8 THE CAROLINIAN ssei ’Eg xs..iofiv '.ivaatuvs osaaio naiu The Raleigh s ce~n e MRS. GLADYS TURNER ENTERTAINS Mrs Gladys Turner entertained her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mabel Tur ner Wimberly of Detroit, Michigan r.i a bridge party in hci home at 1011 Oberlin Rd. Each table was centered with an English smorgss bard which made a beautiful set ting for the occasion. Guests included: Mesdames Gladys Hunt, Marjorie Dob nam, Minnie T Williams, Har veleish WTiite, Mertlc Batey. Margaret Capchart, Norma Haywood Mildred McDowell, Catherine Larkins. Gwendolyn Reid, I.inda Washington of Si Leuis, Missouri, Misses Gladys Hunter and Audrey Wall. Prizes were won by Mesa nines Gladys Hunt and Linda Washing ton, respectively. Gifts were re ceived by Mesdames Wimberly and Washington. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 7 YEARS OLD P jr r»>, v» t»Wj f **335 k 4 »nio «*© || ««* I Ctab ! Oral) Orchard BRAND m mt* > KATItSWL OfSTHifES PRODUCTS C 0„ m YORK, ILL j l want £ j / checking account/ ™' & ( of my / \ = /X^ ° wn /^/ gty • <?*. £**i when Mother handles so much ©? th« family cash, «h© deserves St MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK RALEIGH . DURHAM Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co Os Raleigh 870$ HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA »j* TEL. TE 3-1071 ! v; hilc in the city Mrs. Wimberly | was highly entertained on sc-pa i l ate occasions by Mesdamos Har- I vcieigh White, Mertie Batey and I Gladys Hunt. | Mrs. Wimberly and daughter, O -1 renda. were visiting their mother | and grandmother, Mrs. Della Tur | nor oil Oberlin Road MOTOR TO TOPSAH BEACH Mr and Mrs. James Grifis, Mr. j and Mrs. Arthur Barber, Mr. and i Mrs. Bernard Williams and ehil j dr**i Mr and Mrs Sonny Willi | sms and children. Mesdanios Jew | M Willis and children, Malissa | Wright of Union, New Jersey, Min j rie Freeman. Mildred Mullen. Hen ! rieta Partin, and Mr. William ! Treadwell motored to Topsail Beach on August 10. OBSERVE BIRTHDAYS HERE Many happy return? to Mrs Lo vie Williams, Mr,?. SalHe Adams, and Mildred Williams who cele brated tneir birthdays recently, MRS LAWRENCE VISITING Mrs. Ella E. Lawrence of Greensboro, is in the city to be with her sister, Mrs. Ida E. Washington, who broke her arm fast week. Mrs. Washington is Retting along nicely at this writing. GUEST OF BROTHER IN N Y. Miss Millie G Bell of S. Hay wood Street is vacationing in Long Island. New York with her brother, Mr. Quincy McCullers OBERLIN COUPLE HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. F. D, Andrews of 7fi St Nicholas* Place. New York City, are visiting their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D W. Andrews, 1313 Oberlin Road. MR. J. T. HINTON IN D. C. Mr. James Taylor Hinton of 101 => S. Wilmington Street is visiting his daughter. Mrs Dezola Johnson, in Washington. D. C DR. STRASSNER TO SPEAK Dr. W. R. Starssner. President of Shaw university, will he the guest speaker at the Davie tree! Presby terian Church Sunday at the morn ing worship hour. Dr. Strassner is speaking in ihe absence of the pastor, Rev R. L. Shirley, who is on vacation. Music for this service will be furnished by the Senior choir un der the direction of John Living stone and the devotional reading wii he conducted by Elder Char G. Irvin g. ATTEND FUNERAL The mother of Mr. Theodore Barnes of Dover, N. C„ was funec alized Sunday at St. John AMEZ Church of Fort Barnwell at ?. p. m. Mr. Barnes is secretary to the Dean j St. Augustine’s College, during the j summer. Representatives of St. Augus tine’s College, who attended the funeral were Dr. P, R, Robinson, dean, and Dr. Marcus H. Boulware, professor of English and speech, BALL PASSES STATE BAR Mr. Richard-Edward Ball, chair man of the business department, St. Augustine's College, was among the