White Man Aids King’s Africa Plan GULFORT Mlise - Clennou King, controversial Nepro minis in- s-jjri Monday he would accept the proposal o" a white business man :n Jacksonville, Fla., that hr head a Back-to-Africa movement for skilled American Negroes. King said he would leave Mon day to confer with Bert C New ton at the Florida city. The .14-year-old former his (oi.v professor at Alcorn A&M < nidge was ousted earlier IbU fall from Ihr University of Mississippi campus when he attempted to enroll H» said Newton wanted to help 1-nm hart, an Africnn-Amencan investment firm to relocate skilled American Negroes in independent African countries. k nc. pastor of thr St. Andrews African Methodist Episcopal fhuren in North Gulfport said ins resignation had been accepted by Bishop Frederick Jordan of New Orleans. He said he already had received a (cue. from Ghana Prime Mtn , Or Kv.-am Nkrumah invit ing him to visit Hint nation. He admitted, however, Nkru m,ih citeouragod any idea of wholesale immigration of Ameri can Negroes to Ghana ihr plan would call for hi* risifing Liberia and Nigeria a iso. hr said, le conduct a *ur>T.v of commercial r.stab- Inbiponls in those countries and determine the need for skill'll labor, Ne\v r o!i contacted King after reading an article King wrote, en titled. "Negro Americans Back to Africa," King said ne would drive to: Woodbine Ga.. to visit his wife j and five children en route to j Jacksonville. I WILL ADDRESS PA. BAP TISTS—Dr William R Stras *nr.r. president of Shaw Univer sity has been invited to deliver ihr Educational Address at the Annual Session of the Pennsyl vania. State Baptist Convention nn Thursday. October 16. at 1:00 p.m. at Philadelphia. Prcsi dent Klrassner has jus! returned from the Board of Director’s meeting or the United Negro Col lege Fund In New York City and be was elected a member of the Fund’s executive rommitlce. Third Week Os Bonus i Money Opens The CAROLINIANS Church I Bonus Money program entered its third wee.k on Thursday, October 16 The week will end at midnight October 2?. The current month w ill end on November 12 There are si"-; weeks included in H>r Bonus month in order that mniß ioesl and county churches will harm a ehanre to enter and | trv for top cash awards Checks were awarded winning j churches f«r last, month two weeks | =ge These receiving top awards j '»c;-(c First Congregational Christ* I >an Church. Pane Strep* Prcsby- i trrian and Fayetteville Street i Baptist, Pule? of sh» contest are listed each week on page 2 of each edi tion Church members participat ing -hpuld look on the front page each week for a lint of C A RODIN IAN advertisers Patronise these merchants and turn your receipts «r purchase, slip?, over to a tfore -htativc in your church every H.mdav morning. A- rrlr: giver; C- churches follow; - second. sls, third; tin fourth ...iio *d\ ertise wilh us en vi-iete your business and we n rou in ti-»dr- with them ir . mir ohies'l; is not rin’.,' tak in the program, '-all the . f... ur attention m-.'.r'l Hl'-n anusint both •■opr-eIF nod him with the contest rut 2nd s'-'it winning monthly i o.u i Lawyer Says Race Relations In South Carolina Are Good COLUMBIA, S. C.—South Caro lina Attorney Gcneiul T. C. Col lision said Monday the Palmetto State has been an “outstanding modal of peaceful relationships'’ oetweer races, “We have had no disturbance®, no violence such as that we see neaking out ail around in neighboring states, because we have no areas of integration..'’ ”3,bison said in a speech to a Steltu&bte civic dub. Hundreds Hear NAACP Officials .-.»■> LV . ~ 1 ■ N 1 immmsmmmmi lll illlllllll IIIWMMWWP— . - —————■■—l— -—,—- - North Carolina T s Leading Weekly VOL 18. NO. < SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS, Id.SR RALEIGH, N C. PRICE 12c IN N. C.; ELSEWHERE Jsc dfvdfv SUPREME COURT ACTS 4 4- 4 4 4 4’+’ 4 Morganton Woman h Cremated In Auto ißurns Fatal | ToWomanAs Auto Stalls MOKGANTON-- A Moigantonj man remained in tail here without i charge for questioning in the j death of hi;-, woman companion in! an automobile fire near here Sun- j day Burke County authorities I said Will Fleming told them his car h d become stuck in nuid and that he was gone for help a the time fire swept the , vehicle and killed Mrs. Betty Ford about 60, also of lifor ganton. Firming said he and the woman | wore on a fishing trip at the time, j Sheriff’s deputies said she body j was burned •".