LOU iov i. i • COPS GUARD DR. KING AFTER BOMB THREA TS hw 11 'wW®!®«i2g£9t LNDEEf!f.iI! IT > MEM .41 TESTS Shown ir> <hf custody ot pcii'-r is ii»i. \*, ire furry of New Yorb f tty who war- arroh * '■ • pteuiher '!<). shortly of tor witnesses tn .-* H irlem department y»oi <= m« her •’•■>b integration leader. Ot Martin Luther King;, Jr, njih ? Ictff'.'-opeijvr. !|< )*, i><>» undergoing mental test? <t Bellevue Ho - - !: i .4 i hi the «->»>. r>i King's condition is now listed as “not serious, '* iL rs FHOIOi. Surround Hospital After feiiymous Bomb Threats f-'F. v v ORt-I—T > o berftfe tores ” ' :: n fr-hours cd each other j •7-; r ic >j I r> i irihimc n f r*ohce ■ . lor F" v Martin Lutheri .' ■ ; '■ integration 'eiider a r | ts H»: «m HcM'.Ml *■ i*s n>( determined *• - h- ib f- b'Hnb tUff.9 -ti '• “i * in an' "'a* 3«'-«ria»ed h th* «-ki«us attempt upon t' Ling’-. life a< 3 depart - : :«<*<e Nevertheless, 'the r- - : * p department r.arrenij' is o=' ling 'he main entrance. iingier Man Kills Wife’s Mother And Her Hubby FAKKTON - An A&gjer resi dent •h":e u* children were; bunted to death in a fire at their j iv'ifer jfcfntly vcharged Mon-’ d.?• with the murder of hir wife’*! mother and stepfather. Poire id Archie Robinson. j "d had admitted -hooting ePt?: snd Mi Mary Alice Wilkinson j i harlottesville Parents Open j Private Schools CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va. —I Frigate classes began last week | for «i» ,140 whiie. elementary I •M-.nnol student tn the South’;- ! fiiM a* tempi Jo cu-cmnvent. the' Conns of public schools a? a! block to racial integration. Teachers and parent % meaii-j while, htvp irached agreement on; ■ CONTINTIKD ON PAGE r> - >,r-.v" ■ t**r~ iiimwii pupiiM-W*" •-«v»rd(^eS^JsfflS@WWß9BWflawsw«S VAN Elken SCHOOL Rlv ADMITS NEGRO* -—White student.* peer into (he office of fh# rtrln slat* of 'no Bucrn S»t* ’Ptas Jfifh School lost week during tire rr-admisaiel* «< eljW of f Negroes wh« eitiidre"' «n itepfe miser .trd I* l ihf fa.ee of * u hid bo.vcoi* 7hr Negroes in oiuolo Ernestine Nor wood, Nathaniel Norwood, Elmer Rogers and Thomas Banks. (LP! TLLEFHOTO). sh« ambulance entrance, and autfeide Dr King •, room • , Police have fosei ! wil! f ,.?hf minister ever since tlj- ' ! aU»Rrp on his life The find bomb scare call "'a?; mi?do to Harlem HnSplLa: « >;<v»■. Mjv> Eht'AbeUi Bowman ih i switchboard opm atm. tool? th° j call at ?30 orn According to Miss Bowman a man ,=. voice repeated Dr King's; (( ONTOM-TD ON PACK 2) ; both aenut 43 .during an arsu i men* Monday a!, the Wilkinson! ! ’romp here. Deputy Sheriff Ray - j mono Clew is said Wilkinson anti i : his wife were killed by .32 caliber', pistol bullets in the back ( l lewis «aid Rnhinsnn told eficcrs that he fired two • holt it Wilkinson when the older i man grabbed a shotgun during the argument. Robinson sold , <ha* Mr* Wilkinson was -hot *>hen she stepped between the two men. Clewis said, however, that the investigation shoved that the < shots were fired from behind n 1 • car in the yard Wipie t.he Wilkin- , ! sons .‘■trod on the back porch oi : ; ! their home. ’ j, i Robinson’* three children and j j three stu'chslchcn were burned to’, death feu. months nee in the fin j |at their farm hotr.f. He and hi;-’, ' wife who were working in pear -I , !by fields, were unable to ream . , the house In time to rescue the children. fdgsf North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL 18, NO 1 SATURDAY. OCTOBER L ?QSB RALEIGH, N. C. PRICE 12c IN N. C.: ELSEWHERE 15c National Figures To Keynote 15th NAACP Meet At Raleigh Oct. 9-12 4’ + + ’f 4 + 4* 4 Irate Fayetteville Man Chops Telegraph Pole Failed To Ask Right k\ t r i.riy Yomt 1 A VETTE'V ILL" Robert Wimble a resident of. Fayetteville, ••’-a'- '■■•: ' angry r hen he railed the 'heriff ■••-'•entl.v in protest of the telv.i'-il'i po*e lea! nfrj being ’MI ■. property '■•■ilhniif even ■hr ■ lightest rorsnderation of Womb'- A fie. making several calls ji- sheriff without, results. V'.