The Standard Co. *>• * lt “* L.oulsvilU, Indians To Observe Khn 'War' Date Lumbees Set Klan “War" Celebration PEiMBEOKF Lumber Indian icarters are talking now of w spec ial program to commemorate one of the most colorful chapters In she modern-day history of In dian "warfare.'* The proposed Lumber Indian PHceant would marls the .inn 18 19->H. meeting of Lumboe and Ku r<|ir> Klamuneri in field near Max ton If may also include the first Annual Mj» First Ameri can" beauty pageant. If plans go socordlnsr to schedule ft ■w 1 *- last January Hurt HianMnen, beaded by Die Rev •fames ( oleos Marlon, s. < , made * famous "last stand’* and then hasty departure front i broumslfaw field where they had planned rally and srw huroine And It, was then that a young Indian captured ha the "war i-ro fros:rtNtns» on eyr.r n Ist Baby Os 1959 The first rehoed baby to he horn in Palfleh «t« New Vear's day was (hr daughter of Mr j and Mr' Ruddy < nrtis of ! Roule 7, Raleigh- The child wav born »l 3.‘35 a. j m. on January 1. TT'l’ses will he c*™ In many I ifalndi merchants to the faint- j ly, following! •* promotion which i appeared in last week's CARO- i MNIAX. __ _ __! Home Life Determines Freedom T. e ‘vpc ol noire life to which >h •> v ill return will be % major factor In determining when two "n on County Negro hors will be ■‘•u-v si’d. after a. celebrat'd Jure irt” ’ case, Th« ca w of ..tames Thompson 10 and David Stepson 9. both! of Monroe, has attracted world- i wide attention and the National Colored People has announced rlnins for a campaign to free them. Blairs Madison. State Com nuHsloper of Correction and Training, outlined Friday the procedures by which the bovs would be released. He Indicat ed officials of the Morrison Training School at Hoffman will have to be convinced of an improvement in ibc boss’ home environments Indore they ara re leased. "Our records reveal that neith er of there boys was provided with proper home core and training arid neither had the advantage it ONI \* t n on pAGe •) _ ____ i Woman, Two Kids Die In Flames CHARLESTON, to C Three Negroes includin? ». woman and wo small children, burned to death Friday in the Red Top com munity near f‘hnrlr;.ton. The three died when a fire caus 'd by an exploding oil stove det>- -roved a frame house The victims were tdcntifird as Mr.., Lucille Lloyd 37, Mick-e? Hr own, 2, ami five-week-old Wil liam Brown. Two other clifSiimi were hospitalised with burns. The death* brought to sir the number of violent death' counted finer the ions New t ear’s bolide' weekend began 11 rrj jf ;flav iilchl v-s, Raymond hair. •?.'*. of I !■'( -) cr, na - silol <0 death Nru tc.arS nfclil near bar 1 ’pinn. She va- the mo bet (I f*,N I INI. I 1 t) IIN I'M.I :> '■ rio Bound Occ r Fc r Robbery f’i'i T r.QFIO 'i lu't e h’c iro m ' i v. Hi ' ' -| ,; a ro id I'.'c.’T n ,t Cl;1 lilll Frioay n <jht ndnutc.' olte; they allegedly ■"ibl.cci a service r-talioa near here n 535, Clmiiiuju County .Sheriff -) W. bmoivon ideu'.if" ;l (.he men a: I rank l M'-K.idd n, r.