<■> a crisp.” Officers are still investigating the '•c*se. .-.cowing new clues bMote t placing charges against Fleming ; As far as eauid be .determined j i this was the first time that a per ! eon had been burned beyond recoc* i i , i (CfWiTtNtIED ON PAIiF, T) !Brother Is | I Gun Victim ! i |fn Hickory HICKOaV A 58-year-old i Hiekorv man wa£ arrested and i charged Sunday with murder in connection with the death of his ■ brother Lillian Gore, 50. Andrv Gore void police his bro | ther came to Ins home here early i Sunday. He said his brother i threatened to get a gun from a ! car and shoot him after an argu i ment. { The older Gore told officers i his brother left the house and went (o the car. apparently tor the gun. Ho said lie picked up his own shotgun and followed Lillian Gore into the yard. When the younger Gore opened 1 the car door r,e was shot in the. I stomach. Hr died shortly after- | ward at a Hickory hospital Long Prison Terms j Given White Boys :!n Farmer’s Death TARSORO -- Three teenage* s, j described as "hardened criminals, | received long prison terms Monday j for their part in the slaying of a colored farmer lasi month near Rocky Mount. Judge Chester’ Morris handed Wayne Jenkins of Gastonia, identi fied as |he trigger man in the wan- ! lon Wiling. 2 20*25-year term?-; Willie Ingram, 16. of Lenoir re- | reived 10-12 years and James Good- j man, 15, of Concord was given an > 8-10-year sentence. The charges grew out of the shotgun killing of 85-year-old j Clyde Farmer at his home early | on the evening of September 12 Tlw bo.v? were reportedly escapees from a detention hone- | attempting to steel Farmer’* truck | at the time of the slaying. CaUtsfcn said there are so many different racial characi. eristics' that it is impossible for white and Negro to live in integrated fa&h ion. He said attempts at integration bring about “ciYoaLnsl personal relationships", and ' no person has the moral, legal or constitutional right to create disturbances a~ mpnp tf£ hf rrt«* ftCgtegated way of Lie.' J WAIT FOR FOLIO SHOTS Faced with a polio epidemic in j Detroit. Michigan, residents line up for Salk vaccine shots outside an j ! emergency innoculation clinic last week. Folio cases to date number I S 523 and the number of deaths has mounted to 16,, Helping in the j fight against the epidemic is the National Foundation, which has supplied 100,000 free vaccine shots, several iron lungs and §IO,OOO in I rash. (UPr PHOTO). Harry Golden Blasts ‘Massive Resistance’ CHICAGO Writer and philoso- , pher Harry Golden, Charlotte, N, j C„ Tuesday turned his homespun j wit into a blast at the south’s j "massive resistance’ to intergra- ! tion. Golden, cigar-puffing author of the best-seller “Only In A- j Racist Lays Plans To Make j All U. S. Schools Private j WASHINGTON Fiery segre gationist John Kasper said Mon day he plans to launch «, cam paign to abolish all public school-. In the United Stares and replace them with private, segregated schools. Kasper >eid public schools were “Subject to a lot 01 graft, cor ruption, socialism and control by the federal government.”/ “It's time to get back In something basic” in education, he said He indicated he would push his plan first in Vir ginia where, public schools al ready have been closed in three communities to block In tegration. The segregationist said his ac tivities would be interrupted in State News —IN— Brief SUCCUMBS AT 103 RALEIGH- Mis. Sophnma Hin ton Perry died this week at the age of 103. She resided on Rharn ica ttc Road, near this city. Fun eral services were conducted Wed nesday at 3 p.m. at the Davie Street Presbyterian Church with the Rev, Rpboft L. Shirley, pas tor. officiating. Burial followed in Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Perry Is survived by one nephew and two niece®. (CONtiMnib tJM PA&S •» merica,” said Govs. Orval Fan bus of Arkansas and Marvin Griffin of Georgia have “made it easy” for southerners to keep racial hatred alive. He also said it “ill behooves’ (CONTINUKB ON PACK .!