jr 5 - ED / * """' SHE WILL BE THE FIRST e$&S - / . '*• RARY O k 1959, who WILL iWßmm' s win many wondepfitij PRIZES OF MERCHANDISE T.\ tbiSkwKi***' wSkT ' \ v x>- // IT BE? WATCH THIS /. JJJr'Y /i \ NEWSPAPER AND YOU 4«P r _ //■■ l. The first baby of 1950 will ty- (hat boy nr) who is the first child born in 1059, ac- f* •/ cording to Saint Agnes’ hospital records in ?. Parertk' must be residmus of the city of purchase is necessary to lw p’\, fx% When the first habv of ( MJ y ’59 is announced the par j ents are entitled to come in and get a FREE GIFT! WOODS 5-10-25 C STORE martin m . \ os. we will give to the Winning Parents of the Ist Baby of the New Year a GIFT. Just stop by our office. . O Wf MtKI 1-OANN ON rVRNITOr, At TO AND NO LONG WAITING. COMK IN OCR (IWCtt THU. VS WHAT TOT NIT. Ml is, M CONSOLIDATED && CREDIT CORPORATION VOiriS I n \ vi c .if , 4 'A. A 5 kw*r THOMAS R. BRITT 10-2 E. MARTIN ST. VA 8-5741 ” ~ •:«>»^wsw«w*«i«s~»»>wi*a»kj»wu>.wii,i»«j»L»* «*■ «»rw*«uM»Mfi*t»si m ■r*r*v&^i*KmvnißGc^,. baby of 1959. Wo o un l> J '/ aITIVOS flrst mt he New ket will be waiting for the I ( *V I gratulate the parents of /7 \ 0 W Tear will receive a GIFT! arrival of thefirst baby of /Vxt? 1 \ 'X) I j Y” t r! baby " f th “ fJf | Ui« New Year at our store, j Y7 < Yes, the parents of | W. T. GRANTS I COMMUNITY DRUG STORE T. H. BRIGGS & SON We ® e for thc the firs! bahv nf 19- I ** ‘* ' n.i.i si. j yog s. blount st. te 2-553& --** fOErTEviiLE sr. first bu h v of the Lllt 1 ~» 1 ' ual V U.l 11* FAYETTEVILLE ST. DE 1 T AWIUN Prop 1 AVETTEVIIXE ST. m,BL Ud») oi UK, rn i r ~— ——9 —— —— ———— New Year MILK 7TTT — - i ruck Bank. Con- Garments Cleaned We nave a Glr I for the We will give to the mother «oi The proud parents of gratulations to the p ree » ft! • A-G. parents of the first baby |of the first baby of 1959 / M) Y\M the first baby of 1959 winner whoever it V * ir! 'A\ oI 1959. a Gib 1 Stop, by our el- l \> 4 A\ may stop by and get a might.be! 6ms Russo c v " r r* f y ** " nr r,cc lIPn M in m ; pH , pf h '"V' ' \vAW?r free grease/ and j § nwr yrAnnui “ ~ ( sf-A-v «*.k^n«.i w . W | WI ~n.W ! money for all worthwhile / 7 j A/?\ M / wtavu mr? I LIIWp ptfiDIIW H&tters-Cleaners j needs, see us! * FARM** ■far* STATE FINANCE COMPANY mm MAC'S ESSO SERVICENTER — 133 S SAUSIH KT sr Tr 3 . 9Rni V * !H**H*#& C. «. w EIAO M MpKENEIE X A (tI! ! is waiting tor ..fr-v When the first baby of ,/TT\ We will give the first ba« )V K r » ) ’-* / the first baby of 1959. . , o f o . ~. W ] . , * nir ., r j( f* A #y V/ One of the newest \ fas| l Mm '•«( ts. I_ ; \ i come in and receive a ! wishes to the winner and C'i .\ W fi [ > FREE GIFT! \\\7 ) ! its parents, . mms mm MARKET RALEIGH FURNITURE COMPANY CHARLES DEPARTMENT STORE 117L7J.Z --89) I- l.dcntmi M. Ts. 1-9887 119-20 K. llarg-rtt St. Dial TK 2-4431 203 FayclleviUc St. TF, 2-327* ! . , first baby of 11)59 j —1 *- —— ——— ——by of 1959 to visit A LOVELY GIFT’ MONKY FOR YOU I ' ti, n mr , i with us and tret. A f y : y N vibiti nvrr nio ioaton for, any iiooti rpit- l f sv 1 !he proud }rd\o iis ot pc ) / Ihe mother of the first ba- j p / son on .vowr. ‘.ijrr.niurr, rumHitrr, Am- i 4*> ... . , , r , V, .* '/l | , . . , . , j FREE GIFT! PJIPiTOi < e, * •»/ . | V*3 the hrs< habv oi the \^7 y J by boy or girl can stop by hn liUL thSTTrst 11 si/'t JL\ Year will receive \ and get One Free Wash Anru iin BAR6AIN 1 \ I' r ' u ' B fV®? P | a GIFT! j and One Free Dry. | STORE RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL LOAN 4>s so I Martin St. Self Service Laundry r 132 E. HARGETT ST. » i.ohiis by I'honr TE 3-2538 S- SALISBURY’ .ST. N, C. Dealer 3363 328 K. MARTIN ST. * FREE PARKING | TE 2-3125 A f' x We are delighted to I . ) £)! give the parents of \_ ~ 7 ) ly the first baby of 1.959 ( a «IFT! J. C. PENNY COMPANY < AMI RON VIM. IGF ■ FIRST BABY of the m . A AIITP AT ■ YEAR CONTEST The first baby of 1959 /iy will receive from our / store a fine BABY A MATTRESS! S. H. KRESS " !«•; i \vs; iti vh.le sr. We are proud to give the \ Vi, jl j arrival of the first baby of 1959 A FREE GIFT! / ( HONEYCUTTS SUPERMARKET 2St ini.fwn.n %vi ii *93i4 9