12 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1958 Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch 'EXCITED' PRESBYTERIANS ROCKY MOUNT The Rev. Abraham H. Prtnce of Columbia, 3. C., js the travelling evangelist for the Presbyterian synods of Ca tawba ard Blue Ridge, is noted lor his many witicisms as well as factual statements as he stress es the need for bringing more people into the church in order to keep the church growing. Returning from Southern Vir ginia Presbytery last week, he told the Cape Fear Presbytery (meet ing at Mt. Fisgab Church, Rocky Mount) they should “get excited'’ as a group of young presbyters in Virginia did when their church became a member of the presby tery. Asked what the young men wete ‘excited about’. Dr. Prince replied: *‘Tk. Y. wer ‘excited’ about the opportunity to bring more souls to Christ.” Prince expressed th* hope that this ‘excitement’ might become ‘contagious’. Pastor J. H, Costen of the local Mt. Pisgah Presbyterians was heard to say a loud “Amen ’ os he thought of the building program h* wishes the church to get ’ex cited' about. Although Bethany Presbyterians are without a pastor at Lumber toh (Rev. John H. Hayswood who •ehved there 55 years, passed early in 1058) Elder J. O. Scipio invit ed and received the January meet ing of the Cape Fear Presbytery without opposition, ’Twas said that Moderator ‘Bob’ Lee Shirley (Davie Street, Raleigh, pastor) could qualify for an en gineer since he started sessions 20 Aiinutes late and ended the day’s work only 15 minutes late— a gain of five minutes. The Rev. J. T- Jones, the synod’s "(Tlad-hand-man’ and one-man choir, has compiled a familiar col lection of 18 Negro Spirituals in a pocket pamphlet.—set to music as he sings them; and has found them to be quite popular—even with inter-racial religious groups —wherever presented. Jones has added a ‘‘Foreword’ on the origin arid use of the ‘Spiritual’ since the advent (thru compulsion) of the Negro to these shores in 1619. R*v. J. T. Jones, 2112 W. Trade St, Charlotte, N. C. is the ad dress. BAPTIST ANNIVERSARY, The Rev. Frank L. Bullock's St. Paul Baptist Church Enfield, Is in the midst of preparation for the celebration of the 77t.h anni versary of the church on Sept. 28. The Rev. Grady Davis. Shaw Uni very’s dean of religious education, is to be the featured speaker for the occasion. Also in ENFIELD, the Frontiers Cluh has just elected officers for the 1958-59 year. They are, A. R. Johnson, president; Tyler Vaug han, vice prexy; J. H. Exum. fin secy; Walter Turner, res. secy; and George Thornton, tress, Isaac C. Rogers, Sr., and Wal ter Turner were delegates to the national Frontiers Convention in Dayton. Ohio, recently, while Thomas Cofield attended the meeting of those interested in the treatment of Vitiligo at the Vitiligo Center, Washington, DC. Halifax County schools opened recently with an increase in en rollment reported for colored pu pils and a decrease reported t or white children. Meanwhile, Hali fax officials have agreed, after as surance of school attendance of colored pupils, to go ahead with elans for the building of a Negro tchool at Hollister. The ‘go-ahead* was given after 90 PROOF 2-45 3-85 PT. 4-5 QT. f ™*\ 6 YEAR OLD ciufyn? CLUB STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEV J IjfofKSNAL DISTILLERS PRODS. CORP.. N.Y. smm m/nm whiskey, & proo; I signed petitions were presented | the Halifax County Board of Ed ucation indicating the willingness . of the colored children attending the school if erected. This is the community where the group called Hailwa Indians have withdrawn from attending school with Ne groes. The Haliwas are contend ing for their own school under the Pearsall Plan. Funeral rite? were said from an Enfield funeral home for Sam Mabry, age 64, a former resident who died in Portsmouth, Va. last week. The Rev, F. L. Bulluck con ducted the eulogy. Survivors in clude two daughters and two sons as follows: Mrs. Mary Mason, Miss Rosa Mabry, William and Samuel Mabry. Elder Paul C, Winley and wife —the former Miss P. Virginia Ly ons of Whitakers have visited with Mrs. V/in ley’s mother and sister in Whitakers, Mrs. Maggie Lyons and Mrs. Joan Johnson. The Winleys are Seventh Day Adven tist Chuich workers. Mr. Winley is with the educational depart ment and Mrs. Winley is a hos pital nurse in Kansas City, Mo„ where they have resided for sev eral years following a similar