-'in! M derided that -'ouki mp id n;. l -! down .15 fast vs tht crew- p.!i them up i-l ; ir. t chop the note do-' r> suffteien’ly for -< to have to be re pi?'.-d wi T Wnmble posed for pi, ::, - h;e t > crewmen hard at «vyT. << er» transferring the ■ - or! fixtuios at the lop from the b * pri Pole The telegraph p»-te ir eipr.i no! the only pro per!:- bite difficulty that Wombte V *;- Rrrrntiv he fiird a civil 11 'he A'libsssador time! ihi-nugh hi? attorney. Arthur Lane. Ii , ah geri 'I. the aet'on ihat Inr 6' '••nclant. (hr motel, had con sirueipd a building 'iron the pro* irn\7r\! i n ov evr.r, State NAACP Sets 3 - Day Confab Here B1 !. B HARKEN The Mail.in .Street Baptist Church, 1001 East, Martin Street, this city will he the scene of the loth Annual convention of th • North Caroima Conference of the National Association for the. Ad vancement of Colored People and its Cot'cae Chapters and Youth Councils October ft-12. according to Sta.' Pie idem. Kelly M. Alex **«ler of Charlotte and Field Sec retary Charles A McLean of Win ston-Salem. inimw'ni on -PAG* n |HHH| 4 ■ i ■Tv ■ 1 i A > 1 i PsS^KlßaHßfl ww%« : ImL. m ■3<* 4 m f % " ' ■■ # g mmSm | I KB s '■ .i\ I CHOPPED TELEGRAPH POI-E Robert Womble of Fayette ville holds »h« axe that be used recently to chop telegraph poles, which he claimed were put up on his property without his consent. One of she poles had to he replaced. (PHOTO BV YORK). Girl Dies Crying To Go Home With Her Mother RUTHEKDFORDTON • Mi ? i Patric ; a Ann Dtiffoy, a 14-year- i old leukemia victim, died in » 1 hospital her? Tuesday pleading,! "fra going to die anyway mother 1 please take me hon.r. Physicians who said «h» migbl live longer If 'he stay ed in the hospital finally agreed (o let the girl so home. In fart, she was scheduled to so home after a blood transfusion Tues day, hut ssim lapsed into a roma and died before she eoulri receive (he blond, i ’! Apparently the doctors did not!; ; j rcaliz° that hei death was so i > i near and neither dis Miss Duffey | '• i Minute., before she became un-; : j conscious Miss Duffe.v looked up i •i to her mother at. he: bedside and Plans For Re-Activating j Business League Are Made Although the guest- speaker did j not arr.ve, a small group of per i sons assembled at the Bloodworth Street ¥MCA on Friday it 7.3 d p.m. to make plans for re-act;- | vating the local chapter of the National Negro Business League. Presiding was C- C. Smith. Jfr., Ratfish branch niauagei of the N. C, Mutual Lite iti ■ursHtt Company, >thn an- State News ■-IN— Brief GOLDEN TO SPEAK IN CITT RALEKJH - According to Dr. John Ft Lerkins, welfare consulant Harry Golden of Charlotte will I speak in this city on December tfi | to an interracial audience- Golden. J editor of the Carolina Israelite in • of local citizens. Further details of Chariot-*., will be sponsored by a i group of local citizens Further de ; tails of (he affair "'ill be snnounc- j | »d at s later date (CONTINUED ON PAGE SI asked again to b« taken home to die. but then st was too late. The j'i.ri had insisted all along on goin.t home, even after she was informed that she was dying Two months asfo her dls rase was diagnosed as leuke mia. Loral organizations im mediately ai ranged for her to be flown t,« thr Institute