list of candidates who passed the written portions of their bar examinations given on August 5 to 7 The list was released recently by the State Board of Law Examiner?, He was graduated with the B. S sfdadf t and M.B A, degrees from New York University. The Bachelor of - law degree was awarded to him by i the Brooklyn Law School. ERNEST YOUNGS IN CITY ■ i Mr, and Mrs. Earnest Young, for merly of this city, but now.' resides • in Chicago, Illinois, motored to the city the past week to visit rela tives and friends. They returned hemp Wednesday morning. HOUSE GUESTS OF BROOKS FAMILY Mr. am! Mrs. O. B. Brooks of S. Person Street had a? their house guests for the past week their daughters Miss Malissie Brocks of Norfolk. Vs,., Mrs. ; Alice H. Williams of Baltimore, Mt!, and Miss Ardella Brook* of New York City. Also visiting the Brooks family were their granddaughters. Miss Barbara .1. Boylan of Norfolk, Va. and Miss Margaret Williams of Bal timore, Md. Mi?s Boylan will remain in the city lor the next two weeks. GUESTS FROM OUT OF STATE Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eaton of S. Tarboro Street had as their re - cent house guests Mesdamcs Pan dora Granger and Hattie Galloway of New York City and Beuna Pat terson of Mufreesboro, Term. These guests are ssister? of Mr. Ealon, ME AND MRS. CULLER RETURN Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Culler of Rock Quarry Road have returned to the city after visiting relatives and friends in Connecticut. VISITOR FROM BOSTON The Rev. and Mrs. William Giles of Pender Street have a.? their house guest, the Rev, Eeekiel Jones of Boston, Mass RALEIGHITES TRAVEL NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Fab Smith. Sr , of Rosemount Avenue and Mrs , Leila Holloway of Oberlin Road are visiting relatives and friends in Peoria, and other northern points. MRS. LANE BACK HOME Mrs. Mary F Lane has returned home after visiting friends in and around New York Citv and Mass. VISIT NEW ENGLAND STATES Mrs. Perlean Williams and daughters, Shirley and Linda, have returned home after visiting Mrs. Williams" mother in Hartford, Conn and friends in Mass MRS. JAMES* BIRTHDAY Happy birthday to Mrs. Mildred T. James who observed her natal date on August 13. MRS. HALL HAS GUEST Mrs Mabel Hail of Lee Street had a? her guest recently her j daughters, Mrs. Grace Fauleon and Miss Margaret Fauleon of Lawn side, New Jersey. THE CARSONS ENTERTAINED Rev. and Mrs. W. D. C-arson, had as their guests over the week-end Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Atchison. He is the P. F of the New Jersey con ference. He is in charge of the Camden District. They were en route to Augusta, Ga, Mrs. W B. Westbrook and daugh ter, Harriett, cf Norfolk, V?.., are visiting with their aunt, Mrs, Lil lian Battle of 530 1-2 F,. Cabarrus St., while the Rev. W. B. West brook is attending a meeting in Louisburgh. Mrs. Westbrook is the former Miss Ruby Mae Woods of ! this City. MAKES PRESENTATION Mrs Alice Gill of E. Hargett St., one of the elderly members of Rush Memorial A. M. F Zion Church presented to the pastor. Rev. W. D. Carson, a lovely arid very expensive pulpit Bible last Sunday morning fallowing the ser mon. and fi very impressive dedi cation service was conducted. Proper grading is one of the secrets of successful farm com modity marketing. Fayetteville Street BAPTIST CHURCH Cor, Fayetteville and Hunter T« I-12H Rakish, N. C. Key, 3. W. Jwi&a W. F- Peterson Joseph m Finance (Sunday SehocS M ;{M Worship Service —« «:00 PM .B. T. V. - T:3O WrxJne.sday Teaohesr« jj j Meeting. 8:30 Wednesday Prayer Service. dfsafda Weekly Church Roundup By Mrs. May L. Broadie UNION BAPTIST CHURCH ~ Sunday School opened at 10.30 with the assistant, au.pt. Mrs. Minnie j Jones, in charge. Worship services began at 12 noon with, the senior | choir in charge of music. A very j spiritual sermon was delivered by i the parior, the Rev, George Mit chell. Everyone enjoyed the ser vice very much. