Films At Harrison Library Awliting Adult Borrowers Tim Richard B Hantsor Public Libra > v ha?, the following films a' lot it:, adult bo''i'«jyets t'-om Otdfesr '- ( t through Novem ber 14 ASSIGNMENT CHILDREN (As s :!?tion Film*' 20 minutes An -“ ' ount of Dane- Kay's i> mid '■’ur on behalf of 'he linslfd Na ■'"■,'s Children' 5 . Fund lam year FOB WARD A CENTURY 'BIM "•n minutes. Contrasts industrial and social life in Great Britain in leitns of the Exhibitions of IRSJ •oF 1651. TIFT OF THE BOSK ‘Rev '•v.i 20 minute* Opens with a 'ort sequence on (hr mechan in growing fine roses in » green j REPAIRS TO RECORD PLAYERS TAYLOR RADIO & TV SERVICE Thi H ous» Set vie# Bui If’ CALL IE. 2-3950 714 E. MARTIN ST. RALEIGH SOSO ft $095 PENT m £., jl 4/ft OT, tw -il i v -mgm KENTUCKY |i Bourbon Whiskey f1 BOURBON pR. 1 WHISKEY IL-iz:zir::.ri-;:,.J A BLEND SI ? BOURBON de LUXE THE BOURBON DE LUXE COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, DISTRIBUTED BY; NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY—B 6 PROOF—CONTAINS 44% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS O Wpßf P *r> WHY BE • * PUZZLED? w^en ; fc“* ,A Are Easy to 4'S S'j S'... J |^.»'^kVr , *4.-. Got at . . , * ~ THE HOOD SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL •» »«■» •*“ mm * *• *■» *■»«■» ■ SI A& |f ~ 3iE 1““ “151 w« w^ lao-oa 7-jc 3.00 i(wsr. io no jjftw i«M too "SIT; There are all sorts of reasons why YOU may .*«><» i«. 40 s.oo 3 ».t0 »aa need cash in a hurry. An accumulation of -»»«>.| *•<*>) ««o[ »Map»« unpaid bills, unexpected medical expenses ,23”L»S? the desire to reoil - " qo places" on vour -J22L^2._±S2._«!»L.«»? vacation Whatever the reason vou can art -»»., JiSL -2i”L^? ' low-cost loan here FAST . ‘on terms m your convenience Come on in. ' 730 O'; a3 2* 7.00 ttISC soon! 1 OJLIUL' ,f, lu: -..,, J££L jsli *•" Tom QiJStfl S 3 I M vAu V« ■«o.oo aw| lojiol iooo: ' »" * ®**wrLays mso 9.00 aooo Q A A/' < » "S it. 6 3 A * m ‘ TO U. Noon The Hood System Industrial Bank |S| 122 S. Salisbury Sf. Raleigh j hours, The remainder of the pin j hire shows pin per cam end ar- I latigement ot ;C' --s in the home end 1 heir use t■ >r soeciai c raMon* GRANT WOOD fPictureArco. il minute:; The story cf a self taught artist with just 3 bit of polish added by a generally im salu factory -lay in ran? who found himself only when he be gan painting the gentle curves on his neighboring hills, the neatly plowed fields, ‘he daily routine of mid-western life I.A PAYETTE. SO L DIED OF LIBERTY ‘VV’RFi if minutes. i Highlights of file life and career j'T (his distmugished French friend of American freedom, eropVu-xi/.Wi* I particularly his service to the 1 United Slater and his friendship i wdh Washington THIS -iFT ACTS ‘BIS' 14 min i tiler Through this film countless ; thousands more will be able to | hear and see the sound and shapes j of jrt-age achievements. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.— Seven pci j son? i;e-joined ihe Florida AEM )J j diversity faculty after a year's i leave of nhsr.niv. a COMPLETE LINE OP HAIR PRODUCTS o*>-j Pressing Oil, Curling and v 'Ci $ Waving Wax, Lanolin and Scalp Zest, Hair Straightner and Dresser, Pressing Irons and Curlers. Raleigh Coimaissien House, frse. Vs 4 £•■ H-VEfiLTI ST. Ttniple ' ill >; \t.{ IGH >, < A .ME. ZION WIiRTIfMEN JOIN IN C’FREM MONIES The picture above shows son*e of lh members of (he AME Zion delegation that took part in the cornerstone faying at the Interchurch Center, 120th Street and Riverside Drive, New York City, recently Beginning just behind t.h« leaders of The pr« cc ion are Revs. Carnes McKinney. ( G, McKinney, .1 tv. War tor. far* Thomas, Frank ChurrhhiU Bclwe H. Jackson. B. C. Robeson. S il. Williams, ('. C. Williams and C. S, Wilcox Not shown are Bil lin' P W. J Walls. Dr. T. f Haggard. Alexander Barnes. Mrs. W. .1. Walls. Mrs. Josephine Kyles. Mrs H. !H. W’aetor, Mrs. Marian Lignins, Rev I D. Maxwell, Mrs. Alexander Barnes, Mrs. Eva Hoggard, William Durham and Rev. and Airs. J. W. I indie. Per capita consumption of al i meal? in 1063 ir. estimated at 150 I pounds, nine pounds less than :n 1 1357. Potter Stewart: New Supreme Court J ustice Promises To Be “Impartial’ 4 WASHINGTON - . T uiii administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right, to the poor and to ihe rich, and f will faithfully and im partially discharge and perform all the duties .incumbent upon me a-, judge, according to the pest of. my abilities and understanding, agree ably to the Constitution and law? of the. United States. Mo help me God.' Thus spoke Poller Stewart in a —mmmmmmmrnmmm V 'Jy ' Z :-T - ' .. - - New Liberal Credit && fife* C Terms Now in Effect Ttreifone OH ' k APPLIANCES k TELEVISION k TIRES Si. TUBES OURBIG TRADE-IM ALLOWANCE WILL MAKE THf, DOWN PAYMENT [ STORES 4J3 Fayetteville St, Guaranteed to bold yours % /m/w /& W day\. % A a.—-.. >•• - -v. ■..»■■ AMBASSADOR ' .'liort but impress) v* oath taking ! gereniony at the Supreme Court i Tuesday The 4.»-year-ol anteins; relißVCd so frsfc, first-tire* users art? •mazed. No waiting Nc drugs or palsfu: m . je.'fion* Wonderfully effective in restoring free breathing. Now A’-railable without re script ion. Ask vour druggist, for Dr Ouiifl 9 hveea Mountain Cigarette* or Compound i... ORA-fltl .... I first aid for TOOTHACHES i safe reitef in ’ 20 seconds - 1 saw JgLww QtiauTr PORUBUTV gSHrOSN fjgflKsjßi jpjSjps ’ ■ -• j* i *”■ BltStl R IPHIMIUKE 8 lltf. . ~. ! mink r |i ! 1 , f . Jr *«* pm tAeyJ+t fHumlmi'ft with fabric ffobi* 4>f rkh Crpwn YqU&v n K, i r>fTwbit* »*»im 4w•? M WS PHiWTtn GitWHTS f«-rO< Wvi<*.sc!v»r Chowls H your best buy lor dtpondob l *, **f»o lemj 01*. HuH-"..** "ffw.»«r S*Mlr* Stmghta* sutur* Tub* ©>p*j« f A*§