8 THE CARCLIMAH WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER (I. l#si The Raleigh SCENE RETURN FROM JACKSONVILLE Mrs M H, Landis and niece. Miss Joyce Gienn, of 301 W. South St., returned from Jacksonville, N. C., recently, where they visited the Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Walker. Rev. Walker is the pastor of the First Baptist Church there. While in Jacksonville the pair motored to several adjoining beaches. MR AYD MRS. ROKES VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rokes have r*turned to Madison. Ne%v Jersey after spending two weeks here, vis iting Mr. Rokes’ fiimily. He is the son of Mrs Mary Rokes, 315 S. Haywood Street The Rokes and baby daughter, Cynthia, also jour neyed to Mrs. Sokes' home in Dar lington. S. C, to spend some time with her family. Rekes is a native of this city. RALEIGH DAT NURSERY OPENS The Raleigh Day Nursery, lo cated In Chavis Heights' Com munity Building, held Its an nua! registration on Friday, August 29, and was formally opened at 8:a. m. on Tuesday, September 2, The nursery, a member agency of the United Fund of Raleigh, I* tinder the direction of Mrs Ro*i* D. Bulter MRS. THORPE RETURNS Mrs Lucille Thorpe of 1507 Z. Edenton Street has .'••■''turned to the city after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott of Hampton Va. Mrs Scott is the daughter of Mra. Thorpe MRS WEBB IS HOSTESS Mrs. A. T. Webb of $22 New Bern Avenue, had as her recent house guests, her sister. Mrs. Jo sephine Blalock of Norfolk, Va., and the Bsnicer* of Brooklyn, N. Y. While in Raleigh the Bankers were highly entertained on sepa rate occasion* by Mis* Phyllis Mann of E. Jones treet, and Miss Clarice H add on of Oak wood Ave nue BACK FROM NORTHERN VISIT Mra Carrie Morgan and daugh ter, Joyce, returned from an ex tended vacation in Stamford, Conn.. East Brookfield, Mass. *nd New York City. MRS, GENEVA BYRD GUEST Mrs. Geneva Byrd was the guest es Mrs. Victoria Boland while vis iting Norman. N. C. to attend the recent revival services of the Si. Luke Baptist Church Mrs. Rvrd’s husband, the late Rev, Walter #rmas Byrd, pastured the church for 38 years'. Mrs. Byrd was warm ly welcomed by the church mem baa.* RETURNS TO GREENSBORO Mrs. Sudie F Byarm has return ed to her home in Greensboro af ter spending several day* with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr* fred D. Washington here. MRS, SAPP IS BACK Mi-*. Mary B. Sapp has returned her home after vacationing in New York City, Buffalo, N. Y., and portions of Canada. MRS. JESSIE HUNT ENTERTAINS Mb. Jessie Hunt of Watson Street b*4 as her gncsts reeent i ly. Mrs. Ss-llio Baker and Mrs. Lucille Smith. Both are natives #if Raleigh, Mrs. Baker was va e&tftmteff from New York Mrs. ‘ •SSf^JP’or * Money m @y MECHANICS & FARMERS r BANK j RALEIGH ■ THJRHAM Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co Os Raleigh ««» HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA -t- TEL. TE 3-1 Smith spent the summer in New York and New Jersey and has returned to Warrenton, Ga. "’here she !s employed at the Warrenton High School. CAMDEN STREET VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. James Prewitt of Newport News. Va, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McNair of 112 Camden St. Mrs Pi-matt is the former, Miss Clara Farrington of E. Edenton-St, and attended Lucille Hunter School. WINTERS HAVE HOUSE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. John Winters and mother, Mrs. Mary Winters of 90S E. State Street, had as their house guest for seevral weeks, Mrs. Zelda Winters and daughter, Judith Ann Winters of Buffalo, N. Y. MRS SHARPER, DAUGHTER RETURNS Mr*. Sarah B. Sharper and daughter Miss Gloria Sharper, have returned home after spend ing theii vacation with her son, Mr, Alton Sharper, in Seatlte. Wa shington, and visiting other points in the far west. PASTORS EXCHANGE PULPITS Last. Wednesday night the pastor. Rev. W. D. Carson, his choir and congregation of Rush Memorial Church worshipped at Cotton St Church with Rev. Leverette and his congregation where he preach ed a soul-stirring sermon On Sunday afternoon at 3 p, m. Rev. Leverette, his choir and con gregation worshipped at Rush Memorial A. M. F Zion Church where he too preached a fine ser mon. You a*e invited to a "Water mel on