club, |- They were Mrs. Maggie Lee Solo-| mon. Mrs Luo Milton and Mrs. j Juanita Foster, The tour began at j: Mrs. Oza Hawkins garden and j, ended at Mrs. Gertrude Stovall’s h garden. There 1A her shady and | spacious lawn the group enjoyed j ’ refreshments. Ten gardens were |, visited. ! The Mitchell Home Demonstra-1. tion club recently held its garden | j tour which began, at Mrs Jaunlta; Foster’s garden and ended at Mrs. Maggie L. Solomon’s garden. In ports of the delegates were marie. The message by Rev. H. T. Mc- Lean. His text: Followers of That Which Is Good, The evening devotion was con ducted by the delegates from var ious churches. The Educational Sermon, Rev. M. F. Ward, pastor of Hosiers Temple, Henderson. N C. Subject: The Springtime of \ life, Theme, Remember Thy Cre-1 atar in Tho Days ol Thy Youth. ; Friday morning session, the! place of the next convention was j set for Williams’ Chapel Church. I Angler, N. C, Mr. W, M. Steele, vice president cf the Layman’s association was Noon Day speaker. Subject: Bible Sea Adventures. Theme: Except Wo Abide. In The Ship, We Can not Be Saved j The afternoon session was eon | signed to the reports and assess | men to of the Woman’s Home and I Foreign Missionary Society, Mrs. i Eva B. Young-supervisor, i Tho Oratorical Contest followed j the missionary reports, the con- i \ testants being judged by their i scholastic classifications. Flemen- j i,Sty -first prise Thessoloy Me- j Lean, second prise, Lee Ethel tVil- j lianas. High school-first prize Bar bara Dean Btokes, second prize Mary Hicks. Rev. Bister M G. Dhllpot, pastor of Grace’s Cltanel Raleigh, N. C. delivered the closing sermon which was a challenging one. Subject: Stay In Th-» Church. Acte 23:27. Total receipts for the c&nven- ] tion, $822.53. District Directors of Christian i Education—Mr. J. Ci. McLean- 1 Adult; Mrs. Mattie Wedey—Chil dren and Airs. Ethel P Williams-1 Youth. » mai Reaves, Sr.. Route 3. Fitts boro. J lac Luatham Cubs will play the Raleigh Grays Friday night. July 18, at Chavis Park in Raleigh game time 8:00 P. M Meet us there. We’ll be looking for you VISITORS Some of the visitors in and around PJttsboro are: Mies Lillian Taylor and Mr. Vincent Young oi Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Nettie Leach of Waterbary, Conn. Mr&s Jacqueline Lambert, Misters Jerry and Kenneth Lambert of New York City. Mr. David Reaves of New York City has returned home. Don't forget to go to church Sunday. her shady and spacious vard ladies were served dinners. 'Die menu was fried, chicken, garden peas, potato salad on lettuce, slic ed tomatoes, bread and cola. The first, second and third place win ners were announced. First prize Mrs. Jaunlta Foster; second prize, Mrs. Dells. Kearney, and third prize, Mrs. Harqie Fal. The judges were Mrs. Queen Alston. Mrs. Sa rah J. Jones and Airs. Mary L. Wil liams all of the Rocky Ford Home Demonstration club. Ten gardens were visited HOME AGENT'S DEPARTMENT According to news received Ir ma Chavis and Barbara Strick land, demonstration team from Fra nkltn County Training who participated, to the State Fi nal-, at A and T. College were de clared state winners in the team b: ead making contest. The title of (heir demonstration was corn meal criddle cakes. They will re ceive a $28.00 saving bond each. The county wide picnic for ad ult. and 4-Hers was held at the Gethsemane School in Bunn. July 4. It wss an evening of bin and recreation for both the youth ana adults. Rush Memorial ft. M. E, ZION Church News BY MRS. ANNIE H, THORPE Tt was the 2nd Sunday in the month and time again, for the Junior Choir to serve. The singing of the Processional number “God of Our Fathers” meant that the services were well on the way. After singing of thedoxologv, “Praise God” etc., and the pastor al prayer and chant, the Ist. hymn. No. 533, “O God Our Help in ages Past” waa sung, lined by our pas tor, Rev. W. D. Carson. Tne re sponsive reading was for the 28th Sunday. "Spiritual Discernment' Scripture lesson was then read ov our pastor from Jeremiah the >*f chapter comprising 8 veiles. The soul-stirring prayer was also of fered. by him. Our 2nd hymn “Near the Cross,” was sung while the congregation meditatmgly prayed. . Rev. Carson, then talked with 1 i.he Junior Church on the 2 Sacra men is wiilc have. Baptism and the Holy Communion.. Tne minis ter then chose his text from Jere miah, 8:18. Thus saitli the Lord, stand ye in the way. and see. and ask for the old paths, where is toe good way. and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Theme: The Old Path” Tne fol lowing are the Excerpts: I The Divine Call” ‘the call to repentance). II “Stand ye to the way, and ask for the old path ” Til "Keep Mv Commandments. TV The Right Path” V. “Spiritual Rest.". . This was again one of those, rich powerful messages that is a part of Rev Carson. We. are al ways grateful to him for these great messages because each time we feel stronger as a result of the same. .. . Wo believe that you too will b* greatly benefitted, so again we In* vite you. As a means of enoour acement we take this methoAto thank the Junior Choir for the fine service they are rendering and the beautiful selections Stay aw singing. if HINTS W j A Ctwuvofl Har-n S