16 THE CABOUNia^ BIFF, ENDING SATURDAY OCTOBER 11, 1963 rockymountH NEWS and Mi|gm.|r l | y;r£ws Jlßpiu y. Tim in RALLY iS NOW ROCKY MOUNT - With NAACP ■winning --a many battles, both in and oui of court, in this tight for compute first-class, citizenship in America it is clearly evident that the m 0..: uniformed Negio should b* rallying to join the fight with his dollars and his membership. It goes without saying that the ’in t*rl*<ptaK should lend thr march of the NAACP s ficlit for fi.i'SMm i* rertainiy i? *n hour to 'belong .tom .Voh tne reining of (hr iAtH jnr usl goi 'volition o' tee Ni-.vth C'-. o. l.tr* ft AA CP confceiii-e to Raleigh October 7- t 7 there -hou'd hr * «r-H r.i’h t<v mem be—ship applies ijen? to ;ho!‘ our State government official' tr-a» * are *eally in om ast ?bouf this thing railed FIRST CLASS CITIZENSHIP - that we -r • VT TT Progrecs-i'* people of at! races and denomination* »• e realizing *rr* foe’ifthne,.- of utier futility of continued further delay in arccpi- Jj| all men «e their brothers; that eventually the wed of Clod MUST ■gr. MADF MANIFEST In the hearia of all men if they .ire to it ,-fiv* top blessings of p merciful .God T* uaro'c Kelly Alexander is a reu ’*3T “*o l l loader Herihv of to! low mg and •<•* .-.hould turn mu In r-e-.t Tt u w ‘ O ;-!! the * ' on' tw convention this ■■ ret f- .3 tl IT to ft.-j'oi"!-, ... -l-d he-?r such P r 1 -onpiitie Burlington Notes *••- Mrt M M B*-ow*i 691 Apple Street BURLINGTON M * IbbT f'illiams hs* just returned from t‘"mstoa-Sakm and L* .unstop, yhere she 'pent -eipra’ we*:';? with relatives and friends iVe n**re glad to see h?i again Wel come heme, "Aunt. Eb Among visiting wot hopper- -t the First Baptis 4 Church v era Mr. Rmc» of Danville. V.i and Sgt Watkins of Fort Henning. G J who 1? .’isiting rel-Mix and Fiends n-hil* or lea' - ® Band Booster cinh Nnv Th? Band 80., -,- (Tub me; last Sunday afternoon in toe hand room of Jordan 'toil- - Serum- High Scnool th« president Mrs Maude Brown, introduced the now band and chorus directoi Mi Sherma.i Williamson Mr William *eo -pek* briefly concerning th* o'holesiome attitude toi'ards thing? of value and hard vr.rk He men 4.,e*,e.-} stf.-era i p. pHcrr now OOP. fronting him in hi? pew tier, Pii peip band director puked tVat ,1-e group would go en ree.oyd a; Supporting s (mip to get tl° ceor«ra*ton of the church*', the ycr , egi.-on d? part men t and the public to do all it -an t-*- dm. *tnp « new kind of dtarseter in fk« *"i dents Mr Rufus Carmichael. th* form. «r band director and present sec retary n f the club, commented or, i-rni of hr- experiencer ■■ uh the band Carmichael was. laud*d by Williamson for his work with the bs nd A discussion war, held on reran' yt|d wav? to secure hettof bt * Instruroertf ■ :* student- of *he interes'inr remark' sod plpdg*d 4t.v-a.at reboott; Several p3r-"i)L r,; dr tg«,r SUPPOrt to the pr-j t: ,r tot and hi* program Jser-rlrr Ct > n'trH -p-* t-wdan o-ellav* Hi~h 'tri-.0.-.i Alumni Aseociatipp held its f*> J - H nual Bunds" movring re) rion? aravt-1-m* fl-ie Flt't P. S f>t V f Ptl.jVrll S OCI O-1 A. Re- Robert T. V'aike, T» * graduate of Jordan '"ellars 0',.;-! O, - r-1- .t * Srhr.nl rtf Rshgion a* Raleigh, deli'cer the •erroon Ragijlar rne.c4.j-ir. of fV.e or l • riov. ere Or. c b r id ° n W‘IJ 0 ' <}i'- night- sod the A lump! choir which sans Sunday morning h'td rshogr?*lf last Week Group No. Pof the Fi - Baptm Church wag the guest of Mr? Mar garet Foust on New e«t Mon d«v September 59. in tb* evening " A.'■ areviass of the Pretence of God ■■ a ; the lornr fni H.-< u -ion A delightful rlr-e.t mtjr » .••>-. s«rv«d ATrr M 9 Foust )a pie . dart AT r ? H McCollum r* the act iftC ?a».-.i-r-s f v Fo-.e A T o * -a’ jll ,r'fl Yv,e-.dH't eveping at the office ~f r»- Step, b*n Them a? Mrs R M Far l pi ■- •, a»rt urge? all mptpbc.