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST CHURCH Church School got un- j derway at 9:45 with the supt, Miss Nannie Morgan in charge. Morn ing worship began with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direction of Miss Nannie Mor- j gan. The organist was Mr. Leon I Haywood. Soloist was Mrs. Susie \ Person. The pastor, the Rev. O. W. j Burwick, preached a very strong : and powerful sermon. The sermon ; was taken from the Book of Joshua, j 14th chapter. Lie used for his sub- j ject ‘‘Give me this mountain.” YOUNG S MISSIONARY TEM- I FLE CME CHURCH Sunday j School got. underway at 9:45 with the supt., Mrs. Della R. Ford, in ! charge. Morning worship started ! at 11 o’clock -with, the senior choir in charge of music, under the di rection of Miss B'.-ttie -T. Broadie The pastor, the Rev. .1. N. Lever ets was attending a conference and the message was delivered by ihe Rev. W. A. Morgan from the 3rd chapter of Exodus Rev. Laverette was returned to this church by the conference and the members are very happv. OBERLIN BAPTIST CHURCH— Sunday School opened at 9:45 with the supt.. Mr. Walter Curtis, in charge. The Junior choir was in charge of music at iha morning worship hour, under the direction of Mr, Gaston Pulley. Organist, Mrs. Gaston Pulley. A very good sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Walton from the 23rd Psalms sth verse: "The Prepared Table.” FIRST CONGREGATIONAL j CHRISTIAN CHURCH Church I School began at the usual time ! with Mr. Sherman Lewis, supt., in J charge. The senior choir was in ! charge of music, under the diree- | tion r>f Mr. Ernest Massenburg. The ! pastor, the Rev. Howard Cunning- I ham, brought a very sweet and up- I lifting sermon, NEW HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School opened at 10:45 with the supt, Mr John Whitley, in charge. Morning worship began : at 12 o’cTck noon with the Rev. 1 William Giles, pastor, in charge, j 1 The senior choir was in charge of ' music, under the direction of Mrs. ' Hood The guest minister, the Rev, 1 Ezekiel Jones, of Boston. Mass., delivered the morning message, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i Sunday School opened at the usu- j nl hour with the supt, Mr. W. H. : 1 Taylor, Sr„ In charge. A large j J number was present. Morning wor- j '• "hip started at II o’clock with the ! ; senior choir in charge of music, j 1 under the direction of Mrs. Mildred i Taylor James. The organist was j 1 Mrs. E. H. Holt. Call to worshin ! 1 was begun by singing "Take the I jSIGHT-SEEINGQUE fSilssfea it was wvade famous itoe poet I LowgfeilouJ, swrtting about ttw exploit d& Wsta'ksl fia:« mm sfejiks S$ eHfcSSighfe - " i»«* - • ’ MpNOT*#*e&l?PttP!o Good eyes ms sw *mm**?&. C?nt far yoirr eyes et f/ws. } DKITfXE HOTEL ” Member of N. H. A, CJeart. Cointortablfc Rooms Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop. 520 & €»bamut St Raleigh Rhone TE 3-BfW(i "monuments Rf*«« 190r—Marble-OrsetiUi Otsr *n*t« it*r« ai $35.00, laeSud- K(|Mgj£^jnJj tills conun iibttjr. agent** her* Buy lHt*c<B »„.* — -=p=r^f- WARNER MEMORIALS 3919 Hillsboro, Raleigh, N. C. I (Across Railroad—Front of Method) ' name of Jesus with you,” The Rev. t Daniel N. Howard, Sr, brought a I wonderful sermon from Ist Corin- j thians. 