10 THE CAHOLWIJVH TTEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER «, 195* Little League World Champions Visit Campanella It's A Boy: A &T’s Head Coach Visited By Stork GREENSBORO Football for j jib* future at AA'T College took I on added, lustr# laj;t, week tv- Bert | FiageH, Iv'a*) eonoh, was prer.rnl- ! ed with & robust, eight-pound,! pine ©woe b»hy boy. The voting,yter, the fisst for the j Foegott.-. rump tnlo the world shortly after noon on Friday, Ati-I Negro Is “Player Os Year” In Carolina League For ’SB ROXBORO JW-ifro ettkJieldwr | Fred Valentine of the Wilson "Fobs . fc?s been named “Player of the i Year" ir. sch« Cl ape B Csrcdfna lam jajc 'or Leffjue President Bill JXwcp ss.kj sport* writers, eportscastaeg, man trer end teame officials gave Va* ; lectin* a landslide vote. He was 1 Dr. Davis To Represent shaw University Daring Nat 1 Baptist Convention Dr. Gist;.' D Davis dean of the School of Religion .of Shaw Uni* versify, will represent Shaw Uni versity at the second annual school of Religion fellowship breakfast meeting io be held m conjunction with the National Baptist Conven tion USA, Inc, at the Morrison Ho tel. at Chicago. Illinois, on Thurs day. September 11, g* 8;00 s. m. : CHANGE Former Dodger pitdbittg «ta, D« Hewtomho (right) may he ert the turning point M his baseball career. Shown here talking to manager Birdie TebbeHs abort If csftsr being traded to the Cincinnati Red?. Newcombe boss been plagued by bad luck,, .A* a result of his poor (4-121 pitching record, Don may be converted lo so. inii-eidet Jot the Beds, (Newspress Photo). Howard K. (Brutus) Wilson Joins Morgan Coaching Staff BALTIMOBE, Mri —* One of th* £U-f?*n f'r&Ht? of Morgan FOOT ! .BALL ; Season s Opener i LIGQN HIGH i "VS.* E. E. SMITHK (FAYETTEVILLE FRT. NIGHT | ! Sept. sth Chavis Park j 8 P.M. ARM. Jj?!,-00 I * Get Your Sc,*- on Ticket" I! $4,001 l* RICE [ SI,OO j I I gust, 22 it l)>e local L Richerdeon I Hospital. Baby and mother aa« | doing well. Already pleased with prospects 1 r.f an outstanding temp, this fall, j PusKot.t i,-ported a bigger smile then I usual as he passed out cigars to his friends all through the week- I end. j named m if of W ballot* with Jtoi I Johnston of Greensboro getting two : vet?*. Vero Hn<scbett of Green shorts end Pinky May of Burlington tied with si* vote* each tor "Man user of the Year.” Negro baseball plsvsr# have per- I farmed tn rh» Carolina League for I several years, Dr Davis wit! wip'd with the bhaiv University alumoi dub of Chicago, during the week. AH Shaw alumni are urged to plan to a!end the meeting and to eontact Reverend I„ C Riddick. 25 Chest nut. Avenue, Summit, New Jersey, in connection with the arrange ment-. Collrc o sthletirr returns to h» «J --ms mater in a teaching-coaching capacity this September. Howar>l fe "Brutus" Wilvm, 1 mumttrr **f the fam'd bear j hark field »< tin- early '3o’s, at>- Rume* duties mi September 3 is assistant professor «f phyai >a! education. ba«£fteld coach of football ind assistant basket ball coach. Widely regarded as nn» of the best quarteroacks the Bears ever had. Wilson played on the cele brated teams of the early 1330's and h as a member of the first Mor gan CIA A chftfnpionehip team. His backfield mates were Tom Conrad, now coach at Winston-Salem Tc«- ehers College Winston-Saiem. H. C , Otis Troupe, a detective in Washington. D C; and Johnny Sturgis, row a businessman in Lancaster Fa The quartet formed ! Frosh Orientation At A & T Slated To Start Sept 10 GREENSBORO—A bumper crop of a few mere than 800 freshman students will begin orientation procedures at A<SrT College on Wednesday, Sept. !0. C