SOMETHING TO GUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION SITUATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE HELP WANTED. PERSONAL i- CLEANING & HAULING IJY €-w-v —Low Cost Advertising — —Low Cost Advertising — Jk If* FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 j FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 P*** ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM '* " LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT 13 Persons Given Certicates As Area Pastors’ School Ends GREENSBORO Asa result of their successful completion of four summers of study, 13 persons, ;wo of them women, were awarded certificates as the annual Baltimore Area Pastors' School ended its an il »a) four-week session at Bennett College, here Friday. The school which is sponsored by COMPARE THESE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY '55 MERC. HT ...81195 56 FORD Sed. $1095 58 FORD Tudor $1095 •55 CHBV. Sed .$995 •55 CHEV. Tudor ... $995 ■SB FORD Sed *795 •53 FORD Sed. . . $445 52 BUJCK Tudor $395 53 PLYM, Sed $245 'sl PONT. Sed $l5O 'sl CHEV. Tudor $159 DILLON MOTOR COMPANY 126 E. Davie TE 3-3231 N. C. Dealer 2984 BUY FINE FURNITURE FROM A CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Store We have anything in Fur niture . . . from a lamp, end table, occasional chair to completely furnishing a whole house. ““““■AND WE HAVE A “j CREDIT plan FOR YOU Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co. 121 e. MARTIN ST, SORE, (WANT TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CAROLINIAN I’M TIES OF WASTING FOR A LOOK AT THE NEIGHBOR’S COPY '-- • j i O Sf 0 S H ® fig pi £, £ ffl C « : • S|* |£ F g • : aw^O? i • . Ch • : : 5 t« as >-< : : g us- c c« «o •: • l;lf 5 52■> i •i 11 i«• - § i •:« . a n t : m £ • s to ! . C/3 • J V,. ' i 5 “; : s » • : a | : : H to , • i ' fc ! M g ' I > • s 3 ; 5 i 5 § . 1 S 4 ;: : g ! ::: : ; I « •:: • > 1 I ; ; »» z ff ~ . ! Ml * ■ • -4 ui © t , . ; mo % •i 1 ; The Methodist Church and offers in ! service training for ministers, had ?n enrollment of 57. largest i:i its | history from the four conferences I of the area Courses wore taught in the Old j Testament. New Testament, homi letics. church history Christian doctrine* and stewardship, music and worship and organisation and discipline. The Rev. Charles T . Carrington. ' f Jamaica. N. Y dean of the school presented certificates to the fol lowing: Harvey G. Chase, Jr., Cordova, j Md.; Charles W Creek. Annapolis, j Aid.: Clarence K. Handy Tyaskin, j Md.; James 1,. Harris, Baltimore, i Md.: Airs. Mary I). Hundley, Mount j Royal, N. J.; Edward W. Lee, Salis bury. Mu.. Jeremiah R. Lee. Tyas- ; kin, Md.; D. T. Lewis, Sea ford. Del- | aware: Mrs dawdle Pinder, Hur- ! lock, Md.: Theodore Sembly, H>n- , ton, W. Va.; Cyrus M Stafford. Chester. Md.; George L. Stanley, ' i Hiirlock, Md : and William H. Wat- |i son. Baltimore. Md • li Others in attendance this year ! i were: ; George R Allen. Baltimore, Md ; 1 1 Woodrow I. Amey, Philadelphia, j T'a.; Chester A Bowles. Chattano- | p;a, Term.; K. 0 Cole. Caretta. W. | Va.; John W. Cole, Philadelphia, j Pa.: James S. Colter, Frkeville, j Tenn : Homer H Davis, Charleston, I YV Va.: William H. Davis, Anna- | polis. Md : Mrs. Emma T. Estep, | Jewell Md : Mrs. Eva Franklin, j Chattanooga, Tenn.: Hal T. Render- I son. Chattanooga Tenn.: Philip A. j Henry, Ohestertov. n, Md.: Murre! C. Hickman. Soddv, ' Tenn.; Emerson M. Jolly, Salisbury, j Aid.