2 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 83, 1958 GARNER IS SCENE OF 3 ARRESTS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) pound of marijurm.* meed tar 150 to undercover agents. Mrs. Eva Pauline Wiley, 63, Wil ey's wife, a i-ctit *d school teacher, waa charged with possessing mari juana seed. The arrests w*rr made Monday after s search of the homes of the parents and their daughter, which are located side by side, off High way 17. The family operated a bu siness on this highway. Ail three were arraigned be fore If. §. Commissioner Mat lie .Jackson, at Dunn, They waived preliminary hearing arid were bound over to the October term of Federal Court here. Bond tor Wiley and Mrs Deaver was set at $3,000 The mother's bond was $1,509. When the raid was made, accord ing to SBI supervisor G. E. Cana dy, Mrs. Wifey attempted to secret s brown, paper sack containing ma rijuana seed under her loft arm, SAY JUDGE ERRED IN HIS CHARGE {CONTINUED FROM PAGE i> who is the oldest active federal judge in the nation, said .he felt the Little Rock school board had acted in good faith and that Judge Lem ley had based his derision upon realities and conditions, rather than theories'’ Superintendent Virgil Blossom of the Little Rock school said that the Court of Appeals' ruling was a •’disapointment." Gov. Orval E. Faubus who call ed out the Ark *»isas National Guard last year and ordered them to keep nine Negro pupils out at the Central High School, comes forward with what he calls an al ternate- plan to fight integration. What that, plan is, the Governor has not said. BOARD FACES ' CONTEMPT IN SCHOOL CASE {CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 Hoffman’s direction, issued a 600- word resolution explaining why it had rejected the applicants The board caught between Hoff man's desegregation edict and a state law that would automatically close any integrated public school, said It had “attempted to approach the problem from the standpoint of sound education ” Os the 151 students, the ho? d said 61 were turned down because they refused to submit, to tests pre scribed by the assignment plan One was rejected because he de clined to be interviewed by school authorities and another withdrew' his application for transfer to a white school, .Sixty other" the board said, were '’clearly unsuitable for the assign ment requested. The vast major ity failed to meet the minimum scholastic requirements.” LEGIONNAIRES ARE SEEKING INTEGRATION (CONTTVUTD FROM V \GE 1) him included. Charles G. Irving Raleigh, vast division commander; George Wilson. Goldsboro, past di vision commander: W F. Carter. Winston-Salem, area commander; H. L. Gore and James Rogers of Whiteville. UNCADMITS THREE NEW STUDENTS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) of Route 10, Greensboro. Four others have been accepted tn the School of Law. They are; Calvin L. Brown of Roanoke Rap ids; Nathaniel rvedmond of Belha *en; Albert. S. Morgan of Kinston: Th* other Negro student, Law rence Zollicof/er of Route 2, Inl and Thomas M. O'Neal of Raleigh THE CAROLINIAN “Covering the Carolines” Published by the Carolinian Pabllshiisß Company 518 East Martin Street Raleigh, N, C. (Bacei-vd as Second Class Matter. April C JWfl* jjt the Post Office in Kaissgh, Mtjrtk Carolina, under th* Act of M&reA, fcTS). S'CrsacaTPTlOJf BATES: Cut Maitha tt.lt £n* t»*x 84 50 Payable fca Advance Addr*** all uom tnuvieattckac and make all check* and pstfrrart* united Newspapers, tnc., Dion uf ordwr* payable sc THE CARO pKttX. S4S Fifth Avenue, New York 17. N. SMttenu Advertising Representative mnn roeraber c>* the Associated Negro. FWW and fee united Praa* Photo t, B. JERYAY, Publisher ffcs PaHßaher it sot responsible tor Ifa* »afttw of. vmsolicltad news, oic 4uhgf er advertising copy unless