13th chapter. He used for j his subject, “Family Unity." ST. PAUL A. M. E. CHURCH i The church school opened with the i superintendent, Mrs. Mitchell in j charge. Mrs. Geneva Brown having returned from her vacation was at j the piano. Miss Jessie Mebane oho- 1 rister in charge of the music. The | lesson was reviewed by Mr. Stokes j with closing r emarks by the pas- j tor The morning service began i with the senior choir in process- ! Sunday School lesson By DR, G. F. MADKINS Presiding Elder, Sanford District, Central Norlf Carolina Conference, A.M.E. Zion Church LESSON VIII August 24 The subject of the lesson tin? week ig "Justice Among Nations" based upon the scriptures; Isaiah 30:1-5, 15-13; 31:1-3; Micah 4:1-7; Malachi 2:10. Acts 10:25-33; Ephe sians 2:13-3:21, Memory Verse; "Great and mar vellous are thy works, O Lord God. the Almighty; righteous and true are thy ways, thou King of the ages. Who shall not fear. O Lord and glorify thy name? For thou only art holy; for all the nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy righteous acts have been made manifest.” Revelation 15-3-4 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time—The material taken from the Book of Micah was written a bout the itme. 725 to 701 B. C. The material taken from the Book of Isaiah may be dated about 702 B. C. The events recorded in the Acts occurred in A. D 41. and the Epistle to the Ephesians was writen prob ably A. D. 65. Place Although most of Isai ah’s ministry was centered in Jer usalem, Chapter 30 contains refer ences to two cities in Egypt, Zoan, located m the eastern part, of the Nile Delta and Hanes, lift y miles south of Memphis on the west bank of the Nile River. Trie event from the Book of Acts took place in Caeserea. seventy miles nothwrsi of Jerusalem. Ephesus was a large city of the province of Asia PLAN OF THE LESSON The theme of the lesson seems to be summed up in these words: How the Old Testament prophe cies of an ultimate world-wide acknowledgement of God culmin ate in the New Testament in Jew arid Gentiles being made one by faith in Christ, 1. Israel Is warned against seek ing help in an alliance with Egypt Isaiah 30:1-5, 15-13; 31:1-3 n. The promise of a day yet to come when nations of the earth will : go up to Zion to hear the word? of God. Micah 4.1-7; Malachi 2:10. j ITT. Peter offers the gospel freely to the Gentiles of Cornelius’ House- ’ hold. Acts 10:1-35. IV. Jews and Gentiles are all made one in Christ.—-Ephesians 2 3:21, DISCUSSION In the lesson, Israel is warned ! against seeking help in alliance \ with Egypt. What lesson she be drawn from this warning relative to our own nation today among the nations of the world’ Perhaps our government should enter far more vigorous and frequent protests re garding Russia’s anti-Christian propaganda: but. at the same time. MAKE EXTRA MONEY SELL The — Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. dMP*t owt* mow *a«rrv fww'ji •nn.i raw m.« «*»** «<wn wm, mm «mh m , • The CAROLINIAN * 5)8 E. Martin St. • • Raleigh, N. C. i « , I Please send details of how J can -am money selling The CAROLINIAN in my community f think l can sell ’ 8 I j ......—, copies weekly. 8 NALSE j | ADDRESS „ 1 * CITY OR TOWN _ i <w» mr rmir UJ IRil j innal Mi’J Wortham at the organ, ! i Mrs. Stn-wiek at the piano. The sermon was delivered by | : the Rev Miss Laura L. Edwards i who will be in charge of the bun day service in absence of the pas ! ter nn vacation. Rev. Edwaids tools I ns her text St. Luke 1 l-l Lord i teach us to pray, Wc were very much uplifted by the timely ser mon. We were really made to feel the importance and necessity of prayer. A basket of flowers was presented m memory of the late Mrs. Nan Perry Frazier by her hus band Mr. Leonidas Frazier. ' it hardly seems posible for any na • hon at this time to determine her j relation.snips with other nations |on the basis of their loyalty to I Christ. Wo are entangled in world ! circumstances to which this legis ! lation for Israel does not directly | apply. UK. G F. MADKINS The promise of the day when all nations will listen to the words of God seems not in sight. Wars will continue as long as men and na tions are dominated by selfish pur poses, It is a very strange thing, is it not. that most of the propa agnda