Feast" at Rush Memorial A. M. E. Zion Church on Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. RETURNS FROM CONVENTION Mrs. Martha Hammond and Miss Dorothy Hammonds of 531 F Ca barrus St. together with Mrs. Hel en Batchelor. REV. BOONE DELIVERS SERMON Pre-dedicatory sendee* were held for the Tupper Memorial Bap tist church recently The services began with the reg ular 11:00 morning service deliver ed by the pastor, Rev M R. Boone. At 3:00 o’clock the Rev. F T Bodrtte of Petersburg Va. was the speaker with a stirring message The Rev. J. W. Jones, choir and congregation of The Fayetteville St. Baptist church rendered the 7: 30 services. All of these services were well attended The congregation is hap py to be back in its church after being out about 3 months so it. could be renovated! MISS ADDEBSA BROWN FRIENDS FETED The following people entertained Addesa Brown and the following friends: Marguerite Raines; Bettye Stevens, Gloria Debnam Clarice Rand. Martha Davis. Lewis Ste vens. Clarence Alston, Clarence Rogers. Mary E. Williams, Manuel Crockett and Mrs. G. P. Brown. Addessa is leaving for TaMedaga College soon Mrs Stevens and grand daugh ter honored Ader.se to a dinner par- SFSDFS ty. Marguerite Raines a going away party, Clarice Raines a dinner par ty, and Mrs Sara Sharper and daughter a dinner. A lovely repast was served on each occasion and enjoyed by all. METHOD NEWS By MISS DORA D STROUD CHURCHES St. lames AME METHOD On the next fifth Sunday and each fifth Sunday ser vice will be held at St. James AME Church at 11 o'clock. Let, members and friends make ’his an enjoy able worship service. Oberlin Baptist We listened to an excellent La bor Day sermon by Dr. Grady D, Davis Sunday morning. Dr. Dcvis stressed the point that people need to work and should be happy (o do whatever kind of work they are fitted best to do, telling his hearers that Christ Jesus and all his followers were working men ana why should we all not glory in being able to work. It was a grand sermon and one to be remembered. Dr. Davs has had a month's vacation from his pulpit and he came back filled with vigor and increased knowledge. Christian Tabernacle Attenci service at the Christian Church Sunday Sept. 7th if you are not in service at your church. Rev, Harvey Haywood is pastor. Ten Nights’ Service St. James AME Church will be gin a Ten Nights Service next Mon day night, Sept. Bth. Good speak ers are expected each night The public is urged to be present at these services School Cary Elementary and Berry O'- Kelly High School opened their doors for the 1958-59 session Wed nesday, Sept. 3rd. We trust that every child of school age will en roll the first day and continue through the whole school year. Let us as parents and patrons do more for our children's education this year than at anytime before Take time to visit your children's classes and cooperate more close ly with our principals and teachers. Also make it a habit to be pres ent at every P. T. A. meeting where Our children are attending school. This will help our commun ities more than we have any idea. All our sympathy goes cut to Mr. Hubert Bowe's wife, children and sister because of his illness. He has been quite sick and has been hos pitalized at St Agnes for some time. Mrs. Sarah Smith, one of our most worthy church and communi ty workers is his sister. Others on t,he sick list are convalescing. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Chas Parrish, Mr. and Mrs Jas Wilkerson and sons, Mr. Jas. Kicks and son. Mr. Everette Parrish, Mr. and Mrs Chas. J. Par rish. Miss Edna Sherrill and two sisters with their little neice. De borah are some of the visitors to the Parrish, Bethea Sheri!! homes Miss Ernestine Smith and Mrs, Katie and Evelyn Smith's her aunt Miss Gladys Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. Katie Smith and her daughter Evelyn. PLAYGOUND ACTIVITIES The Mother's Planning club, an auxiliary to the Civic League clos ed the playground activities for the summer last Thursday after noon for this season. The meetings n e been most helpful to the par ents and the supervised play has Fayetteville Street BAPTIST CHURCH Car. Fayetteville and Hunter TE 3-3283 Raleigh, N. C. itwftpli Tnytaliar of Ftnar.ce 9:3C Sunday SeShooi ll?eo Ww-ship SfKmoe j 600 P.M B. T. U. 7:30 Wf>dn