>f Ches ter, 3. C.; VViilmn Singl lor., 27, it Mullins. S. C.; and Lour. Qiui er, 30, of Chariot! <\ Emvrron said one of the Ne gro men remained hi Urn ear at the service station «nn»il by Sum Vt. White on t . s. lit near here white Die otter tub T eniered the station. He mi id ICONTLM.II) ON I’AM l) North Carolina’s Leading Weekly Afoiley VOLJB.NO. 15 SATURDAY. JANUARY 10, 1959 RALEIGH. NC. PRICE 12© IN N. C; ELSEWHERE ISe Tfe. : Jr Church Reinstates Rev. Shirley + + 4* + -f 4- -f. 4- 4- Congregation Votes, Keeps Rev. Shirley j ; The congregation of the Davie | i Street P'-esbyt! rian Churc", i»i * j ] special call irwi tine Sunday after j regular services, refused to accept : ihe resignation of the Rev. Robert I L Shirley, who submitted hi;. ; resignation on December !0. ti was reported to the f'\ R(U IN! \ \ l>> a metulvr ,>f (l;p | church, however, that the re situation Imd been aeeepted. ! The vole lo retain Rev Shirley l ,v»>-. 17 again.-i ami 3< fur the mo- I 'ion. j Supply pastors have fllh’ri 1 > : r j j pulpit j-inro the m ignatioii y»< { | submitted. Rr-'. rviFthtr \ f )sr- chlirr'i'j 1 ‘in Apni of 1357, the j • Rev. WiMiam G OiOespiea •'•no j ; left to accent « belter r-.-.yfnra!t. J j reportedly «f ON rTNtrn us p.A«,r ;o j ’ | Robertson, Green Led Cage Votes ~ i > O.vnr Robertson ol Cincinnut! | * j and Johnny Green of Miriu .an ' j Stott- led i tic voting for berths j ’ jon the ail-touniHttH tU tenui of , j the lOth Annual Dixie Clbxmc ; i iw-kc. ball tourney Ihe two Negro 'tors rmeiv eil 81 poinis each in the poll of 71 sportswrHer' and spoils casters covering the tlirrc (lay event whirl) ended Wednesday ■ night with North i arid tin i Ntaie 1 (lefeathn; .Michigan Slate. JO-61, for (lie champ iottfthip. Othr-i first team fxixls wont to 1 1 to'm Richucr and lx»u Pueillo, j . lioth of N C, State, unct Lee S’naf- j j | for of North Carolina I Richter was named 'hr out- j , I standing player in the classic, edit - !, i mg Pueillo, 26-24. Robot'toon wat | third with 17 voles Second - tram berths went to:' j Don Ooldstein of Louisville. Mike ! I iroNTIM I l ON M Dr. Alford Not Present j 1 For Caucus || WASHINGTON Dr. Dale \ Allord. the segrogatlooist write-lu , i candidate v, ho de feat erf. Ucp. ' Brook Hays ;L»-Ark 1 In the Nov. j 1 elections, said Friday he would ; not attend a caucus tills week of ! all newly-elected and holdover : house democrats. t wasn't in- ite.i and I nmTt Iw there," lie said. Alford, ):•*(» rail as an inde pendent, declined to rU-cUs !lie eanipi'i’.n of some iluuse liberal;, to dviir him party re [i.llMlM.en ON PAGfc •*> Get? Electric Chair XKVYi'ORi XI \vs, Vi, !,V,V wo,Hi Clinch, who fesM'U (o i'Milns while worn;,,! here lissl. nnrnnrr. .Mointii.v »,■■(»• trnced In ,!!<■ in ll,c rlnirk | fliittr F Vi !7. ('lrooil. .fudge Herb,-)t .SmilH rien'rd i, motion by defense .it lorney W. Ilalc Thompson for < n«'v. (rial fur I ln> 'VO-vc:ti -old defendant. Thetii|'-;on suid lie wot’hl iijiiH'al llte IToneh /’!■ », v.l clvirs'-rl wish of two oilier women. one in VVill;:, lO'ilKirf. lie W;i' tried only on one charge, However I.OOO'"MARC H" ON RTCII MONTI Part of the crowd m some I - "It mV cd pe. -ne. who “sthered on Ihe sips of the Virginia state capital New tears.’ Ito.v to demon . ■nil, prayer, hyrn is and ms„i„ turns for an end to Virginia’s anti-integration policy Nine schools in H»o -utc have been dosed t«> .vmrl integration. flJl’f TELEPHOTO), Three-Man Circuit Court "ears Holt Case Argued At Chat bits P.l UIAAMIIR BARMS f’HARLOTIT A(!cr Charlotte" l’(r:-nis who have- watched the lusarre octivitcs of the Joseph Hiram Ifoli case have come face to face v. ith ihe question at the top of lh’- article. Some of them watched Ihe pro ci -dins;.' a, th.-y went on here! Churches Win Money As Bonus Month Ends The First Congregational Chris tian Church, of which Rev. B Cunningham is pastor, did it a gain By turning in 52.289 85 in purchase slips from Carolinian Advertiser-,, the church won the first award of $50.00 in the. Caro linian V Bonus Money Program tor the month just past. CAROLINIAN - • - • ADVERTISERS BUY ( ROM THEM I'AI-I • Morion'. C»Mj Morr Kearney's Crtorery I’Ar.f :i Film's .ii lijile .n fit reel Com ?, I'HOl IM',r j MitUisOU-Belk I' V Mr. -loHlf W. Mutter* PAGE t. I Quinn K’liminre * Mollirr A l>i’n;hi i li. M. v non; Hardy arr HACK 7 <’ iioiiMo llitiek Company Roß'e , o Rulciifh .Seafood Company Capllnl I oen Company, Till Hamilton Omrer*’ FAME * Colonial Stores T!h: Hood sv lem Industrial fl-ink Hiamtirri cinder Block In Ho'ls I'lower Shop Taylor Barilo A TV Sendee Raleigh Commission ,louse In-. Mr. r Karl Lhrhman PAGE U A A P Super Marked, Raleigh Funeral Home Tuesday when a three-mat; !' a -sth Circuit. Court of Appc. h. :• ed to the ;n— imuan.y [nan both sides There >' >•• (.<■.*•'. \»;■.a■ would think that ttu lawyer; in : being tried, instead of a r: -< J where a lone Negro buy thru his .•tHomeys \v o> just .a.-.I in:' lhai o be assigned to the school oear-'- ids home and by so doiuc. vx-uld ( tn secoi’d place If Hi* Davb Street P-’eebyterian Chmch, oi | which Rev, Robert ts Shirley is pastor. The church reported a to- 1 tot of $1,739.43 in pttj'cha-'e alms i The award 1 is $2.->.OO. Third went to th- Fay <C'ONTfNI!KO ON I»,\GK TWO) Goodman’* l adies h.tiop Raleigh Saving-. A Bonn Assn, lailon PAGE in Woodworth si rimmi Horn* llealei Wei! Company raven* le.'irar-.s VEeri' i Pei'*' Cob Bottling to of Rahuirli ftrollna Builder* Hotp Milhih’s Seafood A Poultry Co j.n Vnnte.ri) Ti ali; fer Co A Pood ,Stol l fHlon Motor Pin,liter Compin'. riurin’s Esso service lildireway's Ohtirinn* Warner Memorials I't I'tye lluret PAGE 11 ! famous Baker, Mem Watch shop s. (I Kress A- <<r Surc-FU Srnt, Cover center Phft-Cttirens Bank A- Trust ( o. ! pagf. !A j Mcchanirs a farmers Bank Marlin Street Self-Hervice t.aunrlrv 1 Acme Realty Company IVidl c oil Corn v v. c. Product* i Wai*e I''lnane Company go ill van’* tirocary be relieved of undue hardships. N> cmm.'ly 1 1 ■ cuyrt raped -> ■ point about t!l‘ fact tbel l' l -' boy;. ! ! •■'Wilts I'ef'il* ed tc pro. < nt Hi" tK'.V i ' o !I • I‘ , - I ..-ini Ik ~ : i a i ftwt the Board udghl question hUn. The couil a 1 -■ 1 1 e. .»