Ex-Raleigh Cup Shot In D. C. fsfad North Carolina’s Leading Weekly i'OL 17. NO 51 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1958 RALEIGH. N. C. PRICE 12c IN N C.; ELSEWHERE 15c DELAY NCC BOYCOTT Rapist Sties Twice Students At Durham Vote For Boycott DURHAM Negro students- a North Carolina College here votec at a mass meeting Monday mghi to boycott Durham merchants foi "hat they termed "prejudicial treatment," This meeting of some 400 stu dents ivas in protest, to the col lege's omission from welcoming activities extended to the student! of Duke Umversit" (white* by the Merchants Association of the city Jerome Dudley of Asheville, president of the. NCC Student Government Association, who called the meeting, said "we hope to work out a program that v ill show unmistakably that we resent being ignored in a ecmtnunJf r in w hich we spend bine months of the THU! ’* ' Our 1,800 students deserve at leas’ a word of welcome." Dud ley concluded A joint student-faculty com mittee was formed Tuesday at (COKrtSt'JD ON P.4CJE Z, Wilson Loses Appeal; May Die In Oct. MONTGOMERY. Ala Jimmy Wilson lost a. second appeal Thursday to the Alabama Su preme Court which took pains to emphasise that the condemned nan was convicted of robbery and dot the mere theft of $1.05 The 55-year-old illiterate handyman'3 petition for a re. hearing was turned down by the state ?, highest court which * had upheld the death tence last Jut** 17 His once jvjf.fpened execution was te st- 4 for October ’4 Wilson was convicted of rob bing an 82-year-old white worn in of *J 35 at hei Marion Ala. Coins. July 27. 1357 The widow told the jury at the trial that. Wil son also choked her. tried to rap* her and threatened to kill her In Alabama, robbery i? a capi tal offense, punishable by death is fchr electric chair. Wilson was not indicted for attempted rape, which carries « maximum prison temenee of 70 years. The request for a re-hear ing. barring an altogether new s jiw»! was Wilson’s final chance to get ». reversal of his conviction from the state’s highest tribunal But bis life (CONTLVISP ON PAOE 2> ——* , - CAROLINIAN ——— ADVERTISERS -r-r-CTiar- BUY FROM THEM 'LGE 2 6m» Watch Shop ' ft!n * 4!e ' V CJvell# Beauty t oil*** ‘.s-Hc.r I'l-.icriif Raleigh Funeral Hum* '<► John W Winter . i PAGE 9 2t» Fiiunce Company * &■■ P Reps* Marit-ts vcole's Fie Shop j Ideal F?tn! A Wall Paper Co In* ••••**'• E\tert»lnatla» Co. ! Flrst-tlttrHs Ban! i, [tru/L to. CAGE V Ambaissdor'Theatre iro.Um Power A- tight Company ■ PAGE lfl Fine State Creamer* I RlooStvoitb St. ruurijJ Bom* P!» Sewing Center \ HetbiUtt & Farmers Bank F'.'CE i Heater Well Company Relfc rorapjav . «' avetiesa lapmsce Agency Wholesale Electric Supp) \ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co of Raleigh Ceteish Savins* & Loan Aunriatlon | CaroUiw Builders Cirrp PAGE A i Watsons Seafood <* Poultry 10 Inc > W Kresa Company > Uni stead Transfer Co. A toon store F AGE " Dillon Motor Finance Company Family Shoe Store Dunn's Erso Service Fmows Sal-cry Ridgeway's Optician* Dittos Motor t o. Warner Memorials Joys e,l Halley I'umltiir® Company I Deluxe Hotel Crtt-plUsa Motor Sales ! PAGF 16 Kaletph Industrial Loan Co The Hoot Syslem Industrial Bank PAGE ? | New Lincoln Caie Mr C Karl Lirbtraau Raleigh Comtnisslo 1 House, Inc. N.C Products Capital Loan to. Inc S. M. Taunt Hardware Co Horton's Cash Store Taylor Radio & TV Company I Electrical Wholesalers, lot David G Allen, Contr. | R.. E Quinn Furniture Company C«#(fHo Btrjtes : Pifvly Wiggly «tn»i Wake MfiaSCfc Ctmiuiij- '■ Acme Ream l.«;«iii * threatened to '-shoot everybody i .land put >m in a pile' before 1 t j leaving the house He alto threat-' I ened to kill any officer who ap-! .; preached him 3 j Sheriff John P. Allen erid , 1 his men went to tb»- hous , | to serve an ordps requiring 3 mental tests for Rhodes and I his wife. VineHi "VVe tried for a tong- time to ret him to Allen. “We could have killed him but we didn't want to do that.” The officers tried to shoot, tear j j gas into the house, but the dis- , J tance, cut of range of Rhodes’ ; shotgun, was too great for ac i. ; curaev Then a National guard, i »ank from the local unit tva?i brought h the scene and sheriff*, deputies approached the house j from behind the armored talk, j They fjved tear aas Into the house i I and routed the CamUy. AHen said Rhodes did net ;-- , i Charlotte Minister Must j. Face Charges Ol Perjury ; ! CHARLOTTE —ln a statement; addressed to Solicitor Grady B ; ' Stott last week, the County Board! jof Elections accused a Charlotte I j Negro minister of committing j ' perjury. The statement, concerning the ’ ! Invest)yatbn of irregularities In; a vote recount, also said that no-* Final Week Os Current Bonus Month Underway Slots News Brief m «..