2 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 195$ Suitcase Stuff By “Skink ?J Browning JOHNNY PHILLIPS of Roanoke, Va., did a,n undercover Job on his girlfriend last weekend To bis dismay, he found out that, a peep* I in* T6ns always finds what he is looking for and sometimes what he doesn't want to see. His best friend had his arms loaded with his 'sugar baby" and the expression on her face showed him that it had been a long-time affair—Phillips is sick to the bricks and is weeping out of both of his eyes , . . JACK POE, of Asheville, has gone Into poetry writing. His first "try” will be released within the next few weeks. The title: “Love Will Make A Poo! Out Os You" , . , EDWARD BTRAU/ES3, of Norfolk, Va., is looking for a new wife. He recently divorced his 56-year-old spouse and Is singing fatherly lullabies to a 16-year-old shapely chippie that is showing him the difference be tween an ancient statue of the late stone age and a modern twigler st the Brussels World’s Pair. HENRY STRAYHORN, of KennersvUle. N C., was robbed of hi shoes and socks Sunday night while walking along a lonely street in Winston-Salem. The robber complained that his shoes were too small and from the looks of Strayhorn’s feet his shoes would be a perfect, fit, so the victim had to peel off. The tennis shoes that the stickuo man was wearing were two sizes too small for Sirayhorn and th. smell was too great . , , CAROLYN BIGGS, of Durham, will be singing at New York’s Village Barn for the next two months. It will be her first stint on the stage in the biggest town of them all . . . JAMES C, CALDWELL, the Ulustrous cab owner, from Roanoke, Va., dropped in to say “hey” to his man this week. CALDWELL was the center on the Morningside High School basketball team of Statesville when the outfit was play ing Knoxville, Chicago, Springfield, 111. and the like . . JERRY COWARD, who was known as "Cutie” during his playing days at North Carolina College, is reported to be in the syndicate that is promoting the Capital Classic in Washington, D. C., Nov, 1, ip which State will meet the roaring Shaw University Bears . . . E J arts of South St., in Raleigh, will remind you of South St., in Philadelphia, at 3 AM in the morning . . . Blood worth St., between Davie and Cabarrus, brings back memories of Massachusetts and Columbus Avenues, in Boston, Mass. . . . Tarboro St., at the intersection of Oakwood Ave. chimes in with 41st and Vine in Kansas City . . , College faculties are meeting and getting ready tor the turn of another season. Football teams are scuffling in their own back yards preparing for schedules that look grimacing to the coaches ao present. The leaves on the trees are turning brown, signifying that winter is not far away and football officials are discarding their* family feelings to catch hell from all three ere the pigskin season rolls into view . . . Jianging football rules will have many officials befuddled this sea i—especially those that don’t read and the smart boys that are > busy to attend clinics, but are not too busy to drop by the office to pick up a fee after calling a lousy game. MR. AND MRS. JOHN WINTERS, of Raleigh, will soon be happy eventing . . . Ditto for MR. AND MRS. CHARLIE LASSITER, Jr. of the same city . . . The JOHNSON SIXTHS, of Charlotte, are Infanticl pating It will be their second baybee , , . ELIZABETH CITY took an “offal” beating from the Little Blues last Friday night, 36-6. They] are in High Point this weekend— a real test game ... He “thawt” he j was right when he banged on the front door at two in the morning The hospital listed his esse as critical The fifteen stitches on Ray j Chandler’s head were the results of banging on the wrong door . . .: SWEET DADDY GRACE, is still doing big business, purchasing fab- ’ ulcus castles as usual. Wonder what happened to FATHER DIVINE? ; His fifteen cent dinners used to be a perfect fit for my pocketbook. j My well-to-do friends frowned