- to b« p -,- rrt E n r* Nn 7 n*ll| he the cuesf 950 Audnar 0 *** *-» I Calvert I S Wr\ fw ( J S*«lU4M»r #t fS j Calvert RESERVE American Whiskey lldf tt*ntt»s £c„ t v. 5. « «e nxt K% SUM Kt-JHft SFHifleSifMfft * ac Mr?. Ruby Mur ley. regional NAACP secretary who braved the Mississippi dolia swamps clad in disguised clothing to investigate | the infamous Emmett Till Case: 1 CTarenn. Mitchell, who watches j over Congress for thr legislation : that is pertinent to our interests ] and can reveal the voting record jof all congressmen and senators; ; effective Youth Secretary who co* ! college.; »f thr nation, white as well as coloi t;d. j ;.idinates NAACP work in thr Thru there is Roy Wilkins, <xr iiili-. r .-.•rrriary of NAACP, r hnr-e address Sunday afternoon at 330 : Should Vie 5 MUST on the lit of ' every thoughtful citizen’ |if «• fait pack to overflowing j the Municipal auditorium Sunday | afternoon it will »ell the world that ; we hern m Tsrheeha, want to r»- main m wcond-clas* citizenship DON’T LET THE NAACP and YOURSELF DOWN. We need YOU AROUND to keep the banner off the ground. We particularly appeal | to the college arid high school you i ih- to come out for the inspiration ! they'll receive. The oldsters need .t. too. A dollar given to the NA AOP i means much more than hours of | nr.suing around the barber and j beauty shops about whet our rights are. You!) be purchasing a bit of freedom " ,‘th ,yr>i;r dollars The : nthei , 1 r;- r t-etfjng (hat vr>u It drink sour dollar up let's hoi I'-e.n , -n-i buy FREEDOM lof Mr and Mrs Reuben s-tirunoti* -in iteharie Street at the next t-g* i!sr methns Member* are urged ! to he present, and on time. Ledge Meets Tiie ; vueu: tus Lodge N« 94 of Burlington Held its dedieat-on on I 'Sunday .-tiiernoon at the First Bsp ! fist Church with Rev. H J. Cobb. ’ nastor. as the speaker Rev w. M. | Lake was master of ceremonies A 1 musical program was rendered by 1 he Senior Choir of the church. while Rev. J. H Pittman r a; the ; dedicatory speaker. The history of , ihe lodge was given by Mr. Johnny i Vincent who is the Worthy Master, j Afterwards open bouse was held ,n the new building op Rosenwald ■-street, where refiAs&hment.s weie ’ served. Turks' ftinner The R e.tChib of .fprdan Ret. I lar.s Hi so Sr hoot ea"e a turk e ' ■ dinnei Vaturdav. October 4. at the, '.-.eme of ft„; ViMa Hall. 330 Shep ,* ' a 0 : r r 4 P'-aler. ;,-e: e perved I fi-orri 12 popn until the early night Tho'e persons >-ho desired sorb erv;,*e shad thei* plate- deliver : Plates ’*ttf nt]® dollar ejaep arid the proceed' from the .sale ' ili h» put 10 the Jordan Sellars Arhietic Fund Carver School NeWs WENDELL. ~ Nov that October «• here every class this w“ek is thinking about fire prevention Posters have be e n displayed in many of out clarxrootns Stories 3i-p b*,ng r*--d poem? and song; hip being learned. Fire drills “ 'll rot be |. ft ou* r.t th'.s celebration. The Harvest Festival in ha ? e Wi-pji "1 -? nhv the FT A n s ! . -r„ t «,,■ School '“‘3 l no.it poned la * T!‘ day night on account of i*in Tb affair will be h*ld this Ff.dav. Qrfnber inth at o.fkl p m in the --chool atiditprium Therr will b? nuant good food,* and article-, for ••al* T;- effort ", f Ol 'h* benefit of th? -cliool cafeteria Last Wednesday the fifth grad* rla-'S. with Mrs L M FJ»<v a? teacher, entertriined Ihe 'tudents and facilty >*■ ith a progi'em lfl school audiloviuro Mistress of cere, mnnir. .vas F/leane Staten Lorlie Davp gc"e a reading The rises vane a aroun ;-'og Follow 10? the -ong Carolyn Wat- _ .nji rf'-t ;;o<i ihr pnpr.i nf 1 Hro l ' The Leave;. Game Down.” Teori Ferry -atif. He Ha" The Whole Wide World In Hr- Hand'- " One o f th* n- r , - 4 enioyable features of Hi" r , n-c.-n -,v.v. an oration nf *tarv Had A L Hie Lamb" rendered by Carolyp 'V.-iti-on, Carolyn demonstrated bow ?h« would ?.-<v the rhyme in kmder ,;a|-ten ,n first grad*, to third Ci-s.de. r> sixth grade, to high yi-henl, in rollesc n preacher which mi mo t entertaining, and a traeher. The program was eempleted with * dance taken from then ph.viical ediu-aiton clas? Our prmripa}. Mr J F Breed * eo-ouracme remarks ,n Mrs Fih?. and her class fw truth « fine program Lint cleaner* may or m« r not par tor * cotton farmer. TfVm advantage of this ye»r * ; ‘umc*r corn crop by building more sforsge facilities Breed sows for two Utter* per year. ALLAN MIMS, INC. ] FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TAKBORO ST. Telephone 2 215! JSLOSKT MOUNT. N. C. Hush Memorial A. M, E. ZION