Jteat tu* plant *a isimals Woodland* pasture 1* poor far* *sr cattle. It Pays To ADVERTISE gNCI EDUCATION IN ACTION 8 TOMIC AGS E^wigiTJj AUTRY'S HIT SHOW OT im 1 vioire on the «nre say?, KuU * been ota'uijed ft ou slow ly replace the receiver without a word, a* your mind seems to go blank for a moment Then a thousand questions crowd in and you frantically b»z i n dialing places where you might obtain verification as there is no radio or- TV near you. Finally you get it in one word “true"! EVERYONE DAZED A* you go along the street tou talk tc people and every one s« >»» to be waging In a dare; with a l»«k nt unbelief ; on theta* faces, end when vnu **h (Hew* what they think * hnut it, you get a question for an answer, WHY? All of the people you talk with express fear, hope and anxiety as the news came through of the seri ousness of the attark.H GIVES ANSWER EH. Eugene Meson, ex-president jof the Interdenominational Alii | a nee says. “There i.s one resort, prayer." A music instructor says. - T don" know what we are going to do now' . Then. John Saw. v*r, Worshipful Muster of a local lodge ,u '-i'O's the our moo on - eryone'» lips a-. to who* To j h« Chius' like x< in suffer as hi" -uf b it veil) will not b» slope cv en at. Hr was pn> alone" Eoliou |n r (he tragic incident ma»e meeting was held a< the Dutch>n»p« Si Rinibt Church, one of the churches hnmhed ia»t ysar. The meeting was re miniyrent of December 15.”,, a» the yt-grn -'ll Irens of Mont i turnery poured out their pleas for the rorovery of "their pre»i dent." T«ai - * very being shed by mop >nd women alike and during the pc - il*# LfiunmhSil to bold \tmr, Hon W, l„„H -.loNMn OK YOUR MCISIY back; j AGAIN WE OFFER YOU | An Outstanding Bakery | Special A Delicious 2-Layer 3-lneh [1 f 5 VARIETIES AT WHOLESALE PRICE | 48 c e*ch FAMOUS BAKERY i»f ft, wmMstmton w. fsombs ts**** s-km - i-bm CONDENSED STATEMENT Pint ■ Wizens Bank & Trust Co. As of the Close of Business Sept, 24% 1958 SALI'GB CLINTON JACKSONVILLE EiCHUU'BS ANGLES COATS EINSTON ROAKfOSLE EAFID6 arirrp r»« r DUNS LOTJISBDR© SOSEBOHO vfNSON"* t.ttTTTrvn.it HAl’SVttL!' SMITHFIEL© BURGAW FORT BHAC-Q MORE HEAD C!?l §PSI3*G HOPE CAMP LE JEETJiE GABBIER HEW BEEP BWANSBORO rn»sjr porn* HAVELOCK NEWPORT CAJfP bwGEK PHANKLINTOH NEWT©# GROVE CLAIIOW” GRIFION PINK HILL RESOURCES! Ga*fc m V«#. i«d Due frets Bank* 3 47.494,418.37 11. S. Qovatnmant Becufitiaa —570,075,361 39 Obligations of Federal Agencie* and Other Marketable Securities —,=.... 33,810,817.99 State Bond* ...» 7,698,639.15 Municipal Bond# 19/00452 88 130.004,?? jM Accrued Interest ns— 555,5711$ L«n» end Dlaeownte 68,906.106.48 Banton® Houk», Fumitur* and Ftrtwrea Other Equipment and Real Eefeata 154i,44 l i.Fi Customer* Liability Letter* of C?<*d?t Executed for Customers 4 230.00 $247,096.056.1| LIABILITIES* Cagdfttl § toe 17 nr.«;,v.. 1 ! 400 000 96 Surplus ; 4 ... «, 11,100,000.00 Undivided Profit* ~ 1,965,037 93 Reserve Accounts, Accrued end Unearned Interest, Taxes, Insurance and (Other Reserves 10,534.850.77 Letter* of Credit Outstanding 4 4,250.00 DEPOSITS ??? Q 97.127 50 5247,096.056 13 EVERT COURTESY, ATTENTION AND SERVICE CONSIST ANT WITH GOOD BANKING ARE THE FACILITIES OFFERED BY THIS INSTITUTION Serving North Carolina Since 1898! MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION' Durham, and Mrs Dorothy Harris of Tuskegee. Ala Announcement of the award was made, today by NCC President Alfonso Elder and Mrs Helen S Morse, chairman of the. Department of Public Health Nursing This is the fourth grant for NCC Grants for years prior to 1357 a mounled to some .1138.000 The NCC program in Public Health Nursing is one of three THE CftSOtmiAlf lirrtf END ENG SATURDAY, nrTr.nr n p, iryi -uck programs in the South for caduate nurses Other Southern programs are located at the Urn- dM/t mTwrn^m Now SHOWING! iffliSJjffifJ H’ eiSSIL . * 2-4 S Ft, HATIOMAL DISTILL ,: .S : . .IS CORPORATION, H.Y. ♦9O ?RDO* | veriity of North Carolina, Chtpjt Hill, and Georg# Peabody College I Nashville, Tann 13