16 THK eHQLfMJOf wmm. nrwfwwn SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS. m* History Prof At Dillard U. Translates SB d B. H ii I NEW ORLEANS - A Dillard U rnvgmty history professor has pro dursrl the first English transla tion of s series of lectures credited with having shaped much of Furo p.ean social thought during the last century. Hr. O*org igget-' - annotated translation from the French ot Hie hxpoMhon cl the Doctrine of Saint- Simon, lectures delivered in 183R ?!> by » group of intellectual dis ripir?, ~f Corrde Henri de Saint- Simon, has been published by the Bearon Dress of Boston. Saint-Simon's doctrines, pmlieu- ! larly as elaborated in these lett- i hires bad an enormous influence i on th- devclriptiK rd of the French 1 sociological tradition and on po!;- j lira! and economic theory centra l 1v D> Trrr-s h-i • h"d another book on Ssinl -Sio-oo accepted for pub- > lioaMon tn Noll and. Fore dry provides one-fifth of the Income, in Nm lh Carolina. :★ Am SAUCES :★ mivssioM !,★ YSKIS Si TOBI.S STORES 413 Fayetteville St, SURETY EXTERMINATING CO. rats beetles ROACHES FLEAS MICE MOTHS Protect your home from costly pests and insect danger! free inspection and estimates WITHOUT OBLIOATION ! .•?*««*. *"^ r * IW<lMTlWiWllW>WliaißKiaa WWl»iHl»mwwwwiwm»w.» Dial TE 4-8525 If No Answer Dial TE 3 MIS 2WI 5» Wilmington St. Raleigh, N C «eqrsrtfccaecT-»v»»ieL»M.».jejric^w.»r», frit » log . tw^t . 1 .. ri|flmw .. rit] - tI . irTiauL;iLJ B Jll t _ tret PRIZES! Portable TVs-Waltham Watches Electric Shavers-Rogers Silver S3OO in Food Certificates Vbtt Do Not. Hava to Be Present to Win! REGISTER OFTEN In Raleigh * Garner Piggly Wiggly THICK !IMVV FAT BACK w 19c - juwiiuijiiir in. mu juil. U § CHOICE CHUCK Lb. 4Qc ROAST 13 MAXM/fLI HOUSE mww, jjr COFFEE 70c VACUUM i h ■ wrstJlf iiifl vMll »»a* B CAKEAhX jS 25c PR ICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT . Os T. 18. gSUfitity Kiitiis itornui | 20J 1 rairviorv Rrl 1204 New Bern Avr. Onrnrr I K ‘k.4. y -\ Id % , w a * SHAW ONIVERSHTS STUDENT (Ot Nt’ll - Tic lured un sea led, Gladys Johnson, a sophomore of Wendell; George Parrish. School of Religion, of Mebane; Votizie Erwin of Ch.ulot i a senior. George Goode, a senior of Seaboard (President i: M.rrUi -A reelw. ;t senrm of Greenville; Ernestine Moore, a freshman of Raleigh Warr inline frill, a senior of I,outshine. Standing are Genes«• Mask of I Laurinburjr, a junior; Marv White, a junior of I’ow■ellsviU*. Juaniia 51st Session Os Raleigh District AME Zion Cliurch Concluded At Kesler Temple Church In sanes G'nty HV AIRS. HOLLY €. STOKES HENDjEHSON The Fifty Forth Session of The Raleigh District Conference was held al Kesler Temple A. M. E. Z. Church in • Henderson. October 12, and 3id. ! The ho***, pastor, Rc'v. M. F, Ward, the Pr>- admg Elder. Rev. r r. J. Young. Bishop R. L. Jones, the pre siding Bishop. The theme of the ■ conference: "Working Together With God. The opening session. Rev Os rose j T. Than mel on delivered the op. ! ing message. His subject: - Cry Out j St Mark 10. i The allernoon session was ecn | signed <o Hie