f/ Ws Must Integrate/ 1 White NC Students it North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOL, is NO. f> SATURDAY NOVEMBER R. 1958 RALEIGH, N. C. PRICE 12e IN N. C„; ELSEWHERE 15c BUS BOYCOTT ‘FLOPS’ Man Lives Two Days With Screwdriver In Head Bus Riders ignore Plan For Boycott BIRMINGHAM Ala A pro-! pored boycott ol city buses by Ne- . -tops over fcliF segregation issue I has apparently feiletl. a check ot ; ■ nmr bus routes indicated tin:-.; »T»], . The Rev } !. Shuttlch «itrfh. Negro mlcgratiimtst. »utiuunred lari Dial the boycott was voted unanimously at a mass tiireting of several hundred Neg r oc> Friday night. Rev, Shut tie worth paid the bey- 1 < oU. vjr retaiiauoß for ‘ mtetreat inenf' of Negro passengers, se*-j rciaUen and uv refusal of liv Bii mirutbatu Transit Co to dis cus.s tiic isitur-s ts Ith Neyrocs. But all ho Met] the boycott V:;, (,110posed in -'ail Satur day, NegtOVSi Tet)< fi hied, and Be.he;* s death was attributed IP the stall fcoNTTNirsn on pact: n Officials To Probe Delinquent GASTONIA Gaston County Commissioners have called on Sheriff Dwight Beam and Jailer Karl Clemma for a, detailed ex planation of an incident involv ing three jail Musters and a 15- year-old delinquent girl, The commissioners also said Monday that (hey are "seriously (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) Sixth Bonus Money Week Is Underway Tha Bonus Money Program, now entering the sixth and last week lor the present month, is freewheeling to r whirlwind end at midnight on Wednesday, No vember 12, The r-rreent Bonus Month began five week* »!» for ,t run of efv. weeks Churches ■ IV Servlc* Dnam Bakery Tko Capital Coca-Cob* RotUing Co. James H. Anderson Company Firestone Stores Sullivan’s Grocery PAGE « 8. H Kress & Compam Gns Russos Hauers A Cleaners Mr. James O. Blount R- K. qulnn Ktirnilnr* Company Parts Flower Shop Wholes,'ie Electric Supnlv PAGE ft Colonial Stores Family Shoe Store Mr. C. Karl Lichtman Capital (Loan Company Acme Realty Company Wake Finance Compant N C. Produel i Gem Watch Shop Raleigh Funeral H'lm* S. M. Vonng Safthrat* t o, ‘Qualified Applicants Should Enter’ WINSTON-SALEM— Wake For est, College’s student, magazine iras stated that the college must achieve integration of the races “is it is to coll itself an intellect ual and Christian center lor edu cation. Calling' on "irteUccUiafe" of the college to “be first, !o stick their necks cut ” the magazine asserts that, a college “must be a place lor not only free expression oi ideas, but also a place where ad people desirous of puvsumg an education are free, to do so." Going further the publica tion says it cun net understand how people “who claim to he <‘hi idians" can deny the ne cessity of intocation “if they understand anything at all of Christ’s teachings. Entitled “The .Student,” the magazine will be distributed on the college campus Friday morn ing. Jerry Matherly of Greens boro. a senior, is the editor “We must integrate” is the title of the editorial. It is signed by “the student stu-'f." The editorial rays that although “thinking people” realise the col lege will be forced, to consider in tegration in the future,” a large (fON'l.Nl'fa ON PAGE 2) Mm Pays Fine, Wife imprisoned COLUMBIA - A h'!..b.