nee posts*• accompanies the ccpv. Opwstons esspresaers by columnists in JtOW»eap«r do not necessarily the policy of ‘his paper. Church Sonus Money Rules MS perahM* slip# o* receipt* presented to roue church must com* from «*»«#“ »a’/erfl»ing in the CASOUNIAN J«ew week cerrle* s d«t« in tho Bomi* Money pertod Purchases eligible lswsrf aosn* from the store during the week the '*,*<! ’ appear* Wo purchase slip* representing a business should be submitted. Ail receipts Vest com* from individual purchase*. AH churches in Raleigh and Wake County are eligible. All purchase slip® must bear the name of the atore from wh'ch the pur ***** was made. 4? should b« submitted in the name of the church: »nd IcCiUa inked off ’ C * ° f th ® CAKOUrn:AM «»• Monday following clone of & «rd«r that smaller churches may have an equal opportunity to anare in ttte Bonus Money the following regulation la expedient: No church of ever 900 SMmbera will *>t awarded let Bonus Money consecutively, i.e shouid a church of 200 or more members receive l.«t Bonos Money after the first period, 1* would have to wait until the tliird Bonus period to be presenter! Ist eworri agslp, «oept where a church ha* 300 or less members, then it could win top Bonus swards consecutively. However, this doe* not mean that second and third awards cannot b* sought consecutively. Consequently every church group has th* opportunity to secure an award awry period. 3fo jtssrehasa of oyer s3o# from any one merchant during * week can S»« Mtghjtej*, faav* ty a s*UfttS of *a* per person a week Tor tracery purchases. Sts At# iWHtf of th* same amount of parebise* by more than one entrv, the WSBCSgis »!l!! 5»o divided. fS’**sSv pv»mr«f* totals shonif he shown on each packet and total placed on ill:*' i>qatMs of fib* MSVtbiw carrying the period's entry *lo«$ with name arid aAdnta, Bo»u« nenomy earners win be announced in th* issue foiioM-iai? th* detains H each period. AS entries ronjaln the property of The CAROLINIAN AC taUvtßg Is final when the names of the Bonus Money earners are an- BMune«d in The CAROLINIAN, and no responsibility la accepted bv this news- JS&iStr reyoiid that point. ten receipt* trim teau will be contidercS, except payment on ihortgagca. tleten, has been admitted to the School of Medicine. In addition to these, two Negro high school teachers will take spe cial science- teaching training at the University under auspices of the National Science Foundation. They arc Mrs. Ella Mac Tomlinson and Gersham Tomlinson of Rapidan, V*. teacher* at Carver High School there. bonusTSoneF ENTERS ITS 2ND WEEK (CONTINUTD FROM FAGfc I.) competing tor Bonus Money, con tact your pastor right, away, ac quaint him with the rules of the contest and start your church, on the road to useful winnings. mortician’ TO BE TRIED ON BODY RAF (t ONTBv’UTD FROM PAGE J) 10 minutes before he tossed the gun out. Forsyth County Deputies D. O. Sothern and J. W. Trivette said they were fired upon by Kiser when they went to arrest him on a MAN DROWNS ON FISHING TRIP GREENVILLE. N. C A 41-year old Greenville man drowned last Friday afternoon when he fell from a fishing boat which was nearing the shores of the Tsr river. Clemes Sanders, one of two other men in the small craft when Lee Taylor fell from the boat attempt ed to rescue the drowning man but was forced to let him go when he threatened to puli both under, Member* of the Greenville Rescue Squad recovered the body, one hour later, around 200 feet from the point he was last observed struggling in the water. Acting Coroner Ruel Tyson, rul ed accidental drowi.ng and no in quest was heid. The drowning occurred at a lo cation at Greenville known as the Oryster House. City detectives assisted in the in vestigation of the drowning. ST ATE BRIEFS (( ONTEVUTD FROM PAGE 5) wararnt