orgar.i '.aliot, of the j conference which was as follows: | Secretary-reporter, Mrs. r’ollv C, 1 Stokes, assistant secretary. Mrs. i Mary V hyehr; njavs-hHlIs. Sifter | Dsn;. Sir war I and Rev. E L. Mr • zeko resolution conumitecs, chair man, Bev i H. Cameron, Rev. B. Rus.;ul. Rev. J. S neither and i Rev. K I, Mo.if’kr; Tinier. Re> J ; A. McKinnon j Following the os Udiii.'Hijon. i a'•SC: tmii l< v ere i-'lif.U, d I' 1 ' . j troduetion of visitors by (be Dvr i siding Eider followed. Vistiois. ! Rev. Kisler Brown, r-v;l,\;;.t oi i the Philadelphia and B.iiiiiviore i ennfewnge: Rf*’. O. F Start!'.irm. I Presiding Eider of the Sanford I Distric'- and Rev. J. Bw. n. Pr-.- | siding Eider of she Vltiriiattj | Distric, j The confrrettce war highlighted j by The Ministerial Chnic. Topics: | “Worlun 1 ' Togrllicr for a Belter ! World. 'The Minister as a Past- I or;" “Pastor ns a Civic Leader;" | ' The Pastor, The Shepard of Hi. I Flock." The discussions w ore led j by Rev. H. T„ McLean and Res . : M. F Word, pastor of Kesler Teru i pie Church, rospeetively. j The annual sen non vacs deliver ; ed by R. v. J. W. Rcfifcrn. His sub | iect: "The Treasure of a Man's l Heart." St. Luke 6:45 He was sc j corn pan.ed b.v the Taylor's Chape! i Choir Tim welcome prop.'.••.•••• : followed with ,<«r* , ctuigs on b<*itnlf i of the ~ in is try. detoiistrv. busiru'ss ' lav and eduiMiiop b> Re\ O R i Bur-'on. lh D tiaivkite-. Mi j Arthur f'ook- Ally \Y Willism j son and Mr L. K. Spencer respect i MISS VAI.JEAN NfVCRS. ICiweM daughlct of Mr. and Mm. King David Myers. 203 Battle Street, iva* presented in a piano ». ! vital at the First ( Christian Church here October S. : She is a pupil of Eneit M»ssenb«ri, well-known local musician. Miss Myers played several selections. Also on the program were Misses Carnetta Blakely and I'fteHw Williams. Miss M.vers also plays the cello in the string orchestra at l,iaon School. She is the pianKl of ihr Manly Street Church Sunday School and has played for the Lily of the Valley Baptist Church. 65 Per Cent Os St. Aug.’s 11957 Graduates Employed j I r. H McLendon, director of. j Placement Burt an of si Angus- j j tine's Collegi', Raleigh announced j | that sixty-five i-er cent of the '57; I graduate;- are claeed as follow- j ( RALEIGH. S* veliie Cloud. Doris Clements, Edward Rayford and!' j Hamel Bryan l. ,SM!THFUSLD. ! ' M able Brown. MOItGANTON, j I Zenobia Browning. PINISTOPS,! ‘ | Bessie Ntmtl'i. CHERRYVILI.'E, | j Carol Taylor; M’i. OLIVE. An.cr- i j line Mu.sgr.ivo, ROM 15BORO Do- i renin KiS.mtnond; 1-SENDKUSON. I i AJtamesc Blue k. pAY}', TT p, j j VILLI';. Barbara Mosee. KWiFf | CSkISKK, Nowell L.-. FA J HON. i ; | r'itjri ic Schumnc: t: Tt OC K Y | ! MON UN'I Mildred ’inilh. t.AU RINBURO, Jump- Covington; < i ZEBU LON. Georue Dußo.v i f,T Pauls nnr i- r;,',ters I.N I ’iiM j(. 