8 THE CABOLIHIAM WEEK ENDING SATORDAf, AUGUST 9, 1958 Things You Should SCnow AL-MAHPJ* 'fA A.O. 790 Mg %|§i 4. Islam % greatest singer of love se»ss —sow or m€ eAt»»H or bagoao vL a / ; ANt) A N£sP*o WOMANS A DIRECT j j ' ANT Os MOHAMMED / Ht WAS A PERFECT I : SOMOLAB/ HE TOOK THE THRONE AT HIS I FATHERDEATMANO COMMANDED AN ARMY V U Os 160,000 SLAVES, MGUHMNO 4000 WHITES/ \ " V "" " m WEDDING COST 4 €*OCOOOo/ * '*l ~ "“‘V’ /*• r * ;r " ■g'rfr.jf* ' ' CmSgTh M«irutti^ii»iPwMvv'ivitiirMiiai)M^^an*nsi.'tu-s3MiL?MliiiliiigrMnnwi. < «fKinKil'aMii m >r.-.saaaatwsacerne raw—imwMW in liilfMin' - ,-_^it^swwsKajWaaJ| VA Answers Veterans’ Questions On Insurance, Schooling, Loans WASHINGTON—(ANPI - The , Veterans Administration has re- | leased another of its serif- of ques- | tion and answer? to veterans on their rights and benefits under the law This week anawei s deals with such matters as Cl insurance, and answers follow: schooling, and loans The questions Q— ,rm a Korea veteran and, siace my discharge- t have been operating a smalt business of It you Want To Take Tbs J iIF) Out n S Lift £ \ r |7«vl - i t. vu * » m$ ' J Llchtman fj' J trial TE Z-VW9 --*s"%■ J| PILOT LIFE Sr Ws-M tvsuKANCK ;mmm, \ feHßfljS COMP ANT * ~* T, ~ HAVE A TILE BATH ~ > sugar i j box 12% rv, powdered fruit j pectin i First, prepare the fruit Fee! and i pit about 8 pounds fuliv ripe ’ peaches Grind or chop very fine i Measure 4 cups into a very large I saucepan. Then make, the leu*, Me*#- | wr» sugar and '•pi aside Add pondered fruit peeiin to fruit In saucepan and miv well Place over high heat and stir i until ml.vture comes to » hard boil ti mirp slip jp sugar Bring to v full rolling boil and hmi hard l minute, --.tivrins j constantly. Remove from heal and skim off foam with metal spoon. Tht-n stir and skim b> lurns for 4 minutes to cool ; slightlv, if, prevent floating fruit, Ladle quickly info es. Cover iam at once with 1-8 inch hoi paraffin, PEACH AND PLUM *AM YIELD: About li medium gias.-- j h fftH ibk jam.) j ft cups prepared fruit (about 2 | Jbs. ripe peaches and IV* lbs. ripe I plums' ! 6 cup? * 2 lbs lo (M i sugar | 1 box i.2 ’A oz.) powdered fruit , pectin. i First, prepare the fruit Peel aim - pit about 2 pounds fully ripe peaches Chop very fine of grind. Pit. (do not peel) about l‘i pounds fully ripe plums. Cut in small ! nieces and chop. Combine fruits md measure 5 cups into a VERY LARGE j-aucr-oan. Then make the jam. Measure sugar and set aside Add powdered fruit pectin to fruit in saucepan and mix well. Place over high neat and stir until mixture comes I to a hard boil. At once stir in su gar. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, sMrrlng constantly Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon Then stir and skim by turns for ft I minutes to cool slightly, to prevent < Dcifctlng fruit, Ladie quickly into ] glasses Cover Jam at once I Lumberton Tobacco Marts Open, One Os Best Years Expected LUMBERTON News com** from Lindsey M. Cletnrtums, Jr., sales supervisor for the Lumberton Tobacco Market, that opening day will he m Tuesday August sth u i‘h expectation* of th« best mar ket in several years Tobacconists end