on entering the establishment fori the cheap meal, so slipping in a side door became an obsession with | me. Never have I eaten in a "peace house” without being with, friends.! Chargrined at heating me to the side door, ? chicken like grin always greeted my entrance . . , The food was good and the service excellent. To say that you wouldn’t eat there, is to say that you are not much of a traveler and could be classed as a "square.” CHARLIE LaSISTFR ENTERTAINS. THE debonair and immaculate CHARLIE LaSISTER entertained, a few friends with a Waidof Astoria Ribbon Room Supper at the home of his mother on East St., last weekend. Everything was deluxe in j foreign fashion and the self-prepared vituals showed evidence of a , master who had been accustomed to th best. Miss JEAN LANIER and j sister, MRS. HATTIE M. WILSON were present and also yours truly j MSny close friends dropped in to knack and the supper was an im ppromtu. WALTER YOUNG ATTACKED BY THE CREEPER CCONTINUED PROM PAGE 11 grabbed him by the belt and a struggle ensued. Taylor THE CAROLINIAN "Covering the Carolina?” Published by the Carolinian Publishing Company 518 East Martin Street Raleigh. N. C. (Entered as Second Class Matter. April 8. !940. at the Post Office in Rateigii, North Carolina, under the Act of March. 1878) SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Six Months ... *213; One Year It 50 Payable in Advance. Address a!) com munications and make all checks .vtd Intermits United Newspapers, i.ne money orders payable to THE CARO tXNIAN tt~ Firth Avenue. New York 17. N Y i National Advertising Represent*! ve and member of the Associated- Negro j Press and the United Press Photo : Service P. ft. JURY AY. Publisher The Publisher Is not responsible for he return of unsolicited news, -he- j ures or advertising copy unless tier- \ ms ary postage accompanies the copy. I ■ Opinions expressed by columnists in I • this newspaper do rot necessarily , represent t.hs policy of *his paper I Church Bonus Money Rules AU purchase slips or rt'vipts ni«~emed to tout chuicn must come from •tores advertising in th# CaROUNIAN Each week carries a dale m the Bonus Money period Purchases eligible ' II ' U ! rorn *■’•* store during the week the "ad" appears «o purchase slips representing a business should be submitted Ail receipts I must coma from individual purchases i'll c^ur^ les in Rale'gh and Wake County are eligible A.l purchase slip* must bear the name of th* store from which the pur- i -hsat was mad* .h;. A!.* should be submitted in the name of the church; and Skmui? period *** oitxot of the CAROLINIAN the Monday following close at . _ or ' 3 * r * h,>: churches may .have an equal opportunity to ahars in ! S? Money the following regulation is expedient: No church of ever ! -r) ntemhais will awarded Ist P.ohu* Money consecutively i.« should * j enureh of jeo or more member* receive Ist Bonus Money alter the first period, It would have, to welt until the third Bonus period to b« presented Ist award i • gam, except Where a church has 300 or less members, then It could win top I award* consecutively. However, this does not mean that second and i third awards cannot be sought consecutively. Consequently every church group ! aa* the opportunity to secure an award every period. No £>ixrc*iA*« of ©v*jr S3OO from uny ©d* rxxetchkni during « waefe eaxi fre ! Boumfta< Ther® is * crying of IB per person a week for grocery purchase*, to -e event of the same amount ot purchases by more than on* enter tt*a 1 award ! Formal Attire For Rent GREEN CLEANERS ! 