11 j- ftt lEuifey < sopliomisie of Pint-tops; Mae Covington, a junior of \ IVadc-sboro; Albert Jt«ckada.y, a junior of Weldon; George Murphy, vr.ojor oi tvanhne; OsCstt Hinton, a senior of Raleigh; Reginald Mercer, a •-oplu'inorc of WaKhington; Claude f'lythe, a senior of i Conway: Nathamrl McNair, a junior of Ea.vetlevillet and Glen i Milrhcli, a snphpmore of 8.W.1. These students arc officers and! roprcM-ntativc.'' of Use Shaw Cniverbily student Imd.v. vejy R -pensr hy Mr. W M. Steele. r:ni',', :,v morning's session: - . There v. an intcrestir.c discussion b-'.iv er tji< Prcsicling Elder and • r;n,iers or, MeUiortisl Procedure and cl i- * ■ eii he proceeding the re ports o r iho delegates. The noonday ’Tiessogc was de !i> ered by Rev. J A McKinnon His subject ''Have you heard . j from UciaveiiV" ! The aliorrioon sessifiii; A ser ; luciie.l _■ was delivered b.v Sister j , Fannie Stewart. Ti e report*, of the _ i delegates continued, afterwbich the Prestdn ' Elder iireser,led Bishop ‘ j R. L Jones, who addressed the cor,, j j ferencr. Mrs. Mablc M. Jones. • : Rev I: R, Russeli. nasiur of the . Oxford circuit, delivered the Edu • ! notional sermon, Friday morning’. 4 ! session! Tire l pa'■•.tors' reports on rtiseiplinories . i were made. The noonday message wo,, delivcied b.v Rey. W. T, Jeff ; rios. His text: Forgive them, they • | know what they do." St. Luke ! 33:34, The introduction ot visitor:, i j followed. The conference war placed at 1 i Grace's Chape! A. M E 7. Church :n fiyi igh for me next confer ' once y.«i ; The 'iday nflerneon session: The reports w< re brought in of the: Home and Foreign Missionary So ciety. educational apd conference work-: . Home mission and Special RE. Joseph Niuhois; CULPEPPER. VA.. Albu-t WaiIo.ceGRETNA. Vg . Charles Cur/ierou and if a we* Cameron: PETERSBURG, VA.. Annie Baiisy; DURHAM COUN TY. Eiotsc Hilliard; M’l PLEAS ANT. K Be ty Johnson, 7IM iVIONSVILLE. S. C. Burris Dud lev; DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA, Everett. Jstewart and David Bethel; PENSACOLA. FLORIDA, Patricia Welch; ORLANDO. FLORIDA, Juanita, Johnson and Willie Ke-1- GEORGIA Mary Merritt. Maa gie Phoenix and Paul Russell; ?■ lUDSONV fLLf N. Y.. Albert Hldrldg *,*; LA W SCHOOL: ’fhonw4 O'Nor;; and A!br »• 1 Morgan: ARM Y. Ed di a Rr>bin so 11 . DEN tAL SCHOOL. Hurry Sj&tter white, j Home mission and Demotror I | workers. Sermonettes were delivered by | Mr. George Bullock. Os Grace’s ; Chapel, and Mrs. Magnolia Deb -1 nam a,sc of Grace's Chapel. The ! >•< ports • C'!hr local ministers were , Elder challenged She young miriL j - ters about their tasks and this ! essential work of the ministers. The evening session: the dele ; 'tale Mr the annual conference I was elected. Fleeted delegate. Mrs. j j Dolly Stokes. Williams Chapel | Church. Angirr; Alternate dele- i gale. Miss Mary Elizabeth Dunn, i i Grace Chape! Church, Raleigh. d*lise£b- A UOMPI.R TF. f. INF. OF iiaik PKomjrTS Pressing: Oil, Curlinjr and '' # Waving Wax, Lanolin and Scalp Zest Hair Straightner and Dresser, Pressing 1 Irons and Curlers. j Raleigh Commission House, Inc. 134 K. HARGETT ST. TEmpfe 2-771 i RALI iGM N. C. TOP QUALITY I KRAFT RECAPPING SAVE 50% f CW re / * Modern Trend Design ! I L', R 8 Used m New Ti? s | 111 \ Ms Ikcw« mj vJ* emm m( Terms To Suit Yon! ! , H rm<t U INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED RUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. s. mcdowell st. phone t f. 2 • 0,71 f buying a onf&rt ' j;t ©fiT YOUR MOST MONCY ORDfcR HERE! i FIRST-CITIZENS BANK A 11 err r*f\* a o a aiv j ZAIiU I I\U5 I LvMr An Y ! 