Church News B-r MRS AN ATT H THORPE Again w« are happy to report fine s< rvices during the week as well as Sunday, The senior choir was in charge of the music The call to worship was sounded by the pastor. Rev. W. D, Carson and at the tap of music, the procession al began with the singing of "Holy. Holy, Holy ” After the singing of the doxoloy and the choral re sponse, "Tea Sanctus." the Ist hymn was sung lined by our pas tor. The responsive reading was for the 4')ih Sunday, 'The Divine Upholding.' Scripture lesson was then read bv mtr pastor from the r.ls! Psalm' We were then lead to 1 the throne of Grace through his : snul-Mi’uine r-' ayn Our 2nd | hymn. ‘ Come Sinners to the Gos pel Feast," n'm sung as the cort ! gregatton sat it. devout meditation Rev Carjop then presented the Re- Ha? *1 Brown' 'Eg. who brought ip a real gospel message ; She ehose her text from Psalm, J 17; |S A* for me 1 will hohold | Thy face tp ri2hteo,i,sriese. T shall : he *at sfi ’d, -t hen I awake with ! Thy likeness ” The evangelist began by saying, j that this Christian life is an indi - vidua! af'air. then proceeded to 'Marge <>n the following points: I i Reeking God as his Saviour; 2. Be ! boldine IDs Gee in Righteousness; ; 3. Whet- f awake I will be satisfied ; She -at -L->wn amid many amons. | We cyn truthfully that Re? Brown-igg vs a steal preacher At ih* evening service the evan I v 3-, again at hei best, and "31 ■<* n- 3-otber powpifut message ! ---;h* rne-e her text ft r-m phijeipon. !* - 17.1a rh*m®- Settling pie Ac. | fount ' T”* evangelist began bv J saying that tin.:- war. the pri'oii i Fnl'tb- of Paul and spot * of th» i fr.ondsbjp that •- jsied bet-> **n j Paul and Philemn a>-'d «*id that v.-jrh of hi should profit by the j ;grr,e Tin. evangelist Will be with US I until Frtdav night and if you ha"« j riot beard he-, you have roi*sed j -no of th* finest opportunities «t j lifetini* We will be looking !o i P f you a 1 one of our services thi’ ; we»k. W - need ynut service and ' ravers to help u? trake this a real ojd fashioned revival Concord News BT MRS. MARION W BOYD NURSERY Oimt CONC ORD—Becaus* of a de'a? ; which could not be ad'-oided. the ! worker, in the Community Nursery Drive -a-ere a fe'« days lat« gettinc iheir materials However, a total n f t»-o i-undred dollars '■’•j re -1 portrd -4t the first ropeu-t dst* Adde- 1 to the v-orkris aired? J hr-ted is Mrs Georgians Wallace . who will can - '?.-- in Logan Homes I area w r r\LL RALLY I Th* Wf•■-stminster Fellowship of Westminster Presbyterian Ch-J>xb ' ias ho-' to th* annual Fall Rally ! „/ th* Catawba Presbytery West i n)im ,{„ r fellowship last Saturday, rvtnbe: 4th Represent,stives cam? form eleven other churches; Be.th nage. Dellefonte, Btddlevll*. F- Kianvt'i Brandon. Grier Height?, Daxddson, McCtintock. Woodland, j Turd Street and Black's Memorial i The ,c r i« a division of the Christ, it; Education Program of 1 th? Pro. bytonan Church Young j people from twelve through tw*n | ty-throe years old are eligible for 1 membersr.jp. Two of th* members of th* vr 1 f of .v*-.tm\n?ter Churrh are offi ;,„i, , n My Catawba Presbytery , Mu? Elizabeth Edwards Modera tor and W i s < A'-eraale Had!«y. i 51al"d Clerk Th* Kail Rat!* of Catawba oynod nr p ,pi he'd at Roanok* Mii- • ’ 2-mta next Saturday '"‘ct-ber 11th Clinton News 8v H M Joh*«s"« Hnine WatlHlnt CLINTON Mr. & Mr» Jerry Sampson who recently moved m 1 then m hom° at 314 McKay St., ! were given * house-warming Wed ; nr-risv evening, Or* 1 from 800 1 until 11 o'clock The affair was en | toyed by ever yon* present They received many beautiful and useful Approximately one hundred guest- railed during the evening The m*ot rh* door |bv Mrs Mamie Faison and Mis* | Wixie Sampson Receiving in *h« gif* room were ; Mrs Daisy Atkins, Mis* Nancy Boykin and Mrs Hattie M Black mon. Serving orange punch arid rake wive Mr*. Noutrice Merritt, Mrs P S, White, Miss Bertha Samp son arid Mr? Pauline Sol ire. Homecoming Home •omifie and Pal.!.