IPEATHS MRS. STELLA BARRON Mr; Stella Baron, age 71 of 1013 rmithfield Street, died Monday, August 2ft. f‘or the past 13 years, Mrs, Bar* on ha.s been an invalid. Surviving ue three sisters: Mrs, Lovie. Mat hews. Mrs. Bertha Clark, Mrs. Ann ,'rudup, one niece, Mrs. Ida Mae Ricks of Washington, D. C. Funeral servcies were conduct 'd Friday, August 29, at 3 p, nr. in I he rhapel of Lightncr's Funeral lion-** s Burial followed at. Mt. Hope 1 emetery. Rev. D. N. Howard pre sided MR JOSEPH BRYANT Mr. Joseph Bryant, of RFD 7. Fox 465, Raleigh, died recently in ■ reedmoor. N. C. Funeral service «as held Wednesday from Wake Chanel Church with burial follow ing irs church cemetery. Survivors include a wife, Mrs. KalhrjTj Dunn Bryant; one son, Michael Bryant; one daughter. Miss Kay Jo Bryant. Raleigh; parents, Mr. and Mrs William F„ Bryant. Raleigh; four sisters, Mrs. Clara Holman of Raleigh. Mrs Annie M. Howell of Raleigh. Mrs. Ester M. Cur'-.ton of Youngville. Mrs Daisy High of Raleigh; four brothers, Mr William Bryant, George. Bry ant Neal Bryant, and Mr, David Bryant, all of Raleigh. Ml* WILBUR WILLIAMS Mr Wilbur Williams, who «'** found dead on Sawyer Road on Monday. September t. was funer ehged ori Tuesday at. noon. Burial the season, s money -savingest bargain event manufacturers cooperative sale aMtoiMnwwagaafcigr* wwwujwmj woo! and wool* corduroy Mend fabrics „ M , TwST i- « » SI 2?>r nt * - basketweare paids. luxury won] **"*, ‘ f ° OJ ?' A idxurtou* end dacror blends' Plaids, jW her to-school stripes, tweeds and solids! c!oming drip-dry and woven cottons short lengths? regular to 9Rg yd! Choose from dark ground prints on better broadcloths »vorg!a«ed. dnp-dry and mer« f* M osrlsed gingham fabrica! *ll are «an- FORIZED! la short length, velveteen <4 p- & sl.9s yard § § T 42 x 90 white pecoted! terrific buy in towels ruffled organdies regfuter SQr mn AQ 54® 2 for $1 .00 SMk m.m cm / MM SjjP mm H 1# rsbuiously aste-priced Cannon . , bath towels! Ex ire large 34*4$ * crisp sheer dirt, resistant jh , rL . fabric that retains Its crisp* h ,' *° ft ' a,beorbent ness, after la’inderiug without k*th towel*' Cannons famou starch Sm« whip? m wid* "b#»uil-fluff" finish’ to pair x 96 long. *.!! with p«- j coted edges. I TOWELS third Hr** yrrinii i\tmi\ mj.su hi. - -- ne -, ri --y tto , KsolfoSßl | pillows j*T s lightly imperfect. 1 Iftl! ft Isl of $9. 99 quality I# til |»1 P # $3«544 '** tiler ?y- free. famous KooLfo&rr, M ffl® latex pillows! SUPER-SIZE— 1 |Lw .1.6x51x5 1 8. soft, cool and com 1 51 |i fort able! White percale rmper- If ■ f*! rovei.. ’ Efird'x ! ‘back-to-school' sale blankets f $4.84 “pecial group of blankets from several famous name manu* 'aciurers. Included are 72x90 rayon-nylon blends 80x90 rayon* rrlon blends. 72x90 acrilan-nyion-orlon blends. Soft and wash able. Poly bagged 6" and 7". satin binding. Efird’s! ————of Raleigh j took place in Mt Hope Cemetery MR. DAVID LEE CARTER Funeral service for Mr David Lee Carter, who died August 27 in the Duke Hospital of Durham, was held Sunday at the Tupper Memor ial Baptist Church at 3 p. m, Burial followed in the Mt. Hope Cemetery with Rev. Mitchell and E. B Priestly officiating. He is survived by a wife, Mrs Rosella B. Carter; two sisters, Mis. Orllie Mordough, Witerberry, S. C„ Mrs. Martha Ann Carter of Wa terberry, S, C.; one brother. Miss on Carte of Brooklyn. N. Y. MRS. SARVH HINTON Funeral service for Mrs. Sarah Hinton, of Passaic, N. J., will be held Thursday. September 4, at. the St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, at 4 p. m. She is survived by three daugh ters, Mis S. Harper and Ernestine Dunbar of Pasasic , N J.. anti Mrs. Sarah Fryeson of New York City. MR. ROBERT SPICER Mr Robert Spicer, of 519 South Bloodworth Street, Raleigh, died August 26. and war funerali/ed in the Raleigh Funeral Home Chapri on August 29 at 2 p m. with Re*' Boone officiating Burial followed in the Mt. Hope Cemetery. MR A. C. PARRISH Funeral service for Mr As" Parrish, who died Tuesday at S' Agnes Hospital, will be held Thursday, September 4, at 3 p. m at Oak City Baptist Church in Method with Rev. C. R Trotter of A. . *JUI Y HEADS SERVE WORLD'S