•i.r. ~ u, 'll i;i''i trail til, I siren! ' did not ; "how up >• t eii Hr: were wanted. J Thfp also s**i tned to encourng" Hie j tewyfc frn the School Hoard to! ■lll tI'CT dc.fe tl ua; not (oVia ! howtve;. 'for- the court riisdy ' •tome nthw observations that soom- j ’ d to have fak-u 'h. props ou* , from linden this 1: no of argument, j All of *hi- happened when At* I fcerner Tcm El’w. appearing for the j Ps’eish St'hoo! Board stieinpi.ed to slu>« ihe court that the feilurc of the Ikiv. and his parents,, to appear before the Board should be j grounds enough for It lt» decide | with the Board. The court then i .•■"'kct? Mr Kllis a few questions, huigcd around the tcrtlnvcmy of (CONTINPKD ON r\(.l' M State News | B '* f PI Al A! I K,ON M IlltOl RALEIGH The I',! i h homeroom of Mi; c» u. |lands j presr-p.led r< program in two parts i l-o thr .'.eiiior high rlii«.cf. at. Idgoti ruoßiiuy. The I'i’ndnui of the scrip fun; by Dor)' ! m o and prayer by : Melvin Leach .ervc.i u> open the program with Alice Mint/, prt ■ aiding. Part, I pre.eni.ed a panel 1 discussion oil New Year's resolu -1 (tons end th< - reasons why they i are not kept. 'Hie. conclusion of I the panelists indicated that too little value is placed on rrsohi j • tlona anti sometimes they are' made in jest; carrying no worth while purpose at all. (CONTINUED ON PAOF *) j Fayetteville |Wife Raped in Apartment It) ALEXANDER I’dllND FAV K ’ PTF. VI Li j H llm ; (! ry of ho’.v u purolcd Ni-u York man S used the abadeß of ciaikia-.v, to ; sneak Into the Ito mother : of four smaJl childmi. while the 1 children xlcjit and ;-kv; :ely phn- d ;t knife ;; 1 tor tliroa-i Uh* mu ■ I her and i o>ed her. will be fold i,o I Ha' mdi’c u! RcCuTd' is Court. h“:r somefimr flu- w<'vk The s(n<\ hccatl «h*u Mr-. Dnrolby York, «l I Uu I dy Yurt, incai ucyespapci jinh i lishcr, ran tier !|iirii>K'n' 1 n>. Strcrt ;jm! mine that l l;« h.»<l I.- ;r, ilk; -! by > "Ww wh© suv-ahSsj! itjto Hs ! house about 200 »At Mon «?») and '’ith 3, »»<tch>>!ad--- knife, demanded that «h«- -ub troswniKD ob pw. si Davis’ Rites Undecided At Press Time j At pross lirt!<? it hcid not, beeti l j (U fi(Uxl ju,*;l when tinv irtl .ct rvir- s I j would ' b*' ht-irl tor Mnr.h J v, r ir.!<»town Rstonyhiir. ;md friend I f<.»rii*r’ Tnr ?!<•« > wh<■■ ! 1 di**d ski his home I Moncfr<y j Tl. in bc?Ht'vi?d. t howr*vn . ih**f » m11■. | will bf conductef.l fropi Dir Si I 5 1u 1 AMK Chure U of winch Mte <i< j rF;i:-f*r? watt a member j Mr rHkVj.s’. who ot 1 r‘ih• of In rio.ith v ” coloroft baloony I’lnn:' uni of fij< Amh;».-..The lb j • h 10. Wii- -*i so: ohnnH-vs moo ! ; f mud of the 2;< 1 : (iiio.s Ca!ncr«»! .i • und McLcjmj. Pavif ro* •! ■ h'ft m Iht i>lv.»c . t«l Soihli J J Dloodworth Street. Hr* v.v one t>f IS • fi -v m* it nb j Slowed to vi it Ouvarnor Motri.'on i j jin h;s t, i!ln» •.