- Elwood J Jones, Asheboro ! N. C: 1. H Jones. Winston-Salem: j : Clifford E Landrum, Townsend, I ; Delaware: Elwood H Matthews, j ! Silver Springs. Md 51 FORD 2 DOOR SEDAN RADIO AND HEATER GOOD CONDITION Only SIBB DO CITY MOTOR CO. 221 HILLSBORO ST. DIAL TE 3-1415 N. C. Dealer No. 2642 >!T7 PLYMOUTH Belvedere ”8’ 4-Door Automatic Transmit **' sion, Power brakes, Radio and Heatoh, Sptone Paint. Just like new. •:■ lO -I FORD Station Wagon 6-Passenger 4-Dr,, 8 Cylinder. Au *™ toinatic Transmission, Radio and Heater, Si~TT New tires. Clean as a pin. ■ ..... Y * * PLYMOUTH 2-Dr Nice OLDS 4-Dr Hardtop, Automatic Transmission CKQ* ,w Radio and Heater. Clean. ”* *'* *"* LINCOLN Capri 4- Dr. Automatic Transmission. Radio and * “ Heater, Power steering, Power Brakes, | "(i” extra Sharp. ’fjt FORD Sunliner Convertible, Red and Whiu 0 1 <)Q ~ * ’* overdrive, radio and heater. ’ ’yi BUICK Hardtop Automatic Transmission, radio <*lAQ* and heater. New tires. Sharp. OHi '*) *54 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Automatic Tran .mi sion, radio and heater, extra clean ,l '° ' CHEVROLET Bel-Air. Hardtop. Sharp. * FORD. Radio and Heater. D.&H. MOTORS 219 HILLSBORO STREET DIAL Tl VA 8-3333 RALEIGH. 219 HILLSBORO ST. DIAL VA 8-3333 RALEIGH. N. C. WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW HOME WHERE WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU BETTER 3623 Hillsboro St. We invite our many friends and customers to visit us in our new location, where we will be better prepared to service your car with the same skilled workmanship and “know-how" ks always shown at Conn-Gower Pontiac Company. You will also see the complete line of ’SB Pontiacs on, display in our new showroom. CONN-GOWER PONTIAC N. C. Dealer jt&lM, llilli I —IMT lltlilMHlir i W MMHII 'HITT m i fi~ >g^tai * llrfa| irj|ginW>F 'TH I li KIUTI I WHI W IffUm li linTlllil ■ 111 hi ■JI IMimiMl iriw» Hill' 11111111 1111 ll Hill Uni tHHiliM'lMßi—lni 1 [ 1 'll 11 sfsa THE CHORVETTES, popular local singing agg relation, are still uppermost in the minds of area Rock 'N Roil music lovers for (heir rendition of lie* tune, "Cheer Up Pretty One." burned by “Buast Me On The Telephone.” The group, pictured above, during a recent appearance at Raleigh Memorial Au ditorium, is now making plans to record a series of new songs, Pictured, from left to right, are Irving 11. Fuller, manager, vocalist and saxophonist: Thomas Trevan, Jr., drummer; Harold Cooper, pianist and bass vocalist; Cecil Harris, second lead and tenor; Rufus Hodge, second tenor; and James Harris, baritone. State Baptist Sunday School And BTU Convention Slated Aug. 5-7 WINSTON-SALEM -- Messen gets from ali sections of the state will gather at the Friendship Bap tist Church, Winston-Salem, Aug ust 5-7, for the point annual ses sion of the State Baptist Sunday School and the- State Baptist Training Union Conventions Around the theme. “TRAIN- ING AND GROWING IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP," the program committee has developed an informative and constructive program. Featur ed this year are three clinics Sunday School, Raptisl Training Union, and Vacation Bible School—based on the following themes: “IMPROV ING TEACHING,, "MEETING •I HE TRAINING NEEDS OI THE LOCAL CHURCH." and “BETTER VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS" Other features inchtd address t* by R. M. Butler, J. T. Haivkm* ' i K jSKpY’VJ . ..ife .. . .i.