i V is 17101 K IN LONDON A woman iimwl wtlh an nxr i. ijikH ioimm! by reporters in London, England affer Ihe windows ic !>:•!• voitiiic Hi!! hom r «.pit smashed during race rioting in the are• ovrr,(!v. It no- ihp third straight night of rioting, one! London n«* Imp o pit krri : us.v chasing armed mob# rawsing dost ruction 'LPI rtfOTOi. Asheville’s Board Grants ? cSiool Change Request A ss£. K J IL F. <£ Tiif f ‘-.v School Beard has granted a j i j r J fo*' L-Pj'OH ! of * group i of :• indents from Burnsville ! >'no?® p iienH- objected to sending ! t -Tn »o a local elementary school 1 hC 'O ■ ■■lie us the vounger chlidren i *-* no expected to take advan- [ of |no arrangement because of I gp^g^i^ INTEGRATION HEARING CONTINUES vinush ail-white Vtingion. Virginia, schools, leave iiut'.n recess of last Wednesday's hearing on their 'em • < hool board member Bernard Joy, right, who that ,iunite,uhins of the 3b students were, rejected Arlington Schools Re-Open Segregated Wske Man Says Night Club Killing Was An Accident V uyunv SPRINGS Charged , '’•ilii death of a i9-.year-old boy ] f, i lent. him a dime last Saturday j .hi, a man is being held in I 1 1; tody according to reports iron) I V' - '.r\ County Snenff's office. ihc youth, -John Avery Stone. w > j s. pronounced dead when ho ar ii. ed at •) funeral home in Fuquay ®P< ins.s Coroner M, W, Bennett in* ve;,-ligated the death. From * signed confession, it reported that 23-year-old ! •tames 11. Dewar shot Slone ac cidentally as he reached in his t’t'Ckff, frs fo pay fm a koi dog i Btiikhorti night «. hit* a t \i p ni, I thf= distaoco, about mil'" • ®ach way. involved in the plan Yarw-sf Countv off i?ls in Burn*. | ville said they had not yet. decided | if the .school tin re would remain ! noon. Scoool Supt. Hubert D. Jus i | tic? had said earlier it would he | dosed unless a minimum of 12 stu -1 dents decided to remain enrolled. -Negro school children, seeking: integration into pre fhe, federal court building at Alexandria for the pica, for admittance. Some glance towards Arling i underwent detailed cross examination afler testify* on grounds other than race. (LIT PHOTOi. Dewar stated he borrowed a 38- calibei pistol from Willie H. Mc- Neil in tnc afternoon, While in the nightspot, tie asked the victim Stone foi 15 cents. "He fold me he didn't have (5 cents, but had a dime I could have. I took it," Dewar declared. "I reached in rny pocket later to got 15 cants to buy a hot dost. 1 faulted out the pistol and it went off. ! was standing about two feel from Slone at the time, James fur ther commented. When tnc pistol went off. John fcitorie said, You shot me. Jam??. (f'ONttMUSD ON FAG! *) RACE RIOT QUELLED IN NEW YORK AREA : THE ' " AR ' VOL. IT. NO. 50 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 19S8 Gov.'s Cook To Prison Ex-Convict Must Serve 18-20 Years A former cook at the Governor's mansion was recently sentenced to 1R to 20 years for manslaughter, Mi#» Louise Douglas. 38. of S't6 I . Davie Street, at the last minute changed her pica in a murder case From not guilty to second degree murder to re place it with a plea oi guilty to manslaughter *1 he defendant was arrested for the murder of Raeford York, her reputed boy friend, who was found dead June 30 at his home, 318 S. Bloodworth Street. Police officers (CONTTWimn ON PAGE 5) Stolen Gar Figures In long Chase WHITEVILLE A i9-ye&r-old Vhlrnmgton you in who last week led Highway Patrolmen from three counties plus Whiteville police of ucers on a '‘■i-mile chase with a .i.clen a - , to been arrested in Wilmington. Henry Larkins allegedly stole a 19.vr Oidsmobile in Wilmington. Brunswick County Patrolman W H Moregaa. ,Jr., recognised the car near Lrfand and sis (CONTINUED ON PAGE Si ARLINGTON, Va. Schools rc- I opened on a segregated basis with out incident Monday in Arlington County, where 30 Negroes seek ad mission to seven ali-white schools. As a precautionary measure, po lice were detailed to several of the schools in the Washington, ,D. C. suburb But the office of School Superintendent Ray E Reid re ported at 9 A M. EDT that it had j received no indication of any dif ficulty. Federal Fudge Albert V. Bry an heard three days of argu ments last week on the Ne groes' applications to enter ! white schools. Re said he would hand down his decision afler ! the supreme court rules in the Little Rock, Ark., srhoo! inte gration case. Bryan gisvc ths Arlington school j ofCicusls permission to reopen as I scheduled on a across t p d basis, i nendins hie dec Won. North Carolina's Leading Weekly Commission er Pays Fine For Dr. King SHE STOOD ALONE l3-year-old Girvaud Ff<ib n rls arrived at school alone last week to eonfin ue attending an otherwise all-white school at Ov. rtotte. She is shown at right trying to i-tIU to one of clusters of w hite girls standing outside the I‘*»dnv»«*l Junior High School as classes were read' to be gin. I UP! TELEPHOTO'. 