511 South Blount Street Dim TE 2-2987 j snatched the officer’s gun and two shots were fired, one go ing into the air. The assailant, was seen runnitv from the shoo and was arrested about five blanks away. Pvt Young joined the Washing ton Police Department February 11, 1957, after a stint in the Army and working as a laborer, auto mechanic and a policeman in Ra leigh. In Washington he resides at 3320 Stanton Road, S.E. Pvt. Young’s wife, Mrs, Thelma Wallace Young; was killed several months ago when the car in which she was riding collided with a rail road underpass abutment be tween Washington and Balti more, Md. She was a native of Wilmington, N. where funeral services were conduct ed. Mrs. Young was a school teacher in Washington at the time of her death. Pvt. Young is the father of four children, all under six years of age. They are: Walter, Jr., Cyn thia, Catherine and Constance. While living in Raleigh, the Youngs res idee, in Washington : Terrace and on Hill Street. FOUR BLONDE YOUTHS HELD FOR MURDER (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I! The Farm or family was on the porch and then went, into the house. One of the boys got Imoj the truck and got it started,! while Jenkins held the gun on the! 1 elder Farmer. Clyde Farmer came around f the corner of the house with J » run, a double-barrelled shot * run, and asked the hoys what ? they wanted. Jenkins said, 5 “We already got what we ’ wanted,” and to'd young Far - ' user to halt. Jenkins reported that he shot I 1 Farmer after the man held, the! ■ shotgun up to his shoulder, r The sheriff said other witnesses. 1 i member* of the family, denied that Clyde was holding a gun. ; "That doesn’t make much differ ence.” he added. “He certainly has 1 a right to dofenri his home and property,” the sheriff said \ FRONT ROYAL CLERICS ARE i AGAINST CLOSING ? (CONTINUED TOM PAGE 11 ( - school, but was not released pre ' vious.ly. t The ministers also questioned 5 the “Christian eithtes, constttu i tionality and practical adminis i t,ration” involved In establishing 1 private education to accommodate the 1,050 displaced students, i j :i TRUSTEE OF SHAW DIES IN MICHIGAN 1 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE U> i i where he also served on the , j Board of Education. He was a member of the Shaw >, University Beard of Trustees hen : i Dr. Turner is survived bv his i wife, one daughter and thre ■ grandchildren. p j ! REV. KING MAPS PLANS FOR AN i APPEAL IN GA. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) J I did not consent to having anyone . | pay my fine. I The minister was arrested and j booked on a charge of loitering as- 1 • tei police at city hall ordered him . ,j to leave the courtroom steps. He ' i had showed up to attend a hearing ; in a ease involving the Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, another integration • leader. CHARLOTTE : MINISTER 1 FACES RAP (CONTINUED FROM PAGE u j for a recount was not a register ed voter. The statement climaxed the board’s investigation arid turned the matter over to Stott for possible prosecution. The Board charged the Rev. C. C. Vanlanding ham “did wilfully and knowingly coin - 1 mit perjury in his sworn tes timony to this board and that he repeatedly stated under oath that he did not know the nurposr of the proposed af ’ iadavit and that nothing ap peared on it to indicate the purpose for which same was circulated. Stated in the affidavit was the following: “We the undersigned registered i voters in the Marion Davis pre-j ! cinct, voted on Saturday, May 31. i 1958. for William H. Sherron tor i Charlotte Township Constable." Sherron. who lost the election, ! presented the a-ffadavit to the board with the 21 signatures, ask- I mg for ?. recount in the district ; He also lost on the recount, FINALWEEKOF CHURCH BONUS money month (CONTINUED FROM PAGE V) | The Bonus Money awards given I.to winning churches are: S™- j first; $25. second; sls. third ana j $lO, fourth. Is your church now taking part, in the program? If not. then con tact your pastor right away and j acquaint both yourself and him j with the rules of the contest and ! stait your church on the road to j useful earnings. Iri meeting the expenses of the church Bonus Money award* have come in quite handy, according to those churches which have j been awarded Bonus Money. The deadline for