18 THE CAROLINIAN V. rr K 1 -OV <• Vf'lTi DA V .trTEMBI.R *. nss Fairmont Still Leads In Prices Paid For Tobacco In NC SFSDS i V • 1 t.fy? 7 \ < O i •'().' 1.-f! <o rt{hj JS I -rij Sjmwl Mr:* f-««i* ' i • ~ • :>i.'.-t. (,•< i Linden. N C. The tom i> • r; •' :i ’ rs ‘I --mv'. ti»i- .n T|**v made -v‘ arrr*. cf < ■ . ■ ■ ; .* i. i' ft fnh.MTo and plenty of toma •F 0 ! 1 WOMEN r. r.r ?yv wooh £ Ort %* P i I>l \ S I FT<UP(F‘<» •• l.\af-;’*» SAtW'f', Thf *.!*l nw --- 'f ?". !w F>- . • !-w. - >v~ j rrfri f;; c W V» !'. I li r ‘ 170 odk ' j *> 'WF' n*Uw> ur j of ».:pV« F• • o»! r F.e w-w. | €’ apfij • -r] p»F?F .?»id • s, r :vn;p Ft » ir-sk* - - r-ire - 5 ••• M- •nf *'■'* ! wwimniii ii iii if ■ . m -.lixry.-ui--.; . • r r ~ ~—n'i~~trinm nn ii • i i it i 111 iii rii" r i ■—i !;S /ACCAMAW mifi TDIICI L.. . ii!d|J I llUd I COMPANY Member Fedei.M J..'epcstt insurance Corporation hit** hjt tj. & «..& 1 t; <& f D HARD W OKl\ MAKE 4 WINNING TEAM - ' f •v. ~ J I BANK WITH US > • 1 One of Robe; on County’s Leading Banking Institut ions THE WAGCAMAW BANK : AND TRUST COMPANY l_ I - *o be vaned by adding 3 small ■],’■■■ ujt of Aiii difierent flavor. Ju.l two teaspoons of instant de* i.a/Crina><.t! coffee have been-added '•••> the i.uttorscolch to c.i.t h, a new ■ ,i..i fr■ viv M< -'lit flavor On choc ! oldie c. ;.<~aLcs °i tee cream thi? i -sure make;-, a "super' dosei! tor ! veur next company meat <Oi it* < it t it »vt ‘ t ! p i !.■■•£?■ buttet scotch instant ' pudVti!',)? mix toes, watermelons, greens and brans Many «•( Simurl s cotton stalks have as many as 38 bolls to the stalk. This, without a doubt, said hf. is our very bps! year. 3 teaspoons instant decaffeinated offee. 2- efto dark corn syrup 3- cup evaporated milk METHOD: Combine puddne in lain decaffeinated coffee and (."■ syrup; mix until smooth Gradual ly ado >ne milk, dining to blem Allow to stand about 10 minute:- h thicken sauce. Serve nn ice cream, j-ake or other dessert:• Tractors Are The Cause Os iany Assldonts Tractors an? the cause of more khan n-ilf of farm machinery ac cident* in t-h* United state-, The principal ramies include falling from, or being thrown otf the tractor, overturning, unguard ed power take-off shafts and vio lation of traffic rules when op: rating mu the highway. The National Safety Council has facts to show' that safe operation of more than 3 mil lion tractors used on farms conid save hundreds of lives and thousand of serious in inr* r- ra r h rear A farmer cannot afford to gam pi? sh- loss of a limb or life b operating without powershaf shield ip place in handling tractors about ditches can send one to th° hospital •Jumping off a tractor, oi mak ing adjustment.;-, while the ma chine is in motion, is another way to invite accidents. Many children have been injured and killed nn ply because they were permitted to operate or bitch rides on trac tors Never refuel a tractor while Hie motor is runninc or ex tremely Viol Avoid leakv fuel lines and accumulations of combustible materials near b"( manifolds or exhausts. Store tractor fuel safely and always have a fire extinguisher avail able for an accidental fire When operating on the high way. always obey traffic ruler- and avoid excessive speeds. Stop be fore entering main highways and use a. red flog high up on the trac tor to warn motorists of slow mov ing equipment. Use headlights and taillights after d»>-k Twelve-Tribe Rally Held In Cumberland : FAYETTEVILLE —Member? md friends of Beaver Creek A M. E. ! Emn Church, located about three miles wml of the city, witnessed a very unique service Stindaw when a Twelve-Tribe Rally wns held, at 2 30 P.M ! The rnembership was divided in to tribes, with a captain and a co captain The tribes were then • r t i up in groups of twos end a preach | pr was selected to preach for each ! group Rev J. S Maynor. pester, | arranged for four * nuns minister*, of the Free Will Baptist Church to represent eight nf the tribes, Revs Truesdile, Douglas MeMill• j on and Nolan, Rev. Mrs A. B Mor- I gan and Rev, Daniel AJcKoy com i pleted the list of speakers. | The program was so arranged ♦ fiat each minister was allotted j twenty-five minutes to deliver his I message and to take an offering. ! Captains were Mrs Jennie B. Mc- Donald, Joe T McDonald, James j McGougan. Frank McPherson, Lee Alton and Miss Nina Monroes. Co ’• captains were Mrs. Gertrude Clark W M Manuel. Mrs. T ula McDon ald. Mi's Maryland Monroe, Mv* Margie McDonald, and Mrs. Annie Ray. Music was furnished by th e rh-rn choir of Parks Chapel WB !m; ctoirrh and the choir cf Bcsrcr Creek Church First Dairy Show Began In 1947 FAYE . TEVILLE -According so nforrmuion on file he:? Ibe first District Dairy shov was h?id here, in 1947 At that time emphasis ivc being placed on the number of dairy animals shown as encourage ment to farm people in the of dairying as an enterprise and placing family cows During the first years of the .hr,- the- number o? entries grew fvom 38 in 1947 to 101 in 195? 