THE CAHOUNTAM W ERR ENBIW b.Vi'i HIM V, UM f.MBttR *. IJ»aA 8 Leaves Gas Jet Open, Lights Cigaret; Blast Injures 7, Causes 40 G’s Damage 3 ftfLSKA* JgL VODKA r IBS3 ?2 s ° PINT * € y OQ. i*^*^*6*'"'*^ , d) £a « %J O '«eil it pev’tw sfcehsw SJPw Always a* welcome tun a, heajTy . &, *f*r bandsbabe. Gift ideas packed **' #£!* with surprises; -hUnigerin* let ter or napkin rack that, bolda ' -&1L& * pen* of fingertip towel#, two ‘A, handmade place mats with matching napkins, tucked mi imaginatively inside a hand- J&' -orne hostess tray! Biscuit baa- , „ kets ftlied to the brim with ;i. wLw *&•■' d-, thirsty towels’ All look-big E7*fV l4je»w gifts and yet ueh tiny prices! V *W *TV& Better com© we! * pktee m&*. LINENS: '**** na * ™ _ t I bird floor #> | femuy thick, f jC A toZSZJISj \M iru.dlteoiof both »•* \ A-wy LINENS: third floor Efird’s L — —of Raleigh TOLEDO, O i ANT) An ex plosion shattered fivr apartments in l.hp Brand Whitlock Homes. a public housing project, injuring 7 persons, one critics tty-, nod caused an estimated $40,000 damage. The explosion occurred In the »- partment of James Johnson, 73, when he attempted to light a cig arette, Firemen said Johnson hart left an open gas valve on and escaping gas had , filled the apartment. He was critically burned. Mrs. SarreOa Oreenleaf. 21, and her children, Wadr Charles, 13 months, and Vanessa, 3, also were burred Lester Kirkman 2fi; his wife, Lon Emma, 32, arid son, Jes sie Lee, seven weeks were injured. WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS r % bedrooms, living I land oath. Stove, refrigerator j heater, water furnished, §47,00 ; Apply in person. Tel. TE 3-310: REPAIRS TO RECORD PLAYERS TAYLOR RADIO & TV SERVICE U TH» House* Service Built’ CALL TE. 2-3950 224 E. MARTIN ST. RALEIGH PREPARE FOR . .. CO L D WEATHER OIF HEATERS COAL STOVES WOOD STOVES Pipe and Elbows Repairs —See - S.M. YOUNG Hardware 130 E. Martin St Dial TKtnple 2-7111 / WATCH! $ * Zwflfrfct Only SKjltpso 3 *«*» ut-m s a (u*M-ur »*viiij!? £ tirade tut start, water Ma Jl win \ Sbintais =<»«* L «***. I w'kitr sU&e W *(»($» tFm »j»t n«m una» WfT-, ! wety, shade -Mrtrt ' • ' assistant, lOK «*hit» ivL 4 toW lllcif. Siwntandi oIS 3 w»r*Pew6( mainspring, 'AJf djl OHmr EI3IN& O grata 129.93 jfjf V *1 A WEEK *tt fret PAY NEXT YEAR ** u " *H*(» wn HM and crjaWa* w ***** Weatherman’s Jeweler 1904 Hillsboro St, Student Council Leadership Training Progra m AtLigon The summer two Ligon High Mudeiiti-. Betty Stevena and Elean or Nunn, attended the first State Student Council Workshop. As a reMilt of their attendance, they have stimulated the J. W Ligon Student Council to pul forth con certed effort to improve the lead ership ability of the students of this school. Since we Jive in a democracy ■ >nd operate nr a democratic basis, it is imperative that we contribute to our school, our organization, and our community. All of us will never be leaders, but many of us who have (he potentiality go "uri discovered" or ’‘undeveloped." ft is an old cliche with us—“ Leaders are Trained—not born." With this a* our