LARGEST BVNBIJRGLR My- Patricia Harris left. Wa- u.ngton, T). f'.. executive director. Delta Sigma Theta, and Mr- < >rev i-i do\ Preston, right. Chi cago, administrative secretary. Alpha Kapppa Alpha, took lime out from then busy convention schedules in Washington last week to assist Youth Work Director Calvin (hr ties. -ho' ■■ renter, 13th Street YM< \, in serving the world's largest bunburgee to Y -day-campers. Belov, at extreme left, tllss Rosemary Tyl er, consumer consultant for Carnation Company, V .ishington. >’ hand in the treat <0 more than si*, tv youngsters. Made from Carnation evaporated milk rurine, the bunlm: - 1 rn • u-ured T E ' 3' I', and was made of choice beef—toppro with cheese- -and served on i giant Sunbeam bun. Los Angeles milk products firm made and donated hunhurger. RUSH MEMORIAL CHURCH By 31RS. ANNIE H THORPE With vaaction season on the rie t-lme an-i the atniosprtere pressur- ' of «a early fall rushing in we are ; remindful also that another school i session bac begun, and to tin* end j | many of our teacher? and pupils : were present at :he service on j Sunday morning j ft war the nth Sun da v 10 the j month and again time for the iun | tor choir to furnish the music, i j T'*ey lead ol.lt with ibe singing of i God of Our Fathers The Y* ; : hymn number 162 Q For A Thou- Isanti Tongue" To Sins’’ was sung j lined bv our p istor. Be*- W D | Carson The responsive reading wa fer the 35th Sunday. Family Re j ligion i Scripiin« lesson *eas tb°n ,-r ad : -by the Re* Carson from Paul's left - I lei to the Galatian Church, the sth j ! Chapter comprising 26 verses. The j i soul stirring prayer was also offer : ed by him. Our 2nd hymn. No 66 i "God Moves in a Mysterious Way" was sung as Hie congregation med itated prayerfully Rev Carson then talked with the Junior Church on the Com man dm ent, "Thou shalt not steal. He then chose his text for the i morning from the same scripture ; read Gal 9 7 He did run well, who Urban league’s Annual Meet Set For Nebraska Sept 6-11 NEW YORK - Th? ibft? annual conference of the National Urban League *s expected to be one of the most important forums on race re lations ever held by cur organiza tion, president Theodore W. Kheel said yesterday fSnnday). The conference will be held September 6th through ilih at (he Sheraton Fontenelle, Hotel in Omaha, Nebraska. More th»,n 600 professional and vol unteer workers from 63 eitle? and 32 states will attend the meetings during the 4-day con ferenre. The guiding lhem“ and emphasis will be; "Expan ding Opportunity in the. Chang ing American C ity." Delegates will include profess ional serial workers .and specialists lin industrial relations, vocational j guidance. housing and community | organization The non-profit, non-politn.al, * o | funtavv League, an educational ser. ! vice agency founded in 1910 in j New York City, is interracial It i seofee to Improve - l h® economic sta- I bi of Negroes and to promote bet- League professional staff and voluntsers will meet on Saturday is opt 6rb» and Sunday (Sept 7th • to discuss administrative and mper 'i?ory problems of the organiza i tiors. On Monday fSept 6tht th* morn ing 3-hout* general session will hear specialists in various fields present papers on; ‘'Developing Effective Use of Negro Manpower": "Expand ing (h* Housing Supply for Minor ities”; "The Meaning and Signifi* j cance of School Integration", "De- I s-eloping Adequate Health and So i rial Welfare Services for Famlli* ! os and Their Children” The?? pa - | pars will then be diacussed in - workshops during the rest of rhe ! dav. Headline speaker of the clos ing gHierai v-ssion at 7-60 p m. Thursday (Sepi llthi von hr VVNTHROr ROCKEIELLFR. League trusiee and chairman of ficiattng MBS EDNA I FAIN funeral services for Mrs. Edna J, Fain of a,?.0 Cotton Plate, who died August 20. -wav. held Monday i at the St. Paul AME Church at 1 p. in. The Rev. L, D. Penn was in charge. Survivors Include a husband, WUliain B. Fain, 2 sons. William B. Fair, and Tvsn B. Fain, of Colum* i bus. Ohirx four sisters, Mrs. Hat- I tie Mitchell of Raleigh, Mrs. Lillie j Frederick of Golrir.boin, Mrs Eula j Williams of Mr Vernon, New