HIGH COURT MEETS THURS. fill lender j Session In | "it, Case tiITTI'H. ROCK, Ark —In 3 race . :tb :-.chnr:l opening titae. th* U o Fupreme Court has been sum- I ,r, jic-rj to meet on Thursday Au g[,,t 26 m a tare and special term rj.-nd* I hr i.'-r-'if _ . . Whether to aliow m toio a * , rn racial integration in tne , v ,ujc nock'? Central High sv.d ; nther SChOOIS.” "I'ieanvhfle Tuesday Governed i ov< ai L Faubus said racial jnte- j , r r9 tion never can be constitution ally enforced upon “a school He j a ;Ved a special legislative session, to empower him to close j schools rather than bow to any ’rat-« mixing mandat* 5 of the «'■>• p'rcme Crurt, The governor also offered a last ditch measure to the i 3•.« maker- - • a hill to set. up segre gated classrooms within an mte (CONTINUB-D ON PAGE 21 Judge Says Holt Ruling Date Hear GF.EENSEOKO —Federal Judge grju-in Stanley of Greensboro ut di rated Monday hr- will rule with in t,h“ next week or 10 days in an jppc'a! k. a Negro student from •3 j*jar j f.lfM') by the Raleigh City ! SJ-hcol Board denying him admis to aii all-white high school Stanlev said his decision "is be ing t> ped nov ' But he added it j inisht" be the latter part of this rr early next week” before | the decir on would be ftld in blast- ' eVri District. Court at Raleigh. "ii d |!, p“Rrts on what 1 ran i ref ji'tic,' ho said. ’5 could ;! flit present, pinpoint > specific dote " Th® suit by Joseph Hu am Holt. | jj-, aimed at the Raleigh City : (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) P, t • ?, ! Mon Dies | On Tracks The mangled body of Ira San der:-. of the 1300 block of Walnut, street was discovered early Mon day morning on a railroad track j in the 300 block of W. South St. Sanders' remains were identi fied by Lt. Russell A. Hies of the Detective Division. Detective Liles reported that Sanders apparently was killed by s Southern Railway train. Marshall TV. Bennett. Wake County*’ coroner, ruled San ders’ death was accidental. The coroner said Sanders was hh about 11:00 pm Sunday, hut his body was not discov ered until 6:00 a m. Monday, Officers r-aid Sanders received a broken led and suffered a se vere open wound on his head. It uas not ascertained just how the man happened to be on the j tracks at that time of night. Funeral services were incom- j plete at press time PRESIDENT EISENHOWER EMPHA&iEES POINT !'• • '.ihn' j pwfghf. D. Eisenhower stresses a mint dm -"g hss Oie«.v conferem:.- j« IVaafeington last week The Preside**.* said tber» ran be no equu-o- j ration as to the responsibility ot the Federal (<ov»-rnn’snf/ to *!• *' i court rulings »n school integration are canted out, IUFI PHOTO). sfsdfa VOL 17 {*>. 4?, SATURDAY. AUGUST 30 1058 RALEIGH, N. C. PRICE 12e IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c *""'***''“' • n - m * rr ™ * * *~ "** t< 1 *"" Elks Convention Underway In DC j ■’ . I ■ V. ' ■“ ' A ip ... •- • T • . ivV.. tv I ** . - . —... . .v- X MARKS THE SPOT—This picture was taken Saturday afternoon at Bnlh's Place, located on (he Old Wilmington Rond, i . ii;- shortly .if*-! Alton Hoover Murphy (Inset) went to his huov i . ir ,d armed himself with a butchr?- knife ajul came barb and plunged it Into the hear* «f .lames Thome Beil, leaving him mortal!.' wounded, a' or near the spot where the Xls shown. Murphy is in jail await- . I !n| trial and Bell was bw: -d in Columbus. (la Principal Os 31 Years Succumbs j MAXTON The principal of the Robeson County Training School here foi the past 31 '.ear,- war scheduled ,n be funeralired from Mystery Shrouds Absence The whereabouts 'of Thomas Kuch. ? former resident of ;>2l E. | Martin Street remain unknown. Kuch, an employe of a local produce firm reportedly disap peared from his residence > round Ihe middle of July and has not been heard from since. Constable J. Ed Wall of Hah . | Township said that Kuch had not ] paid any rent since he lett homo , mysteriously. {CONTINUED ON PACE 2) North Carolina's Leading