18 THE C.® HOIST?.® SI WEEK ERBICC SATUR&AY. AUGUST 23, 1958 The Allegros: Hew Singing group is Drawing Raves ASBURY PARK. N J i'AN'Pi Making s name for himself as a terrific cocktail lounge musical attraction is Frank Hoppinstall, leader of the AUegres. now appear ing here st, the swank Tu f Club. Formerly a member of Steve. Gib son's Redcaps, Moppinsta.il formed this trio s short time ago and was <VJ In •**«!» I'mt tV<» However, his continued popularity with patrons caused the manager to giv.'e him a contract that rails for RUSH MEMORIAL CHURCH . By MEs, ANNIE H. THORPE lath Sundß>- bring' us around to fine service; Quite an appreciative group turned out for the Church School at 345 and remained for the !’ o'clock seFvic.es. The Sen ior Choir was in charge of the mu sic The service opened with the Prcc«sSxOo«i number "Marching to Zion " The Ist hymn number Thou Almighty King •• as ' ;| mi lined by the pastor. Rev W. D Carson The responsive reading. * ■'- ken from our Methodist hymnal, was for the 33rd Sunday, ‘The Joy of Delr- prance " Scripture lesson was then read by our pastor from Revelation? toe Sid chapter, com prhin,? the entire chapter. The soul stirring praver was offered by Brother Neil Saunders Our 2nd hymn. No 133. Ti? midnight and rr. Olive? jj was -one p>-y --erfull* • hile the. congregation me ditsVKS devoutly. TTie minister then talked with the Junior Church at length on Thou shait not take the ns me of the Lord thy God in vain'' Res'. Carson then 'hose his text from Rrv it ■ Behold, h«> cometh wi*h PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ■-^..-^--•■e^-ttT^eTO-.^^,-i^”tee;’rrrnMn«»eggg«=rxj«gßa. , »»w i aaßnJKg;.'-iwatw , g'Jß.- msrxnt -yrrsi i iweiiBKMUWiWJ'JwasJH RALEIGH RADIO TV SERVICE CO. Repairs to Radios, Record Players and Televisions PHONE TEmple 4-7133 !HH W. LENOIR SST, RALEIGH N. C. \ T'l 3 * EM on a i 1 J ' . Guarantm! to hold y our f " • Bair Style from / ty 14 da p. OR YOUR MONEY BACK! * ♦ g|| 90 PROOF. BINTURY ' 2.4 S *-3 QT. f BATIONAi DISTILLER:, PROLLOIS CORPORATION, N.Y. • 90 PROOF them +o appear here twice a year for the next ten seasons. Talent scouts from top record la bel,'; have been in to see and hear the group and have expressed a desire for Hoppinstall to ink a con tract with them At present he's waiting until October before he tr.lrPA i rim.c as he fiwl.j it will lake until then to build hi? group into the type that could work any spot in the country. I cloud? and every eye shall see j nun, and they aLo which pierced | him; and all kindreds of the earth j shall wail because of him. Even so Amen " Them', 'The Visible Christ.’ 'the minister began by talking of the 2nd coming of Christ, but every eye shat! see him. Men have been hid ing from the Ministers of the Gos- I pc! and ihese whoe are followers of Christ, but every man wiii see nim at thu f'-iv The following one the E.xcerp’ l The man who failed to . dirchargr hi? Duty.'' 11. Th« man . j who failed to hear the Gospel of the 1 ! Lord Je.su? Christ." HI. The man i v.-hc, Filed to love hi? neighbor as i The minister closed by saying. the sreal day of hi? raft has com-'. . and who shall be able to stand? ■ « a. the message, and grl’at i? the minister who delivered it. W are indeed proud of this great men. At the 7.30 o clock hour the min -. -t• •• treked from Ephesians the 3rd chapter and 10th verse Using : the theme: "Why we love the . Church. Again, we invite you to come and worship with us at one i of our services. Garner Mews BE THURMAN WHITAKER BY THURMAN WHITAKER Bark-To-Sehool Friends, school opening in just around the corner, so be an early bird, shop early and get some ol the better and best back-to-school bargains; The Baptist Association was held last' Wednesday and Thurs day at the Pilot Baptist, Church. Wake Baptist Grove was repre sented by Mrs. L. D. McClain Deacon Laws, Mrs G. Smith. Mrs P Cofield. Mrs. E Trice. Rev. C Walton and Mis? G. Cofield Rev. G. S Stokes, pastor of Wake Baptist Grove Church r. Garner, is moderator of the a??o --cltatlon Mrs Eddith Trice who attend ed revival service at the Good S? - marian Church, reported a very happy lime Revival service was held at the Rand Street Christian Church last week. Rev. J. R. Johnson is pas tor. Revival services were in progress this week at the Wake Baptist Church. Sen ices were conducted by Rev. Jones, pastor of Jumper Level and New Providence Bap tist Churches The Wake Baptist Sunday School was proud to have Mr and Mrs Thome? Jilrs in* the Sunday- School Mr. .files addressed our Sunday School lesson, "Justice to Minorities" and was enjoyed by