^ OPENS Fit NEKA I. HOME IN SALISBURY ■— A L. Mitchell, above, a native of Winnsboro. S. C., recently opened the TVSit - chcll Funeral Home in Salisbury ! at 711 IV Horah Street. He com pleted his high school training at the Fairfield County Train ing School of Winnsboro. and is a graduate of Clinton Junior College. Rock Hill. S. ( ; Living stone College, Salisbury, and the Atlanta College of Mortuary Science of Atlanta, Da. He is licensed in both North and South Carolina. Mitchell is a I member of the St. Mark AMEZ Church. Dorcas Lodge No. 460, Prince Hall F&AM of N. C. and Epsilon Nu Delta Mortuary Fra i ternity. John Lucas, and Hubert Robinson. The following ministers will de liver sermons: Johnnie L. White, Leon Riddick, and J. Ray Butler. Miss Florence Butler. Miss Mil ■ am Ricks and John Fleming will serve as moderators of the clinics E. M. Butler of Wilmington is president of the State Sunday School Convention, and Mr. J. T Hawkins of Durham, is president of the Stale Baptist Training Union Convention, The Reverend William Franklin Stokes is the host pastor. The public is Invited to attend all sessions of the convention. 38 th Annual NIA Confab To Laud Growth COLUMBUS. Ohio With im ports of in excess of a quarter bil lion dollars in assets, s!'* billion in insurance-in-force and a total annual iiuome of sriO million for the fifty-two member compands of the National Insurance Association, n presentativfs of the companies ! will meet in Columbus, Ohio, at the j pcshler-Hilton Hotel. August 4. ! through 8 with art interesting in jfot relative and inspiring conven | lion program built . around the ; theme: “Organizing For Growth." The figures tabulated by L. R. Taylor. N. t. A. statistician, and actuary for the Mammoth Use Insurance Company, were releases! hi a telephone inter view with the 32nd president of the association J. W. Goodloe, Secretary for the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company, Dor | ham, N. C Mr. Goodloe pointed out, during j the couise of the interview, “The • oast ter years have witnessed the j greatest expansion among our i member companies in the nearly ! forty year history of our associa i t.ion. Ou r companies' assets have ; increased by more than 250 per cent since the end of World War II We have greatly increased our services to policyowners both in kinds of policies offered and in the skill and ■service of our more than 6.000 ag nts as insurance counselors. Much of this ts attributable to ‘■if training programs of our indi i-lual companies as well as the the hit activity in training in agency iriagement through the assoeia "Fifteen N. I. A. companies ’-artiei,rated. last June, In our Ills annual training Institute in agency management at Tennes see State A & I University. The convention will consider a pro posal to. next year, extend this kind of management training to department heads and junior executives. AH this augurs well lor the future continued d»-’* , o"»nent and ex pension of N. O. A compnntes and it Is the kind of organisa tion for grow th that will he dls eussed irt Columbus the week of August 4th. “Twenty-three insurance coun selors will be signally honored for j personally having placed $250,000 or more insurance coverage in 1P57. j They beonp to the NlA's quarter million dollar roundtable. And. i since thi« year’s roundtable loader : placed rrree than $">00,000 during j 1157, the convention will consider the formation of a “Diamond Circle" for men and women plac ing a half million or a million dol ors during a tweve month period This new means of recognizing the : service and achievement of our fn ! surance counselors has been made | necessary by the fact that already ! this year three men and one woman ! have exceeded their previous year- I long achievement in the first six ‘Carmen Jones ’ Begins At Fuquay Theater Aug. 8 FUQUAY SPRINGS The Fu pusj Theater announced this week that toe movie. 