*SF;,NT.r:tr»» i rscital rLAMNEU HALFIGK -- Thi YdUnst Worn* 1 po'b Auxiliary of the First Crm- j fri'ownt'onrt! Church will present; Ernest Massenburgh in an my uni recital Sunday, September 21, at] ft P-m in the auditorium of the i church The program will be as follow* J j 'Krbarm chch lymii oßcrc Gat;" 1 , 'Wfichet aui tuft map die S'.un-1 1 roe, fiaciudium el Fug a 'in aj, minor h” Each, Suite Oct hi- : , "arr l it C*HT*!MCEI> ON PAGr. Sj White Mae Accused By Two Women CLINTON - DeVane: MvLamo. I 2b-year-old white man. who has : made some kind ol a record for assaulting, attempting to assault and rape on Negro teen-age girl?.; is being held in the Sampson' County jail for a'tewff-’ed rape on a 12-yer.r-old. girl Sunday ano. raping ar 18-year-oki girl, near Dunn Sunday nigh*. From information lereived from *he police of Dunn, Me - Lamb is alleged to have picked up hoth of the girls in Dunn (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Trustee OF Shaw U, Dies |; In Michigan !: DETROIT Or John P Tur ner of Philadelphia. Fn a native of Raleigh, died Sunday afternoon j at the home of his daughter Mrs. j Alfred Thomas, in Detroit. Mich,- j, can A graduate of the Leonard; Medical School of Shaw TJnlver- j sir.y, Dr Turner was a retired po« | ; lice surccon >.n Philadelphia, i (CONT..VUED ON PAGB 2) ;■ t ■■■', : - v J 1 fire on officer:- Alien said he. ipld him he was "reared s o death.” The sheriff said shat j* Rhodes, his wife and eldest j 1 daughter would undergo men- , !al examinations and the se.V- ( r ONTTVIT r> OW FAnS' :) tary public and county commis- j sion candidate W. Craig Laving; was "lack in the performance of ; the dudes of his office." The investigation started after j the election board discovered that i at least one signer of the request; croNTiNurn on page ?> The sixth and final week in, | the current Church Bonus Money I | Month opened Thursday, Sep- j ; tember 1.8 and will close at mid-j i night Wednesday, September 2*.,! 1 at midnight The month consisted ; of sis oeekr. 1( began on AU.g-j list. 14 I ■< i esfra weeks were ad ded in liic month by The nß(»LlV|,tv in nrder to cl re more ehurrhe? a chance to enter a fill tn for inp Bon us Money. Ruler. of the conteti arc list ed on page 3 of each edition. Head iher.e rule-, rarefutly. and i took on the front page each ; week for the names of CARO i.INIAN advertisers. I Thero advertisei s. appreciate 1 your buri»e;v.. so visit, them, re quest purchase sii&s or receipts when making a pn;chase and turn! t them over to a i pr? Tentative in i i your church every Sunday morn-11 mg : t ■ i (CONJ'jycLU UN PAGE 2) I Walter Yeung Attacked By The Creeper BY CHARLES R JONES Pvt. Walter Young. 32. a former Raleigh police officer, now em ployed fc\ Precinct Two of the Washington, D. C. Police Force, is ;n "critical” condition at the Washington Hospital Center af ter being shot in the abdomen by an ex-convict, Sammie “The Creeper" Taylor, whom he was at tempting to arrest as a vagrant, while working the 12 midnight to 8 am, shift Monday. In a telephone interview «»!h Li. John .» Kinney art teg captain of *h« precinct, ! Wednesday. th»s reporter was J informed that Pvt. Young was bnt onre at, " a.m. while mak ing j routine check of the ; *»n we Repair Shop in the rear of Washington's Embassy fin ivy, is:*(t First street. N.Vf. The bullet entered Young’s abdomen. passed through his stomai h. tiv r and kidneys and emerged through his bark Taylor was; charged with as sault on a policeman with intent to kill Municipal Judge George D Noilsor. ordered him held for grand juiy under a $75,000 bond He has a lengthy police record here Pvt. Yeung spotted Taylor. 