*' Day wee held at Brown * Chapel Baptist i Chuven Sunday, Oct % The par-tor. Rev L a. Melvin preached a very appropriate sermon for the errs sion. Dinner -t ■<< served nn the ground# to the ir my guest l Rev R«vbl choir and eongrega i i irt M of Morning Star Holirse>)« j Church *■ ere. >n charge of the after • noon program ,* 7 48 0f) was raised | during tr» day First Bap*is* Church r Sunday i School opened at the usual time with the Sun* Mr C J Jones, in charge A targe number of mem ber* we,e in nt«ndsnc» Morning worship began with the go'pel choir in chars* of music. under the direc.uon of Mrs Sallie foster. Revival service* will begin Mon - 1 day night, Oct * Services will be j sin each ruebt at 7no p. m the | pastor, Rev .1 L White, will be j doing the preaching Sick and Shut tn f found these people in the hos rtta! this week Mr Frank Faison Afv Jehr.nv 'Milton Holm??, Tr MY§ Mr?- Kati? Monr* ir impr&v*ng at. h*r home on Kelly I street Mrs KA*hel«"« Robinsop jis • ovjervt at McCain. A card, KINSTON NEWS KINSTON - Tire activities of VToodington High School are mov ing toward success and progressi ves es* this semester The Tonette Band, under the supervision of Miss A T Mr. Neal, has organised and is, now practicing for its first performance next month Novem ber 9 Its officers are president, .loan C Harrison: v tee-president. Barbara J. Patrick; secretary. Freddie Lee Gooding; and report-- ft. Linda S. Cox. Mtse McNeal not only directs this band, she has charge of the Elementary Glee Club, which is composed of grades •1 through 7 Glee Club officers are, president, Carol Joan Young, vice-president, Alice Mar e Gooding: club reporter. Pearlie Mae Dixon, song leader, Evelyn Sheens. The thirty-six piece rhythm band, under the direction of Mis. D C Stanley and Miss Christine Grade:. is now ui full swing practicing 'ir '♦.« first performance which j, to br given at the fust n t 4 meeting October 1 ' m ♦he school gymtortum This reut> ■was or earns-*d September 3. in room 2-G Officer? are a* follow* pr*.«'- dont, Edith K Uswaon: aecret*-?, Linda Ccx treasurer. John Good ing Miss M F Rohm !• tb? hand accompanist. This yea 1 H*,e dance group ha* as its directresses. Mrs. F- M. Pat terson and Mrs. T R Redding Swann in Grady is the groups pres ident ard E'.lla Grace Raker is vm* president: Mary Whitfield is the secretary and Mrs. Patterson the co-advisor, serves as treasurer The Dramatic UJigh School' offi <er , are: president. -Te.rone Lovich: •.ire president. Irene Mainor; *ee rr-tarv M-'-tha Phillips, assistant ..erretai ■ "Nettie R La' 1 “'*n. and ♦i-i>a.s<ii-er. Belly Edmondson Mr* x n 1., 0ft-.n ad- iso: *>* lb-• ‘ lub CARY-ASBURY ROUNDUP BY AURS MAE sk. HOPSON CARY—Sunday morning worship service began at 11 0 clock at, the Congregational Chnr'.an Church. The serioi choir rendered music. The. pastor. Rev. J. M Burrell, read for scripture—Luke, 9th chapter, R2nd verse. Subject: 'Make Up Your Mind." As usual, hi* message was of in* highest type This was -n ordination sermon Mr Leon Gibbs on* of the young men of the chUich. was ordained deacon Ail hearers were inspired by this message Visitors are always wel come m our services. Sundav afternoon at 3 p tn. Union h<. th-*! AME Church had ?-• ,t- gueii the Rw. M F Booker, choir ushers and congregation of Maple Tempi* Christian Church, Raleigo P*i Booker delivered * great mw-i-age. from Phtlipptarts. 3rd chaptw and 14th verse: Theme: Bee What The End Will Be This messagy was well received by th* audience A nir» sum was taken This program was gi\ ?n for the Building Fund, sponsored by this reporter ASBURT Sunday nigh' war- Family Night 3! Linrolnsviße AME Church Savaiwali High Hews SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS NAMED GRIFTON ■ The Senior Class of Savannah has chosen the follow ing officers m steer them, safely through the .vest; president, Em - phur E Bouse, vice president Wil liam I, Sutton recording secretary. Christine A Brown; financial sec retary Tons M Islet treasurer. Lett rice J Broun; business manag er Thomas S Butler; parliamen tarian. Lola M rilitmtn; and re porter. Rosa M Well? The class has already chosen and ordered f heir rings, and Is new busy mnhintr preparations to pub licize th» school.? yearbook. “The Eagle ’ Fh» following Seniors have 'won selected to hold position* on the Annual