THE CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 29. I ASS 2 Method News BY MISS DOHA STROUD CHURCHES' OAK CITY BAPTIST CHURCH METHOD A large congrega tion attended morning service at Dak City Baptist Church Sunday, Nov. 23. The pastor, Rev. C R. Trotter’s subject for this service was “Thanksgiving Blessings” Text, 103 Psalms and Ist verse. Rev. Trotter spoke wonderfully well. He admonished us to he more thankful for the great blessings that our Lord is continually be stowing i us. He reminded us to think how we have been blessed only having to push a button and get such comforts as water, light, heat, etc. Many other things we were urged to thank God for. It was a grand message and all pre prut enjoyed it. Music was fur nished by the senior choir with Mrs. B. O. Wilcox at the piano, j After morning service refresh-j merits were served in the dining loom bv Mrs. Bryant Bethea. Worship With Watts Chapel Baptist Church The pastor, choir, a host of members and friends rendered .service at Waffs Chapfti Baptist Church Sunday night. Rev. Trot ter preached another heart waim ing sermon and a fine spiritual time was witnessed by those At tending this service. DR. HAROLD TRIGG Group No. i of the Oberlin Bap tist Church, celebrating their Pre- Thanksgiving service Sunday at 3 -go o'clock had for their speaker Dr. Harold L. Trigg. Dr. Trigg save a helpful talk on the idea ot THE CAROLINIAN "C,verms the Carolina*’ Published h; the Careiimsn Publishing Company Sift East Martin Street Raleigh. N. C. fEutCi eci as Second Class Matter, April k, iiUQ. at the Post Office in Raleigh, North' Carolina, under tire Act ot M irch. s I^' CBrPtIOM RATES: Six Month* *4 SO One Year ** ' w Paysb’e :n Advance Address ait worn municat jonb and rnake all checks -ind In'erstaU tinned Newspaoerfc f»e.. rrror.ev orders trsry&hie to THY vARv* t.IKIA N S' filth Avenue. New York H, N *.. Nation:,! Advertising Reprasc-nfafve pod member of the Assoctn ed Net o p-es- and the United Press Photo ’ P. R. JKEVAY. Publisher Tlic Publisher '• not responsible tor the ’return ot unsolicited news, oii> te'-p. nr advertising copy un'ess fie;* r .1-. nostase accompanies the coov Opinion- expressed by columflists in this r,c'.vspa;rer do not noc-ssariiy represent the oouev ot Uris oaoer. lnflffW" i JfICQU IN S Jk apricot pal HAVCSE9 I =s mmimy jc:at $2.25 PINT CHARLES JACQUIN at Ci*. inc PHIIA . PENMA, * 70 pftQQf i fa warns 1 I II C* /wAa\ ||'r^ v^jg m 1 ii v villa jjj| R4YAIE s 2 PINT K|||||P pHtMi H#t[Sjr!j| S !j orrruo tP.OM G*AtN ~*o reOQf ‘'4kP-uU^ilTlF'T'Ji wJ* r,■ \"[.E, JACOUIN *t Cif. Inc., ph.lj , p* . &3L^J&- .-igfllftk Select What You Want, & «*f*®2i* Pay Weekly * '•■'■f' IT ’ S EASY T 0 PAV THE O. R. WAV! y * *" •»-"*virm~f^ii'iniiTi‘i i .it ——■ni—rtfnunrnmrm'rr urnim in«iniw>iii<inT~»rti>T*i—rririr-1 < —rmrrn-ttrm LADIES SUITS • COATS * HATS CAR COATS » DRESSES GIRLS COATS AID DRESSES <i>«iV»iMMiw‘■gjwgu*iMiTtHrummiii—main nmu, am mu jji»urmiaTiirimTirrrwTia.iiwm nmriiiuiwt—MiHMiaw**li »imm thwhmwl wu-imrvn» MEW’S SUITS TOPCOATS SLACKS AID HATS ioYS SUITS AID COATS __ The Best Credit Clothiers In Town 0- K. CLOTHING CO. M 3 E. MARTIN STREET otu' people preparing themselves for any kind of employment that comes up, saying there are posi tions we could fill provided we take the “If” out of our systems and forget the things of the past that oniy keep us from the things that help. When we fully realize this, we will prepare ourselves and be lea dy to take our rightful places in the world. The audience enjoyed Dr. Trigg, also the lovely singing by the choir. Miss Williams and The Cl rk Sisters. Timely remarks were made by the pastor of Wil son Temple Methodist ‘Church, Rev. O. W Bur wick. Rev. John H. Thomas of Shaw University read the scripture. A nice sum was realized from the effort. Tea sandwiches, etc., were served af ter the program. Miss Schuyler Is Acclaimed At Concert Here Philippa Duke Schuyler, pian ist and three times goodwill am bassador of the United States State Department, appealed in a recital at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium on Thursday, Novem ber 20, at 8 p.m. The Schuyler concert was sponsored by the Raleigh Or der of Shriners for the bene fit of the United Negro Col lege Fund. This event was just one of the many Shriner cha rities supported by the Ka baia Temple No. 117. Miss Schuyler’s repertoire rang ed from complicated works of Chopin to the rhythmic harmo nis of Latin American folk music. Interspersed among these two ex tremes was a variety of sonatas, tristes, and Roman sketches, F' a r concert selections were from among the best works of Sol er. Albenizz, Beethoven, Ravel. Aguirre, and Qriffes. Two of the Raleigh colleges Shaw University and St. Augus line's College, will share ta th* general grants of the United Ne gro College Fund to which the proceeds of Schuyler concert will be contributed. Tatranize Our Advertisers PROM GOI.DSBORO tills week come* the aboee t Is the bom, or Mr,. Annie B. Ward, 815 W. Elm Street. She was formerly connected with the faculty of Pikevilte Training School. In the center is postman, scholar and sportsman, Alfonso R. iTicky) Wiliia as of 510 Beal Street. Rich! photo shows the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Branch of H7 Anderson Avenue. Mrs. Lottie P. Branch is home economics instructor on the staff of the Norwayne School. ifW - ** —■* •»„ >* • l W&Z Mr wf dsswmsmsmrwA PRESENTATION OF CHESS AWARD - V chess tournament, st nsored by C. Karl Litctiman. local insurance underwriter, was concluded at the Blood worth Street ¥M< A recently and games were played at regular intervals over a period of eight weeks. The tourne.v. which was open to high school, col lege and professional men, included approximately 12 players for each session. The first prize went to William Peace. Second prize winner Wallace Peace, standing left, above, is shown receiving his and his brother’s prizes from Litehman. Third prize winner was w. U Rair ow. The contest was sponsored to stimulate an interest in chess in this area. Litehman says, the games will continue each Wednesday night at the YMCA, beginning at 7 p.m. AH interested men and high school boys arc invited to attend. Others in above photo are the contestants in the tournament Goldsboro News .0 3 51- \ EAST ENT) SCHOOL NEWS * GOLDSBORO A capacity j crowd turned opitt Monday night, ; November 17th to witness the arm- j uai P, T. A. piay at East End J School. The program, a Hollywood I Celebrity Wedding, with Mrs. V. E Morgan and Gene Bass serving as J chairman and co-chairman, was a ; very enjoyable one. Weekly chapel programs have be- ! gun and are held each Friday .st | i 30. The following classes have ai- ; ready presented their programs ' Mrs, U. Shipman, fourth grade; j Mrs. It. Richardson, fifth grade; j Mrs. ,T. I. Johnson, fourth grade: \ Miss J. Brame, fourth grade and \ Mrs. L. M. Durham, third grade. ! We extend a cordial invitation to : our parents and friends to attend j any of these programs. East End’s P. T. A. is held the see-! on'd Monday night in each month. QUALITY MEANS MORS FOR YOUR MONEY ym~ h »*• w«mh»», «eod.i vms. ji" ovorail d eg. mec*., 262 tq. i*. »*«•’ fonqulor rtle*jt« arfiQ. t*« 3'a‘*«d Wall- Mfihofqay v* Bland Oak talons tiSS SERVICE HEADACHES JSenith handcrafted barf' *snntat chassis uses Nn Printed Circuits for lesa service