Warehousemen of Lumberton ■ill major buying companies the fee! that, they will be able to offer best, crop of bright leaf tobacco ever produced in the Lumberton feel that the farmer never gets fill area. Lumberton warehousemen ly paid for the effort he puts forth m producing a crop of tobacco end in view of this fact, arc- cooperat ing to see that foe farmer receive.: j The most courteous attention and I the most satisfying dollar during | the 19ft3 mason. Lumber ton’s business establish | ments. including two of North Car i Gina's finest bunks, both with drive-in branches, atony, with the finest restaurants, hotels, motor courts, and shopping facilities arc waiting to serve you for your con venience md comfort during ttm tobacco season. The Lumberton Tobacco Mar ket has been nervine the firm ers of North and South Uarolina for over sixty years with three full sets of huvers. three rertry. in; plants, over thitty acres of floor space, selling Mxtv siy hundred baskets daily at -ix of the hi-re - 1 warehouse firms on the. border belt Mr Clemmons urges you M r Farmer to take vour choice of eith er of the following firms that make up the Lumberton Tobacco Market Cs.plica Warehouses is under the management, of J E. Johnson. Le roy Townsend Marvin Roycroft i John Cuirir. Jr., and Johnny Roy ernft. Cooperative V>rehouse i« man aged by C, E. McLaurin. Hedgepath Wsrehouse is manag ed by K A Hedgepath. Leroy Rol ! I ins. and Horace Hicks with Leroy Walker as sales manager. Liberty Warehouse is operated by R E Wilkins, Frank White and H D Goode Smith * Dixie Warehouses are un der the management of F. K Biggs Si . F K Bmes Jr.. Alex Klnlaw, with Mu ton Huggins as sales lead ! er. Star Warehouse has the same ms j nagetnent ilh Hogan Tester and | Tom Stephenson. ; ’ mmmmmmw /cestifk) .. ~ . . ,' ... ' k Is lib -3J A new eoneept- m fond savings. Cmomett Mi HP »1 \% ■’! ■•■ Aw meets the challenge to lower food prices even more! -. ®CERWIB) bjr CosomoTs bsryees h> be substantiaUy reduced in p«e« fjiingmg mk A f^4 you 9©B«rttomri V. v t CEBTIF4€O fay CoLoniafs Kome fconomist to be seasonal jfist riuht sot menus | , CERWKD fay contpomoo shoppers to be, qaolity for quahty, the best SgjS CERTIWB) to meet CotomoTs fuqfa Lor quality end volue. Lool- for the •’ ] l 'Certtfred Sowajs" seoi i.t Coloniol's adr, and on displays in the stores! s y _ ... . . , ISOLGN!AL STORESf i » ■- ’. x- W ■\ ' • b^mgnwuaßaßwwwßiiit.yir’iwiMiwMwm'rKw.imtwfMMr't-. i Natur Tend*r U£. Choice Quaiity SMITH’S PRIDE FROZEN CHICKEN OP TURKEY LAVE \T CS! BIG STAR PATTIES u“*““ | POT PIES 3 1? 590 Margarine k,10» I DRESSING S <3?c !9G®S 3 'V STS 1 PILLOWS -9^ PUhirny While or fellow SAVE AT CS* HUDSON TOP-QUALITY ABSORBENT TOILFT LAKb MIA raww rou Oivr Pride Frerh AMAZING LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE!—FLAO BRAND ■ ;a: dog food ... - I - Uucwm Kips Freesttnm AT CS? NEW PACK GREER FREESTONE F: v :h Peaches f>g f| PHglg “> ST AM 4 us- 29c m ■iOiwnHnll# mm mk M, SAVE Os- FRESH PROOIICE AT Os. FEESH EEEEFf ' ! Glenwood Village—lllW. Morgan St.