philosophy, we are having a “Leadership Workshop" for the students of Ligon .High. It wilt he held December t ft. Room S 1 will serve as head • quarters. The lime for these sessions will be Monday, the first period; Tuesday, the see- fAUOI fMTAV COUN'tRV STM P. t iRO/t-N DRF-Sftt r» icr : M m vnrr coMTROi i m IIAM ■* 89c| SPOTS ....E. 39« (Found Beef* 59<: TROUT . m 39q Crockers »«, 39< BACON - 55^- COIONIAL’S FVRM RRANO—ROT OR HUD t «St‘ o, lurwn* wswimi _ ’ ' SALAE' .. 2£ ‘ A RKAI, TRKAT! OLD %TRGIM4 SALiAD Ctn*' '49' APPLE L TER r »19 JSAVK LOLOINIAI COLONIAL’S HDT HIP ffIFFFF . dQ IJtIM w%g& li imSMS. WITH CHiCOHY JUICY NFW cuor H.ORIDA ot IK PR TOP. Ff At f* MtVW f*OHtd(> nt>R pRIOr RROWV A Si fVI 5.P1 ri IT N'OI R QRM B POf.f- tasMP.RDAII CrOiDfeN CAKE - 49 c ROLLS J 9« BEANS 2-. 29c CORN 6«S 79c O‘ ; K t'KJDF MAC A BOON IIP BRn RIND iI|J O < Ofi SOMI RDA! I 4 HOPRfeO CAKES T; 29c CHEESE - S:F SLAW - i; :> - Broccoli 79c OUR PRIDE BOTTERMTLW KRAFT'S MfR A< I f. LOMJ- K DALF I'klM- h» > oompldr wsetv t* fmb Biscuits 2 «1 29 c I OLE O « 33c |J4: A:: i.:: /A- : 5;:.;7 ESL»33®EE3H afisME.'.. s 18= HOtmTAT» fid t tJ/BM PEACHES 2 53. PEACH... 2 49. ±7 I■HnV: BEIGITE 2 29c | FRUIT CfIKE A $1.99 pobk a Beans a; iflc PECfIMS - 53= —TOMRTOES 2 25c 10W PRICE! w KAYLAN aiXIM WMeR M » 3 «n eitchei« tools IsHMII « • t « im CANS 4i«af£ MAKE IDEAL CHIOSTMAS 013^8 I'. um PKK-h! Vi H.AVORS NL.flWtAl TfTVh.T ‘' ffiß, aP y ZI2I™ l Kg CREAM 3 -43 c-- W « WCH.U»«3i %;4jS&s^ mSSmX "' W taata |L_ Plan now to save with SAV-A STAMPS for Christmas gifts...for friends and family! GlenwoodVil!age-111 W. Morgan St.—iiorthside Shopping Contar-Cameron Village iind period, WedhPMtav. thi third period; I'hursday, tin •sivth period: and Friday, the seven tit period. All student council rnembn-. Honor Society officers, homeroom presidents, and club presidents are asked to attend. The remainder of the students will benefit by the work shoppers giving oral reports PRICE IS OUR BUSINESS DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU Complete Line of Slices for the Whole kamily at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FAMILY SHOE STORE .>l7 SOUTH WTLMING I'ON ST of the previous days? work fw‘< wilt i.djwvjfil tliroMgh liie influeiif ■ ir.inning dm'itm hotneroou* Othr: s ul lhor ( ' lUoutUhg, Student stuff members .src. Nunn, Belly Stevens, An r.e'ihi King, and WilliWi Ibiywootl. Adult staff inenilK'i s ai“ Mrs if !!. Williams. Dr Marcus H Boul ware, and Mrs. I’ T Dairy. ts mutt that each participant j that earh aession start on time 'illcmt every wssion it is s must • ANNOUNCEMENT' -James 0. Blount, licensed Real Estate Broker, announces the opening l of his office to engage in I 'ne Jteal Estate business. JAMES OTIS BLOUNT 512 Chamberlain Stini Tel. Til 4-3 HI RALEIGH, N ( . A COMPLETE LINT OF JIAIR FRODUCTS * ! |K?i iVrssijig Oil, Curling ami 'a f fob B Waving Wax, Lanolin and Scalp Zest, Hair Straightncr and Dresser, Pressing Irons and ('urlers. Raleigh Commission House, Inc, CM | inntil I I ST. Il.mplc •! 7UI BAM’ Kill. N. C.