Weekly r,t ium named for him Thurs afternoon at 3:30 p. in. It ft, Dean, a leading educa tin' in this state, succumbed this week. The Rev. H E Edwards, pastor of tbc Shiloh Baptist church, is slated to officiate at i lie last rites. The graveside sera res will be composed of . full Masonic rites and honors. Robeson County Training School, i here Dean came as principal in 1937. h is grown from a one-build w.g frame structure with six teach ers to four brick buildings, 31 teachers and an acre of playground. ; The name of the school was recent ly changed to that of the late ed- I ucator. Mr. Dean was affiliated with th® following organizations: president Arrest I For Rape ilii Wayne j GOLDSBORO ~ Police Chief K, ! A. Lane announced Tuesday that seven local youths will be charged with rap.ns a 21-year-old white wo man hero Sunday night. Lane’s announcement followed quo-dor. ing of the suspects by De tective Captain A. P. Carter and De tective Sgt. Warren Campbell Sgt. {'aider reported that five of sis souths held had ad i mitled having sexual relations with Mrs. Leslie Gerald Srlck land, mother of two small chil- I dren. The sixth youth claimed he n >* dragged of by the other# befote he could rape the wo man. Being held without bond are: William Edward Wilson. 20: David Lee Hicks 22, Bertie Lee Ford, 16. (CONTINUED ON PACE 2) Kian Stages .Rally Near I Greensboro O Til'.KN SBORO— Segregationist | John Kasper failed to show up at j a baJlyhooed K.u Klux Klan tally j and crons-burning Saturday night, j but sent word he* will come here no i week -- when Integrated •school ciaivjfes resume. K'an Wizard ..TainPfi < Catfish 1 Cole of Marinn, S. c . harangued a crowd of about 200, mostly eu ! i..mu:, onlookers, Saturday nigh* | KK'K officials : iid Kasper had j “missed connections" in getting (CONTINUED ON PAGE Zt of the Robeson County Teacher.- Association, first president of the ! Robeson County School Master's , Club, a member of the executive i committee of the Southeastern D>s- ! j trict Teachers’ Association. (CONXTNUEI) ON PAGE 2) ■ Arlington Pupils Are “Prepared" \ ... ARLINGTON, Va.—Negro chil dren have been prepared for Inte gration of Arlington’s schools by J a five-session workshop in “citi j zenship" and "meeting new peo ! pie.” Barents nf the. 31 children seeking to enter white school* here this fall Issued a 100- word statement on the work- j shop at a press conference at one of ihe parrms’ homes Sat urday. They isekd that their names not be revealed at pres- | cnt. The statement said the Negro; children "will be coming to the j schools in September with t'rler.d-! linens, calmness, self respect find respect for the children they will be meeting there.” The parents said the children had been Instructed In the five sessions by Negro and white cIer (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ' -mmar _BI,Y FROM iHLM ~ i PAGE 3 Polio Cleaner# PAGE 3 HoiUg-Levlti* rutnltwrc Company Washington Terrace Apt#, PAGE 3 Hudson-Br.)k Company CaraletgU Furniture Company Mr. John W. Winter# The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling tn. PAGE 8 Colonial Stores Cameron Appliance Company David G. Alien, Contr. Raleigh Funeral Home Gem Watch Shop CiveJla Beauty College N.C. Product# Mr. C. Kan Uichtman Taylor Radio * TV Company S. M. k'oung Hardware Co. PAGE 7 A. A: P. Super Market* Bordeo Ice Cream I Town * Country Tiro Company State Finance Company Cross Poultry i -UP BoMlinc Company Security Realty Co. Poo'o's Pie Shop PAGE 8 Bloodworm St. tourist, Home ! Mechanics & Farms!Bank I Hester Well Company Cavenesp Insutajjo.e Agency , Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. ol Raleigh Carolina Builders Corp. - Watson's Seafood PotUfJl? Co.. T£Z, FAYETTEVILU3 -- Whether Alton Hoover Murpm 30. wai constrained by CAROLINIAN col - i uinrust, Dr Gordon B. Hancock,! to do something about the con- j dorr of Vus people in public, was not, Inougut, out.