submitting I purchase slips or receipts for ! the current month will he an nounced in next week's edi ' iion i Remember, new churches are | invited to enter the program at i any time during the month, but ; i it is best to get started on the an | nounced beginning date so as to : have a good chance for placin'.' I among the top four churches. | WHITE MAN | ACCUSED BY TWO WOMEN (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1! and to have carried them into Sampson Countv. whet* he forced his attention upon them. McLamb was tried here last i year for the alleged rape of a i teen-age girl in Roseboro. The trial created quite a sensation | and the county was upset im- j densely when a jury found him not guilty. He was later charged with the same offense in Cum berland County The charge was later amended to assault on a i female and he was found guilty ! and fined the meagre sum of j $150.00. This farming county is a gain in anxiety over what will happen when he is brought to trial for the two offenses for which he Is now being held without bond in Su perior Court. Sheriff Hall was reported a- ! having given the testimony that, turned the tide in the trial held I here and for this reason it is be -1 l)?v*!7 that he will find tough I Jedding when h* comes up fur I Bishard B. Harrison Library Compiling Master List Os All Organizations In City, C’nty The Richard B. Harrison Public Library is now in the process of | compiling a master list oi all the Negro organizations in Raieign : and Wake County. This itst„ when completed, will oe available to anyone wishing it. It is the hope that, the presidents of each organi zation will cooperate by filling out the blank below and returning it to the library by October 15, 1958. Please Clip ami forward to Richard ft. Harrison Library, NAME OF ORGANIZATION PRESIDENT ADDRESS TELEPHONE TYPE: Social ... Civic Political Fraternal Religious Educational Cultural MEMBERSHIP: Number Men Women Mixed HOUR OF MEETING DATE OF MEETING . . ] reelection in November It Is believed that there ars many citizen;' of both races who will vote aginst him sot the man- 1 nor in which he conducted him self on the witness stand and other matters pertaining’ to the arrest and trial of the accused man. Stale Briefs (CONTINUED FROM PAGE S) que", by Bocllmann and “Sur Lew Grand Jeux”, by Couperin. By re quest, Masaenburgh will play. “Largo’ from Xerxes, bv Handel: “Ave Maria,” and “The Bells of St. Maiy." Mr. Massenburgh is a music major ,V Ns .th Carolina College at Durham and oisanist for the First Congregational Church. WILSON LOSES APPEAL; MAY DIE IN OCT. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) could bf spared by the gover nor of the state. However, there vers indications that the federal courts will be asked to intervene. Attorney Fred Gray of Montgomery, newly em ployed to fepresent the doomed man. said that ho. is exploring every possibility m order to save the life of Wilson. STUDENTS AT DURHAM VOTE FOR BOYCOTT (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) the college to negotiate with tne Legal Notices NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT DANIEL M. SMITH. Plaintiff MAGN.OLIA SMITH. ! De ten da tit TO MAGNOLIA SMITH: TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief atamst you i :been filed ui the above entitl ed action. t The nature of the relief being sought if as follow- To secure an ab solute divorce on the part of the plaintiff based upon the grounds of two years conti..uous separation be tween the plaintiff and the defendant. You are required to make defease to such pleadings not later than No v-ember Bth, 1153, and upon your fail ure to do so, the party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.. This 17th day of September, 1938. SARA ALLEN Assistant Clerk of Superior Court GEORGE E. BROWN. Ally. Sept. 2fi, 27: Oct 4, li, 1938 ! Everybody loves SCHLITZ in WATF-QUART LANS! N. J Others may imitate the Schlitz