-.!,.-' pleaded guilty for his wife in jnsentia, paid ins h-.vb fine recent ly f 'e *' '.'hsi ~f s.iie of nun *3\ paid whiskey and .«bowed his wife iu '.< ■ ee a priv.ip >.<.»!< n.T. During the October term of the Tyrrell Comity Superior Court, Kugeue Jefferson and bin wife, Mr:, Wilma Jefferson, both of the Alligator community, were chars- I'd with possession and Kale of ’’bootleg'* liquor. They were nabb ed SB? agents and local ABO. offi cer a laid '*l J.'iiy 4(!i J '('••rtinr . !-'fc.l-'d ci'iiiy, f ,,r both if,i , "oni.- f«M i;; ,-,d to . counts .'• >i his v- He Mrs .1 of fervor), Ft fa! tub-? In meet Hie fusp. iidi'd. fine' and court cosh, V. as , nin-i jifrd in Wo man's Piisoil at I!,j lei :■ ■ . .ill-, .:,i,v by Sheriff dais K Mm . is. to serve six months to run enneunemiy on uach rap. Indicted In Rape GOLDSBORO A Wayne C ounty Superior Court Grand j Jury’ Monday 'indicted seven youths on a charge of raping u. young Goldsboro white woman last summer. Indicted in the assault on Mrs, Leslie Jerald Strickland, 21. were David Lee flicks, 2:5: Bennie Lee Lord, !fi; Raymond Bryant, 15; Llloise Lord 17; Henry Williams, !(: and Wil liam Atkinson, 11 Disl, Sol. W. .lack Hooks of j Henlv did not announce wheth er they will hr tried »l the current two-week term, State News *_£N— Brief RELIGIOUS it on»-HR ai shah RALEIGH The Stole intoi sow inary Conference mol. In the School of Religion at Stsaw Hm- VMVjity no Friday and Salurdoy of last week. Dinner was served at 6 p. m. in the university's dining hull to the delegate;; from Johnson C. Smith University, Hood Then tcoNTiKtir.n on rA.or, ri PAGE 9 ' srror » lik. The Hood by it I'hi industrial Rank A. t>- p. Super Market,!. N»«h-Nlcetr-v.?rrets, Inc. e yr.r; in Bloodworili 51 Tourtsi Bwi I Meclia.ulcii c. . .< niters Honk Henter Well Corn patty t.'nveness luni.-we Agenrv Pepei-tailH Bodlm: to «i Rili irh Carolina Builders IJorp, Watson'* Seafood f, Poultry Co im Dmstead 'Transfer Co 6 Pood Store I>lJlen Motor Ftimni« Company Dunn's Esso Service Hideaway's Opin-iam: Warner Memorials I>»lux« Hold PAGE I! Davie Hi>eel Coin J-iimrlioiu.il A. A. Hodge, Con*factor Hpo- A Span Cleanots Raleigh Seafood Cornuane Kaielgli Commission House, !>" PAGE IS | f'onn Gower Poptiai Cnoi|Mnv Horton’s Cask Wore j IV a sUillg; ton To i r.i l . ApC , ?ii< ■ Pirst,. CHlvene Bank < IMI 1 ,no pan until General Tiro l omp my ! Martin street Self-Service Laundry i New t.lncnin Of* I:-- .v •; ‘ '%*■% ' v . t l \j ; v ? v -.U *. ’ : -'£\ -74 f*t. lls VI iiA f HOMi; Ot. Martin huthe* Kinc, Jr., the integration kstfor w 1 ?i> Teas v|ahfvH by » woman in a Harlem department store on September i.'i. waves to the croud on hand to greet him at the airport in Montgomery, \!.i. rceeiiUy. About 100 of !>i. King's friends and neighbors were on hand to greet him as he returned home, il'i’i PHOTO!. sdsd Two R-ijeigii citizens, charged . with inurdor rcMillit.g from an ■!- | legal -ysvration psrfc.i n;ed on Miss Ernes! nu» Fcrscbis 14, on Septon- Her 8. wore bound ova to Superior | Court. la*l v e.-k. Mrs. Cora Bai-ciuill Alston. 48, o; : the .-ow out the c.nf.ii'e jjj.;* of iinor; m hu . viei.’ irKu—'f !-• riot inul Monday, claiming they all ciunt* from ihc '■‘siik-stockiitu” parts oi Np.