SITUATIONS HELP WANTED Irrigation helps tobacco nine (tears out of ten. Pasture* must be fed like any »th#r crop. SMI top hogs at 200 pounds for v fhe best feed conversion rate and market price. Cottdn is grown in 18 states. Keep farm records. COMPARE THESE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ‘55 FORD Tudor $895 'sl CHEVROLET Fordor $245 '54 PLYMOUTH Sedan $795 '-$* FORD 4-Dr. $1095 *56 FORD 2-Dr. $1095 *55 CHEVROLET 4-Dr $1095 ‘55 CHEVROLET 2-Dr $1095 'SO OLDS. 4-Dr. $145 DILLON MOTOR ' COMPANY 126 E. DAVIE ST. TE 3-3231 N. C. Dealer 2684 BUY FINE FURNITURE FROM k CAROLINIAN Bonus Money; Store We have Anything Ia Fur niture ... from a lamp, end table, occasional eh air to completely itsrafihing a whole house. mmrmm krn> WS HAVE k mmmmt CREDIT PLAN wcm yot? Joyce & Bailey ¥ Furniture Co, m X, MARTEN ST. SURE, I WANT ■ 10 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CAROLINIAN I’M TIRED OF WAITING FOR A LOOK AT THE NEIGHBOR’S COPY j * ~ " ■* ***’“, ■ § I If.SSS ■: ; ' • : : : ® g 1(1 2 pg' u h : 3a> % or ~ S • 5 «- £ •*> 'J 58 I :i 1 1 & § " O » • * ft S cl Pi : . *ft . e *ri I : tn - • » > 1 :2jj: : 8 * 1 •::I: : g 2 ! o, & - i j 3 2 ? 8 a: : 6 H Jf T • • ; § • I • ’ll M •:•* • 5 1 e : • : IS fc * . ; : ; wS- S jT J ■ SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE PERSONAL X> CLEANING fr HAULING Low Cost Advertising - /lisiarap?j& — Low Cost A.dveriising — FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 / FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMQRIAM ‘ LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS Little Rock Students Barred From TV Studio In Washington New Liberal Credit Terms Now in Effect . AT : ■ ' V. -' A '' J ■ Vi Ttresfowe on . r it fijmmmas ★ mivsssoH it tires & t mm wmwr*mr**mm* OUR BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE WILL MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT fj STORES 413 Fayetteville St. S&W USED CARS 481' Fayetteville Rosd TE 2-9615 401 Highway South *54. Chevrolet 2-Dr. $695 *54 Chevrolet 150, 4-Dr ,$595 *53 Buiek Super Hard Top .., $695 *sl Chevrolet 2-Dr. $295 *SO Ford V-8 2 Dr $95 AM Prices Are Trade in Prices. N. C. Dealer No 645 WATCH FOR O’Neal’s 3-Wheel Moneymobile ON THE STREETS OF RALEIGH FLASH!! Remember O’Neal's Summer Sale is still going strong. We have a good stock of 2-Dr.’s, 4-Dr/s, 6's, V-B’s, 6 & 9 passenger wagons, both Plymouths and Desotos. OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 O’NEAL MOTORS, Inc. DEfOTO - PLYMOUTH 108 B Cabamus st. 41$ S. Blount st. USED CAB LOT SHOWROOM VA 8*3301 VA 8-3221 N. C. Dealer 3388 % BOURKOM WHISKKV [sspL# t- JAMES WALSH * CO.. INC, CAWfENCML'RC, SNO, A By ALICE A. UUNNIGAN WASHINGTON -- (ANP) The children who so courageously fought the battle for school integra tion in Little Rock this week were prevented from attending a teen age dance television program at Station WTTG, when an elevator operator refused to carry them up to the station. Seven of the nine children who shouldered the burden of ! desegregation at Centra! High srhool, and their leader, Mr*. Daisy Bates, were in Washing ton to attend the Elks conven tion and were guests at the Ra leigh hotel where the TV sta tion is located. DECIDE TO VISIT STUDIO After watching Milt Grant’s daily "Record Hop" program the young people decided to pay a personal visit to the studio. Monday, since Johnny Mathis was to be honor | guest. They were stopped at the elevator i by the operator whom they said informed them that could not go up because this was "white folks" day. Mrs Bates protested to the sta tion where she was informed that the elevator operator was acting on his own initiative. FOUR WITNESSES are shown a- they appeared before the Sen ate Labor Rackets Committee, which is Investigating the practices of the. Teamsters Union. Left to right are (topi Joseph Ferrars, identified by the committee as a Teamster “muscle man" with a lon* St. Augustine’s faculty And Staff Conference Announced The annual faculty and staff ori entation and planning conference of St. Augustine’s College will be held Monday and Tuesday, Sep tember 15-16. Using the theme, “To ward Meeting The Objectives of a Church-Related College. President. James A. Boyer, has announced that outstanding speakers will be secured. On Monday, September 13, Dr. Boyer will introduced faculty snd staff member and officially open the 1958-59 school year Other speakers for Monday are: Dr. Her man