res idence in Nashville, Term. They reside at 2415 Linwood Blvd., Apt 1-E, Kansas City 9. Mo Elder Winley motored back last week. Mrs. Winley left this week by train, visiting in Philadelphia and Chicago enroute home. Concord News By MRS. MARION W. BOYD RECREATION CENTER CONCORD The Lincoln Street Recreation Center has been open curing the regular hours since the public school term began. The hours for free play in games and other are from 4:00 to j 9:00 p. m, from Monday through j Friday. The Saturday hours are 10:00 a. m. to 12:00 p, m., 2:00 to 5:00 and 6.00 to 8:00 p m. Mrs. E M Shuford and Mr. Chester Lang ston supervise the activities during these hours. Several special events are sche duled for the fall. Quick-Typing and Quick-hand classes for adults begin Tfhursday at 7:00 p. m. Registration for the Children’s Ccmunitv Theater ended recently. The theater was for children from six through thirteen years old. Some of the activities were choral speaking. pantomine. dramatics, and bo*-, interpretive and creative dancing. The children’s theater will be a year round program. The typing classes, however, will last j for eight or ten weeks. Each meet ing of the class will last one hour, NURSERY FUND DRIVE The door to door canvass for the j Community Nursery Fund drive i began Wednesday, September 24th. As this goes to press the list of workers is not complete. The par tial list is as follows: Mrs. Viola Barrett, the Brooklyn section; j Mrs, E. O James, Broad Street; Mrs. Do. a Smoot. Georgia Avenue, i Mrs. Lula S. Blue. Tournament I Street: Mrs. M. M Williams, Tour nament Street: Miss Ruth Clark, Lincoln and Broad Streets: Mrs. Mary Connor. Lincoln. High. Chest nut, and Princess Streets: Mrs. Ma mie Knox; Mrs Eliza Staton and Mrs. Susie Gill, Mahan. Georgia Avenue and adjacent streets: Mrs. Anna Morris and Mrs. Sadie G. Scott. “McCreotown”, S. Crowe! i. James Avenue, and Young Street. ; The complete list will be in this | paper s week from now. Burlington By MRS. M. M. BROWN 801 Appl* St, TEA BURLINGTON—The fellowship Freedom Tea-. sponsored by Br llngton Branch of the N.A.A.C.P. at the home of the president, Mr. Winfred Wiley, was quite a suc cess, Officers and members ap preciate the cooperation. BAND CLUB TO MEET The band promotive club will meet Sunday afternoon .the 28tli, at. 4:00 p.m. All band parents are expected to attend. Mrs. M. M. Brown, chairman. The county-wide missionary union held its regular meeting in Graham at First Baptist Church. Business session, report of dele gaes, Mrs M. A. Tate, Mrs. Anna Warren were highlights of the meeting. Next meeting to be held ' in Mebane. The missionary union of First Baptist Church held its regular monthly meeting Monday evening at 8 p.m. Devotions were directed 1 by Mrs. Lorine Foust. She most • beautifully demonstrated tha ! wheel of life, with Christ the “hub.” The main spokes, the 1 word-prayer, loyalty, obedience and service and God's grace is all sufficient to keep His children from hurt, harm or danger. "Lead on O King Eternal” was the processional opening the morning service at the First Bap tist Church of which the Rev. t H. J. Cobb is pastor. The senior 1 choir was at its best, with Mrs. i H. B. Banks at the organ. After the opening preliminaries a beau- ! tiful anthem "We Shall go out < with ioy” was sung by the choir ’ after the offering, "Rock of Ages’’ , was used for meditation—" Hark 1 there comes a whisper” for conse- i cration sermon theme. "The fi- < nality of the gospel of Jesus < Christ.” Gel. 1-12. This sermon i was inspiring to all present. The 1 even!*** service was a joint meet- j i in to open revival at Ebeneser Church on Apple St ' > fdsgsg ' V wULWmtieZ Goldsboro lews BY J. H. GRAHAM 435 E. Elm St. GOLDSBORO—Mrs. Josephine Lewis, mother of Mrs, Mary Jane Lewis, of 920 A Carver Drive, re cently returned from visiting lit New York City. Mr. John Dreighton of 1010 Devereaux Street, announces the engagement of his daughter, John ! nie Mae. to A-26 Bobby F. Hollo way of Seneca. S. C The wedding will be solmenized Sept 26. In Goldsboro. Police officer Jacob Musgrave ! and wife motored to Greensboro Tuesday, Sept. 29. to enter their son, a 1958 Dillard Hi graduate, in A&T College. Mrs. Leona Brown of Philadel phia, Penna., is visiting with her I daughter, son-in-law and grand ! daughter, 7-month’s-old (Carson j Wells )of 932 A Carver Drive. Mrs. | Brown has made a number of friends