of Health at Befhrsds for treat ment. She was allowed to come home . on visit to her parents recently i and begged them not to return 1 her to the hospital. She remained at home unti: Sunday when n serious nosebleed forced her par ents t.o teke hpr to the Ruther ford Hospital. nouncpd that Mr. Job" H Wlckliffe, field director of 'he National Negro Buxines* League, was scheduled to be present at the meeting to talk to a group of interested cits ecus. i Mr Smith called attention to the purposes o* the National N* | are Business League and the { group expressed its approval of i i calling a meeting in October for ' the purpose ol reuraanhung i A E. Brown briefly described the former activities of the Ra~ (cofmNt'ro on page ?) ' ; , Top Bonus Money Goes To Congregational Church First prize Church Bonus Mon ey this month wtU be awarded to the First Congregational Chris tian Church which reported a total of $2,899.33 in purchase slip* First prise money is $50.00. The Davie Street Presbyterian i Church reporting purchase slips ito the amount of $1,145.98 fin - | isbed m second place Priz>- for ! second-place w inner is $25.00. The third prize .will be award ed to the Fayetteville Street Bap- i ' If-- > W \ i«l s v v • Mgst®**. .#'% e; wWmm 1 ' BSI t tr -I'Wk'‘»F" \ BHLJ^ Norfolk s Croups In Conferences NORFOLK. v a .— Norfolk's City Council School Board and State I General Assembly deelgatlon met behind closed doors lo discus'- ! the city's public school crisis Monday. The executive session | took no concrete action but do ! ferred t,h» situation to the City ! Council Stair s)et Belnmeter Darla said thf City Council "prom tnttl In lake action very short ■ ly" to try (o alleviate (he di lemma resiilfiwg from fit® shut flown of this port city's six white high md Junior high schools to avoid integration. Those attending the meeting pledged not to reveal the pro f CONTINUED ON PAGE M I fist Church which reported 8437.23 in sale?, receipt, The new Church Bonus .Money Month begins Thursda-v. o*vto ber 2 and ends November 12 The month win be comprised of s‘>: weeks, thereby giving more churches a chance o enter and ! try lor fop Bonus Money Conitwst rules are found on page 2 of each edition. Read the rules (CONTlNtmr ON PAGE ALABAMA GOVERNOR SPARED JDS LIFE An office! k shnwn leading liminv Wilson In a. dramatic meeting with Alabama s ] Governor .fames L. Folsom las* week in Montgomery. Ala Thf. 55- j year-old handyman's life w <•; spared hv (he governor. He had bees i under sentence, of death for (he nighttime robbery of a» elderly j widow. The robbery alleged netted Wilson >1 AS Hit sentence v&p ; commuted 1.0 life imprisonment > l.Tt TELEPHOTO). Life Os Jimmy Wilson MON 1 GOMEL'■ Al? - -Lmm? | Wilson, 3 condemned robber, will; i not di: In t.h« "lectnc chair for! i the $1 alt robbery of a widow i Wilson's de ip sentence was ! commuted Mond;." by Go’-evnoL •lames E. < Kissin' Jim' Folsom. Ito life imprtsor-menL Wilson will i he eligible for parole after serving ; a iS-yrar term "Thank you. sir." « >*, (h» only enmment made by (he 55-rear old illiterate hind'- man when informed hy tirp ut.v Warden Curtis Simpson that the governor had com muted bis death sentence (o life imprisonment. He showed no visible sun of j emotion, It appeared almost ! Wilstjti expected no othei action j from the governor ! Wilson’s conviction by an all i white jury for robbing an 82-year- I old white woman of $1.95 and thr? I resulting deai.ii sentence stirred l up a. .storm of protests from throughout the wrold A telegram wa- even sent b. “Private Schools Illegal, ” Supreme Court fells Ark. W ASHING! GN—The