Say West Is Losing The Battle For African Mind R.v fV- S. Siggtn.H for \sMn:irils><! Negro Press LONDON, England ~-'i£te Mar s ncster Guardian recently report ed that, in an interview with a British United Pits# correspondent, the first int< rvirw granted suice hr took office. Dr Verwoerd the ■South African Premier, raid that "The Western world i. to: me the prjThoUtttieo! battle for lh< mind of Africa bee, use it. is “trying to outbid the Communists at their own game of attacking the white man's prestige in Africa.'' Dr. Verwoerd then gives his ver sions of what is being done and " hat he thinks should be done But his argument fulls to the ground because lie cannot pro rliice any example of the standard hr sets for African advancement: that is the type n! Afi, he thinks ids \> stem would prodoer, nor can he de scribe. in precise terms, how all Africans can be advanced with the in car re resources it the disposal of the Colonial I’O" orv "Poor Whiter'' y e; ruse in South Mruvi <1 alf die efforts of the Union Government ,lu' re I dnlimjuency i? on the Increase all ©v i Africa and .wns of fltuurands ol spivs, prostitutes an,, drifters are added to the al ready huge sum every year. Britain and Franco are poorer than over and Britain is about to hand over 7.000 000 inai tieu'atc Africans to the tender mercies of 20(1,000 rolotirphobic whites in the Rhodes ias and Nyasalanri: doer. Dr. Verwtc rri really think that 200.000 whiles can advance the 7 million Africans fast*** than Great Britain has done in the past sixty yi are? The 7.000.000 Africans will dou ble their numbers within forty years. The Government of the Cen tred African Federation is already short of money for much-needed social services, housing and cor.i iTumlcatiuns. They cannot control sdfgsdfg HOME. FOR HOLIDAYS Miss Maryann R. Gay spent an t-n- Joyable though brief visit here with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. W . D Guv of Creech Road. At 19 Miss Gay was graduated from Fisk Uni versity in the Spring ol 195*. In the fall she began special study no scholarship in phvsira.v therapy at the University of Pennsylvania, which course was completed early in October 1958. Slnrp <»< tft|>rr >.be is happily emnlo.vrif as one of three Physical Therapists al the St, John's TOO bed hospital in Sprins;fie!d. Illinois. ‘ * -*av •£* r ' ' *• ■ -w< Join America's most popular club fl qnq » VUll it's lh» ?mart way !c prepay holidoy OKpensm Ah you do 1% open o Christmas Club accent*; (or on amount you t mi most easily effmd. then you tove Ibof omoiml each week and when th<; dub pays oft next Novemhc you receive your Christmas Club check, ke sure to tom . » you’U be glad vou did 50c To SIOO WEEKLY Available At All Three ol Our 0 RALEIGH SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION "Raleigh 's Oklevt Financial Institution" Cameron Village—Clark ' Vvr \- Obprlin fid fJonntnwn Office 219 KayettrviilE St. West Bake Office—Apex. N, C. markets for copper and other ex ports; just how ".ill that Govern ment fulfill «."hst was alleged to be a "suered trust ’ to it.s African wards'.’ Then there are the 22,000.000 Africans of Fast, Africa; can the whites there, numbering a third of the whites in Central Africa, he '•xr- clod to fulfill their irnst to Africans? I’hc n.Uiirai resources ol Central and 1 ist Africa are sufficiently large to support the issue of a long-term loan to help Africans, but what Western government would lend sa> twenty live billion pounds io Fast Vfru ail govern moots on a long-term loan without-or-with strings? i agree that the W< si has lost i the battle for the mind of Africa | i have said so frequently Bui l cannot see how the Wed can ex pect to influence the African mind 1 in the direction Dr. Verwoerd in- I diiater-; that is, to reeognizi the i white mail as God's gift to colom ' ed