-, but it liar been j clearly shown that be became incensed over something Satur day evening until he t- now lan onr-hmt m the Cumberland Cotin - tv till, after having been charged! i with the murder of 22-year-old 1 James Thomas Bell. A limine was hold In gr. eorder’fi court Monday morn injr and he. was ordered heid tCONfIMI'M') ON PA OK 21 fill 5* ii2tCa f i BY J. B. HARKEN WASHINGTON. D. C. -- The 59th grand lodge convention of | the Improved Benevolent Protec tive Order of Elks of the World: <IBPOEWi opened its week of ed-j ucationat and administrative a<>! tlvittes here 'August 23-30' with j ( a pilgrimage Saturday to the shrine of John Brown, the famed ' aboliahionist, near Harpers Ferry, 1 tv, Va., where some 700 delegates ' saw the improvements made in ’ the 255-acre farm once owned by Brown and marvelled at the pc- ! tential worth of this Eiks project 1 to America. Charles P. McClane and Mrs. (CONTINUED OV PAGE TWO) Gunman In Tavern Death Surrenders j FORT BARNWELL. N. C~ a| 1 42-ycar-ol(! man. angered in an j i argument at a tavern, opened five \ at the place Saturday night with: an automatic shotgun, police re-! ported. One man was .killed. Two ■ other persons were wounded. Joe Nathan Jones of Fort Barnwell surrendered (n Cra (CONTINUED ON PAGE 37 f/Bistsad Transfer Co. a Fond Store JltUon Motor finance Company rnmn’K Esso Service Ridgeway’s optician* Warner Memorial* Deluxe Hotel PAGE .5 •Joyce &■. Brilev Furniture Coinpaiiy Dillon Motor Co, Fra nor Motors. Inr. PAGE tl! The Hoot System Industrial Bank PisftJy Wiggly Acme Realty Company ! Electrical Wholesalers, Inc. ! Horton’s Cash Store i Capital Loan Co., Inc. ! New Lincoln Cate | Firestone Stores tins RUSSOS Hatters *■ Cleatiet .s PAGE i:t Winn-Dixie Stoies Western Auto Associate Stine Aladdin Sales WIMP* of Ra letch Vi< tor’s Auto Parts PAGE W First C Iflrens Bank ife Trust Co. 8 *1 Kress Company PAGE i<l I arolhn Power 4 -Eight Company Sure -Fit iteat Cover r ente! I Raleigh Savings 4 !.oar> AssocUtlan j Raleigh Commistlcn Hott.-e Inr. ft. E. Quinn Furniture Company FAOE 13 Ambassador Theatre Flue ftiite Creamery Atnerieao Home P’eflaetfc daśa wtl.ifi STORE refuses m (.FOES—A waitress Mauds be t'l'f coimici. h>'t ,ii"r.s telde.' refusing in serve Negroes at »h •;«da fountain at the down inn branch of the Katz Drug Simp at Oklahoma < ity, Oklahoma i.r-t week. The store manager, .1. B JVtasoner, said Negroes would be allowed to sit at ihe soda coun ter as Jong a* they wished, !»u! they would not Ire served t■> rat leaders of the NAACP nr ganization protested against I discrimination. Thirteen te< i aged Negroes parii. ipaied in (In first demonstration August ’a and !0 had gathered August i to launch the second (t-Fl VEI.J. PHOTO), —lN— |*| | _ _ _ i MISSING YOUNGSTER SOUGHT ! CHARLOTTE Meeklenbiug i County police started pumping out , a farm lake Saturday as another ! i move n. their dogged attempt to j J find Ulysses tCootchy) Walk-me, . missing 2tg-year-old boy. The child, > son of Clifford Wallae.-- of Charlotte disappeared August 17 while his j family was visiting the child's grandfather near Matthews Since that time ground and air searchers have hunted the j area and officers have «j«ie.4i*»n rd witnesses and members of the family No firm clue:, have as yet been uncovered Drag Chip operations have been held at all ponds in the armi, and the oup pumped out Swnrt.ii had been searched a number of times Officers reported Saturday night that an analysis had not been com j pie ted of spots resembling blood ! which were found on upholstery of n car. belonging to Luke Pearce, the grandfather of the child THREE INJURED IN WRECK | DURHAM Three Raleigh men | were hospitalized here Saturday at j tor tlu-ir automobile skidded off the ; road and into a ditch. Dave Carter, I Bk. and Anthony Jordan, 51. were j in "serious" condition in Duke Hos (CONDTNUEO ON PAGK 3) Church Bonus| Money Month In 3rd Week A new Church Ronus Money Week (the third i began Thursday of this week anti