R A Cunningham, registrar, (old reporters this week that the number of admissions for this yes? had already exceeded the record total of 800 entering students for 1858. The six-day orientation pro gram gets underway with a genera! assembly set for 8.00 VtJ nit Wednesday in the Harrison Auditorium. A busy schedule, set for the first three I < da vs. rails for physical exam ••-v--. p]itf>.c2fae&» te.M* in •: BEATING THE GUN Bight at Hus moment IT# ChK««o Cubs are mired ir> the writer ttf the National League. Only * few week* ago. they were battfmg fear a first division berth Such ta life s« the W;f*Kw«S Lea gue pennant race this season. ¥h» Milwaukee Bravw, of twurea, hws broke from the her rise and seem destined to win in 3 gallop. For theme who find no «*w» in the fact that Hu BrasM vbil meet the New York Ymhiux* to •t ‘" «h«i a wonderful the World Rente#, Headlining dept. .10 tv Milwaukee, they caw thing H would he tor *«tg Banka to win Win NL moot val uable plever iwvewf, The* i* why or# find the rdtjfbt of the Cuba sronewfiit* dittoonesi'to mg »t tor momerki. W* oanuot jm» call wh.-m * pdaywr for a W»#4 pfety# foam has been honored #• m bm« gtie'i most pfejww. Tht* ** a good tfitm te» ton nttov ion of Hu# wwhi to give aoiljl thought to to# eptsotioa of ItonW The Cubs’ sfuftsing khorMxto, «# rtf this moment, hsw hi* 4® hemps Atn* and has drivws in tflG wr*#. Be h»i an outside ttoanc# to tqual Htwfe Wflaonht National League ham# ra9 record of Ml homes* snd a Slightly more ‘■emote poartbHity to matoh* ing Bib" Ruth's 011-ttm* high (rs df> Ranke was «fo#ingi fe? as |fufefii pane in 1827. but was Shout 10 Mme* bahind Wilson’s ga-se hi 10RO. But Krnir ha# ah owed a Dfopensi fy for knocking rottfidtrlppers with hi* greatest froguoncy irt Auguet and September He has studfr <f!oe# to history this Angwef. ts he do«' as well in September, he mfeht write hts name into fbe ssecotvf books. The fcMUBW hr# § lot to reccrntnend htm for toe MAT designation, fr, sfst game*, for example, hr bm hit two bom* runs. BecMttly, *n # same agalnsi the Ftttshnrgh Ri rates. h« hatted In *W to* <'nb»‘ runs In a 5-to-l victory. Competition will be strong tor MVP honors tills season in the mr mr circuit In kh* early stage of the season, it appeared that WiTlfe Mays would win the honor* hands down. But Mays though still a strong contender, receded to to« pack in # horrible July end Aug ust slump that saw his opoh lefty 40ft plus average dipped to Meow the ,150 mark. But Mays osn do s routnpte of Miing* on » bascbail diamond that make h.m a remarkable performer l . Three months ago. we wouldn't have given Hank Aaron » feint, chance of being In contention for MVP. Bus Aaron has been tremen dous as a better in the l©f»t two months, raising his average from 2EO t.o close to YM and rnosdng np in a number of key offensive de partments Winning U - v l, MVP Is noth ing novel for tan play#*# Aa ron, of course, was toe J9M ipp- ‘ impanella, now eecnperatlng from aerioa# to juries to s New TTortt City hn«* »Ual. won if three tome* .feyMe RoMrtvon, Don Vewcombe and Stays were tohep winners. Unfortunately, no tan player von It in the American Leegvte. Wirat are th# chances this yea** Weli, Vie jPcwer. of to* Cleveland Indiana, and Elston Howard, rtf ¥to> New York Ynnke—e, de»<»erve son sideratiou. Powem ha* twen to aootoefion tor th# AL barting title erne*? he wee traded to tbs Indian#. Moroove*,, h» ha?: proved hbr-egW partimilairiw versatile ptoying M| tnfield pewd tion*. The shifting ibowt h#«u% dulled hi* skill. j what I* called Morgs-rrA) ferno*** j "Flying Horseenem.'’ j Wilson ws* else ij iwmSw fjA »h* - Bear basketball team »s»«* rAtywi ! 