world, and to obey him in nil •lungs even when his example bo- I lies his own Christian teaching. ~ i One need not think that all As i cans will follow Ihe example of j Dr. Mkrumah. Premier of Ghana i and start erecting statues until all 1 Africa is on" vast. Easter Island. I full of grotesque figures and wrih j several thousand set? of .damps i and currency tokens anymore than j one should think it is full of Sir I Anthony Edens failing upon Kehp ! tians and others in collusion with other whites, to grab what they want by force when denied it. Nov need we imagine Mahdis reducim. the population of their country by six millions in a few year: , or a Zulu like Chaka. Off-farm income now accounts for about one-third of farme’.'- total net income, reports the U. S Department of Agriculture. Patronize Our Advertisers —«er—gT'e-r-.-tr- .1015 Hil i, DON! Miss Edith Tucker, junior, heme economics major. «ts F.lkin N < ithird from right » is congratulated by Miss Barbara Freeman, sophomore, nf l.awrcneeyi!!©, v,),„ following the form - er's report to members of Omlcron Eta Chi ai Bennett College on hn attendance at the North Carolina Dietetic* Association meeting. Miss Tucker is president of the Bennett group Others m photo. left to right are: Misses Alma I'innis, freshman, of Vanreyvillc, who gave a repoel on the meeting of the North Carolina Association of Home Economic* to which she was a delegate: Carolyn Cotton, sophomore, of Tarbnrn; LulUia Waftrs, sophomore. »f ,lai ksitni Ilk. f ’la and Rtlllse Adams, senior, of Prioreion. W. \» Rev. King Tells Os integration Plans For 59; Montgomery Attempts flew Area MONTGOMERY, Ala. cANPi , I -Negroes hen w ill attempt mas- j i sive integration nf city schools ear- i I ly in 1959, the Hev. Martin Luther | Kmg announced Tuesday. The minister who led » success- j ful bus boycot there two and a ; j hail years ago said a committee of 1 j i hr Montgomery Tmprovenunt As i sn. is now working mil the detail? | of the integration attempt. He said j j the attempt will begin early next ! i ’'ear, but added ' nothing is work ; ed on! in detail arrangement yet.' i Kee King confirmed, how eve*-, hroad outline of the in teg-f-;,(too plan. He said the Ini tiai step would he a series of conferences on (he question with various white Jradcrs In j (be rrariie of the confederacy He raid the MIA, which 'he I j heads, would present a plan of de- ! j segregation to the Montgomery j i hoard of education in an attempt j j to work out a solution to the prob- j I I err,. plan mapped before DECISION t King pointed on! that the over- I 8 Don’t Miss These Clearance Bargains SUITS COATS FORMALS DRESSES Cocktail Dresses SPORTSWEAR 25 To 50% Off A *T I C Originally Marked d* AI ■* 1 O Priced m Down “’■wwtr ayygintwßg uPMßWiftnißWii'iiwiaiu immn wtaaxtvnvt fie. l tK s-'«otw‘9W | ’«i? r . i aj , . ,l - , gA ;»?mE , sa»aiwf! tamp » 5 ill I S Tron' $59 to $69 Only {|)3S $39.50 $29 n ° w 111? yss y s n ° w -A. Mmmd knjr ft) M*mA &W* We Mast Move This Stock At Once Goodman's " "THE LITTLE SHOP AROUND THE CORNER ” j all plan had been considered prior i | Io the recent decision by tha U. S. ! | Supreme Court upholding Ala- j j bama's school placement law “or, j | its lace.' He added that the court’s j j decision will influence our think- I Howard Univ. : Proxy Wants Educated Minds URBAN A. 11l iANT» - Edu- ] cation of the heart as .veil as the mind was urged -Sunday night by | Dr. Mordecai Johnson, president of j Howard University, Washington. D. j C., as he opened the sixth National ; ! Student Assembly of the Young j i Men's Christian Association and j j the Young Women’s Christian Aw - i j Hociat-ion on the University of (Hi- i j nois campus. Nearly 1,000 representative;; 1 « ing and our method as we move S into the future ” "No attempt. v/ib j be made to register individual