DRIVE SAFELY!! •., • -r t , A,ffE- free M TO YOU. ?\ fn 3 %U %• J >S JVgB, Vl -VI. “ W J*s W cimimK One carton of cigarettes \ of your choice for using l . | our friendly loan service 4 MW& VES-Ahsolutely free when you open an ac cousd of $35.00 or more. Just present this ad at our office for immediate, confiden tial service. QHP A Tr FINANCE O 1 Pk 1 111. COMP ANY 133 S. Salisbury St. Raleigh Phone 1 F 3-,V>C i €% ■ M w .f| # *1 %l' -fg Jr £• • A .. 4 -- • A- F x// Ready For College? Mere so, perhaps, than +Tieu- pa-en*i Education costs a pile cf money these days and it takes to accumulate, If you have a problem com mg up, w'. / don't you -join the far-sighted mothers and fathers v-ho are saving with our help and the boost that generous interest rates give to a college fund. Stop in soon. FIRST-CITIZENS BANK \ AND TRUST COMPANY Ff£j£ This Big 10.8 Cu. Ft. Si m (L • * • Frigida’re Refrigerator For Only s4l9®® f ! | NO DOWN j! PA YMENT! L h~—"feSj Lie Your Old Range or Refrigerator Serve As Down Payment! CharcoaL ■Mimm*' ~ "SSSS I”* SU * Nothing to Buy. lou y t o reno F REE Frizes d * *t* rr =- . sent to win! Free Clothes Sprinklers If % Store Open Uifti?... || Jg 9P. M, FRIDAYS ™ 102 Fayetteville St. Septem her 15-20? All Roads Leading To Ninth Annual Chatham County Fair At Pittsbero PITTSSORO —All roads lead to the Nnll' Annual Chatham Coun ty Fa.u - which pels underway Sep tember 15 - 20 on Highway 64. i East near Piltsboro. An attendance of more than I Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain New Soil N. V (Special) For *hr fir- t time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids, stop itch ing, and relieve pairs without surgery. In one hemorrhoid rase after another,“ve n sfnkin gi m prove - nieiit.'' WBK reported and veri fied by doctors’ observations. Pain wa:i relieved promptly. And- while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or re* tra< tours (shrinking) took place. 4mi most a maxing cf all — this improvement w< main timed in cases where doctors’ ebnervations were continued oyer a period of many months! In fact, results wore so thor ough that sufferer- were able to make such*’ -tonishing state ment s as“ Pile Aave ceased to be j Lung TIRES [ UNE BAY RECAPPING ! Town& Country TIRE SERVICE UMjgjjni 21fi S. DAWSON ST. RALEIGH, N- <' PHONE TE 5-stoi j ■, 20,000 persons is expected at the ! fair, while Interest is spreading j rapidly throughout the state. As ! surance lias been given that j groups as far away as Ashevllla i and Charlotte are making plana to a problem'” And among the?* sufferers were a very wide va riety of hemorrhoid conditions, some of 10 to 20 years’standing All this, without the use of narcotics, anesthetics nr astrin ■ gents of any kind. The secret is a new healing substance t Bio- Dyne’) —the discovery of a world-famous research institu tion. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue qn all part's of the body. This new healing substance is offered in suppottitovy ot «mf•- u srnl form called Pis'porfli"’” H ' Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H sup positories or Preparation H ointment with special appli cator. Preparation H is sold at ail drug e-: liters. Satisfaction -- j William W. White, finally confirm ed last week by the Senate as head oi the CncH Rights division, justice department, considers him self a moderator father than s • crusader." Mutual understanding achieved ; through peaceful meditation bolds the key to success in the field of j racial relations,’' White said. White was appointed to the post last December by President Eisen hower, but hie confirmation waa delayed by Southern senators be caus® off bis connection with the use of troop* to enforce school in tegration last tail m Tittle