33 were snown in 1953 arid ihsi fol low ed a change of emphasis in 1955 when 44 well trained animals and exhibitor.' participated in the show. In the steering commit tee felt that people were more Important than anything else and real’ring that we!) Iralned Vines; and gil!' COtlfd and would increase progress, in dairying. ,-ash award*, were increased and entries were limited to blue ribbon winners from local shows held elscw here >n the district This change met with great pi oval from all concerned and has beer, operated in that manner since 19,55 According lo R 1, Wvnn Negro Hpm-v Specialist, an average nf ap proximately 300 dairy animals are hoivii in ihe district each) year and about 9nn are shown in show? over the state each year by Negro boys and girls Don't wait until ah of your tuba* - r o produces flowers before lepp Vi 1 Flora FLOYD j« cnu I SHOP if || II TV-RADIO ; AIR CONDITIONED ‘‘Everything The MAYTAG FAMILY | WASHERS Neerii!" Sales & Service MAIN STREET FAIRMONT PHONE 6141 DIAL 3151 Fairmont i | iw.iwi lit—or—i—■ ■■ i ,1111 »jw»e«*aCTmrowaw»rMKiiiwwiiii —mi iiwi nm SELL YOUR TOBACCO ! IN FAIRMONT i Buy Your CLOTHES from lls! FORRESTER’S MEN’S & BOY’S WEAR Fairmont, N. C. || FORRESTER It. EARN 15S WARREN I? BARNES . , GoSSiF " ' aTC mtggg ■ ■ — fANPi - CONFIDENTIAL OR NOT. there's somethirg about to happen in Cine* rnaiand that will shock and sur prise all ihe sepia and Caucasian admirers of the artist involved, as soon as certain legal papers ere served on him. for her). The indi vidual sboul to tun afoul of the Jaw. must have, like many who rise suddenly and start, holding tall slacks of chips, gone HOLLY WOOD Apparently the stronger*, most devoted to family, most watchful nf their conduct., can be "led astray" like kids, before realization comes that the blandishments and urging* to "sow wild oats," come from self seeking par. antes and leeches ' !i 1 will dei.ert disgrace when lc •• of fame at rives. * “WELL, IF YOU know WHY DON'T YOU WARN HIM lor b=ri wmieone asks. Well. (h.»f wouldn’t befair ♦«* ms firends of the legal pritfesefon. and might not even be apn»er< alcd by the defendant He (m she' may not Hr (he iileasan* unassuming, highly apprecl alive person f know a few years eco when the tterscu* first hit. Hollywood, w hich after all. Has ouicksand and pit-falls ihai ar? meaul lo "try men's smil? Beside?, have hem running on w ithouf first announcing the bill of-fare of this week's NEWS-MEAL, so you must know there Is more on tap be side*. Mandat SCHOOL-ROOM SEQUENCE OF IMITATION OF LTDE" shot last, week on the Universal• Internation al lot. with Jaunits Moore, as 'De lilah." mother of while-skinned offspring home through the snow storm. Mrs. Annabel!?. Brooks and daughter, vacationing here from Chicago, had an oporfunity to watch a punier of .scene? shot of Lana j Turner, who has the role Claudette ! Colbert played with Louise Beav ers. in roe original A prominent Cliirago -oriahto I and friend of the national ANF of. ' fioe. they were hosted "over the | huge Universal-International lot by ' .Tack Diamond genial studio off- ■ j n,?l They then returned home to | good ol‘ Chi. to* which this sc-rib ; hicr still has a g nostalgic i fondness TOO LATE FOR A NEWS-MEAL BILL-O-FABE, but jusi tune for jet-flash pause for new-hound iden tification. This is your own Harry L?>-et»e. 1266 S Central A--e Lo» Angeles -11- "PORGY AND BESS" finally sot underlay last week, nn the Sam Goldwyn lot Final check re veals that over 3,000 of the cash fans at the recent Patterson-Harris litle match at. Wrigley field were Negroes. PREMIERE OF MOM'S "THE DECKS RAN RED." star ving .Tames Mason and Dorothy Dandridge, to be held soon Tony Curtis, whom you have perhaps al ready seen in racetlnged Kings Go Forth.” and currently In a dill stronger one with Sidney Poiber m i 'The Defiant One?,' will be a fa j (,her in November He is married to the -*=).?V**-.