everyone. We were proud to have Deacon Wilder back with us in church service last Sunday, who has been absent for some time due to sick ness. Last Sunday regular church service was held at the Wake Bap list Grove Church with the pastor. Rev. G S. Stokes, presiding. Scripture was read by the paster after which the Rev, E. Coefield led u.s in prayer The pastors text.. "The E v il Ef fects of Sin", was enjoyed by a capacity crowd. Mr. and Mrs John Wood? and Miss Margaret Woods, who are vacationing at home visiting re latives and friends are from New York City. On behalf of the pastor of Wake Baptist and members, we wish to extend a hearty welcome to all m our visiting friends at last Sun day's worship service. SICK WO SHUT-INS Mrs. Octavia Winters. Mr? F lizabeth Hilliard. Mrs. Julia Rog ers. Mr. James Haywood. Mrs Al pharetta White. Monya Whit , Mrs. Lisa Ray, Mrs. Rosa Jiles. Mr. Jimmy Jones Wr wish each and everyone a speedy recovery. Mrs Rufus MoCullers and son William Mr.Cullers were home vis iting their family last weekend from New York The Cub Scouts of Garner were chaperoned by the Rev. C B. Wat ton last Saturday to Fort Bragg They reported a happy trip Mr. Bertran Haywood, a 19,y s graduate of Garner Consolidated High School and a 1957 era du-ate of Shaw University, has been va cationing with his parents. Mr and Mrs. William Rogers He departed to his teaching position J. C. HARRIS LUMBER CO. HaPl®? See Its For Tour Buiidmg Needs "Your One Stop Building Supplier” 704 SOUTH SPRING ST. Dial UA 6-3.131—P.0. Box 385 BURLINGTON, N, C. \ggvnrxeu:; ■sterna » | 1957 Chev. Bel Air. 2-dr., hard top power glide, radio heater. White wall tires, Tutone paint 12.000 act ual nule.l. Matching ,r teriors. This car is like new $1,995 1957 Buick Special 2-dr. hard top. A.II extras. Tutone IjOW mileage. Matching interior $2 795 1955 Oldsmobile Holiday 08. Hydramatic. Radio, heat er. Like new throughout. 1954 Buick Special 4-dr. Se • dan. Dynuflow. Radio heater. White wall tire? Light blue finish. One owner $1,495 1953 Buick Super 4-dr. Sedan Fully equipped. Tutoiv $895 BILL PRICE BUICK, Inc. jH w.-g—. - J-rx yx . 1 delicto®!/ Slighter ftp! SsiZE Bottled B'? BURLINGTON Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Burlington, N. C. LEADERS IN IST NATIONAL CATHOLIC CONFERENCE FOR RACIAL JUSTICE Shown ate a group of prominent leaders who will play important roles in the Hi d National Catholic Conference set Interracial Jus!ice. to be held at Leyola liniwidt*. Chicago, August All active, in the civil rights Held, they are it to r,i George K. Hunter, secretary. Catholic Interracial Council, New Y<nk City; Hon Harold A Stevens judge. New York State Supreme Court; Elmer A. Carter, member. New Yolk State Commission Against Racial Diacriminalion; Lawrence Vi Pierce, assistant, distrkt. attorney, Brooklyn, and Its? Rev. John LaFargo. S J.. founder of the Calfiolic interracial movement, m America, who will deliver the keynote address. Delegate# from 34 f!C council'- thrmighnut the • 'lilted State? as well as representatives of other civil rights gmups will attend Theme of the confri 'ice will tic; “The Catholic Interracial Looks to the Future. '- < ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS PHOTO) Maple Temple Church News Bv MISS LENA M EL 1 EE- On Sunday. August 17, service at the Map's Temple Christian Church began at 11.00 o'clock The Senior Choir led the processional singing. We Are Marching To Sion". When the choir had reached its place we sang "Gloria Fain" after which we were led n prayer bv the pastor, the Re?- M F Booker While tne pastor was praying w c softly chanted "The Lord’s Pray er." The first hymn of the morning was, ‘Trust in Jesus’ The scrip* fu-e !” <m - i.'k- ", from H’l’' l !-:-* kuk. 2nd chapter. v >. - ?•?. ’ ---.ft i-- whivh prayer was offered by Dea con Sicuardson The missionary offering was h f '- cd while the choir song • Lead TVS? To Calvary" Deacon Holloway blessed Ihsi offering. The announcements of the week were made and the introduction of visitors. The general offering was lifted and fo.i-ecraitrd by the singing of "Jesus I? Real To Me" The pas tor then led us In a hymn. 