8 the CABOtmmy? TVTFK ENDING 'vtUKLtAj. NOVEMBER ft 19. W dsfdsa * OS< I lilU'S CONVOCATION J. G, Lmvdermilte. founder and president ol the Mount Sinai United Holy Churches of Bee »nd Chatham Counties, recently closed the. i-dh annual convocation at the Mnnnfc Sinai Holy Church, lo cated three miles west of Gulf. The meeting lasted one wek. Sic story this issue). Oemss’ Record Oa Rights !s Called Shoddy WASHINGTON D C 'Meade Alcorn. < hsirtpan of the Ropubli *•3ll National Committee, recently refeatiod four research studies v 'ru.-h dommient the shoddy Demo* c.'tji t-ri-nrd on civil rights. "11 ' h ilt :?0 years of nothing Iti Mv in U! of dvil rights vli i i> Brow-rats controlled !'*' h |t|r fongTCS'i ntlf? 4>P Wiuse lloitsi'." Mr. \cloin said. 'These f->t(r documents show «hv find prove that Demon rata wtil n* 'orhe in < position to p: ovtdr civil rights advances** The four c! or’i merits am the:.'— ■t 1 Tiu- K it hII 2 fSJin t-U,.n .. h hoc- Harry T udm-h -• d ran! Butler i"Mi>cd ai'd woo* Co-ovnoc Paubus of Arkansas nil 'h< y realised be had become a HisMfKd polilicot liability in the i’> '-s Congtoi.rsio'V’.l campaign ' The Third Trudy Turnabout.” v ! nii driji.ls bov. Paul Butler was [,, .-< d to Hr.at a hasty retreat In. *• fare of the unyielding loflu n Tie Democrat, Tarty. 'This opt • rode, it; its* If. reduced to rldfcu ’.in - the rpectotbe which Rnt ;> I e-.;o«t 'vhec lie Cl eteoded fnj* political pur pesos to nsfed she fTrhliri iif i ••: nut of it's DtTUfKTat r-i -i.v .1 "T! <=■ Sparkman t-hinder,* 1 wliici. quotes f; orrs a speech by Sf* Si-lii.Pi. r (O-Ala* ip which he openly admits tli.il Northern and Western Democrats help Smith*'!'" Democrats impede legis lative progress In civil rights. 4 '’Democrat Civil Rights Plank n Myth.** which show? bow the 1 {»:-.« civil rights plank of the Dem ocrats promised nothing while the Republican plank promised the de livered support for minority rights. “A Republican Congress, on the other hand, win be free to press forward toward more Republican advances in the fk-id of human' rights.” Better Buys Better Terms On Better Jewelry ’ „ T ~.^. wmT:^t]^aim:g| PREPARE FOR .., COLD WEATHER OIL HEATERS COAL STOVES WOOL STOVES Pipe and Elbows Repairs —See— S.M. YOUNG Hardware 130 E. Martin St. Dial TEmplc 2-7121 13th Holy Convention Os Mount Sinia Church Stages Confab At Gulf, N. C. HV DOR SETT W. HEADEN GULF —• The Thirteenth Annual Holy Convocation of the ML Sinai United Holy Church, Incorporated, convened at Ml. Sinai Church. 3 miles west of here, from October 13 to 10. Them for the convention was, "Behold how good and how pleas ant it is for brethren to dwell to gether in unity,” as taken from Psalms 133:1. The fit. Rev. 3. G. Lowdormllk presided. The convocation consisted of morning, afternoon, and night sessions for a week. Featured were a Missionary Day, a Voting People’s Christian Workers Convention, Sduca lionul Day, and Foundr 1- '* Day. Music was furnished at various Mrs . Alma Hinton Feted: Oberlin School Teacher Given Surprise Party By 2 Classes The 4th and Sth grade children : i of Obi'i im School gave their tea- i j