2 Crosses Born At Winston-Salem School After Peaceful “Mixing” WINSTON-SALEM• -Two cros - cr burned hose Thursday night at a desegregated high school in the wake of a second day of peace ful integration of schools in the state President ’s School Stand Is Rapped By Gov. Meyner WASHINGTON Gov. Robert | 8 Meyner of New .Jersey .".aid Sun day that President Eisenhower 1 should come out openly in tuppoii ! of she Supreme Court ; school in tegration decision. "I couldn’t disagree with him more than when he said it was not his duty to comment on a supreme ! court, decision," Meyner said The governor, In a television CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS — THEM——- PAGE 2 Jfts-c Jooe; Sausage Ambassador rhea tie PAGE 3 Ftm-titUens Bank A Trust. I". S fl. Kr. !,i Company Rhodes Furniture Company Mr. John W Winters PAGE 8 Hudson Belk Company PAGE b Poole’s Pie Shop No-a ell's Clothing ' i Town & Country liie (ump ... S. H. Kress Company Winfree Grocery A Market Fisher Wholesale, Inc. Fuller Products PAGE 7 Joyce & Bailey Furniture < ompaivv Dillon Motor Co O'Neal Motors, Inc. Sir Waller Chevrolet Compiiny PAGE 8 Colonial stores s M. Young Hardware Cn. Mr. C. Kari Licit! man Taylor Radio * TV Comi'a"' David G. Alien, Contr Wake Finance Company N.C. Products Gem Watch Shop Raleigh Funeral Home Civella Beauty College PAGE 9 State Finance Company A. * P. Snort Market Kfflrd's of Raleigh The Capital Coca-Cola flnttlwg In !nr Raleigh Swings A L-vn Aiymlalmn PAGE in Blood worth St Tourist Hum* Mechanics A Farmer* Sink RALEIGH. N C. The six-foot crosses flajned up j within 45 minutes on the grounds ;of Reynolds High School her , | where a Negro girl had registered I uuiel.lv among hundreds of while interview (ABC College News i opfftr<ir cI, said Kisenhowet silhu'il take A public stand be. TiMP.e thl*> < the niosl tsopor lard is.-ue in our international affairs." 1! is In? crux of -.vhefh.er rve are gome to he successful in the Mid die Bast and Africa end Asia,' b* said (CONTiNOKO CM PAGE J.f darnsru Irtstttan.s ,V,uuv i Pepsi,Cota Bottling Co. of Raleigh ! Carolina Builders Cotp. j Watson r. Seafood '* Poultry Co., fair.. I I) instead JranFler Co. A Food Store ; Dillon Motor Finance Com pan I Dunn's Esso Service j Ridgeway s Opticians : Warner Memorials i Deluxe Hotel PAGE I » | Aim ray Tire Service ; •'aiuoiis Bakery [ Aladdin Sales, ior. Corner Grocery Honeycutt < leanei* : Long Meadows Farms liar s hervtetnter i PAGE hi | Acme Realty Company : R. F tlu!nil Furniture Company ; Piggl,' Wiggly Stoics ; New Lincoln Culp | Capital l oan Co., tnc. 1 Horton’s Cash Slot*' The Hoot System industrial Rank Electrical Wholesalers. Inc ft ilrijih Con'tnlssiot. House, Inc. PAGE 17 Don i ll's Amoco Service Station Pepsi - Ct-la Bolt tin* Co •lohjjfoii’s Jewelers Hrldgers Grill Dunn's Esso fiervicenter Met,eMail's Stores ( ompsny Twin Inn Service Station i PAGE IK Sure-Fit Seat Cover Center ' Dillon Supplv C ompany j The Vogue Clothing ■lpflte* Food Maikel 1 CAGE 13 : <VI/A Wlfsott ( d!h(’ \ >lft ! •Ilwiftjftf.mn.l.vf** h romrJ'L' PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE 15c class-mates onJv a few hour;, be fore. Although thry invcsligatcri both of Use cross-burnings, Winston-Salem police declined to say whether they thought the Km Klux Klan, vandals 01 just mischievous k »*1 - had hem responsible for (lie irscs dents. Smoldering ,i'-hcs of the i crosses were extinguished b> police officers. The ‘list cross was louud bur i >ng at the rear of (he high mjlvx ; auditorium, only a few feet free | the structure. The other xv;< i Sound,,".till smoking, about 45 in in ut.es later, ft wo:- on a dopui (t ONTontfisn on rAf.f > UVTI'fJRATWN BEC.INS IN' WINSTON-SALEM Newsmen and photographers comprised th« iron’d waiting so greet Negro students tiding integrated at Use Eastern fileineuiarr (school, tvinstan j .Salem last Thursday- Annroximateh ?.h new men were on band when the three ehiidica appears* i wii.it OttH motheis it* ngfetcr on opening day. •. I. 1 t*l TMiW'HO'lh). Baseball Bat Used In Fight NfcAV YORK Five white men and a w orn->n were booked Friday on charge# stemming from a clash with a group of Negroes near the. Woodsidt Housing Project in Qiu ms r ndwv night. Police said Ike disturbance start ed when trio six. two of them car rying baseball bats left a party where they had boon drinking and apparently set upon the first Ne gro l!i ::y saw without provocation. Within minutes dozens of per sons wore engaged in a free-for all, which was quelled in about. 10 minutes when seven detective crui sers and (our radio ears arrived at the scone, police raid. One of the white men, identi fied as Richard Roger, 22, was "Tired as lie ined to beat CDr cure Cherry. 11. a Negro with a b.'i. police, said. Another Negro, Alton#'* Tompson. Ifi. also nar rnwlv escaped firing hratrn, (CONTINL'KP ON PAGE i) Says King Wants In Be Martyr MONT'GOMERY, Ala. -An ar dent champion of wnite suprem acy, Pohre Comtnisc-ioner Clyde Hellers, paid the sl4 fine t»f inte gration leader Or Martin Luther Kint. Jr. rathe* than let nun go to jail last week. .‘dpilap. said the Sliiuster rd to be jailed as part of • pub licity stunt io boost sales of h>s fnrtbcomms book on the light for facial equality in Montgomery, Or. King a ie.trier hi ih,- IJfj p,i.. Negro htiycott of segregated city buses here, dr claimed any publicity intent “Nri|b<»' >m 1 motivated t) i det-iff to he a martyr,’’ he add fri. The wrnmissioner identified himself ar the anonymous person who paid Di. King's fine of $lO and costs assessed Friday when h« w;r. convicted in City Court, ol refusing to obey a police order. Dr. King was arrested AVeffrie day and booked on «■ Charge of fCONTINUKO ON PAGE « New Rector Chosen For St Ambrose The Rev Jost ph N. Green. Jr will deliver hi first sennou at t?t. Ambrose Episcopal Church Sunday, marking the beginning of lus duties as rector of (h.- (.'lurch and a « chaplain of Saint Augustine’s College, according to •n annotii'ccrnf nt by Purdic An ers, semoi warden of St. An. "ose. \ graduate "t St Amrus liltr'x with an 4 fl. rfrgrer (In ?srv. Orccp rypii's to Raleigh from the (jimHi of the Epip iuuiy in Spartanburg. S f v.'bere be tvai !<>• • )-•! for five cars, lie received «he bachr (COMTINm ON PAGE .!) ON WAT TO CLASSROOM ■•• I 3HBtitos Roberts, f?, mounts Mw steps trading to Ms *ls'-s --! wmi at all white Central Htgh School, Charlotte, last week. He is the onfj Neg to enrolled *n : the. riehnnl am! a carryover from last year’s limited integration His sister ,»!m> entered a predom inmitly white ?,chool- The "ne”- iug wen! off without tittifdefii | <IJ»T IfiI.i'TIJOTO). VRW:?, roi'TpA'-r FA*. T-TS TCL.O CHAPEL HILL—A ms for fault . not f -' r i m much of the news co'-’- ; erage of face and segregation i events in the south bo northern | and *netrt>poijten pres? of *.b» | nation lies in the fact that r»- j porters have mfrreiy reported mi I pevfieial InoKleuti and have not I taken time to give deeper niter ; pvetat.ion of the background of | tlie problems the south fades William Woestmidfck. ed* t«rial director «»s Nfe«sdas »f Lot** Is*and, made that date, wient Saturday m•< sneerb »*« Sivered to th 1 * f of S>'" s and f «ali)rr f' t! I ''*'. Hr i -»iC a main irmtb'r w-j<h eianj mode re jourtiaf! •- 1 their «*»•>• ill in* ness to dig drop to find on* Bi«f that shout ~l t*e analyzed and interpreted to reader* SFN'TEVf > O TOP BR.CAJ, 1* r - IN RALEIGH- A Rahugh tnan 1 if h no peimanru! add- - plo-fd-d | not. guilty Friday in Wake Supe ior Coup to charges o). breskn.? iiiri entering anti larceny and i-- •• i'.'ing, replacing an innocent plea ’o burglary. WHCam 14 OP .lnhnmr f.ihn-.mt t* ;t*. Ir-m ~d in ir. meJlffp oo thn roads b', i p < 1,111 n|r«sdlj'£ »M (fin cur rent l'| Itniua! term Accord in* f-o police officer to mb iviiitp' Bm.i3.nun brok* info the house of Mr* Ldsaie Urmpeey of Hf.'i ’ v. Hargett. P* (tlOTWime O'; p.Ar.r TO

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