originated Half-Quart Can, hut no one has ever duplicated the matchless Savor of cpSfc braes for quality . , never for price! .1- YOis u*£ Lt*.R Y©ii ioVE SCMUTZ The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous IgefiKMli Distributed In pP RALEIGH By FISHER WHOLESALERS | DURHAM FAYETTEVILLE | By By I rLEISHMAN CO. DURHAM DISTRIBUTORS Durham Merchants Assn, on way* 1 and means of welcoming NCC'.s j students to the city In 3 959. ' SURETY ~ EXTERMINATING CO. RATS BEETLES ROACHES FLEAS MICE MOTHS | Protect your home from costly pests and insect danpet» FREE INSPECTION AND ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION! vi-gfe.*--gynnwrwir— amKawwwwwmii —nw iimiannnaw uuai n ii/.r-r^.. . r*v Dial TE 4-8525 If No Answer Dial TE 3-6841 2524 S, Wilmington St. Raleigh, N. C Watch The Progress of the Construction . i OF A BEAUTIFUL HOME i FOR Mr. & Mrs. Perry Crutchfield ——at— -623 Quarry Street BY JOHN W. WINTERS ’ Complete Drafting of Plans—Supervision of Construction ASSISTANCE IN FINANCING . | For Homes That Are Different Let Me Build For You” TE 3-5251 1399 E HARGETT Other Homes Under Construction Mr. and Mrs. John Earnest Jones . 903 Bragg si.. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Williams . 1302 S. Bioodvvorth St Mr. and Mrs. Willie Graves . Garner, N, O Other Completed Homes Mrs. Mary Jones 2212 Bedford Avenue Mr. and Mrs, John 8. Blount ... 70t; Tower St. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Jones SOI Smithfield St, Mr. and Mrs. James Green, Jr ;jo Hill St Mr, and Airs. Thomas Montague 1300 E. Edenton Si Mr, and Mrs. Winsor Jones , 917 §. state St Mr. and Mrs. I.enn Herndon 1318 S.’ Woodworth St. Mrs. Lara Thomas 1330 S. Blood worth St. Mr. and Airs, Arthur Mint? 315 E. Hoke St •Mr. and Mrs, Paul Vandergriff 1108 S. Coleman -it Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brown 833 S. State St Mr. and Mrs. John C. Washington 705 E. Edenton 3! Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Clemons 1412 E. Lane Street Mr, and Mrs. Charles LaSister 1620 Battery Drive Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Williams 1304 S. Blood worth Si. Thn joint committee, beaded hy l>:'. George D, Kyle, dean nf the NOC undergraduate school, met Tuesday afternoon to discuss procedures for ron iinuing talks with the Mer chants Assn. An actual boycott, although ap proved at, the meeting Monday night, has not as yet gone into effect, student leaders reported Tuesday night. tankTteargas ROUT FAMILY OF 10 PERSONS (CONTINUTD FROM PAGE 3) «*n children had been placed in a private home pending ac tion by welfare authorities Allen said that Rhodes had been “holed up’’ in his house since March and that the family had not left home for about a month except for weekly supply excur sions by two of the young chil dren. He said the family had return ed several welfare checks to the welfare department by mail. DRIVE SAFELY!! SAVE A LIFE!! Calvert jto RESERVE WHISKEY aivjgt bist co, s, y. a . M no » . «% m>* num sp>mts » bum wishi •4tt*i«*ww4»e.*iwwwNi* -«m muow/rAMMatsaNdK ISaifSlt FREE |iu v f| • y j ; 1A s' r r*. * £ mpmmmm} $ One carton of cigarettes of your choice for using our friendly loan service YES-Absolutely free when you open an ae« ; count of $35.00 or more. Just present this ad at our office for immediate, confiden tial service. C:T A HP'CT 1 finance O 1 i\ i ll* COMPANY 133 S. Salisbury St. Raleigh Phorb TE. 3-3801 wmawMMMmv 'aMcv»«NmMf»* w/a j»RMs«r»wJnt-«e *sM»iicwr. «x*rsMammMIM«WMK *wi«K*ftii»Baww««*»B«Mgm3W«iw«fwin 'em ;i, scene in one of our choice suits, dresses. I Iffijjlfe. coats or skirts. Jam -‘IT’S EASY TO PAY THE m* 0. K. WAV’ Men’s Suit Top Coats Hats And Shirts 0. K. CLOWE CO. 113 E. MAR Tift STREET vwmmfM - n nyr*n»iii»m*ia hmyit-wtwiw SEE THE LARGEST GIRL IN THE WORLD FLORA MAE 721 LBS. —AT THE— Chatham County Fair Thursday - Friday - Saturday PITTS BORO AH Next Week At The Five-County Fair FA IPGRO 1 INT>fi—ZERULON