after, Mrs. Alma Hinton, a sur- | j prise party on her birthday, Octo- j j ber 23. The class, organized by j > Etta Marie Rochelle-, showed a!) j i-jns of thorough planning. A j i birthday cake, with six candles. ! (■entered the main table of the ! ! lunchroom. Punch, cup cakes, with’assorted j icings, candy and nut?, wore serv- j cd. The class also made Mrs Min- | ton a present of a beautiful while j handkerchief and a card, Mr. Leonidas Haywood prin cipal. and other teachers wore j guests at the party. CAPITAL LOAN CO. WC." YOU FURNISH THU PROBLEM WE’LL FURNISH THE MONEY s'! 00 is YOURS — » Recommend Our Service To A Friend If We Make A Personal Loan To Them—We VVi.ll Pav* You $2.00 CASH. GUT H, BASDIN Manager 210 SOUTH WILMINGTON ST. I ACME REALTY CO. Heal Estate - Rentals - Surety Ronds Fire and Automobile Insurance WE BUILD AMS REPAIR HOUSES | Dial TE 2-0956 | 129 E. Hargett St- Raleigh, N. C. | Mmmsmmsmm: iwoanBHHBHBB mum, ~ -uZ'Ji&bt) Appiication Accop)cti fa&U; Bv Phone Jf You Want Money Fast, Sec Us WAKEcJSf&v • 8 W. Hafgctt St. Phone TE • 1 -f mmissia I QUIV.SIY\ «MMOG6 cO / wci Stp g ?w •skmS /-’j * CONCRETE PIPE (4"fßrw72") / / * CONCRETE BLOCK AND BRICK * concrete stepping stones V RALEIGH—-DIAL TE 4-2557 DURHAM—»i«! 2-4491 * KINSTON-Oijl 2514 i All Funerals Cost Less RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME Compare | Convinced I RALEIGH r-®^ llfiisfeelllll TE 2-2835 Funeral Home wraimE R,imtE 24-HOUIIS A r> A y 332 E. CABARRUS ST. seseiciis by the St Peters Gospel Singers of East Wood; Eider Sister Ewings Choir of the Pentecostal Church of Route 1. Asheboro; the Shcrniinatcs of Wad«sboro; the' Popular Springs Male Chorus; the Silver To tie Singers of Sanford: the Blue Rose Gospel Singers; and the Mt. Sinai Church Choir of Sanford. Sermon* n ere preached by Rev. \Y. L. Berryman, Elder Ada 'Tuck. Rev. .1. V\. Ewings. Elder Myrtle Sprue!!. Elder V Miller; and the stinnal message, was given by Bishop .1. (l. Lewermik Mix Edna IV. lav lor of I’liicliursit, N. r, Senior Slate Organi/er. Women’s Bed crated Chibs, gave On-- edm ;■ tional address. I Mrs Etta Rocbf-llc, Launa Po;v ! and Elizabeth Peebles gave the | class their assistance in making J preparations for this affait. Patronize Our Advertisers It Too Want To Tafc" Th» (J! 1 Out o! Life L x i * 7 * yavf T-Yv C. Ear! l.iehtman w'J[ i wfcnASTi! m COM PANT Poisons conducting the devotions 'vric Mrs. Wade Silent, Mrs. Mar garet Holman, Mrs. Crcolia Hill. Mrs. Marn Konkor, Mrs. Nonia Cliosncy, and Mrs. Thelma Ew ings. P»ltieipHnts in the various dis cussions were Sister Mario Hooker, Sister Lee Siler, Re\ .1 W. Ew ings. Si sic i Isabel! Taylor, Miss W ilbu r Chosney, Mrs .lohnie Reck. Sister Resets Redding, Sister Naviilee Fox, Sister Z. M. Gordon. Miss Don: Taylor, Mrs. C J. Me- | Millan. Sister Mattie Arrington j Elder Vernard Miller, Brother i Johtiny Bock. Sister Betty Huff,! and Mr. Wilbur Chcsnoy, Mrs, Ledlici Carroll, district j president w a s c it a i r m a u j during the Missionary Day pro- | t;rau>: Mr. Fh/.a Palmer, district \ president. Young People"* Chris- I tian Workers Corfvc t'tion, v.