> ! November while he went to Ten*; nesi.ee to stand trial for his alleg-i ed attempts to interfere with \ school Integration in that, state ' Kasper said he did not know \ i anythin? about the dynamite bombing of a Jewish Temple in Atlanta. Ga., before dawn. Sun day. He said he has only “heard” of the so-called “confederate un derground” which is believed rr ((.'ONItNUEO ON PAGE *) CAROLINIAN ■—— : ' ADVERTISERS BUY FROM THEM ... PAGE a Sir Walts* Chevrolet Coittpanr P AGE .1 I Goodman's End Shop Sanders Motor Company I Martin Street Self-Hcmre Launrlr PAGE 5 tludson-Belfc Company I PAGE 6 ! Carolina Power a Lighl Company ! rtajclcii fn'jimnal 1,..jb Raleigh Saving* 4: Loan Asnociation I PAGE ? Ollion Motor Company Joyce & Bailey Furniture Co O'Neai Mofors O.K, Clothing Company PAGE * Colonial Store* N. C. Products Mr. C. Karl Llchlman Capita! Loan Company Acme Really Compare' Wake Finance Company t.’lvellii Beauty Collegi- Gem IVflirh Siiop Raleigh Funeral ilo'iir S. M Young Hardware < " PAGE i> A & P. Sup—* Market- Hut Russos Halier,, a Cleaner* Awttacsasu; fSjrT; 1 lh«* He rd #v«t*.n Irdu-ttla! Sauk Court Hands ( Setbacks Toi Ark. And Va.! ! W ASH INGTON- - The Supi erne; ! Court, meeting in iU first bun- j j nesse cssion of the 1 858-59 term, j | dealt new legal setbacks Monday l to Gov. Orval E. Fr.ubus of Aj - I j kansas and other forces seeking U>! i dels.), or block racial integration i in the public schools. If also agreed to examine j the validity of tlure Virginia laws aimed al the National Association for (hr Advance ment of Colored People, uhich j; has been in th>’ forefront in the fight for school desegre gation. The statutes were rul ed unconstitutional hy a low |i er federal courl in Rirlunond. Mcetii.g for the first time since. it..s formal opening last. Monday, j the l'.i.di court quickly and abrupt ly tii-poscri of several oT the ra i rial problems er.-vdmg its docket, t in vapid-fire fashion, it issued 'I brief orders: !i Re.iect.na f ).e apireal of Kau : bus from lower court orders for bidding him to use National j | Guard troops, as. he did last year. | j to prevent Negro pupils from en- j | CCONTtNUEO ON PACK t) Prisoners ' I IlnDanng 1C Escape HENDERSONVnS Four ■ i Negro prisoners awaiting trial here for previou escapes over powered a dupty eriff Monday and fled after disarming him. They were recaptured about an I hour later in the vicinity of the jail by sheriff's officers. Prison Official identified j the men. all felo as Walter Sicas, !8, Greensboro, who en tered prison in 1 and was serving 3-5 years ,• break ing and entering, , , rny and receiving; Clyde L, Doggelt, ; 16. Charlotte, who entered prison in December. 1057. serv ing an auto larceny term; Nathaniel Ford, 27. Lumberton. «hn entered prison In Decern ; her, 10i>6 and was serving Isl Ins; and Harvey Lee Murehi- j year* for larceny a,n>’ recelv- | sou. 25, Willow Springs, who j entered prison In luty, ISSR, I and was serving 15 20 years for armed robbery. The four were pari, of » group! of 11 prisoners from the Bonder- | son County unit who were brought j to the county jail to await trial i on escape charges Washington Terras® Apt* ; Vinous !|h j Rtoodworth at Tourist How» \ MeehauKb £ Fanner* Rank ! Heater Well Company ! f'avene** litsiijrancc Agency ; Crpm Cola Bottling ( o of fUl&igh j Carolina Builder?* Corp. , Haiwa s Seafood A Poultry Co., Inc. i Cm stead Transfer Co A Fond Store j Dillon Motor Finance Company j Dunn's Esso Service j Ridgeway’s Opticians ' Warner Memorials Deluxe Rote PAGE 11 S, H Kress A Company Family Shoe Store O K. Rub he Welder* , Nash nele-Wat ren, Inf j CAGE I* New Lincoln Case Morion’s Cash Store lavht Uadi TV Service R.#!et d i ommbslon House* Inc, r V. QuUxu f urniture Company i fire stone storey Hunt henini tiro company I f’irkt.-r'ttiy-ont bauV As Trujst Cms.tpa.hy j Delegates Re-Elect Alexander |f BV STAFF WRITFR Delegates wen? Lot cl at- the N. (' Htalo NAACP Convention here that, Mcgroes air. being squeezed out ot job:, in the South at, the morning m,f,ion Friday, Tina statement came from Her bert, Hill, National Labor .Secre tary *f the NAACP as he re counted how technological ad -1 van cos were resulting in imrm | nlnyirjent for unskilled or semt j -skilled Negro workers j The sessions were held at the ! Marts n Street Baptist Church "A number of North Carolina plants are violating ami-discrlmi nation clauses in F'ederal contracts by not hiring Negroes." said Hilt. Ho