York. | and Mr? Lucinda Jones of Detroit. ! Michigan - did hinder you, that ye should not 00-es lhe truth " The min le began by admonish mg vis *0 look I back over our lives lo see what ! < hindered us 1 Jesus raid ! am th, ! "Way." 2. The seed has been sown j but the tacts of the a r have ci< vanned them. 3 The Chtistian Race Path. Tite ‘tie of a Chnstuui i. a I rare wh- rein hr nHif-t -un and hold on If be is to obtain the pn/e ; The niinjsfer ehmaxiiJ by w. . ... i i isn't enough io run this 1 ac« bv a ; profe-sion of Cfu istiariiy but wp I mu Ft run well by living up to mu ■ profession. We indeed itum-aed ;i I great beeauso R»-*' f ; -, -'-n ’is a great pveache-' V v : wpnt you io e.ome and hear (hi great preaeb er and *ou too wifi be a : . -r, -1 - ; ness of the Famf Our Itn and last Qua t'-ri--. Co"- - feropre for ihis '•-ear v’ull be "Cd iat Rush Memorial A. M F. Zion J Church on Friday cvenuy.; Ro- 3 IJ. Young, the Presiding Elder of 1I hr Raleigh District, will be n i charge He will also conduct Quar terly C.Mif for this year whic-i will | bo held at Rush Memorial A M. F. i Zion Church on Friday evening 1 I Rev. T J, Young, the Presiding Ft- j J der, of the Raleigh DistricL will be -in charge, fie will also be with n j on Bund iy and deliver the rnn iMr. message. its, Commerce and ludut-try Council. Hi* • oef- U DITION ( ft :L- : RON FOR Your lives! m '"7mm ,iJ liGofeii Slif iilL % : i ilaaii is on IOCS®! Ng3 > If RSetfeff! " • . y ape j " - WjwwhwwtiimtiwmWi 1 —it xjts&imm iiiigh O’BRIAN ROBERT DOLORES EVANS*MiCHAELS LINDA STEPHEN CRISTAL* McNALLY One maScopE *>■ HERBERT 8. »i f> { iMiifii \M PHILIP mm stmts Sunday »i ® Civil Rights Group Gets “Valid” Complaints; Won’t Reveal Source WASHINGTON - (AM’i Al though the Federal Commission on Civil Rights admittedly ha: receiv- | ed some 'valid” complaints relating i to school integration and denial of | voting rights, a staff director last { week re'used to say what aiea: of j the country were involved At a news conference Staff Director Gordon M. Tiffany told newsmen" nothing" would he revealed on the complaints iin til completion of preliminary Invesitgatinns. lie added that there are not many which are Durham News Hy MRS IDA LEE SO 1 BLOCK DURHAM Mr find Mi s Ft ed Hoit of Gjrnton, Ohio, have relnm ed to their home after upend lug two weeks with Mrs Holt’s grand parent;-. Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts, Hr.., at 1022 I’enel Street Her aunt is Mrs Edna Bromson of 1104 flock Street Mi" Lizzie Nichols has ret.ui neH to her home in Maryland aftet j spending a few week" with hr-. | sister*. Miss Minnie C Lyons and i Mrs Tad a Martha Hester William; sll K AND SHUT INS Mr Alex Pratt of Homeeres* Si I Mr. Marvin Dunn, Mr William ! Horton. Mr Matthew Brown, Mr: j Bertha Dunn. Miss Anna I, Cobh j Mr .James Rogers are on the sink ■ list. BUY THESE SPECIALS! wwwvKfflMWHyw.« ~— ■ "r T""r mnTiiwiiTinniwri ”""-[-mwu'jnn'MWM-nrrfir.f-iniU'-jUMi^Tr'ewwH«mrtwa«»i Aristocrate Saitisiss ; 19c Fannings Pickles 3“, 2 i. 45s A&P Strawberries 2 : 35s Nabisco Ritz Crackers ;: 27c Welchade Grape Brink tb Apple Pies : 43c Jelly Top Buns 27c Stuffed Olives 49c Wnrthmnre * and wor (brant <: 1 and Cam Set You’ll Save! - ■ ... ne.~.:-w-~■w.ri'rra w - a GRAND VALUE! I..4RDM SIZE-FRESH HONEYDEWS LARGE SIZE S’S M A EACH ONLV d|^|c —.rjrrt^rcsrr-rr-^—'i-srrr’.r.v.-r--.—— • ■ ., NEW LOW PRICES—MILD & MELLOW 8 O’CLOCK COFFEE ! ' !b * Jfe C C lb. %Ig l v Bag f|J| bag * HOSTESS ALUMINUM Serving Trays fiff THE CA3OLIKIAN WEEK FWINfi SAHJff.DA?. SR-FT EM BE R « !*»••« considered valid. Wlion asked if there v a mv discussion of the school problem facing Arlington and oilie- place,-. Tiffany replied that Hie cornnti: on is interested in the educational problem nnd "ali" legal develop ment!;. Hr also declined to ron ; 1 fctISKA J-;Sw VODKA I <*~s QUART IDO Proof. Made from Grain by L Rflsky & Cie, (pent when asked if the • on me; ,nn had observers it school crisis points in Virginia or m LiUie Reek. Thr new; ennfetene- w rt ,, railed to announce comini., ion approval of advisory committees s n t up for Ok labor.' i, Arkansas, New Mexico and Aiizona. 13