Ne» ! gro children at white schools dur j uiR the: integration attempt," the i minister conrludrd ef (hr student Christian organ editions on campuses across the roimtr*' heard hr, Johnson in the Keynote address of the week-Jong assembly': \ Dr, Johnson called for a new re ! sped, for each individual end the | elimination of nationalistic view points which put one country a- I gainst another in the field of pHm. j cation, | The western university 1* a wounded institution. Dr. Johnson asserted, but, it can be saved with a new revolution that concentrates on education of the heart as well as education hf the mind In the main auditorium on the Illinois campus, on Sunday morn mg. Dr. Gardner Murphy, director of research for the Menmnger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, toid the students that, "the world today Mrs. Sarah Herhin, High Point, In Shaw U. Address Mis Sarah W Herbin, associate direclor, Merit Employment F’eo cram, American Friends Nervier (lommittec, l-ligh Point, spoke In Shaw University students on Mon ' day, January ■ on Job OpporUtni ties in Industry. Mrs Herbin pointed out that j new job opportunities have devtl- | oped for Ihr; Negro more. rapid ! than the rate of preparation for j them, due to the fact that in the j post there was no possibility ~f o!>- training employment t!l many fi< I tile ■kitien fields. i«r t!ie technical skills are aid ruing, the Negrii must aspire and prepare fur irclinical mm Jraditionat jolis, and imr*- pro Oared, knock on *ny door in search nt employ merit. Site suggested that the southern e so sick that, normal young men | arid young women are ovei-vict <f ire ’ preoccupied with the nm'-aion ot | rihnnging rather lh«n adjusting to j the world *s they observe- il ‘‘This defines our age as -i crisis aßii,” he added, and “the problem is hoe- In master ihr tremendous forces which pave heen unleashed in Ihr world and to control them before they control os to nor doom.' Dr Paul Lehman of Harvard University Divinity School on Monday responded to the first two piatform speakers with on applica tion of the Christian faith i| 100th Anniversary Values I “OUR FINEST QUALITY” LARUE SIZE I Fresh Prune Plums 2 65s 1 “OURFINEST QITAIJTV ” A&P SPEC!ALIA PHK I i» O’Fruit Sections 2 35c i “OUR FINEST QUALITY**- -SPECIALLY PRICED IA&P Sliced Beets 2 23c 1 | LARGE SIZE —FLAVORED!. j Green Giant Peas 2 33c I mmmmmaßma mim, and mellow coffee W ;] AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT ! ;| 8 O’CLOCK I | HIR'HM'AV ' * s!fi|np|p%Jdpp» ! $ Bag I I 111 Sllllill llUlillmillllUliiiililllllll I v SPECIAL LOW PRICE! NEW YORK STATE SHARP Ifcddai' Cheese • W JANE PARKER LARGE SIZE KING CAKES /Ingel Food • W CD JANE PARKER LARGE SIZE FRESHLY BAKED j himpkiii Pit • Kit ANN PAUL Tomato Soiiji 1 PRICES IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SAT. NIGHT JANUARY lOTH, THE CAROLINIAN wffk UN hint, rati'.roa'i-, tant'Aft io i one hnru graduates should remain in the sou Hi to serve as pine rers In various non liadilional jobs. hi the past. On- has iiad to i'ltjiict to segregation, discriutina- All Funerals Cost Less - -«it. the-* RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME Compare and be Tfpff.ih 1 Convinced! C RALEIGH funeral Home TZ' 322 IS. CABAKRUb ST tion, absence of opportunity, but lit* facts are changing and the Unit- ha- come lor Negroes to a buiidon traditional view* about "'hut. work they should aspire to. Tin piogriv. N*. groes will make in industry-, die concluded, will de pend In a large extent oil how well tiny 1 1* t?i .-< opportunities now a ■ i lin hie Tin:- determination to .cm‘tp new opportunities must spruij, ijom within, she empha sized. Only if thir. is done will the Ne* Rio achieve Ihe equuHlv of op portunity which he seeks, she com eluded 9

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