9 Distinguished Military Students Designated At Florida A And M TALLAHASSEE—Three Ke.scn, e Officer Training Corps Cadets have been designated a Distinguished Military Students <DMS> st Flori da A&M University. They are ca dets Samuel B Houston of Jack sonville. Harvey P Jefferson of West Palm Beach, and Jesse J. McCrary of Ocala. Florida Cadet Houston holds the rani of j Cadet Lt Colonel and is the Cadet ! Commander of ih’> ii!o loan ROTC ! unit. Ho received a summer camp rating of 103 out of UK-12 students from 33 colleges »nr) universities of the Third Army Area that at tended the annua! ROTC Summer ; Camp at. Fort Bonn mg. Ga, Cadet efferson is the Executive and Operations Officer of the Ca det Corps, and holds the rank of Cadet Major. He received a sum mer camp rating of 16! out of 1322. Cadet Major Jefferson received the Outstanding Cadet Award din - ing his freshman, sophomore, and junior years in ROTC. REPAIRS TO RECORD PLAYERS TAYLOR I RADIO & TV “The Houm Service. ButlU CALL TE. 2-3'FA i 224 K. MARTIN ST. i ' RALEIGH Cadet McCiary is the command ing efl'i'T of the Second B»Hla Group v.nth the cadet. u»t>k of M«- NEW LINCOLN CAFE FIRST IN FINK FOODS MEALS - SANDWICHES - BEER - SOI-1’ DRINKS 333 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, N, C <ctmpeg.-uner--:?? irm<msmmßKKW&WßM*B*£Z&3ZZ2Bsa} TS'^”T wt mwiwmim wwiwiimwiiiwi » iow»b-».w i «i»ii Scir R,b ~ ih. 69c | Rih stpw Berf ,b> 23c | Pepper t-n, (Jan 19C r ” n ' , " n ' <l 79S souths. >w,,i£,<'m»i!Tiw>im:.**nM'rrrr-ffym-j!M-TirT-:~ rr-i‘ror'-r"*t‘-rirrT-**‘*~op- , it-^'-t*o— ****-*»*• a*^»'«r»^* i «iTO»i'''ww'sti‘?»i.y'.'B>iig*iW!!."ry» i SLICED FORK STEAK Lh. 59r. Pure Ports' A|| jT-Wmie. sirlmn or TCI n, Sausage lh. • Bound Stmk Mi | %Jfg *** Boron *>,. 49C I o■- " U. 29C CHUC^^ Kraft * Furr I A7« Grape Jelly !0-o*. Jar iMv ' 'Ms. £, $ %, No. ! Whitt f|A„ «>f the BA. Potatoes 1 0-IHs. ; West Flour Jo-lbs- fJJySI# Open Friday Nigbi Until 9 l\ M. HQRTOH’S CASH STORE I MIS-17 South Saunders St Raleigh. N. C YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT UINITS Freshen Up Your Home For Spring From Distinct!ve Furniture R. E. Quinn Furniture Co, | 108 EL Martin St Your Capital City Tel. TE 2-4471 | STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY | YEARS-OLD | ?035 f'\ WO i quam |-fcj ?iwt | I | | C! ; iP b 1 ! A lour'S I jUfi I | &pB3 j ! Crab Orchard BRAND j pj ft, rjcfifir » nationa* nr,T»UFPS rnnrl'M” rn ijnv YfifK *, v D i nv-w■- vi J i....... mßr* lor He flnirhsd Its the- upper third of the IMS ROTC Summer Camp These cadets may apply for a regular commission as a result of being d signaled DMS. This is th« same l> pc commission earned by l the West Point cadet. More than one-fourth of the dai jry cows ,n !l>o United Slates er» bred mtu- <-<• I>

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