Staff; William L. Sut ton. editor; Charlotte L. Dawson, co-editor; Rosa M. Wei!?, business manager; Stevon Sutton, assistant business manager: Etta Koonre, Lola Tillman. Don? I?1er Johnnie Wiggins, Lestrice Brown. Margaret. Aytch. and Helen Alston, circula tion committee; Donald Danville, Alton Wiggins Robert Divon Jas per Mabry James Graham, and Samuel Sutton, act rnmmitieo, Hi) da King Etta Roonce and Donald Fonvjlle typists: and Christine Brown. Earl Bouse Tula Russell, and Lula Boyd, assistant photo grapher*. The class 1* under the gurervi*- ion cf Mrs Sar» L Flanagan coNstrrmoN week OBSERVED Oosfcn ftion Week was observed by the High School classes pf Sa vannah during the week of Septem her 17-24 Climaxing th» obser vance. both sections of the Junior Classes rtresented an educational program during Assembly Hour based on the Constitution Many interesting ftete were giv en by the group Pome of th» inter esting and educational information included.' The meaning of th* Con- Titution Constitution Da'- and the constituents of t.he Corutitution Mary Copies acted a? mistress "f c< emonie* wh>]« Ruby McLaw horo Wdlle Skinner. Mattj« Moore Joseph Sutton. Sarah Tyson, Adam Harper Lillian M Chapman EHiah Mori?, Etnel Chapman, Robert Far row, Harriet Bryant and Rearl?* Do*« took active parts in a Panel Discussion Mr? Helen K t?!«r and Mr Dm latter w Hewers would cheer Hum* people up Let us all remember them. fVafb Th* town r'.f Clinton T* r aj sadden ed upon ti?o news of the doath of Mrs. Muj*y ?) Berry Kuncfal ?r* this writing. By "BKUYK” BBOYVNTNG Its maior pertw'mane* teil b® fives in the early epriag. The school principal. My. Stephen Carraway, his cm his edvieoey staff 3 n#w teachers tons year, Mrs. Markte Durham in the English Department and tibrmia, M F. Bobo in the Primary depart ment a id Mrs. B. W. Beeves-, Public; school musio and glee nJufe. Mrs, Durham is replacing Mm O. 6. Kornegay this semester. The edhr-t M staff member* include Mr. L. Lewis, Driver's Education and Mr*, K. R. Coward, band mistress. The Mt Zion Free Will Baptist Church in the Davis Mill section served as the host chtirch for the Women's Home Mission Coriven iion hold Thursday, September 26-2 R Several major speech** and sermons were heard during the session Among the speakers were Thursday. Mr. Stephen Carraway. principal of Woodington High School and member of Eh* St. John Free Wm Baptial Church hi Kin slop, Fr'day afternoon. Mr E T Bryant principal of fevrmm El* men ter? School tr> Kinston Ft d ay night Mr*. <5. S Steaeert wes guest speaker Mr* L V. Bine* of ftomvna SnrTtr* is president and Mr# 15 A. Bryant of the Woodington Sdhoed Faculty is secretary. The nmrt. convent!on wifi nuet with the Pm no and Run F*. W B Church, Mia. E. D. (s-et-mm, Mr* 9 S>. Gsrnw *F»d 'M'nt, Aunt® lu« Wu« hams were weekend guests of Mr. Preston Rhodes, 98? Hamilton Ave.. Portsmouth. Va While there they visded Mr. A Mr*. Henry Rhode* and Mis* Estelle Rhode* bro thers A sisters of Mrs Julia Dee Garner "f Kinston lyi®* Donald mother of Mr* e n Lawson war weekend euest of the w A. Lawsons Rh« •»< *>"•« aHondine tb* Hnlin#** Contmc»- jioo in Gn'd’Boeo Pri/.*# wees jo'cn to Sis list geek family appearing on program. Mrs Earnestine Cain - o a* Sues', speaker The families that won first pju.e* were the Hooker and White families. Th* s-*<!Ood prizes went to the White and Blount, f.imilse- A nice sum was acknow ledged. This program »i< given for th* heating system. Visitors wore from Wvatt# Chapel end other paices AM sick ar# feeling bettor. Th* fourth Quarterly Confe«m<*e of the Lincolnville Circuit will he held Saturday #"d Sunday, Octo her tj-12th Business session will he held at Union Bethel on Satur day evening at R p m *nd regular service.-- Sunday at. Ltneofnvflte A ME Church if you have new* *.» we tike V eerv* your community and ours, please call TE S-2141. Mr* B Rog ers. Asburv: and HO T-91ET, rary We lik* to have all of th* Bct"!- ties of our eommunitt##. A THOUGHT li i' not lie that read? mom. bid he Mial meditates most on Divine Truth that will prove th* chol r e?+ wisest, and strongest Christian® Halt H. Jone* *nel*l ctudte* taacfMM. ' were director*. 