31. of 87 3 Street, N.W.. sitting on a box m front, of the repair shop. Young asked Taylor if he worked there and when Taylor replied "no.” Pvt. Young asked him to move on. Taylor, instead, walked into the shop. Young followed him, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Little Rock Schools Are Still Empty LITTLE ROCK. Aik Gover nor Orval E Faubus and officials of the federal government maneti w f d secretly in Little Rook Mon ay and the city's four high schools, closed by the struggle ov- j er "mixing”, were empty of stu dents. deserted by spectators. There were no disorders on what was to have been the open - 1 mg day of the fall term. Police prowl cars cruised a- i round Central High School, scene j of the riots in the fall of 1357, _n i the morning. But they only found some 30 photographers and r»- porters, and a few curious by standers. watching the building quietly Central High School was, scheduled to open September 15, bu< following an order by B Supreme Court that the school re-admit its, seven Negro students to classes. Gov ernor Faubus, empowered by » recent, law by Arkansas’ legislators, closed the three white, high schools here and the one Negro high school, Faubus told a news conference: ‘Tf, is possible that the schools will stay closed until October 7." At that time voters in the area are expected to voice their opini ons of the closing of the city’s schools. Even less communicative after s long conference in the cham- ] hers of U. S. District Judge fohnj E Miller were federal officials. I didn't present anything to him in this integration matter." said an assistant U 3 district attorney. Malcom Wllkey Three Blonde Youths Held Far Murder TARJBORO Three escapees from a reformatory, all white teenagers, described as "light tough boys,” were charged with first degree murder Sunday in connect ion with the shotgun slay ing of a man near Rocky Mount. All are slated to face ?„ ppreli miuary hearing Wednesday or Thursday of this week before a magistrate at Tarboro. The youths. Wayne Jenkins. 15, of Gastonia Willie Ingram. 16. of Lenoir, and James Goodman. 14. of Concord, were lodged in the Edgecombe County Jail here. They were caught Saturday after an all-night, manhunt in the area of Reeky Mount. Edgecombe County Sheriff Tom I. Barden said Jenkins admitted firing the blast that killed 35-year-old. Negro Clyde Farmer, who reportedly came upon (he youths white they at>re in the process of trying to steal 9 pickup truck from so front of Farmers' borne. This account of the shoo tin 3 was given by Barden after he pieced together the youths' state ments: The escapees were going up to the house nnrt the dead mans fa ther, Floyd Farmer, saw them. They made him halt, hcldms a shotgun on him and made him j walk toward the house They toldj him they were going to take the truck. I l CONTINUE D ON i*AG& 2) i — • ■», i dSMr 'rdß,* k\. FIRED FROM JOB AT SCHOOL Mrs. Blolr. O. Hundley. 42. ' shown hi the kitchen of her home i Alexandria. V'a., last week after she was fired from her job as a cook in the Lyles Crouch School iby .he city school administration Officials said she w, dismissed because she was among the parents ' ”/ 14 Negroes suing school officials who refused to admit the children to white schools CPI TELE- ; ASSUMES BAN K mtTlfcS HERE 3. J, Sanscm of Wins- i toil -Sal cm, who was recently ap pointed vice-president and man ater of the Raleigh branch of the Mechanics and Farmers Bank, assumed bis duties on heptemnet IS. Mr. Sanborn, who former'>• managed the Third Street branch of the Wachovia "Bank in the Twin (itr’ sue ceeds > E Strickland, who was promoted to senior vice-president Mr. Ransom was si one time, con- j * netted with the law faculty of North Carolina College at Dur i ham. i Student Absent COLUMBIA, S r A Hun garian revolt refugee, who was j the only white student at tic i Negro Alien University here | has failed to return for class* : es this semester. | | Andre Toth, who held an art scholarship at the college, was not present Monday at (lie co ! educational church - 1 upported ] college. It was reported that Toth planned to attend ■> college in New York state, this year- BLACK AND WHITE HARMONY Ih? gam** ilsMsff is not but th?? lesson tills piriar? tells is very Important —that Negro and white They said they thought he had "paoioCt out" from liquor However, when he couldn't b revived. Urey took him to a doc tor who pronounced McDouglad dead Coroner R. L. Pete. Sr has ofdei rd an autopsy. The man in the cai with ih* dead man were David Archie Buies, King David Kelly. Dewey Campbell and Charles Les Ed ward McDuffie.