47 game* with defeat. The es.-Bear athlete pomes fen his new poet wtth **v*rat ymm i of etMU’hf«<r smd teweblng be hind him. H* aeiwed s* bend coach rt both Winston-Salem and at #baw hntyMHir to Ra leigh, N. C., wher* *»*#. team won .» CtAA fotball ehawpiem ahlp Re has taught phystmt education at Menton High, Kdenton for tbs part four yearn. In addition to the B. S. dognwi from Morgan, Wilson holds the M. A, degree from Columbia tfaivrtrt shy where he haft don* *jo*wri*S( graduate work He succeeds William A., TfttrHass, who served for two y<ar* as b«db j fioid ro/nob of the Bears English and MaAlMma*fe% identifieahtoe photo*, oanfep* enrra with sppotn*«! ndvtuos* and tour* «vs th« rsunfMW tf<M eilitles The freshmen will go through registration proce dures on Friday and will he conducted through * aeries of guidance tests on Saturday. The Sunday schedule eaJl* tc& an all-freshman worship eatrvice in the Harrison Auditoriums cm Sunday morning beginning »* 11:00 A.M. and that afternoon at. 8:00 F.M.. the new students will he the guests of Dr. Way-moth T Gibbs, president of the college, and Mrs Gibbs at the Presidents hX'.emion A. GET-WELL GIFT Hnetnr Torres,, pifeher for the LH.tle League nhawpion Monlrrrr.y, Mexico fetus, who pitched and won the final game of the little League World Series, p uni-, former Brooklyn Dodger catcher Roy Campanella a baseball, avinsu a plied hy the entire Monterrey fc.up. Roy, paralysed from the neck down a result ot an auto accidem is undergoing a program of recovery at the N. Y l.s —Bellevue Medical Center, Also shown are Andres Galvan (center) and Ricardo Trevino. (UFI PHO TO), NCC Coach Herman Riddick Bearing Eagles’ Line Losses Mery Bravely : DURHAM -- North Carotins rol [ legs's football coach, Herman Rid dick, was reported in 'reasonably | satisfactory condition for tlu* time of the vest” Saturday following re ceipt nf information he would be without the services of four prom ising linemen. Missing from the 3t man fr. m expected for the start of two a-day drills on September 2 were Milton Townsend, sopho more end from Elizabeth, \ 1., nray .lone*. 185 lb. Apex snpbn and three guard prospects: As more Charlie Yydal 173 )b. k n Bulldogs Have 8 Game Card I NASHVILLE fANP) - An eight game football schedule Has been lined up for the 1958 season of the Fisk university Bulldogs, ac cording to an announcement lest «f«eh by H. B. "Bus’’ Thompson, athletic director. Home games will put the Dogs against Tiifikegee, Oct 14; Knox ville thorn* coming), Nov, l: l ane No. 8; Alabama State, Nov. 15; and away, Alabama A&M Oct. 11; Dil lard, Oct. 18; Howard, Oct. 25: and Mfcwehouae, Nov. 22. 1 wo New Coaches pVBJtAM - f'CIAA New Serv ice* Morgan State College ha* named Howard K (Brutus) Wilson, one of the Bears all-time grid greats, as backfjeld coach and Johnson C Smith University her appointed Eddie C. MeGiri, former ail CTAA. fullback for the Golden Bulls, as head coach. Annoamsements were made by the rewpeotw** haetituHonsi earlier this month. Morgan Riot* plays North Carot in* College m Baltimore on Or to be* 4. Johnson C. Smith engages (He Sr. Paul’s College eleven on Oof. 4 also in Charlotte. Report Pittsburgh Stee'ers Scouting Alien Univ. Grid Star OOLTTMBIA, S. 0. (ANlfr -- A report that the Pro Pittsburg Steel era of rh* Nation*! Football League in awMiimg Hoy Knight, 220-pound giMwsJ on the Allen University Yel low Jacket football team, circulated hew* last week. K was reported the Steeles* contacted Knight and told him they are interested in him and “Porgy And Bess” Cast Goes To Jail-But Only For Show BOSTON (ANT) Cab CaJ loww and the oast of George Gar mbwtja 1 * foil* opera, "Porgy and B«<*w paid * visit to the Massachu setts Correctional Insfil.ulion for Women In nearby Framingham but only for a .song-fesi. Before art obviously delighted au dience of 173 inmaiep, Cab and the <#st rnt> through rah-iifr ’ :r:r: > eitev-IHe ftophnwinf * an,-) l.fot; Wiley, 200 Ifc rising sophoiuot'K from Belmont, ‘A’ I Til (he to-- of U'??e pro-'.f.t l : we 11 do well to field an avera-.o team th is yem," f?:du k raid y tciday. In the pr.zf it years at NCC I’v : dick coached teams h,.--- v » e games, lost 36, j.od emerge,) >* 8 tics. His team last, year ended p with a 5-4 record in overall d!s. (4-3 in CIAA competition i to wiuc up in 'bird place behind Mas • !;in>! State's champions and A arid T. «y mn OMHI | > ; \--y . | ,r*TV« £ Jsjjjjr**^ ' ~ ~*jßSjjL fyt._ ' "NOT A CRT 81BV. BUT . . . eon Taylor. Hanltafee*. Hi., SUitJc league catcher cries a* h* is checked by Or. Roher) Vaxtii, will be scouting him (hi? fall At the «am* time (he Alien atn- I i ieiic department announced a nine -1 gams home-arid-a way Kohcdule for ■ the Jacket* this fall. The schedule ! is as follow*' - Sept. 27—North Caroline rollese i i at Durham: Oct 4 —South Carolina | I college at Columbia; Oct, (8 fori, ! I from the show. i The cast was welcomed by State j Correction* Commissioner Arthur | T. t/.vman and Supt., Betty Cole . Smith, Some of the ipmates had taken the pains to paint a "Catfish Row" back-drop in front of which Cab ; and hie choral group sane ■ Xb? J£g&ztablf tTub * 1 ’ ' up Angies f'he F.igteV mentor said he b’lpt'.d "about 3(1 rnrn with some -•me experience" uoutd show ~p for t!)> .start if prep-<ration* ■» the rawnt campaign. This number Inrladed 12 seniors, 6 ‘inlois. and IT sophomore,, iftcen letfrrmrn beaded by he Fagfes* flashy backfir'd tar, ( iifion (SateUite) Jack !•■'!). larkson, the CIA A\ no. 3 n, are among the ,'!<i lads from a?■•her averaging 91. H yards in •ight games, last sc-taon, is a ■d prospect for ail CI AA him xs this season. | v.lii \. college St Fort Valley, I dcj.; Oct. 25 Alabama A &/, M col | lege st Normal, Ala ; Nov. i Knoxville college at Knoxville. Twin.: Nov. a— Benedict cell#?*- at Benedict; Nov 15 Florida A & M\j;nJvemt,y at Tallahassee. Fla.; ! Nov. 21 Morru College at. Olum j i*ia; Nov. 27 Bethune-Cooktnan ! college at Columbia, son as which made him famous at «s bandleader and singer back in the “SO's" and "40V', Speaking foi the cast, Cab told reports > "We're entertainment ambassa dors and if we can help morale here, we're glad to do it, j "If wp can help m any way by 1 etitertaimtm. we re more that! riac- Ex-Dodger Catcher is Idol Os Series Stars NEW YORK - tANP> One of Uie first things membo r r of the Monterrey (Mexico) boy* baseball team did. after winning the l.ittN UcHguc World Series, w«s visit Roy t’ainpanHla. injured Los Angeles Dodgers catcher And well they might. C.ur lamella is the ido! of Monterrey, bavins played I here while campaigning in the Caribbean winter league a few year# ago- And one of his tram nuite# war H ,1a Tm re* whe. c son. Hccl.oi. pitched >Se Motdci!! y T.ii- He Leaguers to victory in the ser ies, Hcrtet was ainons those who vis ited Campanella al the Belevu* : e habilitation center Campy greeted Althea Was Hopeful Os Ist Wimbled Althea Gibson was so hopeful that she could win at Wimbledon in 1057 that the first week she was in London she picked out a beautiful evening gown to wear to the ball and had worked out, a speech in case she won She ronfcyye- this in (he final insMllmunt of l Wanted to be Somebody, ’* in the current (September 