sworn out by Kiser's fa ther. Eugene Kiser, 50. charging as sault. GETS DOUBLE LIFE TERM HALIFAX Joe Wynne, 38. of South Weldon, was sentecc-d to two consecutive life terms in prison for rape and first-degree burglarly last week. The State and Judge J, Paul Frizzelle accepted wirtten pleas of guilty on the capital charges by Wynne submitted by his court-ap pointed attorney. fn passing sentence. Judge Frlz relle specified that the second life sentence was tn begin at the expiration of the first. Wynne confessed that he entered the home of Mrs. Dona Shearin, 62. a white woman, near Wel don In the early morning hours of Easter Sunday, attacked and assaulted her. The woman was hospitalised after the attack. ESCAPED CONVICT FOUND OXFORD A farm hand, who went to prison in 1534 to serve an seven months imposed for damage to personal property, still has more than half the ter mto servfe- and his awaiting trial is scheduled on a charge of escape. The man, Frank Branch, was aprehended in Durham Wednesady and returned jTo the State Prison Camp here to complete his term. Branch was one of five prisoners who fled their guard on a road job assignment Au gust 4. He escaped in 1954 a short while after he went, to prison and was returned to camp this Spring. Man Declares Return Near (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1> once of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Lewis E. Lenheim said “the problems of this world have become iarger than the men at ! tempting to solve them.” The only solution to the Ills of ibis world 1* the return of Christ to this world.” he declar ed before more than 2,000 per sons tn a large tent on the cam pus of t,he Fine Forge Insti tute. “It is necessary for Christ to come bark not only to sal vage what is left of history, but to do it before mankind is te stily annihilated.” MANKIND MUST BE CLEANSED Lenheim was the main speaker at the Friday night service of the ten day conference More than 4,600 persons are expected this week end. The parley began on Thurs day night. The guest speaker is president of the Columbia Union Conference of Seventh day Adventsts He is a spiritual leader of all Adventists in a seven-state Middle Atlantic are*. “The world cannot be straighten ed out in their thinking until man is straightened out/' he said, "The crisis of the world at this moment l is not in the Middle Fast but ra- .p E ATMS YDSt. UPWARD GREEN Mr. Edward Green died. Sunday, i August. IC, at a hospital in Golds- - boro, and bis funeral was held j Thursday, August 14, from the j Lifthtner Chanel at 8 p. m. Sever- j end J. W. Jottto officiated and buri- j al followed in Htllerest Cemetery. , Survivor* include a wife, Mrs As- j ker Green of Raleigh; four sitters, and one brother. MRS. KATUT HINES Mrs Katie Hines, of 119 N. Fi. her j Street, died at home Wednesday. ! Editor's Note; The following births were released by St. Agnes Hospital: August. Ist: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yarbrough, Jr., a son, 7 lbs, 7 1-4 ozs Mr, and Mrs. Moses White, a daughter, 1 lb. I 1-2 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Marks. Jr. a daughter, 8 lbs. August 3rd: Mr. and Mrs William Taylor a son 4 lbs. 6 1-2 ox? August 4th: Mr. and Mrs. Paul McClinningham of Fuquay Springs, a daughter 3 lbs. 2 1-4 ozs August sth' Mr. and Mrs Earn est Smith of Garner, a son, 7 lbs. I or.. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Leake, a son. 3 lbs. 11 1-4 ozs. August 6th: Mr. and Mrs. James Haywood, a daughter, 9 lbs. 6 ozs Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lewis, a daughter 7 lbs. .15 ozs. Mr. and Mrs, George Irving Grenshaw of Method, a daughter, 7 lbs, 8 1-2 ozs. August 7th‘ Mr. and Mrs. John nie Cooper, a daughter. 