-hviUc., Kaeper was ovcnidcd and .‘u.*vru jurors were raiuMi from the h.-l on the t'-iul’s Ci-eniug day. Criminal Court J .kFc Hou-i i Weimar inu’rrupl.rd rph sUoiiinp ! of prospective lur.,: after Kasimr’s atturneys Hskcd them if they had Integration Developments On National And International Front Are Revealed WASHINGTON fANT> Tim integration strugi.ic. varying from da.v to day and from week io' week, spilled over into the in tor- i nation",’ snhne recently when the j United Suite-, nunn?. the t;ith | General Assembly of ihe Unitedj Nalioa*;, voted in hives- of a 32- j nation renohUion crtHnsung fhei Union of fV-utli Africa lor it;-, eon | tinned policy of racm) apartheid : Although only indirfcti- related \ to the intonnitlo'i ; ■•rmmle in the | United State;;. obwn'vev.s aa v it. j the result, of the Little Rock and j Virginia ki.mii: 'tor which have put. America, in a. bed lit; 1 *t. in the m- ! tema.Uonal tndy. By '.hifting h fito icy in ihe UN : the United Slate initialled it wa.s j not trying to cover up for attack.'; I on inJnovitic;-: within n own boi tier by tiivnim* a ill if •a; in criticism of Sooth Africa's racial i>o’a'ic«. if, was fell. MALTED AT WHITE HOUSE OATES Lc,’irierv iif a "ViHith March for liile(fsitrd Schools" or* shown at the northwest gate of (he While llouv lu Washington recently after they failed in , S n attempt hr gel ilniiUgl’. Hie aaie to deliver a statement to Lresident Unnilimirr. Ifarlon Jove, a whitr College »lii* ilrol from Orangeburg, s < , right was spokesman for the group. The “marchers'’ included -itiffer Har ry Bclainule, left, it.l i HiOTU). : Jiidg," Albert Doub erne . ii the (,wo teiri v'd houf N.p l Tdc father of the girl did no! i h’iko the stand. He formerly r>%d : guilty to rnarwlaufftik-! in July. ■ !f.48. in the death of Margaret ‘ tiipyu Bor: "-: At the dr • he was I given a fivc-io-len y<-3r ; '.tentes! - iron. TV-tr- hvo Sgl. i M. Smtl iesti- I fe d tb, 1. ( ,e rlcai.l , ’I. Brm finr. was adrmHer! iu die Chap.:! HiU , any piivoncdjvfid vieri, on Ke.-pcf ’. tpf< ! v> j /-< ‘*t i-»p. ;.nnly unr.'-Mou' J?, r-iicrncj. rrr ne> i Ihcrr a noi, B? no-I*.. ,a:u n fii .';7 ,)utd>»> hail i-eeii pu k< invitation for a, holiday a! Uw sea coast resort Os Jekyll L-buid Bui the governor said ttio Negro would have to participate in the £V 1. 4 rind dji* d f.'i>frr It wa& ri-ported thsaf h?/> irl u - -3s previously confined at St A?..;n f\* Hospital but. w*?; moved when :>he did not iropr-.rw. The deisdive- said that p*7t>r»iw admitted t&kijjog the gi.r - vvii.n was then preyn/jrd. to an Rddresr. on Jones Street, where 'Aorue ;n-range meats had beet! made lo gel rid of the duld." I mmmM ,>ufc- uim- & \ ftCMotl.” SchtwlfteM rum*# lot* -i hM ; oS pm m cUvc Jw - . . i j tho ostjtr-.v m f lip ?tirv box •&*■?*'*• of i i o on V it ponded to auoesls w ih< Assembly that if reconsider “fiownwientat irs v lib'll impair' the i n.-i i pi ni| i • mi aowwiita on fact »> I vRi-atjon on a -Aegregatod bay s !t. ww revealed Wodnßfidsv that j (he Mulatto had accepted the in | vil..-i.tion to be nor.'regaled, Griffn invited the t»nn i • lo spend several days .«» ihe j ishnid resort to l • ei|p< * e from (heir nrde.il It turned ff'ns.Tesiyn m rai.r m