since being here and her current visit, has been made rath er pleasant by the social activities. Miss Arraima Lewis and A-2C Ronald Sanders were married Frh, Sept. 12, with Rev. J. D. Brown officiating. Mr. Sanders is from Chicago, IU, They are making their home at 922 A Carver Drive. Rev. K. P. Battle, State Presi dent, IBPOEW, was a visitor in the city Wednesday, Sept. 17. He was cordially welcomed by mem bers of Pride of The East Ijodge, No 261 and Sunbeam Temple, No. 447. The Dillard High Tigers jour neyed to Elizabeth City Friday, Sept. 19, to meet the Elizabeth City High football team. Through out the game it appeared that the Tigers had the game sewed up but during the last minute of play the Elizabeth City team manag ed a long pass that gave them the points needed to win the tilt. Fullback Rudolph Benton was the star of the Tigers, scoring a, TD on a 65-yard aerial and an other on a throe-yard plunge In the third period. Mr. H. A. Atwater of Chapel Hill was a visitor in the city Sun day, Sept. 21. Mr. S, J. Branch of 211 South Leslie Street is now connected with the Goldsboro Training School as an instructor. The National Alliance of Pos tal Employees, Goldsboro Branch, will hold its monthly meeting on 1 Thursday evening, 3ept. 25, at it P.M at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardy. 705 School St. i Winners at the Wayne County Fair The UFA Club of Norwayne 1 School, under the direction of 1 Mr. A. G. Richardson, won first 1 place or. its exhibit at the fair. The 4-H Club of the same school : won second place for its display, j Rhamkatte RHAMKATTE Regular ser- ' vice war held at the St. John AMK Church Sunday, September 21, with the pastor, the Rev. E. E. Werfhw, < in charge. < The Pine Circle Club met at the 1 St. John Church Sunday evening i at 7:30 o’clock. The club’s history was read by J.lrs. Lucy Kendrick. . A few remarks were heard from : Mr. Gtha Kearney and remarks i were also made by the Women’s Club representative, Mrs. Lucille Chavis, The meeting was also fa- 1 vored by a solo from Mrs. Alense j Matthews. The pastor delivered the message. Bishop Conuion from Durham i confjrcij&tiois will * MORE GOLDSBORO HOMES, PEOPLE Top right photo shows the recently completed home of Miss Ruth Ferdinand and mother if 807 E, Elm St. Left, is the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, the Rev. A. ft. Smith pastor. The church is located on Denmark Street. Center ieft picture shows the home of the Rev. S. O. Pouneey and family of Carver Heights, and on the left is the residence of the E. E. House family of Carver Heights. Photo on bottom row shows the guests of Mrs. Bert B, Scott of 803 E. Pine Street, recently. From left to right, they are Mesdatnes Louise Sewell of Southfield, Bert B. Scott and Annie Jones, Smitbfleld. WEST ELM STREET JUNIOR HIGH FACULTY The faculty members of the West Elm Stret Junior High School are pictured above. On Sunday, Sept. 28, a tea will be held at the school, beginning at 5:30 p.m. On front row, left to right, are Mesdames L. T Wash ington. E. L. Harris, V, F. Sutton, W. L. Robinson, A. D, Parks, S. Best and Gloria Kirk, Second row, left to right, Miss M. Sutton, Mrs. 8, Artist, Mrs. M. G. Mallory, Miss A, M. Belton. Mrs. J. Sykes and Miss Arabia Bunn. Third row, left to right, are Mrs. J. Butler, Mr. C. K, Harris, principal, Mr, A. Ligglns, Mr. C. I, Bland and Mr, C. E. Richardson. CARY-ASBURY ROUNDUP BY MISS MAI K. HOPSON CARY The member* and friends of Union Bethel AME Church were happy to have the pastor, Rev, J, A. Hunter, to fill his pulpit Sunday morning for services after being absent because of illness The minister delivered an impressive message from 119th Psalms, 71th verse, “It was good for me that I have been afflicted." Subject: “Good for me,” The speaker gave many point* that were good for those who loved the Lord, All hearers were im pressed by this message. Visitors are always welcome to our serv ices. On Sunday afternoon a caravan of the Daughters of Fidelity Sis ters attended the anniversary ser mon of the Queen of the South Tents, which was held at the Fuquay Spring# First Baptist Church, Sister Alice Mitchell is leader. The guest apeaker was Rev. Williams. Mr*. Ada R. Royster of East Johnson St. has returned home after visiting relative# and friends in Chicago, IU, Quite a number from here at- Juniper Level News BY MISS ANNIE GILCHRIST The “Faith” We Need “Faith is tha sub#fc&nc« of 'things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Yes, we ail need this type of faith or belief. If we had tills faith today-* main social problem, "Integration", would be less thought of a* a mixing of different races, but aa a coming together to build a stronger nation and to give all equal rights. We, as Negroes, are seeking tills right and it is the things we are hoping for if wo add this other faith it will give us the tendency to see the evidence of things not seen. Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, Mrs. Beil Steel and yours truly journeyed to Brooklyn, New York to attend (service at trie Watts Chapel Bap tist Church on the fourth Sunday evening for the benefit of tee building fund. This service will be sponsored by Mm Maggie Burt. Mrs. Mildred Harden and Mrs. Annie Upchurch have returned from Washington, D. C. after at tending the funeral of their aunt. SICK Mr. Ralph McDaniel Matthews has returned home team tee hos pital. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK "For every house is built by some man: but He that builds all Sggp if rind” I tended the Rfmiver&arr of the Happy Land Singers held at the Memorial Auditorium In Raleigh Sunday afternoon. After spending the summer with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Clemmons, 205 Ambassador Si:.., Mrs. Mary Hill has returned to her home in Eden, Georgia. Mrs. Alice Hopson and children motored to Greensboro Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Helen Mc- Collum, who is ill. Stork Shower A shower was given at the home of Mrs. Annie Ferrell for Mrs. Catherine Burnett recently. Many useful gifts were received. The wedding bells are ringing for Mias Daisy Brown and Mr, Frank Ferrell. An October wed ding is slated. ASBURY Club No. 1 held a panel dis cussion Sunday mghfc on the sub ject, “What can we do to make our church better?” Those on the panel were: Mrs. Roxie Walker, Mr. Emmett McCoy, Mr. Moses Jones, and Mr. Marshall Brown. the funeral service of Mr. N. H. Nicholson, the brother of Mrs Gilchrist and Mrs. Steel. Mrs. Gilchrist and Mrs. Steel visited (heir niece on liong IsUrtg, Mrs Maigaret Be Louche, a sur gical nurse of the Bellevue Hos pital iri New York. They also vis ited their sister, Mrs, Cassie Nic holson. We lodged at the home of Mrs. Gilchrist’s two daughters, Misses Sarah and Laura Gilchrist and their roommates, Misses Margaret and Janie Leach. Many members of the Penix family journeyed home to attend the funeral service of Mr. Penix, which was held at the Juniper level Church. Deacon Russell Adam 3 attended service at, the Wake Baptist Grove Church of Gamer. Deacon Adams reported an enjoyable time. Chalmers and Linda Hlnnwit reported that their mother. Mrs. Lovie Ann Hlnnant, celebrated hoi birthday Sept, 22. Deloris Penny of Garner and Anthony Vandegriff of New York were the guests at a luncheon of the horns of Mrs. Robert Gilchrist Saturday afternoon. Sick and shut in: Mrs. Janie Penix, Mrs. Betty R. Brown and Mr. Anda Turner. “The Goodness In Giving” The Lord loves acheerfu? ' giver i because be thinks of an everlasting | reward. He never thinks of him" CARY SCHOOL NEWS CARY —• The first meeting of the Cary Elementary School PTA was held Monday night in the school auditorium, Mr. Clancy Cain, president presiding:. The new officers were intro duced as follows: Vice president, Mr. Alton Mat thews: secretary, Mi's. Ruth Evans; assistant secretary, Mrs. Bettie Ballentine; treasurer, Mr. Milton Ballentine; parliamenta rian, Mr. E. L. Roseboro. Mr. E. P. Ravfoad presented t.he new member of the faculty, Mrs. Ella A. Williams. A steering committee was ap Highlights Os High Point BY MRS. ODESSA S. TYSON j CHURCH NEWS HIGH POINT Members and friends of the St. Stephen AMEZ Church were treated recently with a fellowship visit from the pastor and members of Zion Hill AME Zion Church, Concord. Upon arrival, the guests were served chicken dinners in the church dining room. Dunn-: the service, very beauti ful musical numbers were heard from the three choirs accompany ing the Rev. C J. Webb. For nis message, the Rev, Webb spoke from the subject, ‘‘And Enoch lush Memorial A. M. E. ZION ! Church News By MRS. ANNIE H. THORPE Despite the downpour of rain oti Sunday the service was large ly attended and were good. The senior choir was in charge of the music. After the call to worship was sounded by the pastor, the Rev. W. D, Carson, the choir marched around the altar singing their process ion a! number. As a regular part of our wor ship service they kneel around the altar for the prayer of con secration before entering the choir loft. The doxology was sung, the | pastoral prayer was given, fol j lowed by the choral response and ! first hymn. The responsive read | ing was for the 38th Sunday, | “God Strengthens the Heart.’