* I**d i star Janet Leigh MARIANA ! CORTINA, pretty, petite actress von 1 sa?*, featured in Sol *, jossei h recent • Tarjan, and vho wrote that «nt- I ceilent pre-fight, interviev? with ! Floyd Patterson was a attest gt hw ! parti- m the Oub Mil-o-Me after | the battle A "good time ws? had bv all COAST LOVERS UNEASY 4@ CHICKS LEARN COLUMN'S IIU JITBU LESSON'S According to reliable Inside into, several local guys, who have been pndnig themselves as "grout lovers,” are a little uneasy over the "mail-order ' lessons In Japanese jiu jitsu thin m-ribbling funner athlete has hern giving away in "The Ol’ Koiyum.’* They fear Ui.il instead of saving these bonr-hreaking tricks for strange ••wolves," «r street would-be rapists, the ;in leretf and perhaps mistreated girl-friend, might Just deride to give "Daddy O' < worse beaHng than his parents ever gave him WINNING BY A NOSE LESSON NO. 4 Well, girls, you have learned somewhat about the importance of nerve reflexes, balance, etc. Well Lesson No. 4 concentrates on that sensitive organ, the probeseis. call in hum&n being* ‘ the nose " Facing your male opponent, sud denly of right-handed, solve the heel of your open bend sharply, and with great force, right ever hi? tipper lip and under his nos* Hi? head is sure to fly back hut. to make certain he becomes overbal anced and falls backwards, stick your left feet, behind whichever of hi? feet, bus weight is resting on Thu fall to the sidewalk or floor knocks him unconscious then you can dance a veritable war dance on his classic features with your high spikehec-ls before running for the police. Remember though, you have to work fast, meanwhile vereambm with all your womanly lung cower. (Next lesson, a sketch about Young Togo, the Japanese master who taught me while in Ardmore, Okls.J PATRQNI2® OUR ADVERTISERS ' ffillOHT.'f Date Found? Money Average Aug. 25 1,670,742 $1,065,405,20 $63^77 Aug. 26 1,502,336 $917,190.17 $61,12 j * Aug. 27 1,161,760 $695,986.83 $59.90 Aug. 28 1,337,522 $789,137.98 $58,99 Aug. 29 1,545,444 $931,691.48 $60,29 Week 7,217,804 $4,399,411.66 $60.81 Season 21,274,884 $13,003,635,77 $61.12 1957 Season 19 Days 17,470,384 $10,251,725.19 $58,6$ FAIRMONT TOBACCO BOARD OF TRADE, INC. G B. STAFFORD, Supervisor UfFMfl I If I Prl U FAIRMONT 880 KC 1000 WATTS j Your Friendly Station | Your Station In Robeson County * HEAR THE GOLDEN FOUR Each Sunday Morning H. L. LEWIS SHOW THROUGHOUT SUNDAY A,M. HEAR THE OLD MAN j | Farmers Flock To Town | Town For Best Weed Prices FAIRMONT— According to fig , ures released by C. B Stafford, su j pervisor of sales for the Fairmont Tobacco Board of Trade, Septem ber .1, prices paid on the local mar ; ket, for flue cured tobacco, are av * erasing almost S3OO per hundred , more than they did for the cor re i spending time of the 1957 season. The weekly average, ending Au gust 29 showed that ihe fanners bad received an overall price of $60.81. and the. season average add * ed up to $61.12. With most of the first primings in. Mr. Stafford, ex pects iht market to pick up and fools that Fairmont will maintain ili; usual reputation as being the highest paying market, in the Bor der Belt area He continue. 1 ; to boast of the space Flue-cured tobacco that is topped and nickered can be expected to greatly outproduce that which is left without these treatments. •Jsllll Ste Gvxi i» not refuge *h4 ; .drength, a very present help to tmtjble.—(Pßaltn 4A, I,) There ace tone? when even ihe. toioet aggressive, forceful toif-aseured among m tnast k now v in their secret hearts,, that their human stzengtfa m not, enough—that God alone can help them in their trouble The** vim humbly, truly. w>ihra Him "wjJJ not fear, thoogh the earth, be removed." (hat is available in the varehou of the town and assures every tar mer the best of service, along *». irl ! the best prices, when be brine I his tobacco to Fairmont $21.274,T ! lbs, of the yellow weed had beri auctioned off. at the close of ss 1 ' Friday. This is also an mere ■ over the same period last year Fairmont Department 1 j Where Money Buys More! I | | Welcome : Fairmont I

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