that a number o! com plaints had been fiied with the President's committee, on con tracts. NAACP OBJECTIVES While addressing the converi ‘ Hon, Kelly Alexander, N, C State | NAACP president, stated that the present cardinal principle;: which the organization hopes to estab lish nr; the fallowing: 1 Government must not segre gate on I lie jot. Public msulutionx. facilities, j and projects must foe unsegregat- j |cd and equally available to ail ; | people -'i. Government must not dr criminate in employment. In a stinging appeal, Alexander I said, “The parents of school rhil- j dren hold the key to expanded! iroNTtNirn on pacsr 2> Kasper Moves ToN.C. ! | CHARLOTTE! John Kasper, j known racial racial agitator who j was booed when he was here in j September announced tins week that he would return to this com munity while working on plans to further his segregationist schemes. Kasper said he is writing a book winch outlines a political program designed to eventually "reduce Negroes and Jews to an alien sta tus in the U 3." He said he had schetfid Charlotte as iris new home base oecc.use "I've noticed a strong undercurrent of resistance to in tegration here. It’s .lust not organ (rayiwusD on paof c> Bi-Racial j Group Finds \ Lost Child LOUIBBURG--About 100 pm - j sons, white and Negro, formed a j human chain Monday nigh! to; find a 3-year-old Negro boy lost I in a dense woods near here. The Louisburg Rescue Service began the search for Matthew j Lewis Burrell. Rt. 1, Kittrell. at j about 7:30 p.m.. shortly after he. | had wandered away from his fa ther's car while the father in spected some timber. Volunteer firemen, Louisburg College students and residents of the area joined in the search. The boy was found a!, 0 p.m in a clump of bushes about a mile from the spot where he had left hir, father. He was frightened and cold, but otherwise unharmed. '■•'.* . jj*y. v Pi Mg* t i:i . O*K RIDGE DONATES \ BCHOOC ~~ Clinton Ilish School *lnrlpoi/s leave Wiist* sficr irrlHnt *.t ! <|toi{. new hipi, wHiwi in o?l iDtJjrc. fßnn.. ins) T!»urr*3i«'-. fnc V?»*♦*?<• Enccsy Cot»n»li*wft Inmi'i! ww i October S. (DPI TELEPHOTO). dfgsg sgfts % m J|R ; - i m I®% § I I RAUKHiii Hosts n.a a.c.p. CONVENTION Scenes re- | corded during the NAACP ire } shown here The stale meeting ] ; 'was lioirl in (his city, October j ' 9-1:1. In <«ui nlioto rre Thuv- i good Marshall, chief legal < oim- i sr-I. iefi, and I onrad O Pear- i son. slate I ?g,i I counsel 15 >r- j ! shall addre-sed the convention i i last Saturday * enter (pH photo \ shows Rov Wilkins, nulnitial cv : rrutive m 'Tctar.v, during his | stirring address .»( (hr Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, attended h. between 7tMi and l *IOO per sons. On the right is ,m miiden ! I d ied delegate shown chcr kirtg j her program between meetings. In bottom right photo if, Kelly | Miller Alexander, slate presi ; dm, who was re-elected by the j delegates. Fire Claims Mom, Four Small Kids CHARLOTTE A mother and j her four small children were burn- j cd to death Sunday when fire j swept their four-room frame house before they could escape. The victims were Mrs. Lucille I | McDaniel. -10 and her children, j .Tames, 3, Mabel, 11. Sandra, 7, and j i Ann 3. Authorities said two of (hr rhildren apparently had a - in time to run to (CONTINUED ON PAGI .’) Herbert Hill Os NAACP In Shaw Address Shaw Uuivrisil.y students heard Herbert Hill, labor .secretary for the N.A.A C.P. on Friday, October 10. He said thal as a result ot 11 ie automation of technical skills; in the industrial revolution which is taking place in this country and especially m the south many Ne groes are displaced as mechanics (CONITNIJI' D ON CAGE 3) §sfs| f IPS !* 1 1 il Jl ' .WWTTwf . KK Klansmen Begin Terms In Beating GREFNVILLF,. S C Convict i i'd several months ago in the beat- !'HR of Claud Cruell. colored resi ! deni; of Upper Greenville County, i four alleged Ku Klux Kiansmen | Tuesday began serving terms rang j ing from one io six y-a- Cruell j was attacked in April of 1357. 1 He id the attack stemmed from [ his oaring for the children of a white neighbor while the neighbor j visited hiu wife in a Greenville i hospital The men allegedly wore j masks. j The four defendants bad filed i notice of appeal from their con • | vmtlons. but failed