Rock- : White announced that ;ome Sou- i the trier* will be appointed to the legal staff of the Civil Right# divi sion “to get their point pi view and that «t thief part o# the eoun try.” Social Securityt 15,000 In The Raleigh Area Get Incremes 1 Ttia Sodas Security Amendment ■ r 10S8 will provide increased •ninthly payments to about IS,OOO rople in the Raleigh area, begin* eng with the checks which aie ine early in February 1039, accord ■rig to John Tngie. social security district manager in Rale'gh. Th° j f people not previously etigihie for payments They must however, j'ply to their social security offi i ?. before payments can start. A* i ,nong fee groups now eligible b*» i cause of the amendments atm !. Some dependents of people who are now getting disability in J . uranqp bepaftt*. 2. Disabled people Bfl ™* nwef who could not qualify for benefits under the old law because they did not have as much ** 1 1-3 years of ! work in the 3 year* befors they were disabled. 3. Dependent parents who «euM not qualify previously because the supporting son or daughter left a widow, widower, or child 3 Chidlren who have been adopt ed less than 3 year*. V A person recaiving benefits ! who worries another person also | receiving benefits can continue to receive monthly check*, fi A husband or wife can become eligible for benefit* without watt ing 3 years. Some people in situations similar to those mentioned above may have applied tor benefits in the past and been notified that they did not qualify for payments These people should get In touch with their so ! rial security district offices promptly about tiling new applies- i j Pons. ingle noted 1 FAtKONIZe ODE AirvURTISSRS I 1 mont” Beauty Contest finals a* 8:1$ p.m Saturday, September 20 En riched eornmeal muffin 4-H bake take-off, 11:30 sun.; awarding of prizes for lucky tickets, 10:30 p.m All school children will be admit ted free before 4. p.m Fair officers include: R B. Bryant, president; C. W. Bald win, Ist vice president; Fred Dowdy, 2nd vice, president; Mrs. Laura 1, Lee. secretary; Mrs. Irene Nettles, assf. sec retary Mrs. Daisy C». MeQuil >ar. treasurer. Pirn & FAIR Wf 6—BIG DAYS AND NIGHTS —6 L CHATHAM COUNTY PITTSBORO ™ mm ONE MILE EAST ON HIGHYY AY 61 T& f £§ SFR THE MOLT DIVEKSI-MEO EXHIBITIOM F V£R Fin ni AT A CHATHAM COUM T v FAIR' Igl .You Cannot Afford To Mis a The | PALMETTO EXPO3STIG?! %if. Oil The Midway %!V IjjftWwf Jk&zliL. W ith He-Mrlli v \H ' ;u'i;i'»tr..; BRING THE Kins And Spend Ih* ttey >® ■ - Buy FRIGID AIR r! From Johnson-Lambe Go. oar Prices are Low our Service is Better! Serving Raleigh Customers for 24 Years FRIGiDAIRE APPLIANCES • Washers • Dryers • Refrigerators * Ranges * Freezers BIG DISCOUNTS BIG TRADE-INS See Us Before You Buy Q 6o>. M S Sporting Good- Elc< tries! Appliances ■ M 322 S, Salisbury St Dial TE 2-5045 V FREE DRIVE-IN PARKING TH£ CABOLIMJIM WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 19iS Othr- member; of the Baird • f Dirtctorr. are E J Dark, chair-, man. county Board of Commi • | sioners; j. A. Turner, county agri cultural agent; Mrs M. B. Payton county home demonstration a gen: Edward Burnette. Manley Ed wards. Mr: Lizzie Horton. Wn- 1 liam Johnson, Mrs, Mamie D Jones, Charles Lambert. E C Lt- , II M. Lee. P, F. Paige, demon j Paige, E. H. Powell, and Noble i Womble : KEEP HACK FPSftft GOING «*) MORE HAUL *yslNCi 3ACB PROBLEMS' PO' rt.fL AIH AYION . .NrtTKtNG *J F » w As'Cr.ff *ijD„ Wtifjt B fcPf Lh.ENT »*ESJULAN FMtAkIT-iC-OUI HAH I no VOU* HAJR GI..H TtW AND SHIN Li. FOB wCCid ! , REMAINS SO NA I 'J3Ai.LT SOFT AND MOT OttAiY i FtWHI.Ah WfTE? REPELLENT fill CrtN i TA.INS RAJtE UUCONIL.. *** TOUR SEAUTIC-AN OR mmmryih-a TBaw/i/i; *# / p&m sim m*. iAflOßAtOlta, ML IKit U, fcwt fN.WJ L, 7