—Northside Shonping Center—Cameron Village Redrying f.acii'ties are in top notch condition at the three out standing Lumberton plants, and are managed by the following. interstate Tobacco Company, Lie W E. Elmore, vice president anti manager. Person-Garret! Company, Inc ! Ralph Garrett, Jr., vice pre-ident and manager of the Lumberton brfir.rh- Whitehcnd and Anderson Ine , T. A. Rountree, president and treas urer Frank H. Saunders, vice pres*.- j dent and secretary. The Lumbertnn Market i- on ••raling again during the 1888 season a ith thrpr complete sets of buyers with representatives from ai! major buvinjr compa nies, noth foreign ir.ri domestic | Local bankers and business men j together with the Chamber of While Mountain Ire Cream Freezers Fruit Jars Fruit Canners t Fishing Poles Lines - Hooks - Sinkers Presto Canners Cookers and Parts . Screen Doors and Windows —See- LR. YOUNG Hardware 130 E. Martin St Dial TEtnple 2-7121 I . 1 Commerrs *j, n et! jj ail w are housri.ien are (,-aaperatiug «i ith the Toivcco Board of Trade to make 1938 the m*>a* sueressful vrar in the hlstvry ot the l.um trerton fabsrfe Mai kef,, Mr Clemmonr. recommends to 1 fh= farmers of this sioa to t.iarie their tobacco close because all in -1 dicstsons art thui thw buying com panips wilt pay higher prices (or •HU o,V!i;qc,i in i.up’q aqi year than in recent years, Tobacco topping is v- commencl erf when one-fourth to one-thi**d of the loiolwers are open md pink | Study the cost and poientia! use | r-f any farm machine)y before pur ! chase, I - " ' O j■ ji j i «3 BEGINS WITH- Cl Air Conditioned TIRES I»»g>T!a!«WA», ■.l l».l 111 111.1.1 .FI-IF.»«ri»ll«M 111 1111,11 111 IB ONE DAY RECAPPING Town & Countrvr® TIE SERVICE Wmm 218 S. DAWSON T . i ’ RALP.TGH, N. C l . PHONE TF. 3-5701 \ | Pearl Bailey’s Hubby Bushed To Hospital; Undergoes Surgery BIRMINGHAM (ANP)—Three | white men are being hed in jail followins, the dynamiting of two bourses ioo-ited in a neighborhood which i-> gradually rahngtng troir, ail-white to Negro. A thou go no charges have teen | Med. Police- Commissioner Eugene Connor said warrants against the ‘rio wourt be issued charging them with the nomsing. The blasts damaged two houses. One was occupied by a Negro farn i\. the other was occupied by a white family Damage was limited to shattered windows, cracked i plaster a n d splintered boards. CAUGHT m Aih.V Tun of the llircc ir.cn were nrated at a hospital where they v >r being treated (or c lilts and hr«lves after the*-- i hid been attacked bv Negroes | a few minute:, after tb* explti tons. lint tturd ms was pick? -i up 4Jfi«' the polios taiki U v.ith the other two i Earnest O'oppins a Negro, to' i\~ i hce he was locking out a wir.dov. of | ms home -vheii he saw three ~ *■ ■l - men ii;'rt fuses to two **p.*r | bombs, toss them at tne feotif' - .- and flee ia a ear The v.-hb» r «■••. ~.e re rau „ij, -_j bsotep ■’ho-i* > | biork from the explosions. The b.irn.bme occurred in I Fountain Hemhts sect-on 01*51' . in?ham. A cross was biun*d i,, Idle farm machinery is ttv : r. ' One way to combat, insects t. plant insect resistant varieties nnwniwriin'iiTrniiiindi.MiiiMiiii ij i .II . a■ I in i,.. / fl 11 m li m \ *!i jf\ 11 V F. S F, r V E ■ SO2O & m s 1# U ; Ji— saiu4*v* tau«swu*>» T - rr-tnosl