headaches. with Zsnlth SUNSHINE PICTURE TUBE r EXTRA VALUE j FEATURES j «18,000 volte of picture, power # Cinelens'* picture j Kiass * Spotliiedia! • Pull-push/on-ofT j control » Tbne control psaasgL —rsaagEssssssai.. "SEE YOUR LOCAL ZENITH DEALER’ Distributed By NASH - STEELE WARREN, INC. 226 Glenwood Ave. TE 4-3^21 BY J. H. GRAHAM VS AU Til, » f' i Two meetings have been held with : jo large number of parents present, j | At ttio List m-otiri.K a very interest- i repos t from ihc District P. 1. | A. meeting held recently in Wilson. > j was given by Miss Marie lsier, de- j • locale to the iTiectiiiK j Miss N D. Criioiu'r class hoi ihc j : li -nntT for having ihf? highest nuwv- i | per of parents present at both n i meetings. Congratulations to Miss j J j Groom and her first graders foi | j having 29 parents at the first meet- ' 1 ing and 34 at the second Mrs. 1 £ j Solomon is president of the P. T. A. : i The i, ret program on hcdulo ; | for East End is the Christmas pro- ■ • gram, which v ill bo hold on Dc -1 1 comber iSth at 8 p. m. Mrs. W. D. | Smith is serving as chairman o£ j this affair which promise' to bo ' very enjoyable. W. A. Fosier is principal ot East | End. N. €. PUPIL ' LAWS CITED I BY GOVERNOR. (CONMNtED FROM PAGE: ll i ami the voters themselves the authority to make the “basic and ultimate decisions.” | He also listed highway planning i and maintenance and public school j fiijpjjncing as other areas which iv i quire close cooperation between * state arid local governments. “OLD GLORY” iWAVES AGAIN I IN VIRGINIA ■ (CONTINUED FROM PAGE J> home of delegates on the west j side of ti>e building from a ; flagpole of exactly the same ; height. | The flagpoles in the center of j j (he capita! building, where the Vir* j j ginia flag replaced the United ; | state* flag and set off the storm \ | nf protest, was left bare. MOTHER OP PHYSICIAN BURIED HERE (CONTINUED PROM I'AGE 11 ry is .survived by one granddaugh - ter, Miss Lloydme Perry, Raleigh: two neices, Mrs. Catherine Quick and Mrs. Mary Curtis, both of Ra leigh; and one nephew, Weldon Edgcrtori, Raleigh. Burial took place at Mount Hope Cemetery. WIFE LEFT UNCONSCIOUS NEAR BODY (CONTINUED FROM I'AlSfa 1) a number of gun shells in the lrunit of the car he was driv ing. Mrs. Oifbum told officers Sta ton a tacked her husband and then turned his gun on her leav ing tier for deed in the woods near the Speed Community in north ern Edgecombe County. Officers mi O’iburn was shot at range in the face and heart, He apparently died in stantly of the shotgun wounds, they said. “DEFENDERS OF STATES RIGHTS” HAH, VA. LAWS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 for constitutional government ami racial Integrity. Let hon orable men take this stand for their Inalienable rights, their race amt their counrty.” A Virfginia school official told a public meeting which followed the session “there can be no mod oration” in the fight against into g ration. William J. Story, superintendent of schools at South Norfolk and a member of the Virginia State Board of Education, told the audi- ! once that if the fight fails the re | will be- “no history for you and i your children.” SYNAGOGUES UNTOUCHED IN ALABAMA < CONTINUED I’UO Vi V \(,t n buildings have riot been entered.'’ Montgomery Ims been tiic scene of several dynamiting* stick and began to beat him. With Your Old Washer | f * f IN A-l WORKING CONDITION ANI) |j J NOT OVER 5 YRS. OLD Nothing To Pay Till Next Year! Call For Free Demonstra- ¥ES WE WILL PAY YOU FOR THE UNU S E !» POR tion Today—VA 8-5592 ™N OF YOUR OLD WASHER. *K h „ 999 S 111995 113995 115995117995 18995 19995 j 20995 102 FAYETTEVILLE ST. WE WILL REMAIN OPEN FRIDAY AND MONDAY EVENINGS ’TIL 9:00! and racial violence since the 'amod boycott of city buses by Negroes in 1956, which led to a Supreme Court order to inte grate public transportation fa cilities, Two weeks ago. television sta tion WSFA-TV was knocked off the air for an hour and a half when an unknown saboteur threw p heavy logging chain across the power line to ihe station. The inci dent occurred just a.s TV enter tainer Steve Allen was introducing Negro singer Marry Belafonte on his Sunday night show. i ASTON COP GUNS DRUNK ON STREET (CONTINUED FROM P VG< 1) nightstick as lie attempted to arrest the two bruthers on a downtown street. Burris said that as he leaned into ,ii-j patrol car to radio for help. Clyde Ervin grabbed the night- NEPHEW IS DEAD AFTER FAMILY FUSS (CONTINUED FROM PACK 1) him, whereupon the elder Basnight reached again for his gun and shot William to death AKA SORORITY READIES DEBS FOR BALL (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) Wednesday with registration at j the YWCA. Davie Street. A dance followed at the Chavis Heights Community Center, sponsored by the 1957 debu tantes and chief marshals. Registration will continue Thurs day with a second dance to be held nt the YWCA extension. 427 South Blount Street, opened to debu tantes. marshals, and parents. 2ND CHURCH BONUS WEEK OPENS THITRS. (CONTINUED FROM PAGF, 1) third prize; and $lO. fourth prize. Checks have been awarded to the First Congregational Chris tian Church, Davie Street Presby terian Church and Fayetteville Street Baptist, Church. STATI’TcOURT SAYS JURIST DIDN'T ERROR (CONTINUTD FROM PAGE 1) mend mercy, making mandatory ; the death sentence. ; Attorney.-, for Bass contended, that prejudicial error was com- s mitteci m Judge Malcolm Paul’s I charge to the jury and that the ( court erred also in admitting * ir | rcvelant and repititious” testi mony inU evidence. State Briefs (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) according to City Patrolman C. C. Heath. The child is said to have run out in from ot' the vehicle. No charges were preferred. GIRL, 12. MOTHER OF SON ( LINTON A local girl who told , t doctor she was IT in September, gave birth to a six-pound fully developed son in Sampson Memorial Hospital Saturday morning. The phy sician said both mother and son are doing fine. 14 PALMETTO GOLFERS WILL FILE A SUIT (CONTINUED FROM PAGF D tickets Sunday but were turned down by John E. Adams, manager and course professional. The Negroes two weeks ago had written the City Council requesting permission to play on the 134 aert eity-owned golf course, which is racially segregated by law. The Council voted unanimously to offer the course for sale rather pi! f®l| &6)ru ! -Jt§3sßui sSso ll I om® 1 i tlfl§ § |P || peiate It or; an integrated basis. LIFE TERMS ORDERED FOR EIGHT BOYS (CONTINUTD FROM PAGE l) cd with raping n 23-year-old white woman on the edge of a park here on the night of No vember 24. The victim of the mass assault, Mrs. Phyllis Ala ry Louise Herron, testified Thursday about the attack, said she could not positively identify those of the defen dants who actually raped her. AH of the defendants wen charged with rape, although only four were accused of parUcipath". directly in the attack. Mrs. Herron was reportedly lire by four other boys after she hat been grabbed by the youths am her companion, Ernest Anderson 40, hr been clubbed- The defendants were listed as James Me Adams, 15; Jack is (ienfry, 14; Albert Falls. 15; Elbert Williams, 16; Frederick Shaw, 16: Donnell Houser, 17; Furman Camel, 8: and Ran dall Cunningham, 16. The cases had been consolidated for trial.

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