'Carmen Jones," | stalling Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte will be shown hero Friday and Saturday, August o and 9. A late show will be held at ll:p, m. “Carmen Jones, ’ one of Broad- j way’s irr-mortiil musical plays reaches the screen in what has been heralded as a smashing Cm emaScppe production It is a Lav ish, up-to-date, wholly American j transcription of Bizets original :.tili unparalleled “Carmen Tones" score, set to lyrics in a jazz idiom by the theatrical wonder-man, Os car Hammersteln, A big success on the Broadway rtage and during a long cross country ’our in U>e 1940 * it took Otto Prc-mingei to bring this un Ghana’s Ambassador Thanks Newsman For Hospitality Dr. Daniel A Chapman. Ghana's ambassador to the United States, who visited several North Carolina cities recently, including Raleigh, wrote the following letter to Alex andei Baines, promotion manager of The CAROLINIAN: Embassy of Ghana Washington, D C. Dear Mr Surnes. 1 should like to take opportunity to extend to you my very deep ap preciation tor your efforts in help ing to make iny visit to Raleigh such an enjoyable and successful line Your vor k in arranging for publicity in connection with my press conference is appreciated. It has been a pleasure meeting you and T hope we shall have another opportunity to visit your lovely • Ay. 75 Honor Students At Shaw U. Shaw University's Honor Roll for ma second semester has yust been released by the registrar and 75 students are listed. Os this number there were 19 freshmen. 12 sopho mores, 17 juniors. i7 seniotJ, . m the School of Religion, and 3 i*i classified They are as follows: FRESHMEN: Sherman Barge. Camden. :4. .1 : Lucille Batts. Wil son; Marvelous Brooks, Newark N. .1 . Lucy Mae Bunch. Raieirti; Lit.i Davis, 1 ouisburg; Glentield, Camden N. J ; Curry Lowery Gas tonia: Vivian McKay, Lilliu-.t’-n. Emanuel McNair, Camden, N -l . Doris Morgan, Raleigh; Mary Mur ray Wiilard, Jency Penny West Palm flcuoh. Fla,; Sylvia Sifford, Mount Holly: Amos Smith, Monro via, Liberia; Esther Sneed Green ville; Patricia Thonruu. L. nmi : Beulah V ; *eks, Greenville; Delores .- . -. . rr«. .. t- -..% . Pi W i - W,i reams. laiuuio, borne, Plymouth. SOPHOMORES: Shirley Burwell, Henderson: Gertrude Dickerson. Itendersor,; Milton Evans Stoko- Alfred Harris. Raleigh: Albert Hockaday. Weldon; M- • Hud.-w Pannele. Sandy McKo.v, Lam in burg; Nathaniel McNair. Fayette v.ile, Cha*-leR Manley. Cofield; Nr thaniel Mickens Union - 1 Glenford Mitchell, Way Tree, •>«- macia: Mnrv Taylor, Zebulon. JUNIORS: Alma Brinson. Rose Hill; Theodore Carter. Maxtor): Mamie Dixon. Rose Hill; Annie Edwards. Rockv Mount, Claud Fly the Conway; Marvislme Gill Louisbunt; Malhe Goodaon. Wen Paid Coates, in the Los Angelo. Daily Mirror. This ill Hi rant stall writrr, made a wide sweeping expose, in which lie hlasted the major ity of them a- being hovels of torture, hunger, and neglect. Because of a elnun-up drive he started in his column three years ago. ' H girls were chased off the Main Street “skid-tow and its Fifth Stieat adjunct: bartenders vt-re arersted foe aiding the pen'- during, and soliciting and the sa loons, from which they operated, were padlocked. Turning to the rie lapidated old room houses, on Filth street bet wen Main and Centra! Avenue, populated by thousands of derelicts of both races his camp aign most of those to bo condemned lorn down and turned into parking lots. Incidentally the “B" girls were Caucasian. Most of the bartenders practiced jiw-erow against would be Nr >io customer!:, yet were will ing to help the heavily made-up ‘'ladies of the evening.' when it i rim' in ' rolling” a Negro spend,>i known to have a lot wad ot green back.s Hags instead of sanitary wash cloths are used to grudgingly bathe n k patients Evaporated port fat milk made f> ora evnpoi a ted powder is served them. Legal Notices ADMINIS'I RATOR'S NOTH P NORTH CARO I IN A WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as Admin.M i amr cl ■ the rotate nr Dr. John O Plummer, I reused late of Wake County, Nolle 1 Carolina, this is to notify at! person I having flaim' »««•»»*' (he Estate raid deceased to exhibit them to tin undersigned at 13 E. Hargett Smu’i. i Raleigh. N C . on or before Hie 25*h : day fit July. 1859, or this notice will b pleaded in bar of their recover). .VI persons indebted to Hie Estate wril please make immediate payment. Tins ;;Bth day oi July. 19S8. MECHANICS ft- FARMERS BANK, I Admmislisuor F J CARNAGE Ail) August 2. 