9 lbs. Mr. and Mrs Leona Holden, s son, 3 lbs. 11 -4 oz Mr. and Mrs David Wright a son. 9 ibs, 4 ozs August Bth: Mr. and Mr* Her bert Craven, a daughter, 6 lbs 13 1-2 ozs. August 9th: Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Cobb, a daughter. 6 Ibs. 13 ozs. August 10th: Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Curly a son. 7 ibs. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Christmas of Wendell, a duaghter. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Hinnanl. her in the struggle for man ? mind and heart." "Christ must return to this world, not. only to fulfill s promise or to reunite His family,” he asserted, “but to rescue the world as it is a? its lowest ebb." COMING N'EAB Signs all over the world indi cates that Christ's coming is soon at hand," he said. “Christ musl come to reveal the glory of the eternal kingdom and to bring meaning out of historical chaos.” Durham Hews By MRS IDA L. BCURLOCK 2*U6 Mulberry Street DURHAM Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Graham have gone on a vacation for a few weeks. Mrs. Ida L. Scurloek celebrated her birthday on August 22. Mrs Beatrice Latter is *. i.xiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary E. Harris, who resides in New York City, Mrs. Martha Hester Williams re turned home after spending a few days with her sister. Miss Janie Hester. The sick and shut-ins include ! Mrs. Mary Oliver, Mr. Willie Jones, j Mr. Alex Howard. Mrs. Vivian Ma | bena, Mr. Eddie Brown, and Mrs. i Rachel Munn. The West Durham Mission Circle i No. 6 will meet at the home of Mrs. Ruth Holloway on Monday night. August 18, at the New Bethel Baptist Church, of Hixton. Rev o L. Conyger, the evengelist, will be the guest, minister. Rev. L. W. Reid is the pastor. It is estimated that 20 per c-ent o' Ihe fresh produce now pack.spec, is sold through retail outlets. ■ ■ ’Oftitmc fAs ciao t . i,.die ... od themselves into the ChnrveUes' Fan Club. The Chorvettes, of Ka Jcigh, are famous for their hit hang. "Cheer Up Pretty Om," backed 1 , by “But.* Me On The Telephone.” Top row. left to right: Miss Caro- j lyn Sanders, Raleigh, president; and Miss Helen late, Raleigh. Rot- i tom row, left to right, Miss Pauline Wynn. Raleigh, and Miss Mildred 1 E. Forte, Wake Forest. t August is. Euntria service was held | Sundry from the Good Hope Bap ! tint Church with Rev. J. H. Clanton j officiating. Burial followed in the j church cemetery. Survivors are a husband.. Mr. , Wilimore Hines; Um <•’ sons, Mr Wilmore. Hines, Jr.. Mrs. Calvin Hines, both of the home, and Mr, Sonny Boy Thorn *. of St. Paul, N. C; one daughter Miss Mary Alice ; Thomas; a fath. i, Mr William j Hines of St. Paul North Carolina. BIRTHS | a daughter, 5 lbs OozF, j Angus! 11th 5 and Mrs. Wills - !am Burnette of tmer. s son 6 J Ibs. 5 ozs ! jo affpoj] ud wop ‘s.iss pur -.t]v j Wendell, a daughter. 6 lbs 14 o/.s August I2t.h: Mr, and Mrs. Por ; noli Hines' of Knightdale. a son. 6 i lbs, j August 13tu: Mr and Mrs. .Ro i land. Boyian of Waite Forest, a son. | 5 lbs. 7 ozs, August 14th: Mr. and Mrs, John I Henry Palmer, e son. 7 lb.* 2 o?s. August 15th: Mr and Mrs. Mark 1 Davis, a daughter. 7 )b*. j August isth: Mr. and Mrs. Ken ■ noth Harris of Method, a son 7 lbs. j 9 .1-2 ozs. August 16th: Mr md Mrs K H. • Patterson, a sun, 7 lbs. i 1 ozs i August 17th: Mr. and Mrs. Mary j land Taylor a son. 5 ibs. 1 ozs. August V i: Mr. and Mrs. Mel i vin Ross, a ■ slighter. 6 lbs, 13 ozs. August 1; : Mr. and Mrs. Hugh i Andersor . a son, 3 lbs. 10 1-2 I ozs August !'"th: Mr and Mrs Char- I ies R. Jones, a daughter, 6 its. 7 1 ozs, | August 19th; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn I Yare. ad: ighter, 5 lbs. I i ozs. • Angus? 19th: Mr. and Mrs. Billy ; Bovd, a daughter, 3 lbs. 4 oz?. St, Mattews AME Church Mews Si Matthews A. M. E. Sunday : School opened ai 9 o'clock with ! Mr. William Tale as acting, superin ’ tendon!. The Sunnay School ws.