1H CLDR KEWS T* l * JUvannah High Sctoord is* Club held its initial meet'.ng of the school year or* October 1 Donai.t Fonville, * senior ■« ».*■ (ho r b ‘n lead th* group Uvlf ■chool term, while the shore* of v .** president w*» banded to Emjthur Bart Reuse The secretary 10b will c* handled by Doris f c !»r. a aentbi Rubv M'cT.a ' horri mil **• r.-.r in the secretarial duties Wtlhe Skm-isr named treasurer A ornsr-im committee mss chosen a r hifh comprised of the following Lola Tillman, Rone W*Ms. Etta Konnce Mary Alice Copies i§ the reporter (or th* rear N.H NEWS The fce«,v Homemakers of Amer ica held f.heir initial meeting re cently in the Homcmaktng Depart ment Business on the agenda con sisted of election of officer* and plans to- accepting new member? The following officer* w»r* elected tor the 1958-80 w+>«n* +«rmt presi dern. Lot* M Tillmans Vic* oresl d*nh Dori* tslert aacretary. Mary Aim* Coolest financial secretary, Mattie Moore, treasurer. Christine Rrciw-n; sons !«ader. Sarah Tvso”: publicity- chairman, Ruby McLrw horti Plan* vns ahn mad* t* attend the District Rally «♦ Springfield High, in Liieam* GLEB Ct.D» WW Th* gfe* dub of Savannah Wgh. if under the dtrection of Miss Wins tyf Graham end Mi** Allegro Err ar»t About new members have been added to »ih* group The following officers have been re I*. ted to *b r th« group They include th* following' Roes Welt* president: tmla Tillman, 't* prem dcot; tier he Tsle*. secretary The *er(er t* Comprised of SLV- Graham. Rlwte Warper, Edna Koonce. teatrire Brown, Melvn Smith and Core Sutton mb' l * Clyd» Graham Emily Rainier. Charlotte Dawson. Sedesrr Ftem mend*. Beulah Ron** and ph?n» Well* miR aaemr t». the *He*- nate*. mgs ©lpipiwir “TV. «*» wV tefcae #rtes* •a tVy wane ssay hw. a wltf!* oyfav—■Ci¥ p Ise swfty V> rnr » fans* »*K VS?-* Rambling In Chatham PrTTBBO&O NOTES BT GUTTAWNA BOSTON CHIJBXH PITTS BOKO The Whit* Wing Choi ns of Mitchell Chapel Church Pittsboro. journey a- r> Asgoori to appes.- on the program of the Wo macl Singers. for the weekend U Cstheir Rodgers, Thomas l.c.i h and John Brown rs AST College, Greensboro, were home for Hie weekend. I'-h-fi. Allie Daves of Pittsboro has i- - -nfly returned from Hempstead, Jii-w York. HORTON SCHOOL NEWS The Student Council of Korfon Jeffreys School Hews W* *!*» *#i r harpy to greet aw for the fiset time We are the 33 pu pil# od Mr*. Hama' first grad* ngh* sow are m rh» midst of our needteea# program A* tiro# moves along w* era hoping m give you kh« new* of cur progres* rod edvanture*. Pleas# keep watch ing ter ouv news. Tb® member# of th* third grab® are busy making plan* for » study of Transportation in Our Commun ity Now and 1/wa Ago. We are eager to find nut how Mi* different wav* n f transporta tion play such an important part in the life of our rrnnmunity. Our musk teacher too has start, ed teaching us sons* fun songs about train* We. the wernbei r of Mr Moore's fifth grade are asking you to ioin our Thrifty Club The requirements foe membership »r® coop* rat pm court e*y. dependability and in dustriousnees. The eighth grade el#** ty nrga. nixed nr, September 3 The officer# vrm President. Carolyn Canady: vice-president, Donald Dunn yr retary, Minnie F. Webster; asst secretary, Halite Fort; treasurer. Mary A. Oakley and reporter, Dar lene Hayes. We are happy In say that |h* eighth grade pupils are Improving one-hundred percent in their stu dies. We are selling The CARO LINIAN a* a class project. For oi -r social studies we are di vided into groups The title of our unit, in Seeing Norfh Carolina. Each group i* working on # diffe iprrt phase We are also helping our PTA by keeping an honor roll of our parents attending each meet ing The PTA of (hi* .-chop! held its September meeting In Hi * school auditorium recently. Mr. Edward Chavis, fh* president, presided The must# eomwit#* gave * very interesting and inspiring devotion, led by Mr* A V F,!!is Committee reports w«r* heard and plans for the year were die - i usserj Th* membership committ## made a -ood beginning In #oll®i*ting membership fee* for the school year. A r*n lively end Interesting meeting of th* grade r*pr«sente hveii was held immediately after Ci* main meeting Plans for th* v- ar vre.