Branson, Head, Department of | After Labor Day Specials “S7” FORD Custom, 3-Dr. Heater. Light Blue. Was $169.5 Now $1495 "57” FORD Custom “300” 4- Dr. R 8* H. Safety belts. Dark Blue. W t 3B $1895 Now $1895 “S 3” PYLMOUTH Cran brook—2-Dr., R&H Auto tiansmission, Was $695 Now $595 “53” CHEVROLET 4-Dr. R &H, Was $695 Now $595 “53” FORD Fairlane Town Sedan R&H Auto-trans mission. Air * conditioned, White Sidewall tires . . . Priced To Sell! “51” Willy* Station Wagon. Heater-Overdrive. Was $495 Now $395 Sanders Motor Co. Your Raleigh FORD DEALER %—LOTS TO SERVE YO*J~* j Person & Davie Sts. 318 S. Person St. ,TE 4-7306 K c. DMsjor'MW Physics, Howard University, ,who will speak on "The Role of the Fac ulty in Promoting Academic Excel cnee', Dr, W. Edward Parrison. Chairman. Department of English. K C College at Durham." The Role of the Teacher in Promoting Academic Excellence". Dr, W. Ed ward Farrison. Chairman, Depart ment of English, N. C. College at Durham, "The Role of the Teacher in Promoting Effective Use of Oral and Written English." Ronald Dm-kett, Director of Student Personnel Service, will talk an "The Student Person nel Pont of View", Purdie An ders, Director of Public Rela tion*. C. H. McLendon and ft. Funeral Os Andrew G. Parrish Held At Method Bapt. Church METHOD Andrew C. Parrish. 65 years of age. religious and civic leader of Method, born September 1, 1893, passed at 2:40 A. M. Tues day, September 2, 1958 after a ANDREW C. PARRISH Mt Sinai Saints Os God: Annual Convocation Closes At Raleigh - §2 SI32JCT M.liilc. f-OPE police record; Herman Hendricks, business agent of Local 688 Bot lom, left to right: Barney Dandridge, identified as a. constable for St. Louis; and B. A. Foster, vice-president of the Allen Cab Co., St. Louis, Mo. (UP! TF.LEPHOTOL L Lynch in "Student Flare went.'* On Tuesday. September 16, Igal Bp: aggins, Registrar will discuss "Survey and Research Findings of Relevance to the College Teacher". J. M. Holloway, Business Manager ' The Faculty and Fiscal Relations" Mrs. M. B. Walker, Librarian, "The Library as related to the College Objectives". Mrs. Irene Dickens. Dean of Women: C. C. Gray. Dean of Men; Dr. P. R. Robinson, Dean of In struction, “Interpretation of the Student Handbook". R. B Mat thews, The Faculty and Staff Chest Fund" Thursday Sent, 16. 8 V M. in the Cheshire Dining Hall, short illness, at Saint Agnes' Hos pital The son of the late Cary Parrish and Adeline Ligon Parrish, he spent his entire life here at Meth od and was a devoted member of the Oak City Baptist Church. Funeral srevjces will be held at the Oak City Baptist Church at 3: 00 P. M Thursday, September 4 The body will lay in stale from 12 00 P. M. until time of the funeral. Burial will follow in the Oak- Grove Cemetery. He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Cone Atwater Parrish, of the home; two sons. Andrew Charlie, and Ev erette, of Washington D. C ; four daughters. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ste phen of Raleigh: Mrs. Grace P Be thea of Method: Mrs. Gwendolyn P. Wilkinson and Mrs. Katheryn P Hicks, of Washington, D. C. one brother, Charles Parrish, of Greensboro: three sisters, Mrs. Ka tie Smith of Method; Mrs. Verdie P. Washington of Raleigh; and Mrs. Bessie P. Dupree of Clinton: seven grandchildren; two nephews, four neiees and a host of other rel atives. The Ninth Annual Convocation of the Mount Sinai Saint* of God Holy Church, 1719 Pender Street. Ra leigh, was held during the week of August 24-31. Services for the meeting were conducted daily at s:a. m., 9:30 a. m. and bible lectures were held at lira. m. All night ser vices started at 8 o’clock. The Convocation was well-at tended by members and friends from Raleigh, Fuquay-Springs, Dur ham, Walkers’ Cross Roads and elsewhere. It was In September of 1949 that the First Annual Convoca tion «u organized. Ministers present at that time were: Bish op Maude Pope, Elder Roberta "nrnett. R-v. Bessie Haywood, Rev. John Ruffin, Rev. Sister Ruffin and Elder B. A. Long Founder and pastor of the Mi. Sinai Saints of God Holy Church was Bishop Pope of Raleigh. Bishop • ••?