< i well attended with many visitors I present The Sunday School and | picnic will go to Atlantic Beach on i Wednesday. The morning worship began at 11 ■ o'cleok with the senior choir in ! charge end Miss Ella Mae Giles st ! the ’'organ. The choir began the service with the processional and the audience meditating in prayer. Praye* was led by Brother Robert i Duntnore. The Missionary offering j was lifted with Mr. Saunders lead ; mg in a fervent prayer. The pas ! tor, Rev. G. W. Troubleficld chose j his text. His theme was, “Dark j nixes. ’ Rev. Troublefie'ld stressed j the importance of light in compari j son with Darkness. He stressed how j we can make our lives a glowing candle for the Lord, illuminating the universe and help to glorify him. By staying in the darkness no one can be constrained by our examples The man can develop • Christian- character unless he pos | sess personality power and all the ' posessions of a true Christian. As | the gardener cultivates the garden, | removing from it the weeds 1 and growing only the fruit and • flowers winch he desires, vve must cultivate the mind and weeding out j all wrong and growing only seed ! that will bring fortii the seeds of righteousness The Lord said I came not to call the righteous but sinners to re cntance It was a very spiritual sermon arid food for thought. Every ••n« enjoyed it. At the invitation Mr. V. R Leache sang “I want to Jesus, don't you. Our doors are ■ ways opened. On Sunday evening pew rally was heid which was a success. Don” let perennial plants get too •uc'h if a head start. One ■< ay to coiriba* insect* is to ilant ins, • i resistant varieties MIAMIANS VISIT CAROLINIAN—These two Sailirs stopped off in Raleigh, while touring the siatt last week, and visited the CAROLINIAN. They arc members of the Miami, Fla,, school system. Mrs. Hazel Grant Is the daughter of the Publisher of the MIAMI TIMES, 51. K. S. Reeves and teaches at Ihe high school. Mrs, Mazie Edge teachers at Bethune Elementary School. They were enroute from th* University of Indiana. Bloomington, Ind., where they studied this summer. METHOD NEWS i By MISS DOR A D. STROUD CHURCHES ST JAMES A. M E. METHOD From Matthew sth 1 chapter 31-32 versus earns Dr. R W Winner's sermon, Sunday, Aug. ! 17th at 11 o’clock. "Strange Harmo I nics”, was his subject. The massage was weu worded and seemed to : have taken deep root in the audn j once. Music was by the junior and sen ior choirs with Mrs. W, R. Gaynor at the piano and Mr. Lemuel Smith nt the organ. We were glad to have • Mrs. Wiener and Mrs. Gant in the audience. Both ladies have beer, a- ! way for a portion of the summer GROUP PROGRAM FOR OAK CITY BAPTIST CHURCH On Wednesday night group 7 of this church is giving a literary I program for the benefit of the hub- ■ ding'fund. Mrs. Oenobia Duns-top and other* are sponsors for this j effort. Regular service -will be held at the church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. C. R. Trotter the pas tor will be in charge ail members and friends are requested to be For A Complete Line Os New & Used Furniture & Electrical Appliances Use Our Courteous and Friendly Service Raleigh Commission House, Inc. 134 E HARGETT ST. TE 2-7741 wvnr..-iio-vf Tirmi n -I'fiwi -«ith i~i~i r t~r - ,v-»■■ - - SEE HELMOLD MOTOR CO, APEX, N. C. For A Better Deal On A New Ford Or A-l Used Car! 1957 FORD 2-Dr Victoria. Light Blue and White fi<)AG“ Fordomaiic, Radio and Heater. *•• 1956 FORD 9 Passanger Country Sedan. Light S jfVU Green, Overdrive. Radio and Heater ‘'l D 1956 CHEVROLET 2 -dr., 210 - 6-Cyl. ! 