-p made with the classroom, tesi''hw s -' The meeting ** Mot or# was held juvi he for* th* PTA met. ft was well-attended Plan* were made and. officers were elected Pas ri'tnsn Teem# was guest sprake on September 2d. Hr talk ed (o i * children about safety on the m-H >1 bus and safety on th® highway* He also gave each child instruct on# on safety to take horn® to hi? parents Do Wednesday morning. Dctober w* were happily entertained wilt, a Puppet Shew, "f of die Teeth. ' given by th* H*pHh Dopr of wake County Th* ehgrMters mere .Judy Horae* th# Dentist and Ih* Grocer W» got * real beslth lesson from th* pupr*'? tv> * f (N ,d* o-e should Mt, and bowl me I,Ho I .ltd car* for OU? teeth METHOD HEWS BY MIAS DORA *TB€S€-» CHURCH!-® Ckrtetten TAbew.ftf l !'* METHOD —Th# pew* war® fllied with people Sunrisv morning «t th# Christian Church her*. From, th# ;)oth chapter ol Revelation* and the 6th vers* wbteh read*: 1 Blawedl and holy in h* that hm pan. a th*. first resurrectioin On P.Jfth tea second death hate tio power, but thev shill be pnestf of GM and of Christ, and shall reign wrtto Him s thouiiand year*.” H was # lovely sermon end the minister fully eKpteined to u* tee fact that ail who put their uteole Trust in the Lend, mlprttng ttte thine* of high estate, trusting not >n thie world's geode—those and ihne,- only, shall reign with God Everyone there thoroughly enic-eed the Rie*.sag« from this m»n of r •t«S Th* congregation sang beautifully for tba sendee PEW tALLT Members and friend* of James Church gev a Pew Waite Sunday oighh Or.teber 8 <r+ h3O A P'S# program was arranged by tee oomwitte# with Mr* Bute Wfl der a# elwirmen The l*ede«# rrude me# reports. Wri«. Mery *L Wterm Ujnf group in ftnews*. AW of the. other# d'd ten# Thi«e rally was given ft* tee Ap mjnt CoofePance Tutid. Heart Sunday evening it*. RRS * “Wewsmilcjw Wedding** tedtl be giv»«? at, te* new cteunte. The Berry O’Kelly Bovs’ Club ta «pos •orititf tei* effort Please eurchses # ftCKfit GITESTS W WATTS rWAFTf* A nt eburch p** l **!?!# snsi ovff to Watt?- Chspc! Siptist "Motufay so **■ wsr'.iciFi the**, Thfri 'i o GOLDS! ON PITTSBORO _ SILER CITY School pi'seented teeir first pro gram on laet Thursday. A full di scription of te* program will ap pear is t.rr tie:ri editlrn HALLSBORO—The 1933-59 offi cer* of Hie Ai esia Chapter of the Crown and Scepter Honorary Soci ety for the Slate of Ninth Caro lina are: Gretchen Thurman, presi dent; Dnshia Daniels vice-presi dent: Jean I Miliian, secretary: Martha Brown assistant, secretary; Franklin 800 1 treasurer; Charles Cherry, repo r; Annie Webb, social commit, sc chairman; and Elizabeth Spaulding, program com mittee chairman The organisation ha? *iEhter-n j prospective member* who ave on probation now They are Rosetta i Dudley. Esther Banter, Marine ! Bellamy. Hare! Baldwin, Carolyn I Bladwm Osrar Blanks, Majorie i Boon*, Hadtey Moore. Dorothy | \irxir*. Vermel Moore. William. | Moore, Ge- c# Phifer. Jo r,en» I Poweli, S*tei* Register Bettv* j Richard, In#* Bmith, Carol Solo i mrm and E- ten Tliompson. j The Art# <a Chapter of the NBA held its fit •!. meeting In th# home [ economic building at Arte si a High ! School Friday, September 26. v-ith | lei# Bracey presiding. The ehih j elected officers which were #: i to)low*: president. In* Bracey: I vice-pre tent, Gwendolyn Sutton; ! secretary Margaret Rouse asv.i tant s retarv Odessa Baldwin, treasure- Theresa Mobley; report ci .* Jev oil Pierce and Deloris Has sell; parliamentarian. Fveb.-n but ton; sergeant at arms. Finni* Srauld -is chairman of social committe Jolly Register; co-n-or'k ei aof jri#J committee Mil- • Free, man Patricia West, Jean McMilli sn Madeline Blanks and NT Man Moore mairman of program cppi_ niittee Eatnestine. Pierce; ro-work ers of program commttfee. Marr Moore Verna Carter. Laurie# Reg ister and Louis# Freeman. The NHA Club'# jorial commit lee held its first mooting Monday. September 23, m the home oconom- P'oup of faithful worker# in that community at both St. Jc.hn and Watts Chapel. They are continually gninc from place so place helping 111 putting over the program for Christ, SICK Mr# Cstlte McCray is Indisposed at this writing. She has not been well for some time hut for the past week she has not felt, a> well as she dte some lime ago. We #n praying that she will soon regain her strength. Others on the sick and shul-in list are doing nicely H.OK SCHOOL Oil# tench school i* go-og for ward Ibis year The class room? .1 r filled with eager boy,* and :uT »tu«ysng to attain th# height' in their grades W - ?r# anxiously Mall mg to .