8) issue of The Sat urday Evening Post. !Yfi*s Gibson comment ?th*t (Hr- subsequent eportunitv to ! In addition to -Jack-on. Jettermen, i returning are; Backs. Rosie Bar* I iictd, C'cpi Lloyd Eason, Iks Gat* ! line. Willie Hayes Harold Joyner, | Thomas Johnson grid Reginald Pry | or; Center' Ernest Barnes; T#ekle i James William Guards: James 1 i orbes and Thomas Foust: Ends: 1 Robert Johnson, George Wallace. . and Pam Wins]owe AH ey, s light up at NCC at men tion of Jackson's name, if he lives up to last year's promise and this (year's expertatoins. he'll he one of thy top backs in the East, this sea i i nn. Carrying 97 times in 1857, Jack son ripped oil 7SB yard*. Williamsport> l*»., after Taylor was hit by a too! Up <r> she fir*#, ton* tng against Monterrey, Mexico’s (earn. (UP I TELEPHOTO). Students Invited To Enter Contest. College students, recent gradu ate- from high schools, and high school senior. l ! are invited to enter an essay contest on the subject How to Make American High way* Safer." Persons interested in entering this contest should request contest j pc In do d." The cast later obligingly signed j .u tog rap ns of. the inmates. j I *2 PINT lMi| I % BISrnUD fPOM GKAI W -39 PPOOf II I 8 CKJSRUS lACaUiH BtCi«. jfl®., Phil»-Pfc i him and oth»r members of th« i team with the I'rmsi'V ■ "So you are Hip kiH' who'hit *!i those hi.me runs, eh?" I Delighlpcl. the kids. grinned and young Torres had a personal HvH w'th Ciinpy. Campy told him !v. Had >va . " ... one of th a great* ‘ players I ever saw ' Torres, said Campanrlla, could have played to the ma.irre. too In fact he added, the Wadi !m: ton Senators signed him, hut he didn't report H» was ton ;h,v find didn't want, to leave* Mexico It was flic second t’me member* of the Monterrey team visited 1 ampanrlla Card rear they Mm hurt at F,hhets Tield in play with ♦ho Dodgers J wear tee dri** a«jd deiveeu* tjj« | >.pwn were cart, of a veeider* ful day in her life, a "mag way fmi» 14? M Street in Harlem The congratulatory handshake ■ from Queen Elisabeth, she finds, w also a long way from being forced to sit in the colored esetion of the bus going into downtown Wilmington. North Carolina And dancing v ith the Duke of Kept, st the Wimbledon Ball, sb* :-iv.v was a long way from not be ing allowed to bowl m Jefferson Os r Missouri, because the white cu'-tomer? complained baout It. * Mi's Gibson .says that the luxuri ous living she enjoys on the frr-oni# rircui disappears when she gets home to her New York City apart ment She relates that »b.« can’t *f. for*} it and ha# to he real mfs r-iy ah»«rt things MV» food, «•- tortalnlnc and r«ores‘lot? She v» r?o<=« sji c'ia m, ilH.lf f?©t9 iirj termfs rtpuif* allowanes :tn>t earn* f?h #, ffiimitfi is a con sultant to the Harry r Lee. .-.pniflsif;-irnndr. iVUMPSUIT And hei slngiut hart fwfun te bring j in n little money "1 have no lofty, overpowering i ’bitiop” Miss Gibson conclude* Ml I want >" te be able to play no is. sms, sleep peacefully, ha - * •ve square meal* a day, a regu lar income and no worries . . "T think I've already got the main tiling Fvo always wanted, which i« to he somebody, to have identity , I'm Althea. Gibson, the tennis chain i pion, T hope it makes me happy 1 cu!c> from the College Schc4®s*hlp ("on teal. Genera! Tire end Bobber ' t 'rtmpany, 1706 Englewood Avenue, i Akron 3, Ohio, Prizes to be awarded winners in clude: First prize, $1,000; second i PJ'izc, $000; and th.rd prize, $859. -V!| entries should be mailed in * lime to reach the Akron office by ' December 1, 10,53. j PATRON 13KB OUR ADVERT!S F. F 8

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