t-up; cm? Court "aid Monday that, the con stitutions.; rights of Negro pupils ' cannot be "sacrificed or yielded t - j the violence nnd disordei which 1 have occurred in Arkansas The tribunal's views «erp set forth in a formal opinion following op ts Sept I i deri sion unanimously rejecting a plea by the Lltfl? Rock School Hoard to delay further school inrgration. Chief lusfiee Lari V arteti , read the court’s formal opin ion fn a sparsely filled court - room i The session ended the special • j August term ot court to consider i whether the Lit! ,® Bock School 5 1 Board could delay integration a' .■Central High School for 2 1-2 j .! yean ; -CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS ‘ BUY FROM rum ; PAGE ?. - ft Kre» * temp*a FAGS 3 ; Winn-Dixie store* Southern Beii Telephone < 3 Raleigh Saving* a torn A-srrUtlriD ! Slits finance Company i PAGE E!«'fntal Wholesalers, to' I Surety ExtO.nHrwHlsg Cori’.i).--• Carolina Power A Eight Ccimpam S'mhrpH -j inr ! Ambassador Theatre I , Mr. John Winter* Hudson-D«lk Corn par | Capital toad Campas' • ! PAGE ii I Blood we MJk Si Tourpt Hon ' | Mechanics F Partners Pint i ! Heater Well Company CaveDess Itittn tw • Agstt r\ ! Pepsl-CoS* Keftllng Co. of ftaicish l Carolina Builders I «'n I j Watson's Seafood & Poultrv < » i» r I Umsfrari Transfer Co. & Food store Dillon Motor Etnam® Company I Doan's Esso Service Rtdsetts.i's Oprkiacr, ■ Wtfßfr - Deluxe Hotel" " 'll Secretary of State *«ejb*s ; Dulles to Ftslfcom suggesting tfest th' case "if, tautmg; some xe cetn as to the U. 5. * gdatlaac ‘ wTStI stftrr na^on?. Thousands at telogr sma tettte*, and telephone calls appealing: to fit® governor to use his execute «• powers to save Wilson s life flea#* j rd Folsom's office. sirs. Estelle Barker, (he rob* bn y victim, received a num ber of letters urging that sh* intercede with (he governor to help ‘save Wilson. She testified <hat A'ikon choked her and •attempted. *■* rape her during tbe robber l '. She has been in il! health for some time, h Alabama robbery a capita! J offense in defined a: the taking of money or goods of value from j another person by fear of violence |or force, ‘nth or without a | weapon ! Tire amount taken is not con sidered One ma y «cell sympathise nth the position of tne board ip the face of the frustrating conditions which have, confronted it." th? opinion aid. But. regardless of (he boards good faith !h® ar iion/. of the o.nri state, agencies responsible foi those condition*. compel us to ir.ject the board s legal position " The court referred specifically to the actions, of Gov. orval B. Faubus and the state legislature. "The controlling ies»! princi ple;. are plain, the opinion said. ■ The command of th® 14th emend - menl s that no state shall deny lo any person within its Jur ladle i son the equal protection of th* laws." "A .tjle a<-l\ hr it* iive, Us executive or its judi tcokrtiMtnsti on page si PAGE » Mis*-C>tiiea» Sink * trust Company -aiders Motor tiimp.;.U" tjmoui Bakery •lo.vi'* 4 Eillr’ Piiraiturt Co. Green f leaner.- Plilett Motor t ompisv FAGE 3 GotnnUl Stare* Family Sine Store Sir I Karl tiehtniArt Taylor Radio A. TV Ber-lte Vr<ir Reilly Comean) •v->v« r-mance Cirmpas' n f. Products M fount Hrrrlwsre C - ',rre tVatfh Shop ( n ells Beauty Cotieie tGlfigi! Puneral Home i-AiSf. 9 v -5. P Sutler Market* The Hoed System lnau* 4 m‘ Patrit Q. k Clo'hteg Compen.v BalelB;ti Indutfrla! lUP,'n n K Rubber Welder'. PAGE iS « F tjuinn Putmture Cotrot-tt Ke.leigh Comailsclos Some in; h-rton'r Cash Stoic r!g*T' Wltfiy Stores Nev Ltaeoln Csi«

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