-as ! rmicmnxavw —■ —— »TOMKniiiiHawari-g«-Tg-jr'.« ——r.—■■ -t -- - , , ~ ' NATUR-TENDBR ... Co'wtial's Fines!! V—'* ’■ "7 NATUR-TBNIWR BOUND ■' N ‘.TtT-'U-'NOI !t \ N ATI M ADI t-'Rt "M, ROLD FRpSM* TOP OUA* I'"'Y fHke« pftrcUv* h% £#*&&& S AUS AGE ; Neck Bones 2 < ppp Z 1 n r\ r\ ' w/TRrnoT-fJ? trtk ruofd . ~r o m 99c | Pork Liver /■ - -i. uJ u n SU‘K Hr AT COLON!At; ON ARMOKTfTS PURE \i\i j 'tor Od'-> 8-" F M> VI ...1.M.1, BBBOB I.VHH P r B*yStar2-r.23- F; 1 ! Sill §llll fef H ■ \ I.Ji ' I oGiOCI w y M 5 £ ‘ r-s eiyiriF. ry j ":m. g..r .SAVE AT COLONIAL ON f-UKSnOUR HUDE PI-ACN OR SUGAR O, xrenr \ t SAVE .AT COLONIAL ON DELICIOUS KEDCATK SMI.F.D OR RAIATS CCU U ,J M ||. IP I PUP! 9 -m r.^ I kaAilblili li ypmw AIL POIMfIAR BRA NDS—REGULAR SI/.KS ‘" h ’ /ffeWTOOB GEi NIV ENTRY BUNK AT COLONIAI wfmm J ÜBS. ljl& CreA yrmt PIJ/ j O tDfrv Oiiioniat .'How# NOW pUiy tfoipi f •<.'ipiMdc new game D tuipic, dehgbtful ...ca vto so! f So»r 41 Colonial on DrHciotm, H • rtrv s»H vou m.iv win sr .rr.il Regular award-: require uo WSEKBKBb. iRBHB HH f hWhI Mm aßk ■ ff/M -, feyr. |tj|p®lsr wHyKSi. jgsj Es 'mm *' Cotcmal. Fkk up sh» weeU* f’t 1 / O miry Wanks with complete, -f jSxffl mB HH easy instruct cm on your next visit to Colonial? wraP 'ttfiisisitfc'k* fe.,//<-» r> ler 7 his fl rwk SPI 7.d) florins horns; A jpps L&M | ®CrFE«SI«r (f V"™ 0 i) Ts S-’P C CISAKETTES TABLETS J| W s l- 8 ® j 79® ~~ TOWT-M'-mwi' i'».m'’--”8<»8—iw8-—'»wmwi.wiiw.'i'.n>B»iu-Mrogi».iji»8»:ii»iwiiiiMimiMgna—■BMMMgta Glenwood Village-111W. Morgan St.—-Northside Shopping Center—Cameron Village * Shaw Class Stages Art October Party piSMri'ng officer during the youth meeting. AH ministers registered and paid their respective registration fn-s. Two free meals were served da’ly at the church Monday. Saturday, and Sunday. Breakfast was served from 9 a. m, to 10 a rn.; dinner from 4 p. in to 6 p. rn. PRICE IS OUR BUSINESS DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU Complete Line of Slices for the Wlp-Ic Family it LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FAMILY SHOE STORE 217 SOUTH WTLMTNC I'ON S 1 The Children's Literature Class of Shaw University pave an O so ber parly fur pupiL in grades one through six on Friday, October 31 Fifty-nine pupilr were pn -eni from Washington, Cro-'fiy ; nr! Lu cille Hunter elementary r-'hool The pupils wen- cote »-u I .•dories, portrayals and illtislr.'i lions of the vario'i.s event? that or- cur m the month of October. Some of the events represented were. Fire Prevention Week by Ernest Davis, the United Slates Presidents Uoru in October by Fred Bullock, Navy Day by Lonia Alston, Also Columbu . D iy by Richard Cook, Poetry Day try Carol Vick. United Nations Day by Edna Pink f> r •*’tl-. 2n5 :‘«i !?•- !»."(. 00., K •;,«, t '■- !>8flo: .v\ imn KihifAl imßt* * IS! i wpjjj <-iv- . ■ ney and Susan Smith Halloween tv V' !'iiel! Heiith and an original Halloween skit was presented by the other members of the class. Tito pupils played games and l were served refreshment:,. Co ! chairrnen for the c!;is> war* ' .'om lurin Cl e •’ and Lonia Alston. Ir- Alia., >V- d Is instructor