< anti was a ofoak- I | »"oin ab tohant ;j{ !»;• :*.vdf So A> for T* yawn, ttavirt* taken U*avo*. irosTiM * d on nAf.r *n < AMPA TO NCOFT WI TH IfOOfitlfS Former Dodger ratcher Tto.v fampnnrllo (rear Irtt) »ud i bis family arc shown ai (heir home in (Hen Cove, I 1., New York where thev were Interviewed by fid ward R. Morrow on “Person to Person" lasi Friday night. AViih Campy In photo arc his wife and four children. Camponrlla arutoiiiiccd Dec. 11l that he will t<» south with the Dodgers during ihe IRKA i “urine training sr.tsW “It’s the Hod «f thins 1 wanted to do all ntv life." tie said Campy wilt hive r.lfieiiil status with (lie Dodgers as assistant supervisor of scouting in the Eastern an;, of lit, f s. flips 1*11010). % «l M)IU I’M I S MOM Jl'lilii it Mr-. Mar < un-inr ion. ” 'MVV wife. W h** riN rn! Iv gave Hjri h in i|iia(lrtt(»! !•, a ojJ <)>,* mother o n::lsi In »h«n; II aftet her arrest in s~, ! riiiviM-,,. « ,*!if., for “ (ii'ii! inr aj|ft abusive I angtiaatv" fii .1 iiolu'c nffirer am! on »»{» •!••<** r r)i-i.,vl,m r Hi, p, ~, . . I’niire -mi .! !,.,«•-.! ~H!o<. mm,’- a i • hem «!im i hri tried <>> quiet hn <!*.«•• U ~im it j*| j*j*otO). 1 m CI i M 5| rfls J P?n Rip htp pr-f » %dr r SJr BWix £8 I%f BIS II § 811 :,y? &£j,i |j i T !T& &* rf* *§• W* r* \§ Sf% A rfV r * 1 i I &s> i%s Ci: 9 I%g :.■*. jj, .’> 'v' u £ of Prestdmt 1 ificoiti v ‘ i / /£& D IN /: L//?il v;s DEi\ 1 / ' !\fdEG^i\ : ?OK -- Iteatme £-£*?;•*>» Htears. .18, «i ? rh,i J w?fh mi;<.:pr TV|s>iS»i«».v In thfi Mabbin#* of hrr ’ !• ».: .i *.»•* h ••** «iHi » l&nif# jj< jjK hfsoir Per. ;;i !vt \ Stiutlai'* Ai the <ftop of the H«nr*- told polis: f-!i•■•?i ?i b-'o. ! j n/K hr Hid f'U Avifr ‘\\Vfc p?;jr\ mt" M<* j . i t\ <.» jm-.'s rhmr*» i | PoHcf r hh-r I. V Hhi-nan! filer! the muri! -i ■ !vu?- ■>■•■' nsf -he ! TfrOPKiW ho aa;>s frrff] on ;i ttmtrdrT i in »2|r s(;;bbbi:; of hri s\ 1« \4';*r» ago. * i > _ W. J. Trent. Jr., UNCF Official. Here Monday *?> William .1. Trent-. Jr. executive, Fund will .-.peek at Shaw Univer secretary. United Nvro Colleyr . :; ,| v 0!r Monday, .huiunvv ill, at ft i? b Boohkcepc r NORFOLK, V;i. _ Two Nc J ;;i - o lrandiis 'tugged a hook \ k'’rpn on bis «'l|J to a h i id. ' wilh rmniwnj receipts Honda ■- . ;ralihert • hug containing a •unit SI (.OOP in ca-h and checks ’ ; ind ,>caperi oti foot Dili ' U St,.’ .. I'inpio.', cd In !. S. Dell a :j\cu( park- | ur plant, said one oS the nu n j ; kit him with o hrtek in a pap j ! r bag. Stoke., who suffered a ! ’•nor egntusion about Ids right ■ ir. was ui,aide io describe bi* ! assailants, if" was roii,,; ((> i-alrh a bp for the trip So the bank when be was attacked. They Vidlrd <h?o’';h Sltr |!' i , t|l M»ls> o ’;<•! | -.'lll Mr. I'lit if, H Rathe Os .*• MV i u;„. He ieerp.ed !he JJae|i»’|o> of | Ni ls degree at l a !«;- time Col lege in 11)30 .ltd lin Mas.-r I if liiisincss Vlsnintsi i i.jost ai ; the lid vet' if ol P-o n*. ■ 1 uia ill lft.’!;;. 15c inis studied Hr. :r<l ; lie doe!or:'.'c a! lb- ( ■.i.vjp. -it) of t !*;•• ■.«i><t fin- Clii verstty of I’emisyleiioi;*. ] He was a memficr of the Benue'f j fGilp-m in cull v from 1935 to 3830 {. id was aetirv; dmn from 183 T 038. He is u member .if f lie Hoard •f Director.-, of the Public Educe : >n Awiocisition. New York child 11 <I v A sudmi. of America New York Hoard of Tnif-tee-s <* ofmvu* o on pa or o

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