will close at mid night Wednesday. September 3. The current Month, which consists of six weeks beqan on August 14 and closes on September 24. The two extra weeks are designed to give more churches a chance to enter and try for top Bonus Money. Rules of the contest are found on wage 'J of each edition. Read I hose rules carefully, and look on the frnnl nape each week for CAROLINIAN adver tisers’ names. These merchnnls spredate your business, so patronize them, request j purchase slip-' or receipt:; and turn (hern o'er fn a representative tn your church each Sunday morning. Bonus awards given to winning clitil'Cbe; yrp ■- follow." t’e-t j $25. second. sls. third: and $lO j fourth C on* a rt ■> e,ur p*: * *>r •• r:h* s tviy If you!- church ir not now i fCiJHTCCt F.P OK FACE Cl lo Burn lip Her Hiisddiiii HAMLET -Mr - Fo a Ley ?.i '’i.yrc, a 23-year-old resident oi North Yard nr-cUon oi iLni,- is hein" held in the conn l ', nul without bond on a charge ..tempting to burn her human 1 so death. Awordi«t.s in police jf H.ai.n let, Me- Mclntyre is eh ,u with punruM aasoiine n n u»t husband and then setting him afire white he wav steeping about 'LOO a m Sunday The husband. James Mclntyre, was carried to the Ilamh >• ii-<spi ia J for treatment of the burns which were described as being first degree and covering 70 per cent of his body. His conditi-m :. listed ns crit -cal Arewdiits to a witness, tii. Mecklenburg Board Re' .xis 8 Applicants Fur Ktdtoats CHARLOTTE The Mecklen ; burg County Board of Enucalion' Monday denied an appeal by right j Negro pupils seeking admission t-> : white schools for the -school yea, ! 1958-50 The county board lcportcd the! : it had "taken into consider;!, son I tile best interests of each child j and, on this basis, the appeal is i being denied." i Twenty-three -similar applida- j | lions were scheduled to be con- i | sidered t his week oy the Chm loli | City School Board, which admit ton | five Negroes to white schools ia -f i I .Tar. Stale NAACP prcsidciil, Kid ly Miller Mtta.n(fcr, said any action on further appeal of the county cases would hr de cided after the city school hoard's meeting. “We arc* waif- A VFEV REMARKABI.L STT.iOI’N'T- --Miss Pnlrir*-* OodhoM. 18, ; ,j shown leaving Fedei*! Font l hearing at Norfolk, V< , on school i ,s- 1 . w jv t ,, lust Thursday. where tlrr i•* ,'rtaP of ib Norfolk Schoftl : Board thrt the Bttsrd rejected her .*t’.p!ir.rtom in Attend 3 i white school only because of her* race Offit'p!.* desctibed he-f «« #■ I yfi-fy rf-m.rrkahte siurleut i,,,i r.-rid t- wcrild 1 been Admitted ! readily ’-it she bad been white," ttJl’l TSMVf’MO fill. ,y ntw! Imn-if late and i-.-i f-----1» ii- i, f hr man •vint inio- !!>*■ i>‘ 'room ,-snd «.-or to :Jc! v a *..> minutes fete? Mir, Mvln*cre M a'd-egr-A iij /: ■■ ■ - "Bn i-Pr to^ni { ?(. ,11 '■ , -filing t$ £ j bejp, T i'iXß -- !! ;p rrj :> ■--ppu I rrinm running irem th« room with j ■} blanket vrurtr-r-l >.yy.3»d hlKtiStt j and the flames Afire • If aping from • | his body. • j Local ofikerr mmrfe.l thsfc the ; ;! frßtno' a gallon j.-.r with a little : j capo line in it r.nd a burnt match ■ j m Urn room. ■ j Tin 1 wlft i” charged with assault l with it deadly we.*port with intent I to kiiL t inr. to see wti-u happens Tues day,” Alexander epiKdsided. j rise ccunty b .-action so! j lowed a hearing and earilsr d i npjj of Hr re as. I'.iu.n (-!•’, request l j Qiipipafiv. fen .Negro c*tadfi« ! s I had applied lo tire county boar-;: j bul, two of them were not con - | tiidared because fia* board hm j they dan not live in the eoutt: ••• ! reboot district. Tin' county board | had followed the srija? course last | year when 17 Nairn • indents ap | phed for acirnusioii to vhi'. ’ j esrhonls The application • were de nied by the boatd which then ruled against the yes vignmenl oil appeal. At that time, the board said, >< was acting “in the be i irt (lONTltitlEP ON PVr.L 2)

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