9, 18, 2.1. 30v September « ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTH E NORTH CAROLINA jWAKE COUNTY Having qualified as AUminislratoi : qf the Estate of Walter F. Have.*, dr j .-eased, line of Wake !' oVllit; Nort.-, I Carolina, tills is to notify all person-- shaving ctfums against the estate of ! said deceased, to exhibit them to the j undersigned at 125 East Hargett Street, I Raleigh. North Carolina on or before I tji e 2jj»h day of July, 1959 or this no ■ lice will be pleaded in bai of their le | CoVel')' All persons indebted io Hie estate | will please make immediate payment, j This Bfith day. ol July. 1958 ATTORNEY GEORGE R. GREENE j Administrator. j August 2,9, 16, 23, 3Q: September S NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS I BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE fN THE SUPERIOR COURT : SARA M. MOORE. Plaintiff Vs. i EMERSON MOORE. Defeudanl TO EMERSON MOORE TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you ha* been filed in the above entitl ed action The nature of th- relief being --.ought Is as follows- to secure an absolute di vorce on the part of the plaintiff based upon the grounds of two years con tinuous separation between the plain j tiff and the defendant. You are required to make defense to ] such pleadings not later than Sept. 29. 1 1958, and upon your failure to do s.i. I the party seeking relief against von ! will apply to the Court for the relief ; aoixr.L i This 30th cla> of July, 1958. HELEN CpNYEHS. 1 Asst. Clerk of Superior Conn CLASSIFIED RATES Multilist ot issue* and eoat per word' tssuf.s i 4 S 12 Cost per word 4* 4« 5c Se per line, per Issue Ifre Jltc IV5® Each word aboreviatlort, initial or symbol count as sine word. Punctuation marks »r* NOT counted as words The minimum number ot words in 3tiy want ad Is 13 wo.i di You wilt ive money b.v ordering vour ad to ion d or 12 issues. Weekly Want Ads may Be telephoned through Wednesday up to 10 A M, CARD OF THANKS Min. Virginia K Newell wishes to I hank hei many friends for expression* of .ympathy during the illness and passing of hes mother. Mrs. Dinah Hill Kimbrough of Winston-Salem, N C. HELP WANTED Ten Domestics tag*" s 20 to 55} mimed for the New York Area, Must; b r : «*xp*j ienced and have recent reier enros Make S3O to so.) a week Sleep m jobs Bus fare advanced Contact fi. C Mitchell, 601 Paiko Street, Golds boro, W C. Phone J37IK SPECIAL SERVICES SPKBCims WKITTEN tor Busy people 10-mliUiti’S 25.00: Re-sea! eh, Msnu -.■uipis •nidf-ti .mo mu in good Eng lish, MARCUS BO UL WAKE. Saint Ail Busline’s College. Raleigh. N C. AUTO & TRUCK RENTALS WAKfc-IJ-UKtVK-IT—CARS, TRUCKS, Al/Til TRAILERS roR KENT - :ui! N McDowell St. Dial ft i 8993 Night TK 3 0994. Ge, yuui money out of used , Register of Deeds office of Wake County This sal* will be marie to all outstanding and unpaid taxes which may be due. This sale will remain open for ten (10) days as required by law and th * successful bidder will be required 'a deposit nol less than ten per cent (10%) of the purchase bid to show good faith. This 21st dav of July, 1958 H. C. HIGH. Si.. Trustee F J. Carnage. Attorney July 28: August 2, 9. IB Th* ionuleaf has more resistance to fire than other Southern pines. Don't let Decennial plants get tan 7