- Pc;--, .rrirlft ri **r* c fr rr i -*> TOE CABOSINHUf ' WFEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER A 195 R Tiie Facility Staff banquet will be held with Dr. Boyer presiding, Dr. Tollie L. Caution. Secretary, Divi sion of Racial Minorities. Protes tant Episcopal Church, will speak on “The Role of the Faculty in s Church Related College. Knoxville Expecting 250 Frosh KNOXVILLE, T«n.». Knox ville College expects around 250 freshmen and new students at its Orientation assembly Monday Sept. 8. at 7:30 p. nr, in Presnell Chapel, Dr. L. L. Campbell, Dean of the College, announced today. Opening the United Presbyter ian Church related institution's Bth academic year is a full week of ac tivities planned to help acquaint these students with the Knoxville College campus and personnel President James A. Colston will preside over the initial faculty and staff meeting at 10 a, m. Sept. 8. Freshmen and new students will register for courses Thursday, Sept, it. in Giffen-Alumoi Memorial building (gymnasium). Upperclass men and reutraing students regis ter Friday, Sept. 12, same place. Classes begin Monday, Sept. 15, at 8 a. m Legal Notices NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OT WAKE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT EMMA B TAYLOR. Plant iff vs. HARRY TAYLOR. Defendant TO HARRY TAYLOR TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against -'t.. Phone TE 2-9494. Coaiult our classified a da. regularly; there are many bargain* offered WATCH SERVICES i , DAVIDSON'S WATCH SERVICE— IM A Hargett St.. Phone TE 3-tSfW ! names and addresses being unknown ! to the petitioners. j YOU and each of you will take no nce that air action entitled above has j been commenced at tire Superior Court I of Wake County m which the petition* ■ ers seek to sell the land herein de-- ; cribed for the purpose of dividing the i proceeds; it being impracticable to rii j vide said land. YOU will take notice that you are i required lo appear at the office of the undersigned Cierk of Superior Couii of Wake County, on or before the litb day of October, 1358, and answer or d, murrer to the petition filed herein or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. The said land which will be sold «► | described as follows: That: lot or parcel of land lying in*, situate just east of the corporals land , of the City of Raleigh and better de - cribed and bounded by a line as fol lows : BEGINNING in the eastern line of Pettigrew Street at the S.W. corner i : Lang Powell's iot; thence running Ea-t with the said Poweil's line 157 V? feet more or less, to a stake: in the line of Wesley Jenkins; thence south wif.i satd Jenkins line 50 feet to a star. I thence v.est parallel with said Powell's | line 157 1 ,} feet, more or less, to Petti | grew Street; thence north with the j eastern line of said Street 50 feet t., the BEGINNING. Being the northern I portion of the iot conveyed to Jas I Moore, April 8 1905. by Clark Cmdi.' !ot a!s by deed recorded in Book IS: j Page 132. m the office of the Regist- • i of Deeds for Wake County. Tins 26th day of August, 165a RAPA ALLEN. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court F J CARNAGE. Attomc: August 30, September 8. 13, 20. ADMINISTRATORS NOTJCF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as Administrator ot ! the Estate of Dr. John O. Plummer, de- I ceased, late of Wake County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 13 K. Hargett Slre?t, Raleigh. N. C.. o- or before the 25'b day of July, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. At! persons Indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day ot July. ISIS. MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK. Administrator r. J. CARNAGE Att’y. August 2, 9. 16, .23, 30; September 6 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified a* Administrator of the Estate of Walter F. Hayes, de ceased. late of Wake County, North Carolina, this is to notify all person: having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at 125 East Hargett Street, Raleigh. North Carolina, on ot before the 23th day of July, 1959 or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 25th day of July, 1958 ATTORNEY GEORGE R. GREEN* Administrator. August S. 9, 16, 23, 30: September 6 ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Mr. Edward Jones, de ceased, late of Wake County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against, the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 1501 E. Lane Street, Ra leigh. North Carolina, on or before 4tn day of August, 195 S or this notice will be pleaded In .bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 4th day of August. 1959. ALBERTA HAYWOOD, Administratrix V* ,T CAHN'-TF Attnrorv Aug. n. if,, 26,