-e* work begin op the gymnasium and new nßfeteria. P. T. A. riur Ist P T A nioeluig wifi h* held on October 23rd at 3 n'clpc l let «vr.-v grown-up. parent *nd fvie»d. be present at this and each meeting of th# rear Together *r« stand, divide-d we fall. No chain j< sti ongor than it# weakest link. Lei? awak# and be io every movement for good Ts takes all to mak® » full man or woman that (s work in th# other activities of th# mm. munilr os well as, the church, l> C- VISITOR A Mr *■ C. Parrish. Jr. motored down from Washington last week end to visit hi# mother, Mrs Cori# Parrish STUDENT AT SHAW 'T- Mis* Katherine Gran! 1* attend mg Shaw University this year w* am glad to have h#r with 11 - again after spending !h» summer in th# north HOLD IN <1 'to r.npi wants WBat a wonderful thought it ;' to Art-isia High Sehoei Mews STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY YEARS-OLD JQ3S fH fniO «i<» fa l. i ®OA*f |M jberfg -sfias «***► WTOPj Crab*Orchard BRAND tt Pit** . wniyiML MsßU£tt raoouefs *»_ hew *m*. m. BMBBaßßWMiwiiiMiiaiiaßigwßßaaaaeaagriasgg^ FOOTSAIi Hortoa meet# Chttham HifSi Sl ; ter City on October 10 *t Horton 1 School. Time 300 p m ic buildiiij, with *il members, .‘fat president, Iru Bracey and tpoaiar Mrs,. F'gford. present. The -rlu'r plan# jioveral activities this schce lerni that we hope to secomphsh . with ease and pleasure The Artesia Chapter of the North Carolina Association of Studert 1 Councils is organised as follows fei the present school year; Charle' Clierry. president; Hazel Baldwin vice president: Dorothy Moor# secretary, DoehU Daniels. assistfaP secretary; Jewel! Pierco tr#*surih. Gretchon Thurman, reporter: Ja rom* Powell rhairman of prefrsm committee; Gwendolyn Suite* chairman of condolence •ind Pryee Baldw'in, ehiirmaa W program committee ’Ph# club * objective* foe te* ***** »r#. 1 *To -work closely wste «*•* guide# and patrol* of tea wsfejol 2To pi*re * - ftiU length mirror is fh# nrhool llbrerr -1 To isvpwe* citizenship «f student* 4 To tes prov# the wh plastic standard* *rf th# studente. 5. To gl*ea at. basket# of rommoditt*<« to ts«d«r privileged farmlie# of tea e-rmjne nity. 8 To improve the xcholesomo social activities of the. ttudent* ts» th# community, t To * van against 'Jitterbugs.” A To awnst in keepin? th* campus t.!«sn. 9. T*> attend th® state convention irtidt W will b* held in Goldsboro «• tea bib and 7te of Oecsmbsr Working with tb* pi-esidenh tfc» year *.« representatives from tfe* various clarsc-s sre Grad# 12 Gr#t ch*!? Gv 11A ,1e rn\vni * urn £ Oovnthv Mte rt r*. CrT&d* tr?G Bei’tmy and Os#a® Blenk*- <Srr*i» iiA Gw*cdoly# Sutton jsd Letter Spaulding Grad* 108 Jevefi Pierce and James F McMilh**: Grad* JOG, Tri# Bi-ac«-r »nd Baldwin; Grad* 9A, Tdni Mac* and Alio# Bovd; Grad* 9*. Afar? Pises* and David Solomon know That Goff# guiutnv htsti it a##*® us. For when «-« tre led be Hi* 4e«r hand All gnod thtisar# »r« *t eur seea mand H* will never .4®«*r# Bu* will tead u* tee ’mmm.m of the ladder To Hi# *op "lwi ronnd, « Tb#-®* #o# hm« whew see -h>*l » 4 And * teonj k»n4 see n*mf tee* kccp». This name fusdm# hand eefii k*«* ua up And >!>.-* «# *###«•**% hnm ESpintuai Cup His heno* are *#irm# treed rod ttt.’e Just #» He ted te* old .Ur, ~-m ft» i*ad you Th#n Ist u* hold to tete gCiAisg hand Pbr fh® wn-# -t * Irtlri d Th# better =>#* «-ilj undsirinisd f can #s d**e fUtriad tsMck m*. —(Ftrifipniaa* 4, li) Ajs Be wtm m Hh» deye «f- £» A.pontle PaoL eo » t&e. Lees l . Jeetm CSsrist wrewe-t twdAy it the. «srir erf every risk****' **a —errinsf a* frewiy xad. «»«#- floeringiy nf *wp®rits**l etresarte amd pawner for rserf ,« .Ta I *m with nsn *hr*.y*.'i

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