16 p trb emtmmm WEEK FNTHNG SATURDAY, JANUARY f. 19S# President Asked To Proclaim Negro History Week Move Would Be A “First;" ;eklsSetForFeb.B-14 WASHINGTON, D C. Presi lent Eisenhower has been asked to ■ w.-lmm Negro History Week, Feb. ,'H. liiiifl The request was made at the rs- T’tst of the memberulup of the Afro-American Heritage Asaocia ion through its president, Miss L, i Sparks. Negro History Week has been observed for thrity-two years, hav ing been started by the late Carter G Woodson in 1926. Never has the week been proclaimed by a President of the United States, although many governors and city may ors have prorlainied Negro History VVpck for states nr for •liies 15c WASH r "«FLUFF Oc^DRY OPEN 24 HOCRS-Mt AND NIGHT MARTIN STREET SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY 338 E, Martin Street FREE PARKING IN RACK ACME REALTY CO. Heal Estate - Rentals - Surety Bonds Fire and Automobile Insurance WE BUILD AND REPAIR HOUSES Rial TE 2-0956 129 E, Hargett Si* Raleigh, N. C. WHITE OIL CO., INC. Mobilheat FUEL OIL A KEROSENE WE GIVE S&H Green Stamps DIAS. if. i-HU 11.16 W. LENOIR ST. RALEIGH- N. C. m c. PRODUCTS ’ • fmtTRUIIsI Mk\ I * SR100& ftSpji lg*% | BEAMS jlm i I | * P | IING /7 * CONCRETE PM (4*?&ru7?/i ~y / * CONCRETE BLOCK: AND BRICK / * CONCRETE STEPPING STONES V |T RALEIGH—DIAL Tl 4-2557 eURHAM—OW 2 *491 # KINSTCtM—SM#f *JM Application Accepted (JoaU- Ry Phone H Von Want Money Fast, See Us W AW ™noe VfcoM P A N V w w. Wargett St Phone TE 4-6288 BERGAMOT ,^^: COND ' TIONI ' R "1.. : : - . ■ ” ,; •• . - .■■; : rwfff!* . ill West 4’ : . ■ -•■-'• ■" ■■ ■•- ■■■ ■■——— Miss Spark?, sent a suggested draft of a proclamation to the President In the letter requesting the proclamation. Miss Sparks de clared, “W® in the Afro-American Heritage Association feel that such a proclamation te b great oppor tunity for the President of the Uni ted Slates to sav to Americans and to the world that the Chief Execu tive of the United States, and the people thereof, are making forward strides in the matter of proper recognition of the heritage and his tory of Americans of African de scent in these United States. It is in the interest of all Americans; it is in the interest of Freedom; it is in the interest of World Peace.” Miss Sparks appealed to all or ganisations and individuals, in a special communication, to write President Eisenhower in support of his Proclaiming Negro History Week. "Os wnrse, life doewnT he gm at 40 for the fellow who west like (50 wlwn he wa* 30.* MORTGAGE BURNING Penwns shown above are writing the last chanter of an act that makes the members of the AME Zion Church verv proud. This is the scene of the burning of » mortgage a I Cornish AME Zion Church, Key West, Fla. The Mortgage wits not due and payable until 1960, hot the paster and members decided to pay it in 1958. i,— R. Augustus Morgan, Mrs. Lucille Pope, Mrs. Hilda McGee, George Sands, Rev, A. Franklin Hooper, Pastor, George Dean, Gilbert Albany, Samuel Laurce, Ixon Summer and Edwin I.anipkins. Cite Gains Made In Civil Rights, Jcb Opportunities in “Dee Cee” WASHINGTON (ANP> - One of the most progressive steps made to ward ejvii and human rights irt the District of Columbia during 1958 was the creation of a Human Relations council, declared Eugene Davidson, president, local NAACP branch. In hi? annua! report, pre sented to <*. membership meet ing last week, Davidson referr ed to this council as "the great est hope and greatest threat to democratic progress. ft is a hope, he said, 'if properly ad ministered and if it chooses to tackle and solve, with dclibe- i rare speed, the difficult prob , Icins arising in the field of hu man relations. And it "ill he a threat to democratic advance ment if H becomes a study group or a buffer to protect the • Commissioners, or an agency } of delay." Da v iu.->< m recalled inst live Dakota Staton Wows 'Em At Popular “Chi" Club RY mARLES ,1. LIVINGSTON ; CHICAGO (ANP) Dakota Sts- ! ton, the jazz song stylist who rocketed to fame with her album. "The Late Late Show,” was a howl- i mg sucres at Roberts Show j Lounge where she drew large j crowds during a one-week stand j which closed Sunday (Dec. 21). Miss Staton sans many of her ! hit numbers to the capacity crowds. • She is no Stranger at the fashion- j able Chicago night.' club, having) performed their before. There is 1 Yes, We All Talk By Marcus H. Boulware JESUS. THE SPEAKER Do not think for a moment that the great influence of the Wan from Galilpe was due to people's belief that He was the Son of God. His own disciples were not exactly sure on this point; for if they had been, they would not have desert ed Him at the cross Jesus attracted crowds because He was good at applied psychology and knew how to control an audi ence with perfect assurance. And what is more, He did not address the listeners in a weak, timid voice! How do we know? Eecattse He spoke to outdoor audiences that numbered 3,000 individuals Re member, too. He had no modern loud-speaker system for amplyfy ing His voice. His powerful voire must have been far superior to (hat of the great William Jennings Bryan. Jesus preached a positive gospel. He was no! an ecclesiastical "de tective*’ seeking to catch people in sins fas ministers do row*, wheth •• ■■" ■ 5 . y sjv t&So?s33| v ' ' v *a, i .5 f Jl|j f^Bfe ifft *.r E®V 'V . ! &,■ •■ . teat!#,,. ■HP <4 1 iiliji f jv/ h, > HHHHHRHHbu-'jw ,v ItISHOP AT BENNETT Bishop Ed ; oV G«- 'i- Jplr Ideal lor Ihe brd I f [.—■>'l j room bathroom. closet, etc i'C 'in P LATtVI A*S S '2Ol So. Bo vino Avc. RALEIGH, N C.