'Let Jesus Fix For Von Proceeding the sermon the choir sang "I'm Pressing On The pastor then be gan his sermon using as a sub ject “Traffic Sign?.'' In the pastor'? sermon ho pond ed out hov? we should lead our at the Ralph Bunch? High School. THOUGHT. "So then everyone of us shall Hive account of him self to God. Let us net therefore judge one smother any mort . but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block in or an oc casion to fail in his brother's wav.” - Romans 14:lit-13 3#Gl£ TO WOfflC—(Sanmos sferga, «cre®a «rrai wwsadk 1 ! ing etffit, lona Horne, «rtd km hxtsbsmd, hmxgm Ifeytau* penzm ! ert New York's int&mrsfonaf xUrport JoHowsagr iib»ir «miw3l 1 rmemflf from Mk», Franc*. Ls mz rotumod from’** j oetcafean, to raeume her storing role m. tike Broadwoy muekesi hit, “Jtrmtricrr " (Mewsprm* Photo). | Judge Doesn’t Believe Prison Helps Fl Man i CHICAGO --- "I suppose that j i have rent- thousands of men to 1 ; ii There weie times when I -va? | sentencing upwards of 4*30 a day. ; But. I don't, think jail is the *n swer. I don't think imprisoning . a. man helps bun," xav? h'd*.* Ar- : mond W. Scott, in the current is j sue of EBONY Magazine. The semi-retired judse of th? ; MUnicpipal Court of the District ! of Columbia continues. “As a rnat trv ~.f fact I let more men zn then l sentenced, l gave everybody a S chance when the circumstanct* : - " a it.in ted. It there was any douot of guilt- i freed them," ' Judge Scoff, appointed in 1355 aa the first Negro judge in the New Meal administra tion of Franklin D. Roosevelt, says of tiie District’s Negro crime rale: “The cause Is well known anti w p nuts* continue to work fn reduce it. We've got to improve our living enniii ■ lions for many of our people and expand them work oppor tunities. lives similar to the safety signs of the highway while driving It was j j very clearly brought out and un-J : dn st.ood and enjoyed by all. j Immediately after the sermon an I invitational hymn was offered by ! she choir, “Someday 1 Shall Under | stand." I The doxology was sung and the s benedict ion was pronounced. SICK AND SHUT-INS Mr? Mary Winters, Mrs Fannie M'•Bride, Mr*. Caroline Woods end ! Mrs. Esii 11a Pulley. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK I "Steep your hfo with caution, | and set in the safety gone on the i Lord’s side" ; The sub-standard conditions ' under which many of ua are fotc ; pd to live creafc the biggest hand - cap, Too many of as live in ill-lit. 1 ghettoes. one room shelters, Faro -1 ify jjfe is shot. Our biggest drive j in coining years should be direct- I ed at, eradicating these evils.'* | Judge Scott's prestige and re i spec!, m the nation's capital was I shown several years ago, when h>s ! i,hird term expired. The all-white : District Bar Association, winch | had refused his application in 1 : membership, petitioned the at ; torney * general to grant him two S more years on the bench so he j could .qualify for a full $12,000-.i --year pension, and in an unprece dented event, the association spon • sored a testimonial banquet m his honor. Tributes from the distinguished ‘jurist! and lawyers have • for the man who refuses to be Known .is "a Negro mdse'' 1 ire af fectionate title of “The. Dean" i Judge Scott adds; “'Some say I am j a Negro in a white man's work ! That’s not it I am a, judge and it l happens that, 1 work with every | body." I Sard one lawyer of fudge Scott. ! who has sentenced thousands of i nmn and has handed our, an esfci | mated million dollars in fines, j "Judge goes beyond the Law of j crime and punishment and deals i in causes and cures and under standing and sympathy. He deal.-, justice not from the law books but from the heart.” Irrigation pays seven years out of 10. By 1956, 90 per rent, of American farms had mechanical refrigera tors, JMMMniIIIMWHaBinnSinHHHMHMDHnMMQHNHI Warehouse CHADBOURN, N. C. The Best Place In The World To Sell Tobacco rrr m—■rr.ni.iirw.M. • We Led Chad bourn As We Have Each Year Don *t Settle For Less Than The Best Bsploma In Woman, 75 CHICAGO An ambitious Geor gia woman “didn't want to die dumb and ignorant ' so at the age of 75 Mamie Stephens receive her high school diploma and the “Most Outstanding Senior" trophy at an evening school in Atlanta, acocrd mg to an article in the September ljj iHi Hr ILIH iiCAh iSSS $3-93 vs quart vMMHf 100 Proof. Made, from Grain p§ by L Re,sky & C;ie g Cockeyaville, Md.. U.S.A, At The CLARKTON, N. C, With Old Friends JOE IRYAHT BEK RIVEN BARK Thurs., Aug, 21 Tu.es, ? Aug, 26 Wed,, Sept. 3 BRIGHTLEAF WAREHOUSE CLARKTGN, N. C. Issue of EBONY Magazine. Commenting on her complet ing h:*;h school. Mrs. Stephen* slid she hopes her diploma shows older people that their Ilf? is no! nopi that they can ,vti!l !cirn and be useful.'' Born of slave parents Mrs St' pheps is the oldest person ever to graduate from Atlanta's Booker T. Washington Evenuig High School, and the first to earn 12 perfect at tendance records Reduce feed cost,;., fill an arJ.i s siio.

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