9Qs Radio, Heater and Air Conditioned 1956 FORD 4-dr., V-ti, Light, Blue, Radio and Heater Q* J ->()“ 1955 FORD Crown Victoria Light Blue and iITQT White. Plenty of Extras . ° 1 ° 1954 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Bel-Air, Power DOG' Glide. Radio and Heater ' 1954 FORD 4-dr. Light Green. Fordomaiic, Radio and Heater *•' * ' *' 1953 FORD 2-dr. Customline V-8. Like New HELMOLD MOTOR CO. ; Your Friendly FORD Dealer APEX. N. C. EL 4-2301 N. C. Dealer 3456 EL 4-4062 these Get Ready For School DRESSES 4| fppL COATS H§ ea. | mmstmm, \ jT SHORT ft fli p 5 4 GARMENTS Jiff | 3-Day Service Wsr 1 Hour Or Sams Day 89c B" U CLEANERS H 9 E. Hargett Sf. i present SICK All our sick ones are doing nice ly at, this writing. They desire our , visits, prayers and other kindnesses Little Timothy Dale M-irlett has been quite ill, but is now doing nicely. MR. H B. STROUD Mr. Herbert Stroud passed from this life on August 10th. He was foneralizeri from Ligbtner Funer al Home Tuesday, August 12 at 3 p. m. and was laid to rest in the Cary Cemetery with a host of rela tives and friends in attendance May his soul rest in peace. WEDDING BELLS Last .Saturday Mr. Howard Young and Miss Edna Andrews, were united in holy wedlock. The ccremonv was solemnized at Bon nettvillc S. C We wish for them a long and happy life. AT HOME AGAIN Mrs Ida Thomas who has re.-id- ! cJ in Washington To race it. the city for some mon-1.-s, has ir-ovH next dor to the Method Post Os- < ticc sh- Is glad to be at home again j 7th Day Adventist By MRS. SARAH J. COOKE The Seventh Day Adventist Church young people gave a pin gram Sunday and it gave splendid opportunity for the young people to render service. Sunday School followed the morning services with Master .Joseph Macon serving as superintendent, and Janet Powell as secretary. Teachers of classes wevr f. Snipes. G. Avery R. Howard A Harris, C. Howard. J. Wray. N !? and her acquaintance- a J s? ; In aave her tack Er.MEMBER It is not what you do Sul how you do it ft is not what you say But how you say it ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished rooms with heat and ’t? 1 1 1 Klichen and living room privilege* roll TE 2-5112. • j-.v-t-a-wi«wiiinii»iii«iwiwiiwi*enwiw*i"i' i ’jw»Mt3va*m^’v***s***r* j Particular People j Prefer j Poole’s Pies v / WHEN MARKETING LOOK FOR THE POOLE LABEL POOLE’S PIE SHOP 606 Glen wood Ave. TE 2-2966 Rale’gh, N C. tHjMxsmmw Your* Dollars Always Buy More At... CARALEIGH FURNITURE CO. Ask Your Neighbor About Our . . , NEW & USED FURNITURE NEW FURNITURE USED FURNITURE i NEW PLUMBING USED PLUMBING NEW KITCHEN SINKS USED PIANOS USED KITCHEN SINKS 1600 S. SAUNDERS ST. TE 2-640? !Formerly Old Fayetteville Highway* PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE OPEN MONDAY &■ FRIDAY KITES «:00 P. M. '' ||||| . || . | 11 |)«.nn«mnj ANNOUNCING * A New, Different Type Os Loan Service For Folks In And Around Raleigh An "Honor Loan’ simp’v means that: if you air st< arlilv employed er.-i a to > u Loans Up REi>rt"»» EMPLOYER To $25.00 RATES BF No Charge Os T^p F NOTIFfEO Any Kirs-' Lower Rates On Larger Loans $lO to SSOO You Can Borrow From Cs Even Thong!* Vow o«i* Others CORPORATION 302 S. Salisbury St. TE 3-2538 Snipes. Mary Whitaker, E. Wray, and R. Whitpoker. Organist was C. Howard. ohe Home Missionary leader was Vera Ann Harris, while Rosetta Howard was secretary. The orga nist was Vera Ann Harris with *ut>- jumor c-Kjjr. Youta Day u; sponsored year on ihe third Sunday in August by the Young People Missionary Department. The leader is Miss ? L. Wad**, and Miss Ruth McCov . .assistant. Planting “resistant” vaiietis? is one of ihe most promising ways to outwit bugs. I i J OTMIIIC ASSOCIATES, Jb< 1 Bex 2*2. MonMUor-vIMn StoO-m o j RESERVE •296 ?T 960 tjrii't <fl. Pita *** iS j! Calvert hsr |-» ..£ 4JR J ! American Whiskey lUVfcj?l O'ST'LLLRS CO, H v C * j-n PHfMjf " mw mum; mar?; > p»o V 1

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