* j Scripture lesson was then read Iby the minister from Hebrews, i 10th Chapter, comprising twenty ! verses. After the frevent prayer ! and the singing of the second i hynm, the minister chose his text ' from the same scripture read, | Hebrews 10:2; “Let us draw near with a true heart, in full assur anc of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." Theme: “Drawing nar God.” The minister began by saying, it is good for me to draw near God. How: 1 draw near with a a true heart. II Draw near with an unlimited faith. HI. Draw’ near wtih a perpetual love. Fte climaxed by saying, If we draw near to God it will give us spirit ual strength. This was a rich gos pel message as is a part of Rev. Carson to deliver, We continue to invite you to one of our fine services because we know you will be greatly benefited and spiritually revived. We also invite you to come and join with us in an old fashioned revival. Rev. Ha?el Brownrigg, the not ed evangelist from. Washington, D. C., will be with us on Sunday, Sept. 28th to begin our fall re vival. It will run through Oct. ioth. We are inviting all of the ' churches of the city to join with us in the saving of souls. Fine services were again in store for those who attended the 15 o'clock services. Sunday. Septem ber 14. The junior choir was in charge of the music. After the pro cessional by the choir the first hymn, SIS “O Love that wilt not let me go. 1 * was sung, line d by our pastor, the Revereqd W. D Carson. The responsive reading was for the 37th Sunday, “Enduring Praise ” The Gloria Path and the Affrmation of faith (the Apostles | Creed> was repeated audibly by I all Scripture lesson was then read ! by Reverend Carson from St. Matt hews gospel, the 22nd chapter, comprising 12 verses. Reverend Carson then lead us to the throne of grace with his soul-stirring prayer. The 2nd hymn, 346, “O Thou in Whose Presence," was sung as the congregation meditat ed. The minister then talked with the junior church again on the commandment of “Thou shall not steal.” trying to instill Into their minds the danger of taking things that aren’t theirs which is a great lesson for all of us. The minister then chose his text j from ths same scripture read, St. Matthew 22:8th. 9th, 10th verses. Theme: Tim Universal Invitation The minister began by saying that Jesus was illustrating the king dom. and was making preparations for a wedding. He then unforged on the following: I; “Come sinner to the gospel feast.” TT “Go ye into self but of others. It is better to give than to re ceive because when you give with a willing mind, the Lord double* your blessings. Birthdays The following had birthdays the past week: Mr. Lonnie Wilder, Eulas Gennady, Dona Gale Leach, ■William Langston, Jr.. Mr. Robert Gilchrist and Mrs. Dorothy Moore. Sick and Shut !ns Mrs Janie Penix, Mrs. Betty L Brown and Mr, Andrew Turner. Let us extend prayers for the sick and Shut-ins. Deaths Mr. Cicero Penix of Rt. Ra leigh, Miss Annie Gilchrist and her mother, Mrs. Robert Gilchrist jour neyed to New York to attend the funeral of her brother, Mr, N H Nicholson. They were accompanied jyr-* ftf* Wrt&lfri* *'•‘alint* pointed by the president, to plan programs for the year. A temporary committee was ap pointed to price items for the health room and lounge. The teachers and students are enjoying the appetizing meals prepared by Mrs. Helen Pollard, our lunch room manager. We welcome Mrs. Faye San ders, our new school nurse, to our community. Plain are being made for a “Round Up" for the Cubs of the 1 Cary community. Registration . will begin September 26. All boys 8-11 years are requested to see Mr. E. L. Roseboro, the Cubmaster. Walked with God.” He was intro duced oy the pastor of St. Stephen Church, Rev S. A. Speight. Accompanists for the three choirs were: Mr. Robert Harris, senior choir: Mrs. Anna Louise Boss, ju bilee choir; and little Miss Cas sandra Shu ford, junior choir. Tom Thumb Wedding The Tom Thumb Wedding, spon sored by the Missionary Circle No. One of