today for international peace has nothing whatever to say about t('turnin' to the worship of God, a bout judgement of sin, and about the sovereign rule of God himself. It is true that in the context of the lesson, so far as the relations of | Jew arid Gentile to each other are j dealt with, we have simply the ] idea of a state of sepaartion into j two hostile camps giving place to a j and this favors the idea of a res- | a reconciliation to God is in view, < and this faovrs the idea of a res- i torat.ion to a condition which ha? j been lost. A LESSON TRUTH One truth to remember these I days is that God will win over the j nations of the world. Nations have warrend against one another and world powers against world pow ers. But som ©day these nations wil bow before God, will learn His law and obey His commandments No economic crises, no teaching of Karl Marx, and no spread of com munism win prevent the ultimate consociation of these prophecies. My Lady’s Doings + + + in And Out Os Town We were pleased to have Mrs Melissa McClain Wright of New ark, N. J to worship with us. She is a former member of St. Paul Another visitor Mr. Ernest Hodge of Alcorn College, Lamar, Miss. She is the noice of Mrs. Lula My ers of S. Person Street William Bryant Mason Jr., of Columbus, Ohio who is visiting his grand pa rents, Mr and Mrs. M. L. Bryant of E. Cabarrus Street was also a visi tor. Telephone TE 2-877? Blood worth Street TOURIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio and Television 424 S. Blood worth St. Raleigh mujiUßHiH—uiuwmauawn—awiiHiwiii—miwinniirMuini—an—» Is your Fir® Insurance adequate on your home? Was it bought t» cover your home ten years ago or five years ago when the value was half what it is now.’ The value of your home is worth protecting. Let Caveness Insurance Agency rive you f n i| protection on your home and furnishings. BEFORE TOP SUFFER I N NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS Insurance Agency 1.16 S. HARRINGTON ST. CALL 3-356.1 Dial TE 3-3563 ROY CAVENESS, Jr, KOY CAVENESS. Sr. PRINTING • COMMERCIAL • SOCIAL Consult Ua for Reasonable Estimate* Prompt -fr Service Phone TE 4-5558 —THE- CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SIS E. Martin Street I Raleigh, N. C. |i * p I OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD f : f| Ask For Watson's Fryers -j || | |f At Your Favorite Store |j /| j WATSON’S | t Seafood & Poultry Company, Inc. |g t 230 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept, j Cameron Village Rock Quarry Road • H TRANSFER COMPANY e GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY tocS* GROCERIES DISTANCE Your Courteous Prompt Appreciated Efficient ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 5. Dawson Street <# Titrboro & Martin Street* DIAL TE 2 -9478 TE 2-9212 I Finance or Borrow f | On Your Car I | Through Ihe | \ Dillon Motor Finance Co, 1 | 126 EL Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 | » . For A Better Well | CALL HEATER WELL CO. j RALEIGH. N. C. I Phone TE 3-4875 Box 1128 j ■ ii»wmihi n*» insure: YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKETS I FIRE insurance: CO. Durham, N. C. <' tn-mtmwi—r COMPLETE I ! -Kr\3 Spring | XV CHANGE ** 1 OVER l$H # on, CHANGED fj§Sj 9 GREASING H ® RADIATOR DRAINED y|j A Washing © Polhhtasg {H Dunn’s Esso Service i S 503 S. Ilioodmrtb St. THONE TE 3-9408 j: I ; EYE GLASSES I I; Unquestionable Quality v iTuilc-nt Prices f | RldjEUjafjA* | X • lillN WI'miIII—IMIIIIUIBKI j | UMIICIANi, las. | Pro{*«*!nri*l Bi J*.. K«l*le» I Everything For . . ! BUILDING ! REMODELING repairing » lumber | * MILLWOHK • ATHEY'S PAINTS i * BUILDING MATERIALS j * RUSSWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 PAOH mh 111 usi % BUILDERS CORF. 21/-219 N. Dawson St. RALEIGH, N C.

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