St. Stephen AME Zion Church came to a successful close on Friday night with Laverne Mc- Adoo, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Taylor, winner of con test and miniature bride. Ronald Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tnlmadge Carter, was the winner of the contest between the boys, becoming the groom. Bride runners-up were: Celeste Torrence and Nancy Tyson. Other contending brides were- Deborah Roebuck, Sybil Crawford. Janice Clark. Gail Hudson and Joyce Mc- Rae. Other contending grooms were: Darrell Lindsay, Herbert Ravelin son, Orlando Saunders, Jackie Gains James. Flower girl, Doris James: ring bearer, Timothy Rawlinson: and minister, Jerry Mingo. CLUB NEWS Professional Men’s Club The Professional Men's Club held its initial meeting of the club year on Tuesday evening at the home of Dr C. T Whitten on Day Street. Dr. E. O Diggs, president, pre sided. The following committees were appointed for the year: program, S. E. Burford, chairman; O. ?. Hudson, J. W. Atkinson, members. Social committee. E L Mosley, chairman: members of the commit tee, Dr. P. T>. Little and J. P Den nis; civic committee, Dr. J ,T. Wil son, chairman; Dr. H H Lemon and Dr. J C. Morgan, members. Budget committee. Dr. A M. Greenwood, chairman: Victoi Blackburn and Dr. M B. Davis, members*. Mr. L. B. Haizlip was sp oointed parliamentarian. OBITUARY Funeral services for Mrs. Jose phine Dixon Ginyard were held at the Mt Vernon Baptist Church Sunday at 12:46 with the pastor. Rev P O Bass, officiating. Mrs. Ginyard passed away Fri day morning at the High Point Me morial Hospital where she had been a patient since August 30th. She was a native of Orangeburg. S. C. but had lived here since 1037. Mrs. Ginyard was one of the out standing members of the Mt. Ver non Baptist Church. She held mem bership in the Willing Workers Club and served as a choir member until her health failed. Survivors include her husband, Mr. Caleb Oinyarcf: three sisters. Mrs Lessie Hampton, Mrs. Eugenia Sistrunk. and Mrs. Floria B. Sistrunk: one brother, Benjamin Dixon, all of Orangeburg. S. C. Principal Conducts Workshop A two evening workshop in the area of guidance was held recently at Logan High School in Concord for the teachers of the Concord and Kannapolis City Schools, C E. Yokeiv, principal of Alfred «T. Griffin School here, served n./s g| 90] PROOF? T -'~' * ' 2-45 PT, V%. ' -1 5%, IMTtGNft, DISULITRS PRODUCTS CSRTORAtio*, >I T.. 30 PROOF Maple Temple Church News BV MISS LENA M. EURE On Sunday, Sept. 2, service began at 11:00 o'clock at the Maple Tem ple Christian Church, The senior choir led the pro cessional singing, “Leaning on the everlasting arms.” After the choir had reached its place in the stand we sang, “Gloria Patria,” after which our pastor, the Rev. M. F. Booker, led us in prayer. While the paster prayed the entire con gregation chanted, “The Lord’s Prayer ” The choir offered its first hymn of the morning which was, “Oh thou in whose presence.” The scripture lesson was read by Rev. Eddie Baker from the book of Acts. 4th chapter, verses 1-23. Deacon Whitley then led us in prayer. The mission offering was lifted while the choir sang, “When we al! get to Heaven.” This offering was blessed by Deacon Holloway. The announcements of the week and the introduction of the visitors were made. General offering was lifted as (he choir sang, “Farther Along ” Tlie offering was consecrated by (he singing nf "None but the right eous." A most beautiful spiritual was offered by the choir proceeding the pastor’s message. It was, "Let us wait upon the Lord." Rev. Booker then went into his sermon centered around the 22nd verse of the book of Acts. 4th chap ter The theme of the pastor’s sermon was, “Christ the Divine Healer.” The pastor pointed out in bus sermon how Christ is everything to us and tiow he can heal both the morally and spiritually ill. It wss a wonderful sermon and was en joyed by all present. Immediately after the sermon an invitational hymn was rendered by ihe chair. “Yield not to tempta tion.” Mrs, Leslie Dunston offered a soul-stirring prayer for those who came forward to be prayed for The doxology was sung and the benediction was pronounced by ths Rev. C. C Burnett. consultant in helping the school* coordinate their guidance services, The workshop was sponsored by the Department of Instructions, headed by Ralston M, Kelly oi Concord and Kannapolis Schools. S°~© Simple